Chapter 2

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Hiccup had been on edge since they arrived back from their mission. He'd spent days in his hut with Toothless by his side as he walked laps around his hut. Out of all the things he could've done to keep Viggo occupied, he used his body. Now Hiccup was craving more of it. Viggo wasn't rough with him like he thought he'd be by the way he presents himself but his touches were gentle, making him want more.

Toothless looked concerned every time he made a new lap around his hut. This was the only way he was going to feel better about what he had done. His neck was covered in light bruises and he didn't want to explain how he got them. The Hunter even invaded his dreams causing him to wake up hot and extremely bothered, in need for human contact. Sometimes he'd wake and deal with the boner making it impossible to fall back to sleep or Hiccup would just leave it, not wanting to think about why he was so hard.

By the third day, Toothless got so annoyed with Hiccup's constant movement, he stepped in front of him so he'd talk to him. Hiccup almost fell over the dragon in his way but didn't get angry at him.

"I'm sorry bud. A lot happened while I was on the ship with Viggo and I'm trying to deal with what and why it happened." Toothless cooed in response meaning he was here to listen. Hiccup knew that Toothless couldn't tell anyone but he didn't know if he was ready to say it out loud. He decided to just sit on the floor and pat Toothless on the head to calm the anxiety invading his brain.

"Viggo is supposed to be our enemy. The villain. But I did a bad thing. I don't know if the others will ever forgive me for what I did. Yes I bought them time but now I can't sleep or think properly."

Hiccup looked down at Toothless, "Any ideas to fix this bud?" Toothless again just cooed in support. Hiccup accepted that as an answer and continued stroking Toothless' head. He knew he had to work out these thoughts and feelings soon or he'll go mad.

Hiccup didn't want to think about the other thought that's been plaguing his mind. His strong feelings towards Astrid. The girl who had been in his life since he could remember and who he has had a crush on since he knew what love was. The girl who has been by his side for 3 years now and supported every decision he made whether it was right or wrong.

He never thought it'd be possible to have feelings for more than one person yet here he was having a crisis. Hiccup got up off the floor to get ready for bed. He had enough thinking for one night.

That night he slept a bit better since he was able to voice what happened out loud, even though it was only to Toothless. He still woke up, feeling Viggo's phantom touch over his body. Hiccup looked over at Toothless to see if he was asleep before slowly running his hand down his stomach to the inside of his pants.

He wrapped his hand around his length and a light moan escaped his lips. He imagined it being Viggo's hand doing this which made him squirm under his own touch. Hiccup let out a breath and began stroking his cock in at a slow pace.

He knew Viggo would do it so much better but the Hunter wasn't there so his own hand would have to do. The pleasure that Viggo could bring him would be so much better than what he is currently doing which was sloppy. He ran his thumb over the tip, spreading the precum over the head of his cock.

Hiccup had touched himself many times in the past but this was one of the few times he imagined someone doing this for him. With his free hand, Hiccup ran his hand up his torso so he played with his nipples, feeling them harden under his touch. A breathy sigh left his lips but this still wasn't doing it for him. He removed his hand from his chest and brought them up to his mouth, wetting them with his saliva. Once he felt they were wet enough he brought them down towards his rim. He circled it slowly at first then put in his first finger, gasping at the contact and the sting.

This was different to how Viggo did it but he kept going, drawing his finger in and out at a steady pace. He inserted a second finger and arched. Once he got a smooth pace, he jerked his cock at the same rate as his fingering. This was better than he could imagine. He rubbed his length faster, feeling his orgasm fast approaching, moaning a little too loud for his liking as he climaxed.

Hiccup looked over at Toothless, saw that he had moved a bit but that didn't worry him. Toothless probably saw what he was doing and went back to sleep. Hiccup laid there in the quiet of the early morning, waiting for the sun to rise.

