tag ur it

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i haven't done one of these in forever omg

tagged by marvelsmurphy

1) iphone

2) yah they're steve rogers, peter parker, t'challa, loki, everett ross, need i go on?

3) november 21

4) anyone that actually takes the time to read this lol

5) i finally watched mamma mia! for the first time so literally every song in there

6) spiders

7) really dark brown that it's almost black but everyone says it's really dark brown so

8) ummm...english i guess? but i'm taking a class next year that's called "thinking skills" but it's basically a study hall so that should be fun

9) i don't play sports but i do watching the nfl

10) idk if i can tag 20 people but


sorry if i left anyone out! i haven't done one of these in a while and idk who's still active on here lol

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