WoF OC that I'm proud of + her brother who I got from someone else + a story

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I did use a base and such (credit to Microwave), but I'm so happy with her!

Her name is Stargazer, she's a young Nightwing explorer/astronomer who ventures around the continent making star maps, and finding landmarks and such both in the sky and on the ground that can be used for finding directions :D



MINUS BAG (No shading):


I love her so fricking much aaaaah

Here's her gorgeous brother Bountyhunter eeeeeeeeeeeeee (not made by me, credit to whoever I requested him from, I hate myself for not having written the username down >:/  )

Their mother, Heartbender, had a secret relationship with a Nightwing-Skywing called Adamant (who was a bounty hunter she met while on a recon mission for the Nightwings), and became pregnant by him, so she quickly married a Nightwing named Blindspot who seemed nice enough and pretended that he was the father of the egg. Blindspot, oblivious to his wife's deception, happily raised Bountyhunter as his own (putting his odd coloring down to genetic mutations), and then had a "second" dragonet with her, Stargazer. Eventually, Heartbender told her son the truth, snuck him away through the Rainforest Tunnel, and explained to him how to get to the tunnel to the Sand Kingdom, so that he could find his real father. She assured him that she would follow in time, leaving Stargazer with Blindspot as she knew he would take good care of her, but could not go with him right then as it would look too suspicious if they both vanished on the same night, or within really the same month. Bountyhunter did as he was told and made it to the Scorpion Den, but was unable to track down his father, so entered a bounty hunter guild in the hopes that he might run into him on a job. 

Unbeknownst to anyone, Adamant had become insanely worried about the fact that his spouse had not made contact with him for many years (she had told him about her predicament the day she discovered she was pregnant, but never got the chance to enlighten him on her solution), and had set out to attempt in locating her, fearing their relationship had been discovered and she had been executed or locked away by her superiors. He had also heard news that a Nightwing with an almost pathological knack for bounty hunting had arrived in the Scorpion Den searching for him, so he could only assume that his fears were correct and the Nightwings wanted him punished. At long last, word of mouth got to him that the Nightwings had been living on a secret volcanic island, which had just erupted, and the whole tribe was now taking shelter in the Rainwing Jungle, so the hybrid made a beeline for the Rainforest, and did indeed find her... only to unearth that she was now married to a dewy-eyed Nightwing with round glasses, and she'd had a daughter with him, too. Blindspot, on the other talon, was heartbroken to hear Heartbender's confession that she did not, in fact, marry him for love, as he had for her, but simply for a coverup, and the son that he had thought was his was only his in attachment. He had suspected she was lying to him about something important, but this was shocking. The wife he had adored for five years had instead spent the same time pining over some... dodgy... charismatic... really handsome half-Skywing. Great. What were they all going to do now?

Well, Heartbender figured it was probably a good idea to go and fetch Bountyhunter, seeing as Adamant was now in the Rainforest. Adamant, making the connection between the Unnamed Nightwing Hunter and his own son, volunteered to go and get him, but Blindspot, horrified that his adopted son's disappearance had been planned all along and that a hireable killer was intending to collect him, protested, instead electing himself to go. Heartbender argued that Blindspot was too naive and gullible to survive even five minutes out in the open world (even though the war had ended a few days ago), let alone a place like the  Scorpion Den, to which Blindspot retorted that he couldn't trust her not to hide him away again if she went either. A large argument ensued. Adamant later slipped away, writing some letters to accomplices in the Sand Kingdom, asking them to retrieve a young Nightwing called Bountyhunter for him, but though most of the favors were accepted, none of the dragons ever delivered. In fact, he never heard from most of them again. 

The real deal was, Bountyhunter had taken a liking to this new lifestyle he had. The air here was clear, there were no strict rules, plenty of food everywhere... and so many different dragons! He'd always secretly felt a little excluded on the Nightwing Island, but this felt like home. Everyone was strange. Yes, it had at one point been a regular occurrence that he had to deal with someone trying to assassinate him about once or twice a month, specifically dragons sent by this guy named "Adamant", who was indeed deserving of his namesake (and was probably a crime boss or other hunter who felt threatened by Bountyhunter's skills), but after about a year or two they had slackened off, and then stopped coming altogether, and life was pretty good. He didn't have many friends- that would be unprofessional- but allies were in high numbers, he was close with the top assassin in the kingdom, and he'd developed a knack for efficiently picking up, playing, and then ditching literally anyone he fancied at the time without any consequences... everyone was far too scared of him to try and call him out. Yep, things were more or less perfect.

