The dimly lit journey of the broken ones

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"Have you any idea where we're going?" Louis asks. You just kept walking briskly. Frisk held your hand as you walk. He sensed that you weren't in the mood to talk about anything.

"Does it look like I've got a clue?"

Louis sighs and leads the way. You just followed without questioning her.

"Why are we in such a hurry anyways?"

"Troops are close by their place. We can't risk staying there." you explain.

"You mean you can't risk staying." she laughs. "I was gonna leave anyway."

You smirk. "Really? Thought you and Asriel were getting along."

"Don't even mention his name." she says almost in a sympathetic way. "If troops are nearby then let's get going." she started with a sprint. Frisk lets go and runs after her, laughing.

The kid laughs at the most ridiculous things and at the wrong time.

"Where are we going?" you call out as you start running as well.

"Somewhere far."

You thought it would be better if G was here to teleport you-


After 15 minutes of running, you arrive at a ruined city.

The same one where you and G went hunting.


"What are we doing here? This isn't far enough." you say. Frisk was panting hard, but he still wore a smile. "Frisk, I should've carried you."

He looks at you, eyes glinting with excitement. "It's...okay...Y/N..!" he pants.

You smiled slightly.

"We're gonna get supplies. Hope you know how to survive without those two." Louis says, rolling her eyes. Frisk regained his energy and ran after Louis and held her hand. Louis just ignores it and continues walking ahead.

You scoff with a smile, and just followed her inside the grocery store you and G also went 'shopping'.

You suddenly remember the monster guard who saved you.

Maybe he patrols here often too?

Then maybe you can ask him about that if he's alone.

Which is unlikely.

"Be careful." Louis says as she broke free from Frisk. "Guards will patrol this place in an hour, but you can never be too careful."

In an hour. Well, nevermind.

You sigh and follow Frisk to the candy section. You just leaned on one of the shelves as Frisk takes some candy.

"Not too much, Frisk." you remind him. He nods with a smile.

When he was done stuffing candy in his pockets, you tell him to find Louis. He nods and runs off. The reason why you did this is because you wanted to be alone for a while. What G had said earlier hurt you, but you tried to shake the pain off. You heard Frisk call for Louis, and Louis scolds him for doing so. You chuckle slightly. Then, you hear something drop from the other isle. Something plastic with something inside it.

A bag of chips?

You took out your knife as you creeped steadily to the other isle. Louis wouldn't take anything like that, and Frisk only has a sweet tooth.

Someone else is here.

You reached the edge of the isle. In your head, you counted from 1 to 3...


Your grip on the hilt tightened.


Your breathing shallowed.


You jumped to the side and ran after the stranger. You suddenly stop as he looked familiar.

"Don't kill me!" he whispers. "I fvcking saved your life!"

It was the monster guard.

But you didn't let go of your stance.

"What are you doing here?" you ask him quietly.

"I patrol this place."

"One hour early? And alone?" you were glad Louis told you this.

His arms were in the air, shocked that you know this info. The first time you met, you didn't actually see how he looked like. You only saw his pitiful eyes.

Yellow eyes with dark red pupils.

He kind of looks like human. But really, not. He had a single horn on the center of his forehead, white, shaggy hair, and ice blue skin. He had extremely sharp teeth and a devil's tail. He was wearing the usual guard uniform; black pants, black combat boots, white inner wear and a bluish purple coat with gold cuffs. On the left side on his chest was the delta rune crest. He had a weapons belt with a single gun and some unfamiliar red colored bullets. The gun was designed in a unique way, so complex. It wasn't familiar to you.

"Fine. You got me." he sighs. "I was checking if there were any humans."

"Isn't that the point of patrolling?"

"You didn't let me finish; I was checking if there were any humans this I can warn them."

You tilt your head in confusion.

"Look," he slowly walks closer to you, his hands still in the air. Your grip on your weapons tightened to the point where your knuckles turned white. "The last time we met, it wasn't a good start. And I didn't realize that there are still humans roaming around. That was my mistake. So I decided to do this..."

"Why are you even defending us? We're basically your worse, and only, 'enemy'." you eye him suspiciously.

He stops walking. "I...I can't tell you that."

You stared into his eyes. They were really easy to read. He was sincere, you can tell. And you're the kind of person to lose your brain cells before you can even analyze a person's feelings.

"Alright." you say. "But I have others, and I'm sure one of them will kill you on the spot."

As you keep your weapons, he relaxes a bit. "You have to give me your gun though."

He nods and takes his weapons belt off. He hands it to you and you quickly took it. You took the strange gun and the bullets and kept them in your own belt.

"Are we good now?" he smiles.

You frown. "Not quite."

"HOLY FVCK, Y/N, STEP AWAY FROM THE BASTARD." you hear Louis scream from behind you. You turned, wide eyed. She was pointing a gun at your direction. At him. But for some reason, he doesn't look scared. He wasn't panicking. He was just wearing a smug look.

"Louis, it's okay. He's good." you try to calm her down.


You turn and see him walking towards Louis. He sees you and you mouth 'what are you doing?!'.

