Chapter 13 Izzy's Reveal

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"Hi Mom, Hey Dad" I nodded towards them making sure my jacket was buttoned and my shorts were pulled down slightly. Harry had taken me home. I didn't talk to him but he understood I couldn't, But I'm not very sure of what he knew.

The kiss with Izzy was still on my mind. It was like replaying over and over again. I didn't know if I liked it or was I confused. Thus giving me more of a reason to stay away from Izzy and Harry the kiss on the cheek was bugging me bringing back memories I did not need to rise.

"Sweetie someone's here to see you... In the living room" My mother called. I called back an 'Okay' in response walking to the living room. "Izzy" I gasped walking in. "Kenz I want to explain.." Izzy started, getting up from the couch. "Not here my parents are home" I whispered.

"Then lets talk in your room" she stated grabbing my hand. I followed her silently my mind reeling at what she could have to say. Once we made it to my room she plopped down on the bed dragging me next to her. My heart thumped and my brain ached even before receiving the information.

"So I'll start up by telling you I never meant to keep this from you I just thought you wouldn't be able to handle it and Harry had already told you he was gay..." she paused releasing a breath. "I'm a lesbian" she admitted making me chock on the air.

"What?" I croaked. "I didn't tell you thinking it would be to much for you to handle but as you can see everyone has been admitting their secrets to you, I thought it was about time I do the same" she said quickly -so quickly I almost didn't catch it-.

We sat there a while, me staring at my bedroom wall. "The kiss...What did it mean?" I mumbled barely audible. "I don't know.... I just...You were.... I don't know" she struggled. "You don't like me like me right?" I asked silently. "I don't know" she frowned looking at my wall.

Well that's 3. Yes I've been keeping track of how many people have started or have already liked me. So far I got Harry, Adrian, and now...Izzy. Well don't you think my life has gotten a whole lot more interesting.

"But I get if you don't like me...I mean Harry...And probably most of the guys at school....We can still be friends...That is if you want...But I know you're probably going to say no.... I mean look at you and me... And you're popular now.. So I mean-" she rambled.

I slapped a hand over her mouth laughing. She can sure talk. "Izzy relax" I giggled. She stopped and I slowly removed my hands from her lips.

"Yes we can still be friends Izzy" she tackled me into a hug smiling widely. "Really?" she squeaked. I nodded giggling even more. "Now get your fat behind off me" I fake gasped. "I do not have a fat butt it is beautiful" she defended playfully.

"Sure" I laughed rolling my eyes "Now get off". "I don't know it's kind of comfy up here" she smile. "Izzy get off" I laughed thrashing. "Nope" she grinned more. "Fine then I guess were going to stay here for a long time" I sighed.

"I don't think that'll be a problem for me" she smirked. "Izzy" I warned. She put her hands to my sides and began tickling me. "Are you sure you could stay like that all day" she smiled. I could barely see it through my tears.

"Stop!" I exclaimed. She just shook her head and slowed down. "Ok I'll get off you now" she chirped. I sat up as soon as she climbed off panting. "So...Sleepover" she smiled. I nodded and got up my sides aching slightly.

"Do you need to exit while I change?" I asked laughing slightly. Izzy rolled her eyes exiting mumbling something like "When you become so cocky?". "I've always been cocky!" I yelled through the door. "Liar" she laughed.

Shaking my head I changed into some comfy pajama's. Hmm maybe me Izzy can be back to the way we used to be before she told me her secret.  


Suck's I know

Don't rub it in

Anyway have any books for me to read

Oh and I forgot HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I have to go school tomorrow. Damn.

My birthday was 2 weeks ago by the way






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