Love and Leaving

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He lost. That's the best way to describe it, really. Not just the battle. Freed had bet everything on Laxus but didn't manage to break even in the end. He turned against his friends - people who trusted him, cared for him, gave him a home when he had nowhere else to go. And for what? Something he could not explain. Something he had been feeling for a while. A feeling he couldn't quite put into words. He knew it was well past loyalty. It burned. But it wasn't a fire, exactly. It was a slow burn moving through him. Devouring him. Wiping out everything.

Everything except for Laxus.

Freed took a long look at himself in the mirror. The look in his eyes shocked him at first - the despair that seemed to swallow them. But he supposed it was fitting, given the circumstances.

A knock at the door startled him back to reality. He collected himself before heading to the door and hesitated a moment before finally pulling it open. He must have taken too long - or perhaps he was not the only one feeling hesitant - as the man who had knocked already had his back

turned and was a few steps away, leaving.

"Laxus," Freed said quietly, but the dragon slayer could hear almost anything. The larger man stopped then turned around. He scratched at the back of his own neck and avoided eye contact. He was not putting on his tough guy act - he never needed to with Freed, after all.

"Gramps kicked me out," he stated, though this was not news to Freed. He had heard as much while his own fate was being decided by the guild master. Freed had expected to be kicked out of the guild as well and had nearly accepted it when Makarov delivered the verdict. Freed was grateful but also felt guilty, like he was getting off too easy... and like he was letting Laxus take the fall alone. "I thought I should say goodbye before heading out," Laxus continued. "And um... I'm sorry, ya know?"

"Don't be," Freed protested softly, shaking his head. "You didn't force me to do anything. I made my choice."

"Yeah, I guess. But I can't help feeling like I took advantage of your loyalty. Thinkin' back on it I've probably done that too much. I should have been a better leader and... a better friend, too. You deserve it."

"But you've been a great leader and a great friend!" Freed blushed at his own outburst. "I wouldn't be the man I am today if I hadn't met you," he added softly.

"Heh I don't know if I deserve that much credit." The two men stood in silence for a moment, both feeling the tension of the situation and neither knowing what to say next. "But you know... you really are amazing. And um... I really do owe most of the successes I've had to you, so thanks."

"Oh! Um no need to thank me," Freed responded, flustered and blushing even brighter. After a moment he added, "So you're really leaving?"

"No choice. Believe me, I'd stay if I could."

"Maybe if we talk to Master Makarov-"

"Stop trying to save me, Freed," Laxus shook his head gravely. "I appreciate you always looking out for me, I really do. But I went too far this time and we both know it. I'm just glad that you, Bickslow, and Evergreen get to stay."

"You shouldn't have to take the fall alone, though. By staying... I feel like I'm betraying you."

"Loyal to the end, huh?" Laxus chuckled. Then, moving in closer he added, "Don't worry about that. It was my dumb idea. I'm the one who took a shot and missed. Now I have to pay for it. I don't mind, honestly. This is how it should be. Besides, even if gramps gives me another chance, how can I show my face in Fairy Tail again after what I did?"

"They'll forgive you if you apologize. You know they will," Freed could hear the desperation in his own voice and it made him question what he really hoped to gain from this.

"I'm gonna miss you, Freed Justine," Laxus sighed. "Do great things. And don't get hung up worrying about me." With that, Laxus turned to leave.

"Wait, please," Freed whispered, reaching out and grabbing Laxus' jacket. Laxus, surprised, turned back around to face him. Freed's face was red and he could feel himself on the verge of tears. "Don't leave me," he said, so quietly that even the dragon slayer barely heard it. He felt ashamed at his own weakness; but again, that feeling, that burning, enveloped him. "I love you," he whispered. He was shocked to hear the words come out of his own mouth - he did not feel in control of what he was saying. It just poured out of him.

"I know," Laxus answered. Freed's head shot up and he looked at the dragon slayer in shock. But before he could respond, Laxus leaned down. His lips were rough and the kiss was sloppy, but Freed realized then that this was what he had been hoping for - he couldn't tell for how long. Pulling away slowly, Laxus repeated, "I know, Freed."

Freed met Laxus' gaze, still trying desperately to keep the tears back. Laxus pulled him into an embrace and the two stood outside Freed's door wrapped in each other's arms. Eventually they found their way inside, still tangled together and moving on autopilot. Each kiss was deeper and more intense than the last. Laxus ran his large, calloused hands through Freed's waist-length green hair. It felt like silk. Freed held onto Laxus. In that moment it felt like Laxus was all that Freed had - the only thing that remained in his now shattered world. They kissed with all of the passion and desperation of two lovers who know they may never see each other again - after all, that was more or less the situation they were in, not knowing what the future would hold for them.

Now that Freed had named the feeling burning inside of him, it intensified. Love - love for Laxus - it was the only thought on his mind, the only feeling in his heart, and it controlled his entire being. Before he knew it, he was pulling off Laxus' coat. Laxus retaliated by doing the same to Freed. Next, they went for each other's shirt. Each man's skin was hot to the touch. They fell onto the bed in a hot tangle of limbs. Freed looked down at the man he loved, his hair cascading around them in a curtain and sealing the two off in their own private world. He leaned in for another kiss, slower this time, then collapsed down onto Laxus who held him tightly to his chest. Freed could hear the other man's heartbeat, loud, fast, and strong. Laxus stroked Freed's hair and they lay there for a moment catching their breath and allowing their minds to catch up to everything their hearts and bodies had done.

"I think... I love you too," Laxus said, hugging him even tighter.

"So," Freed started, hesitant to ruin the moment but knowing it had to be done, "what happens next?"


"Are you still going to leave?" Freed asked, fearing he already knew the answer.

"I have to, Freed."

"Then please take me with you!" Freed sat up and faced Laxus, grasping his hand.

"I can't," Laxus shook his head.

"Why not?" Freed demanded.

"Because I can't ask you to throw your life away!" Laxus bellowed.

"No, you're just throwing me away!" Freed's outburst surprised even himself. In a bit of a calmer tone he continued, "You're not asking me to do anything. I'm asking you to give me a chance."

"A chance to do what, exactly?"

"To love you."

"You've been doing that all this time though, haven't you?"

"Of course! But-" Freed's protests were cut short by another kiss.

"Look... um... to be honest, I would love for us to be together," Laxus said, beginning to blush. "But it doesn't have to be now, right? You have friends - family - here. Bix and Ever need you. The guild is lucky to have a wizard like you. You've worked so hard and I know you're not the type of person who would just throw that away. I messed up and I need to face the consequences. But I can't bear to make you face them too. And before you go on about loyalty or some shit like that, remember that guild wizards are supposed to be loyal to their guild, not to a traitor." His words shocked Freed. Freed, momentarily speechless, hugged him tightly.

"This isn't goodbye, Laxus Dreyar," He said, finally finding the words. "I understand needing to repent and face your punishment, and you're right that I am loyal to the Fairy Tail guild... but once all is forgiven, I will be here ready to welcome you back. Ready to love you." The two exchanged a final kiss before Laxus bid his leave.

Returning to the bathroom and the mirror, Freed looked at himself once more. He had finally been able to put his feelings into words and confess his love for Laxus. He scoffed and asked his reflection, "Now how am I supposed to move on after that?"

He took up the scissors in his hand. The metal was cool to the touch. Part of him felt this was a bit dramatic, but he also felt like it had to be done. He needed to do something dramatic to shock himself back into reality and also to show his commitment to his guild. He re-lived the feeling of Laxus' hands in his hair then proceeded to cut that hair off.

WC: 1635

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