Damen needs to get here.

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(Another warning. This chapter contains sexual content.)

Rose's point of view

Damen pulled me against him and my body involuntarily shivered with excitement. I heard him think, 'I can't wait till her first heat.'

I spun around quickly to face him. Did he really just say heat? Isn't that what animals go through? I asked, "What about my first heat?"

He looked at me cautiously, "Since we have mated, you will pick up some werewolf traits like the long life and you will be somewhat faster then normal. So, since all female werewolves go through heats you will too."

I looked at him blankly wanting more of an explanation. He then continued very cautious, "Well a heat is something every female werewolf gets when they find their mate. It will happen a few days to a week after they have mated. Since your're human it might even be a little longer or shorter before you start."

I demanded, "So what exactly is a heat?"

He let out a load sign, "A heat is well, it's where you get ....umm....turned on. You will want ot have sex constantly. And well, I will feel you which it makes me impossible to not be turned on as well. When it starts it will be wise to not go to school. We will both be taking a couple of days off."

"What about my parents? I don't think they will take to kindly to me skipping school to have sex with my teacher." I said getting a bit scared.

"Don't worry. I thought about that. I will call them and tell them that I signed you up for a week long writing camp for aspiring authors and you were accepted. You will have to go home and pack but, that's it."

"Can't you get in trouble for lying about that kind of thing?"

He let lose a soft chuckle before replying, "You worried about that over all the illegal things I do. I mean I am having a relationship with my student. You never cease to amaze me with all the little things you do."

I smirked as I replied, "Well get ready to be amazed."

I started to kiss him and he eagerly returned it. Damen entered me and I lost myself with him.

(The Next Day)

I woke up in my bed in a little pain. I recalled the events of last night with a smile. Man, I love him. I got ready with a little spunk. I put on a cute floral dress with high heel ankle boots and applied makeup. I let my hair fall in lose curls down the length of my back.

I was about to leave when my phone rang. I answered it and was immediately greeted with Melissa screaming 'Roossseeee!'

I replied, "What?!"

She replied quickly, "How could you have not told me? Tyler told me about the ...uh...teen wolf thing. He also said that you already knew so I called you! Isn't this exciting? We got us some sexy werewolves! Remember that time when you, Kal, and I went walking through the woods at night after watching teen wolf on the full moon? Now, it doesn't seem so silly. Does it?And guess what! He marked me! Did Mr. Young do that to you? Please come over to the diner after school. We need to catch up!"

"Wow Melissa, calm down. Yea, I will come over, if Damen says it's okay."

"Okay. Bye!" and with that she hung up. She was never one for phone conversation.

I drove to school and barely made it to first period because of the phone call. I was staring out in space thinking about licking Damen's abs, something I've always wanted to do, when I heard his voice in my head, 'You know Rose you can do that anytime you want to. Just please don't think about that in school. I can no longer stand up from my desk and my wolf is begging me to go look for you. So think about dry boring things like homework or the encyclopedias. Okay?'

I imediatly blushed and replied, 'Sorry. I forgot about the mind thing. I can fixed your desk and wolf problem during lunch.'

'I don't think I can wait that long.'

'Me either.'

I struggled from the lack of Damen till it was finally lunch time. I didn't even go to the cafeteria, I went straight to his room. There was nobody in the hallway which was a good thing. I walked in and found him sitting in his chair His hair was tousled and hung loosely over his green eyes. He wore a white t-shirt and a pair of smooth black pants. Oh my, He looked fine. He wore a lopsided grin as I closed the door.

I walked over to him and straddled his lap. "Hey." I said with a smile.

He replied, "Hey."

I didn't want to waste anymore time so I started to kiss him deeply. His hands were everywhere that I wanted them to be. He withdrew with a smile and pulled up his shirt revealing his abs. Oh boy. I got off his lap and kneeled in front of him. I know I got on my knees. I acted out my little perverted dream of licking those sexy abs. He was moaned quite a few times. I slowly started to unbuckle his belt as my mouth traced his abs. I started to massage his member as he threw back his head while saying, "Rose you will be the death of me."

My mouth was about to wrap around it as I heard a knock on the door. Oh shit! I quickly pushed myself under his desk as he rolled his chair under it to while he was pulling down his shirt. Only his torso was visible.

He said rather huskily, "Come in."

A few seconds later I heard the slutty voice of Taylor, a girl in my grade that is majorly whoreish, "Mr. Young! I was wondering if you could help me with the conclusion of my essay."

