What a jerk!

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Rose's point of view

I felt nervous as I walked to his class. It was Monday. After the very long confusing weekend, I wanted my mom to call me in sick but in the end, I would end up making myself sick from the lack of Damen. So I'm stuck going to class just to get my daily dosage of Damen.

After I had found out the age difference between Damen, I had flipped my lid. Ten years is a big gap. I had left that day fuming mad with a smiling like an idiot Mel, who was in fact an official thing with Tyler. She obviously hadn't found out about the whole werewolf situation, yet, because I had asked her, "So have you guys talked about Teen Wolf?"

She looked at me like I had asked if the sun was a light bulb. She answered, "Rose, you seriously don't know how the boy thing works, do you? You don't talk about dreamy hunky beautiful men that are always shirtless in front of your new boyfriend. And we always thought I was the dumb one."

Well it was only the second day they had known each other. But hell, Damen had only known me for a week before he started to assaulting my lips and outing his little wolf secret. Last week felt like a year.

I was still fuming mad during the rest of the day. But by Sunday morning, the same painful nauseating feeling washed over me. I don't have a clue as to why I did this, but I walked outside into my backyard. I lived outside of town in a log cabin by the edge of a wooded area. Yes, you heard me, a freaking log cabin. My parents are weird like that. I started to take a walk down the steep trail that led to a small pond in the center of the woods. The pain ebbed away as I got closer and closer to the pond.

When I finally reached it, almost all my pain was gone. I looked around. I loved taking walks through the woods. There were always tall trees that towered over you which made the light filter in through the many leaves. It made a lovely pattern on the floor of the woods. I walked over to the pond and sat down and took off the boots I had worn down here. I dangled my feet into the cold water.

I nearly peed my pants when I heard the musical from behind a nearby tree, "How did you know I would be taking a stroll in the woods, this morning?"

"You scared the pee out of me! Don't sneak up on a defenseless sixteen year old girl. By the way why are you here? This is still my parents land. So technically you are trespassing. Leave."

I turned around to see him poking his head around the tree he had been hiding behind. He asked, "Do you really want me to leave? Because I bet I'm making you feel a whole lot better. You made me feel a hell of alot better. Besides don't you want to see my wolf?"

That caught my interest. I'm still ticked at him. Oh gosh, this whole thing is going to make me die by by the age of twenty. I ask cautiously, "Will you leave as soon as I tell you to?"

He looked at me as his eyebrows knitted together. He finally said with a defeated tone, "Yes, I will leave if you ask me too."

"Okay, go ahead and go wolfy on me."

He nodded as a wide grin spread across his inhumanly handsome features. He stepped out from behind the tree and my mouth fell open. He stood there butt naked facing me so I saw his very full manhood. I couldn't move. My body froze up as it usually did when i encountered a rather handsome fellow. My eyes scanned his body. Oh my gosh those abs. I had a burning desire to lick them.

His soft laughter made snap out my haze. I quickly covered my eyes as my face grew to a tomato red. He said, "Uncover your eyes. I'm going to change now."

"No! You're naked!"

"I was a wolf when I saw you, Rose. I don't know many wolves that wear boxers or shorts. Now you've already seen me and you will see me like this again, so just look at me so I can change."

I removed my hand and looked at the very top of his head not making eye contact. I could tell he was smiling at my reaction but I didn't care.

He briefly closed his eyes as brown fur erupted from every surfaces of his skin. His nose grew into one  long snout. He fell to the ground as I heard cracking and popping from his bone structure physically alternating right before my eyes. His tail was the last thing to grow. The transformation was actually only about 30 seconds.

I stood up and Damen raised his eyes to meet mine. I asked clearly sceptical, "Can you understand me?"

His large head bobbed up and down slowly to make sure I understood. I took a good look at him. He made a beautiful wolf. His honey brown fur was laced with a light golden streaks. His eyes were the same puppy eyes from the day before.He was only slightly larger then the average wolf. He held a grace about him that said "Don't mess with me, I bite."

I walked over to him and reached out my hand which he met with my hand. I started to pet behind his ear as a joke but his back leg actually started to jiggle. I asked with a smirk, "Does that feel good?"

He growled in response, but I got the message, Shut up. He layed down on the ground and started to lick his paws. A very dogish thing too do. I know this because my lovely chocolate Lab, Shaddow does that all the time.

I sat down and layed my head on his back as I curled my fingers in his longish fur. I drifted off to sleep in that position. When I woke up, sometime in the afternoon, I was laying in the hammock in my backyard. Damen must have carried me back to my house. How did he know where I live? Oh yeah, He's a stalker. The rest of that day I thought about the brown wolf.

As I walked into the classroom, Damen wasn't in the room. I sat down in the front row where i have too. He finally walked in carrying a box of books from the storage room with a smirk dancing on his features. Someone in the back asked, "What book are we going to read?"

"We are going to be reading Rose's favorite book, Jane Eyre. Rose, please tell the class the just of the book."

I know what he's trying to do. The book is about a girl and a guy that is way older fall in love with each other. I responded, "It's a classic romance novel."

"More detailed please."

Oh fine. I'm not fighting in class. I replied rather snippy, "The man is the girl's boss and there is a huge age gap between the two."

"Yes, indeed there is a rather large age gap. About twenty years to be exact. Before we start to read the book, we will discuss age differences. Now since Miss Rose has already read the book, we will take her opinion first."

What a jerk!


Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! I would love some feedback!

P.S. if you like my book then check out melmel1395

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