Chapter 11 Overwhelming

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At this very moment I was pacing in the locker room. "I kissed his cheek....Oh god I kissed his cheek" I breathed. "Relax you kissed on the lips before" Izzy shrugged. "But then I knew what I was doing but... that was real I didn't even know why I did it" I was now shaking Izzy my mind felt like it was going to explode.

"Ok Kenzie you need to chill" Izzy demanded in a strong voice. "I can't Izzy I just can't" I was starting to go into hysteria. "Breath Kenz BREATH" I shook more. "I can't....I just...Oh god I can't breath" I gasped. "You asked for it" she sighed.

I was breathing heavily and confused as to what she meant. Her lips went to mine making me stop breathing all together. Her lips were soft and her grip on my waist was strong. I felt myself leaning slightly into the kissed.

Then I froze. What did I do.....What did SHE do...She pulled back and my jaw dropped eyes widening and my body froze more if possible. Ok I think the hysteria is going to get worse. My brain was overwhelmed and I felt dizzy.

Izzy kissed me. And I kissed her back. WHAT THE HELL!!!! My brain continued going into overdrive. Oh god first it was Harry now her. Do I have a sign or something telling people to do this. I put a hand over my heart. For some reason my heart was racing really fast. My hands were shaking and I just...Stared.

"Kenzie" Izzy waved her hand in front of my face. "I'm going to the gym" I whispered walking around her. I sighed opening the door and leaving her there. My hands went to my face and I slumped into the bench.

"To much... It's just to much" I mumbled into my hands. "You ok?" a voice asked. I looked up then back down at my hands. "No" I whispered shaking my head. "Wanna talk about it" he asked sitting by me. "I-I...everything sucks" I choked a sob.

"Its ok to cry" he mumbled. "No not when I'm supposedly the badass I'm not meant to.. I can't" I swallowed keeping tears away. "But you're human" Adrian shrugged. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't try and talk to me... For fucks sake Adrian now I have to join the cheerleading team" a tear slipped out put I wiped it away.

"If you'd continued ignoring me and being the ass hole I've known for years non of this would have happened" I mumbled. "I couldn't Kenz I hurt you so much I thought since its the last year I should make things right" he lifted my chin so I was now looking at him.

"Don't cry pretty girl" he smiled. I gave a weak smile back through the slowly leaking tears. "Pretty girls should never cry" he wiped tears away and caressed my cheek softly. "Especially this one" he grinned. "Promise me not to cry ever again" he playfully bumped my shoulder,

"Promise" I whispered smiling. "Good now class is about to start later pretty girl" he pecked my cheek swiftly before leaving. My heart thumped In my chest like it had for Izzy and Harry but slightly different.

Maybe Adrian's changing.

*************************************************************************************************************** Here's the update

********************************************************************************************************         Hope you guys liked it

***********************************************************************************************                          I'll update as soon as possible

*************************************************************************************                                         That's all for NOW

*************************************************************************                                                           I promise to update soon again

***********************************************************                                                                       Anyhow it goodbye for now

************************************************                                                                                               So you know what to do

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