I hate pep rallys

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We had a pep rally today

Mental note to get there earlier next time because my friends and I got there late so we had to sit in the front :/

Like the front row front...

The dance team did Kanye vs Drake

The cheerleaders tried to get us to scream green and gold

Sport people did sport stuff

Apparently the girls soccer team was undefeated


Then for like the last half of the rally I couldn't see anything because the fucking cheerleaders were standing in front of us

And their skirts are really short

So basically I got a face full of cheerleader ass fml

And I have a headache due to screaming teenagers


Literally the only think I like at my school are certain people and the band

Welp time to binge watch season 2 of AOS

Ya i know I have stories to write in a terrible author

I legit have a bunch of drafts sitting there yikes


adios amigos

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