I meet the most perfect boy ever

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Heyyy guys! Y'all be some weird kind of sadists for sure (but so am I), for reading Percy being fucking abused. Yes, I will cuss freely from now on, because I CAN. Also, sorry if I triggered anyone in the past chapter. I did not mean to write that shit. Please do tell me, guys, if I need to rewrite the chapter to make it more suitable for.. well, sensitive audience. And thank y'all for 26+ views as well!!! Love y'all so much. Anyways, on with the chapter!


I walked down the school hallways to collect some stuff from my locker, no. 250.(Gladers be like:😱😱😱) First day of Sophomore year, yay! So, I recently turned 16, a couple days before school started. I got my books from the locker, and slammed it shut. As I walked back to class, I saw a boy. 

And holy shit. I just froze, staring at him. He had a light tan, as though he lived on the beach, out in the sun everyday. He had obsidian dark black hair, and his eyes..... Oh my gods. His eyes, sea green, with a hint of blue, in them were mixed in his irises. I could just drown in his eyes. Frank waved his hand in front of my eyes. 'Hey, man? You okay? You're uhhh.... kinda staring at Percy.' I shook my head furiously, blushing a deep red colour. Percy. What a perfect name. Percy walked towards me, his skateboard in hand. Wait. not walked... Limped towards me? 

I frowned slightly, and pulled my hand out to shake hands with him. 'Hey, ummm.... I'm Jason Grace! Err... what's your name?' I asked him stupidly, internally facepalming. He raised and eyebrow, smiling lopsidedly, and shook my hand. 'So, Grace, name's Percy Jackson. Well, got to go, see ya.' He replied, pulling  his hand out from the handshake, and made his way towards what I assumed was his first class. 

'So, what's our first class, Frank?' I asked Frank, who was standing next to me. 'We've got English first. Great. Let's go study unnecessary grammar and over-the-top Shakespearean acts!' He told me sarcastically. I laughed and nodded, walking down, my mind still thinking about Percy. 

After English class, I walked over to Piper, my girlfriend. 'Hey Jason.' She said, holding three books to her chest, her pink pencil pouch dangling from her thumb. Hold on. She never calls me Jason. It's always Jase, or babe, or some cheesy nickname, but never Jason, unless it's something really serious. So, Of course I was a bit suspicious. 'Hey... Pipes. What's up?' I asked her hesitantly. She opened her mouth, closed it again and then spoke in a really really really fast tone. 'Ithinkweneedtobreakup.' 

'Sorry, what?' I asked her, my eyes widening, not sure if I'd heard her correctly. She took a deep breath. 'I think we need to break up, Jason.' I sighed, my eyes burning. I spoke again. '... Why Piper? Could you at least tell me why?' I already knew the answer, but I still asked her nevertheless. She sighed and said, 'I just.... lost feelings, Jase. Whenever we kiss, it's more like in a... friend like manner. I just can't see us as lovers anymore, just as... really good friends. And.... I think I might like someone else.' 

I blinked my eyes rapidly, to stop the tears. I still loved Piper from the bottom of my heart, but if she didn't, then it was better to not be in a relationship with her. I spoke in a thick voice. 'I- I- I guess, i- i- if you're not- ha- ha- happy with me, then we should.............. just b-b-break up.'

I sniffled, and a sob escaped my lips as I ran down, to my next class. I could hear Piper calling my name in concern but I didn't care. I slammed my head down on the desk, and sobbed. Thankfully, no one but me was in the class. Or so I thought. 

A strong hand patted my shoulder, as if to grab my attention. It.... took me some time to notice who it was. Percy Jackson. 'Hey, Jason... You okay?' He said, kneeling down on his knees and wincing hard, quickly shaking his head. His face turned expressionless again, with his eyebrows furrowed in concern. 'I- I-I...just f- f- found out my GF b- b- broke up with me, cause I- she wasn't happy w- with me, and- and she likes some- someone else, and I -I just-' I was cut off as Percy suddenly hugged me. I was too shocked to register what had happened, and I just froze, unable to take in what was happening.

A deep blush creeped up onto my face, and I smiled sheepishly, and pulled away, but not before I saw bruises and scars on his hands, as his arms were covered in a long- sleeved black hoodie. The smile faded. 'Percy.... what's that?' I asked him gingerly, pointing towards his hands. He stiffened, his expression turning dark and scary. 'None of your business, Grace.' He growled dangerously and made his way towards a desk waaaaaaaay behind me. I sighed, on the verge of tears again. Shit, I thought, as the teacher came in the class. I just ruined any of our chances being even friends.

Heyyyy. So super sorry I only wrote like, 800+ words, something, but I have a major writer's block right now, and sooo, I couldn't really write. I'm so sorry again that I didn't write sooner. Also, thanks for getting above 360+ views in Invisible demons! Y'all are seriously the best! <3 Well, bye! 


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