Until the most adorable skinny Nightwing kid in a stylish scarf and the cutest goggles ever showed up on his front door, and for a brief second he wanted nothing more than to toss a furry blanket over this child and give her a bowl of warm soup ...before he realized it was his annoyingly perfect, attention-stealing, innocent little half-sister. 

Stargazer insisted that she had been sent by their mother, who was locked in a cold-shoulder contest with Blindspot, and just wanted him to come home. That the Nightwing Island was gone. That their tribe had a better life in the rainforest now, and even though she had only been two when he left, she'd been missing him like crazy for the past four years. She didn't even appear to have noticed that her brother was wearing another dragon's skull on his face, or if she did, she didn't seem to care. Bountyhunter listened to this very genuine-sounding story, and when she was finished, politely told her to go away, choke on a camel turd, and shut the door in her snout.

When he peeked out the window, she was gone, and, f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶ ̶g̶u̶i̶l̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶  satisfied with his results, enjoyed the rest of his night in peace.

And then he went to the fabric workshop at the other end of the Den to f̶l̶i̶r̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶r̶a̶c̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶k̶e̶r̶s̶   commission some material t̶o̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶y̶ ̶b̶o̶d̶i̶e̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶   for new curtains, to find 80% of the employees fussing over a tired six-year-old dragonet who had stayed there last night and was now being used as a... well, who knows, they were all just giggling and wrapping bits of colored cloth around her.

The dragonet was Stargazer, of course, who mistook him arriving at the shop for having changed his mind about returning home. Bountyhunter did a mental tossup between his options: Throw away a portion of his reputation as a cold-hearted killer by playing along with Stargazer, or throw away a portion of his reputation as a charming gentleman by ignoring her hopeful and desperate expression in front of all of these p̶l̶a̶y̶a̶b̶l̶e̶  dragons?

Hmm. A little hop out of town with a sibling couldn't hurt, surely? And was that Apollo over in the corner? Bountyhunter had had these weird sorts of feelings for the Sandwing-Rainwing recently and decided it was worth taking Stargazer at least to the animus tunnel in the cactus ring for some brownie points with that w̶e̶i̶r̶d̶l̶y̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶  sour-faced crossbreed who thought he couldn't even take care of himself. 

I can take care of my sister, see? I'm going to fly her home. And be with my family. Because I have one of those. And it's better than your massive, tightly-knit one with all your ten plus siblings. I can mind people as well as stab them, you g̶o̶r̶g̶e̶o̶u̶s̶  smug piece of slug slime.

Yes, he managed to "mind" Stargazer. 

No, he was not prepared for finding his mother voluntarily living as a social outcast, seeing his haughty tribe somewhat functioning alongside the wackjobs of Pyrrhia in the most beautiful place he had ever seen, meeting his biological dad who turned out to be the guy sending all the rogues after him (but NOT to kill him as he had first deduced), and learning that his other dad was experiencing a very charged and complicated enemies-to-lovers arc with the very person who his now ex-wife was in love with for their entire marriage.

Bountyhunter decided to go back to killing dragons.


"...See you at the next family reunion... Not."

 And with that, he tipped over the edge of the platform, like a leaf falling from a tree, and melted away out of sight.

Stargazer stared at the spot where he had been standing. She willed him to return, asked him to stay from inside her head. She'd heard stories of siblings being able to communicate with each other as if through thoughts, maybe it would work for her.

Please come back. 

Don't go. 

I still miss you.

But either they didn't have that connection, or he had nothing to say, because all she got back was:

.   .   .

And he was gone. Again.



And at first, he continued his m̶a̶n̶w̶h̶o̶r̶e̶  player ways...

But then he decided to pursue this "love" or whatever that he was getting for Apollo.

He was a lot harder to win over than Bountyhunter had anticipated.

I'll keep you updated on that.

For a little while, Adamant was reasonably okay with rekindling his relationship with Heartbender, but after a while, things shifted.

Stuff got just a tiny bit complex.

But after a lot of *static* tension, some setups, a few nudges...

Things worked out.

Stargazer became an astronomer and explorer, intent on mapping the stars and finding ways to help others navigate the continent.

She tried recruiting some help, at one point, because the more the merrier, but that kind of failed.

So she decided to take a break, and... visit her brother.

That was also not such a good idea.

I'll keep you posted on that one, too.

Thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night/eternal time void!!!  <3333333

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