Then, Louis shoots. You gasp, fearing that the monster who saved you was dead. But he wasn't.

He felt the impact, but he wasn't bleeding. He showed signs of pain, but no bleeding. The bullet that was supposedly in his chest fell to the ground, smashed flat.

You blink.


He grabs Louis' gun and throws it away from her.

"Okay, what the hell?" you sat, deeply confused.

"Oh, uh, sorry." he shrugs. "I needed to make sure you can trust me earlier so I didn't initiate."


"LOUIS, STOP SCREAMING." you yell. " you're bulletproof?"

"Kinda. Normal guns don't work on me." he explains. Louis was just giving you a look that says 'what the hell is happening and why are you not killing him?'

"But the one you took from me does. Wherever the bullet hits, it can kill me in seconds." You walk over to Louis and just tried to calm her down. "Normal knives and daggers don't work either. Only a special kind of metal can actually hurt me."

"Why should I trust you again?" you asked. Louis finally calms down but just continued staring daggers at him.

"Because I want to save your kind..." he says, his eyes deep into yours. You turn away, not sure what to feel about this guy. "Look, I'm Jared."

You cleared your throat and turned back to him. "Y/N. And this is Louis." you grab her by the shoulder. "And...Louis, where's Frisk?"

She snaps out of her glare. "What? I thought he was right behind me." she looks around.

Oh dear God

"Frisk!" you call out. "Frisk, can you hear me?!"

No response.

"Louis you had one job." you growl a little. She raised a brow.

"Excuse me, I didn't sign up for this to babysit." she crossed her arms while rolling her eyes. You face palm and sighed in frustration.

Great. You have a monster guard who betrayed his kind and now a missing human. Just great.

You wonder what would Frisk think of Jared though.

I'm sure he'll like him. Besides, he fell for the first two idiots easily.

"Uh, sorry but can you do me a favor?" you asked while smiling sheepishly at Jared. "I'm Y/N by the way."

He smiles and nods. And with that, you search the whole store for the missing little human.

This may take a while.

= ° = ° =

G was sitting on the bed you slept. He heard the door slam from downstairs. He's sure Asriel isn't gonna like the news about you. And the fact that he can sense troops nearby. He wondered why Asriel didn't detect it first. Asriel is usually the one who detects magic nearby before him. G doesn't really pays attention to his surroundings too much, especially at home.

He hears another door slam. He wondered if it was you. He was really regretting you leaving. Then he hears footsteps running up the stairs.

The door was slammed open.

What is it with door slamming today, huh?

It was Asriel. With red eyes.

Did he cry?

"G!" He says in alarm. "I can sense monster magic nearby! Where's Y/N and-"

"Calm down, mom." G rolls his eyes with a chuckle, but Asriel sensed that it was forced. "I told her to leave here as soon as I detected it first."

Asriel just stared at him in shock. Now, G expected this reaction from him-

"They could get killed!"

He didn't expect that response though.

"G, have you forgotten the fact that she's human?!" Asriel was fuming.

"Like I said; calm the fvck down." G says as he stood. Hes not really in the mood to deal with mother Asriel. "Y/N has abilities. She can protect herself and the other two."

"Frisk and Louis are with her?!"

Okay, G's really getting annoyed.

"Can't spot the obvious, Az? Y/N basically can't live without Frisk, and Louis would obviously want to join in on the fun."

"They were much more safer here with us, G."

"Uh-huh, sure, after all, you're just the son of the king who ran away." G yells sarcastically. "And I'm just a nobody who for once in my life wants to save everyone I love!"

Asriel's stern look softened.

"I couldn't save anyone from the last timeline...I just want to make this one work..." G says softly.

Secrets revealed, am I right?

= ° = ° =

You were seriously getting tired of calling Frisk like he's some lost puppy.

Even though he kinda is right now.

You turn to a corner and sees Frisk unconscious on the ground.

"Frisk!" you cry as you quickly swept Frisk into your arms. "Frisk, can you hear me?"

You hear Louis and Jared run from behind you.

"Oh my God." Jared suddenly stops as he looks like he's having a sudden headache. "He's human?"

You eye him suspiciously and nodded. "Why?"

"He's radiating some kind of strong aura. And it's giving me a headache." he says as he cringed in pain. "Monsters can only detect magic from other monsters, and that's is. But this one, his magic is affecting me."

"Frisk doesn't have magic." you protest. This guy is getting more and more suspicious by the second.

"But I can see it."

Jared looks like he was in seriously deep pain. He tried to talk, but he couldn't. He just gestured you to follow him, and you and Louis did so cautiously.

Soon, you were outside. You feel Frisk stir in your arms. "Frisk? Are you okay?" you ask. "How did you know that would make him...?"

"I didn't." Jared says, as if he's suddenly cited from his migraine. "I think...I think he can help save your kind."

"What?" you say. It wasn't even a question. You felt like you didn't want to know what he meant.

But in the pit of your stomach, you were guilty.

Guilty to feel a little bit of hope.

· · ·

Your heart was broken by the words of your loved one, so you're on your own now. As your journey begins, secrets will start to show. Questions will be answered. And the sun has set to finally show the stars.


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