I was mad when he said 'sure' so I took my revenge. I put my mouth on his member as i heard him take in a shocked intake of breath. I heard miss I want you in my pants ask with fake concern, "Mr. Young! Are you okay?"

He replied in a strained voice, "Yea, I'm just having stomach pain. Can we do this another time?"

No you certainly can not, i thought in my head. I know I sound like a crazy possessive girlfriend but, I had no idea where these feelings were coming from. I was just acting on them. I started to slowly move my mouth and he started to squirm trying to tell me to stop. No way. The slut said, "Of course, are you free after school?"

No he is not. I added my tongue to the mix. He let out a heavy breath and said, "Uh I have....too much things to do...... You can ask me at the beginning of English....Okay?"

She sounded disappointed but answered, "That's fine. Bye Mr. Young."

Once I heard the sound of the door click, he pulled me out from under the desk. I looked at him innocently. He said, "We will talk about this once we are done."

And then I was sitting on his lap. His lips met mine as he slipped off my underwear. He slowly entered me as I let out a gasp at the fullness. He moved my hips for me as I enjoyed the ride. We climaxed at the same time. I leaned against his chest in exhaustion as he leaned back in the chair.

After a moment, he asked, "Why were you so jealous? I defiantly don't feel anything towards her. You're the only student I want to have sex with."

"I don't have a clue why to be honest. I just felt overwhelmingly jealous."

"I know I felt it too. I think it was your wolfish side. My wolf feels extreme feelings."

"Great, a heat and being bipolar. If it wasn't for you I would be running away."

"Aw come on. It's not that bad. You haven't seen how fast you are yet and slowly you will start to see and hear better. Not to mention that you get to spend a very long time with me. And trust me, this will never get old..... Any way what are you doing after school?"

"Well Mel wants me to go over to the diner because Tyler finally told her and she wants to have girl talk."

"Well that's good. You need to spend time with you're friends. I feel like I'm taking all your time. I want to talk to Tyler too. Maybe we can pick you guys up afterwards and you can meet the rest of my friends."

I nodded and layed my head on his chest, enjoying the moment before the bell rang.

(Later that Day)

Damen had assigned us a multiple choice worksheet about Jane Eyre, so I already finished. I tried to look any where but at him. But he constantly saying things like, 'You look good in that dress' and 'lunch is my favorite period' in my head. I didn't want the stare I was starting to receive because of the random moments of blushing. I was glad when I heard the bell ring. I waited till everyone left and gave him a hug. He whispered in my ear, "I'll pick you up around five from the diner. Don't hurt yourself. I love you."

" I love you too." I said as I placed my lips on his for a sweet gentle kiss.

I left and went out to my car and drove to the diner. Mel was sitting in the booth with a pizza. I sat down while shoving my piece down my throat. I didn't eat lunch today. She laughed, "Someone's hungry. Anyway We need to catch up. We'll take turns saying things, okay? I'll go first. Tyler marked me yesterday."

"Damen marked me Friday."

"We have been on four official dates."

"We have been on none because he is my teacher."

"Tyler told me he loved me."

"Damen said that too."

"Tyler really wants to mate with me. Does Damen want to too?"

"Uh well, you see, about that, yea, well ..........We kind of already have."

"What?! And you tell me now! When? Where? Was it fun?"

"Well the first time was las-"

"The first time! You've done it more then once!" She flung her arms in the air like a crazy person.

"Yes, I have. Anyway, what I was saying was the first time was last night at his house which is oddly in the woods behind my house. That was the time and place for the next two times. and the last one was today during lunch. And Yes, it was a lot a fun. A LOT of fun."

"This is so unbelievably awesome. I still a little miffed about you not telling me sooner."

And that's when I heard Kallie's voice, "Telling you what sooner?"

I quickly turned around to see the few people who knew about my relationship walking over to us. Maura and Kallie walked over to us and sat down. Well looks like I have to explain without giving to much away. Damen needs to get here.


Hey this chapter was kinda long! How are you guys liking it? Should I continue with the sexual content? Let me know and Thanks for reading!

Vote and Comment!:)

P.S. You should check out melmel1395 new story 'The Alpha and the Pole Dancer'.

P.S.S You should also check out my friends larbyjane story 'Help Wanted' and HelenaHavok story 'I've Always Thought This Would Be Different'.

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