Chapter 20 Strange Dream

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Warning: Sexual Content


Home sweet home.

Izzy and I went to the kitchen dumpiing our stuff on the floor before heading to the sweets cabinet.

I quickly grabbed the gummy bears while she grabbed the chocolate chips.

"Soda?" I asked.

She shrugged and I went to the fridge grabbing two cans of Sprit before heading up the stairs to my room. Izzy followed closely humming behind me.

As we entered my room i sighed placing the soda on my bedside table. 

_____________________________This part was completely random it was a spur of the moment thing ______________________________

"So... what do you want to do now?"

 I shrugged turning off the tv.

"Wanna just go to sleep?" she sighed.

"But I'm not tired" 

"Well there's nothing for us to do"

I sighed getting off the couch heading into the kitchen. I went to the fridge grabbing a left over glass of milk before placing it on the counter.

I sat on the counter taking a sip before groaning in boredom. I guess its time for bed.

I stood up putting the glass in the sink before heading upstairs to my room. Opening the door I blinked. Then I blinked again.


She smiled at me standing up from the bed. Her hips moved seductively as she walked towards me. I stared at them mesmerised before she stopped in front of me.

Her lips pressed against mine and she pulled into my bedroom slamming me against the wall.

My arms wrapped around her waist as I felt her lips move down my neck. She lightly bit before pulling my shirt over my head.

Looking down I realized I didn't have a bra on and blushed. She took my breast in one of her hand while the other went down to my shorts. She pulled the nub of my breast lightly.


I moaned wrapping my arms around her neck pulling her lips back to mine. A felt a hand in my shorts and shivered.

Izzy's tongue shoved into my mouth and I sighed.

Her hand played with my breast and suddenly a finger entered inside me.

"... Kenzie"

I moaned into her mouth.



 I jumped sitting up. Izzy looked at me in confusion as she stood up.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah" I stuttered shaking my head.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded shifting away from her slightly.

"Ok, I'm going to bed" she sighed walking over to the stairs.

I nodded heading towards the kitchen. I needed some water and maybe... a cold shower.


I yawned blinking as the sun hit my eyes. I turned to my side looking at Izzy. My stomach did this weird flip and I sighed sitting up.

I jumped out of bed grabbing my towel and heading into the shower.


Izzy P.O.V

Kenzie shifted on my shoulder. I looked down at her and smiled moving some hair out of her face.


I looked at her in confusion. S-she was dreaming about me?

A moan escaped her lips and I froze. What was she dreaming about?

I sighed shaking her slightly.



"... Kenzie"

She moaned again.

"KENZIE!" I shouted.

She jumped up and pretended to let confusion cloud my features. I have a feeling she wouldn'g want me knowing about it.

"Are you ok?" I asked in fake confusion.

"Y-yea" she stuttered.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded this time and I sighed "Ok, I'm going to sleep"


Here you all go 

Sorry for the randomness

I just haven't updated and felt bad

So here it is

I hope it was god enough for now

I'll try posting another better chapter soon

Anyway I still hope you all continue reading 

But now you know what comes next






Bye All I promise the next chap will be better 


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