You Die..

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Finally an update! Sorry it took so long, summer college classes, working at a grown up job for lack of a better term, and making arrangements to watch my boyfriend's graduation from basic in a few weeks! I know it's short but it answers a few questions! I will try to update by next week! Feel free to send me hate mail if it's bad:)

Damen's P.O.V.

I had to think fast. I answered the phone with an uncertain, "Hello?"

I heard a confused women on the other phone answer, "Ummm, Hi is Rose there?"

I blurted the first lame excuse that popped into my mind that Rose will have to deal with the repercussions later. "Ah, I'm sorry miss, but I'm Mr. Young, her English teacher. I caught Miss Rose texting in class earlier today and took away her phone till tomorrow; I must have left it in my school bag because I heard this ringing and decided it might be important. Is anything wrong?" I finished while crossing my fingers hoping she would buy it.

An annoyed voice sounded back at me, "Well thank you for answering, Mr. Young. When you return the phone to Rose please inform her that her mother called and would love to have a conversation as to why her phone was taken away in the first place."

I let out a lose laugh trying to play the teacher role, "Okay will do!" Then added in a soft side note to loosen the damage, "When I caught her though, she did say she was trying to help out her friend Kallie with I quote 'lady problems', so she was trying to be helpful. I just have a strict no phone policy so I had to take her phone away regardless the reason."

Her voice lighten a smidge, "Oh those girls. Okay thank you Mr. Young. Bye!"

"You're welcome. Bye!"

I let loose a breath. Poor Rose. It was better than explaining I was her mate and she had been attacked by my deranged brother at least. I heard her start to stir from her slumber and went to her side.

Rose's P.O.V.

The red fire was gone. I could feel again. There was no pain. I tried to pull myself back to the surface. I opened my eyes only to have my vision consumed by a very worried looking Damen. He grabbed me and pulled me to his lap while burring his head into the crook of my neck. He bombarded me with questions, "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water? What happened when you left, school? I was so worried Rose, so worried. You do know I am never leaving your side right?"

I just blinked at him. My brain didn't want to work at that pace. I just asked lazily, "Did someone light me on fire?"

He let loose a nervous chuckle, "No Rose, no fire. But I know what you mean about the pain. I went through it once a long time ago..."

He trailed off not sure if he continue. I looked at him with a go on with it expression. I felt drained and wanted some answers as to what happened in the last 24 hours of my life.

He began again with an uneasy expression, "Well I will start out by saying that Luke did not touch our mark so our mate bond is safe. But...... he did bite your chest."

I raised my eyebrow to tell him to continue. He then went on, "When human mates are marked, the werewolf DNA is used to seal the bond between the two. If a human is bit anywhere else then the bond is concerned, the werewolf DNA... well... it begins to... intermingle with the human's DNA."

I felt my face pale as I caught on to what he was trying to tell me gently, "So does that mean....."

He nodded grimly, "Yes Rose, you're becoming a werewolf."


Damen's P.O.V.

She paled as she said, "So does that mean...."

I nodded sensing what she was trying to ask as she trailed off. I replied, "Yes Rose, you're becoming a werewolf."

Her face went blank and I began to worry that she was going to blame me and tell me awful things like it was my fault, which it was. I should have protected her. I failed as a mate. I mentally prepared myself for her attack.

She caught me completely off guard by asking, "So does that mean I can be all wolfy and crap and eat raw meat like a total bad ass?"

I felt a smirk grow on my face, "For one, don't cuss, it doesn't flatter you at all. Two, you will get to transform into a wolf if your body accepts the DNA, and three, raw meat is still gross, I don't let my wolf eat it because that is still your tongue and stomach in that wolfs body. Remember that for future references."

I felt her body freeze up a little as I finished. She asked with a slightly scared expression, "Damen, what happens if my body doesn't accept the wolfy DNA."

I wanted to lie to her, but knowing that that's impossible, I looked away as I told her the truth, "You die."


Duh Duh Dun... Who thinks I'm going to be nice and let her live or evil and kill her off? You will find out next week! Thanks for reading my story, even through the long waits! I love to hear feedback so please comment and vote:) you guys are the

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