Coming to the realisation that yes he was attracted to Viggo and he couldn't do a thing to stop these feelings from forming. Their encounter had only sped things up and now Hiccup had to live with the consequences. He always knew there was an attraction but ignored it since he didn't know what the feelings were. Now all he wanted was to get back to Viggo so he could fuck him again.

Hiccup was brought out of his thoughts when there was a knock on his hut door. He stretched his tight muscles and went down his stairs. Since they got back, Astrid had been checking on him every morning to see how he was. Hiccup knew he couldn't tell her a thing about what happened on Viggo's ship but he was glad that she came to check up on him.

"Morning Hiccup. How are you feeling?" Astrid was too good to be true sometimes.

"Morning," Hiccup said with a soft smile on his face. "Better I guess,"

Looking at her now he knew his feelings for her would never leave but the time had never been appropriate to make things serious. The last few days have only made these feelings more complicated.

"Do you think you'll join us today?" Another question she asked daily.

"Maybe" Hiccup had been trying to avoid the other riders because he knew they'd ask too many questions. He looked over at Toothless as he walked over to him. He nudged Hiccup's arm lightly and he knew what he had to do. The thought of telling Astrid made me feel very uneasy.

Hiccup's breathing suddenly became uneven, spots filled his vision and all he could think was 'what would happen if they found out?' 'How will they react?' 'Will they tell his father?' 'The tribe?'

Questions filled his brain and he couldn't stop them. All he could see was Astrid's mouth moving but he couldn't hear anything over the blood pumping in his ears. He knew he had to calm down however his thoughts kept going haywire.

Hiccup hadn't felt like this for years. Not since they trained the dragons and he didn't fear his father coming home. Stoick wasn't a violent person but his presence and commanding voice always made Hiccup feel smaller than he already was.

The panic had never felt this intense before so he felt powerless against this feeling.

Hiccup felt himself being shaken lightly and his attention snapped back to Astrid. Her voice began getting more clear until he heard her say,

"Hiccup breath. Follow my breaths." She took a deep breath and he copied her. Inhale. Exhale. 2 times. 3 times.

His vision cleared and he felt himself being able to focus on Astrid in front of him.

"Thank you." Hiccup whispered.

"What's going on? You've been distant for days. Are you sure nothing happened while you were alone with Viggo?"

Hiccup took Astrid's arm and led her inside. He closed the door and they walked over to the table and chair in the corner. They sat down and sat in silence.

Hiccup closed his eyes to centre himself before speaking.

"Okay here it goes," Hiccup took one long breath and just let it out in the quickest way possible. "I led Viggo to his quarters thinking we could discuss a fake truce to keep him distracted but we ended up having sex instead,"

Astrid sat there in silence for what felt like hours, clearly not knowing how to react to this piece of information. Normally when Hiccup does something stupid, she'd yell at him or punch him on the arm but all that was happening was a blank expression and a slightly opened mouth that closed every few seconds like she was trying to form words.

"Can you please say something." Hiccup was worried she was going to freak out and tell the others. He definitely wasn't ready for the rest of them to know. Feeling the panic arise again, Astrid broke the silence before it got worse.

"Are you insane?" Astrid said without raising voice. Apparently seeing the panicked look on his face, she took a breath and said more calmly, "How do you feel about it?" Hiccup wasn't expecting that at all. He thought she would do more yelling and now he finally felt like he could share his feelings.

So he told her. How his mind has been racing for days, the lack of sleeping but he kept his dreams and the thoughts of her to himself. How he has been feeling like this for longer than he thought and they spent hours just talking it out.

"I've been pacing my room for days trying to work out why I did it and... I still don't know." Hiccup whispered the last part. He knew why he did it but he was trying to work out why he didn't have the self control to not do it.

Instead of saying anything, Astrid got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hiccup melted into the warmth. Breathing her in, Hiccup felt a wave of calm wash over him.

"It's okay Hiccup." She said softly. "We'll figure it out together."

"Is it really?" Hiccup questioned her. How could it be okay? He made a mistake and there was no going back. "Why are you fine with this? I did a horrible thing. If anyone else did something like this, you'd have your axe ready."

"Because you clearly didn't plan it and unlike some of our friends, you're not bragging about it." She did have a point. If Snotlout or even the twins did something this stupid they'd be talking about it non stop and would be proud of their actions. Hiccup was anything but proud.

Let's focus on the now." Astrid said, pulling away. "So, what now?"

"Now I'm going to get my shit together." Hiccup stood up from his chair and smiled down at Astrid, "We have a secret base to invade."


Hiccup finally joined the gang at midday. After talking to Astrid he felt good about himself. He found them in the ClubHouse, inspecting the map on the table. They looked up at the movement and relief came over their faces.

Fishlegs almost looked like he was going to run over to Hiccup and embrace him in a hug tight enough to cut off the air from his body. But he stayed put, containing his excitement of Hiccup returning to them.

"Oh thank Thor! We thought you were dead." Tuffnut laughed and nudged his sister like they had a bet on it or something. Hiccup just smiled at them and walked over to stand by Astrid.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked quietly. Hiccup smiled at her concern. He did feel better but his brain was still unsettled. He figured he'd deal with it all after this mission.

He wasn't going to let Viggo plague his brain right now. They had an important task to complete and dragons to save. These new feelings towards the Dragon Hunter weren't going to get in the way of his cause. All dragons had the right to live and be free.

"Yeah, I'm good." He said to her "Sorry about all that." He told the others. Hiccup didn't want to go into detail and they didn't ask. They got to what was important. Finding this Dragon Hunter base and freeing all the dragons.

Hiccup told them his plan to take the base and they all put in their input. It was long hours and days of planning and arguing that it made Hiccup feel they weren't getting anywhere. He just wanted this mission done as quickly as possible so he could wallow in private again. The riders didn't say anything but he could see the questions on all their faces

"Yes but if we go in that way, what makes you think they won't be able to catch us there?" Astrid asked Snotlout when he pointed to an area close to where the dragons could be being held. The rocks that meet the sea was a blind spot but they all knew that Viggo would have spotted that when he first arrived on the island.

"Because we know that Viggo will think we would fly head first but if we go around here, less hunters will be there... I think." Snotlout second guessed himself for the third time since they started this and Hiccup wished he'd stick with his idea and not let Astrid bully him.

Hiccup looked over where Snotlout was thinking they should raid and there was a small opening to attack if they stuck close to the rocks and didn't make a noise. Which is what makes it a bad idea. The Twins can't be quiet to save their lives and if one thing ticks Snotlout off he will voice his displeasure and Hookfang will join in shortly after.

"It might work but it'll be hard to execute. But good thinking Snotlout. That can be a plan B if we need it," Snotlout looked shocked at the praise. Yes it was rare for Hiccup to be nice like that to Snotlout but sometimes he needed it.

"Fine but we still need a plan A," Astrid was getting irritated now. She was right and it was getting harder to get a plan A to work.

They spent a few more hours on the planning and Hiccup just wanted it to be over so they could leave. He needed to complete this mission. He wanted to see Viggo again even if it was from a distance.

The dreams at night had been getting more vivid and feeling more real that Hiccup just wanted a glimpse of the hunter to see if what he was feeling was truly real or just a fantasy.

"Well if that's the plan, we leave tomorrow just before the sunsets so we have the cover of night,"

"Hiccup, don't you think we should plan this a bit more. It's not an easy mission this time. We need to plan it more." Fishlegs asked him with concern. "If it was a ship or a random island, sure but this is a secret base. A base that he might think they don't know about but he'd have protected if he somehow thought we knew its location.

"No. We're good at what we do so let's do it." Hiccup left before they got another word out and went back to his hut. Yes they should plan it more but he was getting impatient.

Tomorrow they will free those dragons and everything will be okay. Nothing will go wrong this time.

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