Growing Up

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Sergio was in the mirror doing his tie for school, and he was doing the loops and pulled it tight on his neck and Sergio saw Claudio through the mirror with his tie in hand. And the teen chuckled, turning around to help. “Can’t believe you’re 13 now and still can’t tie your own tie.” He said adjusting it and fixing it for Claudio, and he stuck his tongue out. 

“You just make it look easy.” Claudio commented.

“It’s not. I just practiced. You’ll learn how to also. I’ll teach you.”  Sergio finished and smoothed down his tie. “But for now I’ll do it for you.” Sergio smiled.

“Are the other little-”

“Ow that hurts!” Ellie whined as Dominique, who was now 10, was helping his baby sister do her hair for school. Dominique did two top piggy tails and left the rest of Ellie’s long curly hair down.

“I hardly touched you! Stay still!” Domi scolded her.

Sergio and Claudio both laughed hearing them bicker. “Geez, is that what we sounded like?”

“I think so.” Sergio said and they walked out of his room and Sergio knew one person who for sure was not up. Sergio shoved the door open and snatched him up and out of bed. The little one whined.

“I don’t wanna go!” He hollered.

Sergio sighed. “Must you fight us every morning?” Sergio walked into the bathroom sitting Arlo on the toilet lid and he grabbed his tooth brush, putting toothpaste, and wetting it. Sergio kneeled down. “Open up.”

Arlo begrudgingly opened his mouth and Sergio started brushing his teeth.

Mornings in the Redfield household were definitely chaotic. Sergio being the eldest made sure his siblings were up on time and dressed but the twins were a hassle, who knew 8 year olds were so tough? 

“Kids! Breakfast!” Leon yelled up and he went back into the kitchen and his youngest and last child he may add he was done with having kids, hollered as he was getting impatient to eat.

“Mn… Mamaaaaaa… hungy!”

“I know. It had to cool Henri.” Leon grabbed a spoon and tasted the oatmeal. It was chilled enough and he sat some cut up strawberries down on the tray table of the high chair and he plopped the oatmeal down with a spoon, and the almost 2 year old decided to hell with a spoon. He picked up the oatmeal with his bare hand.

“Okay, no spoon huh?”

Leon ruffled his son’s long brunette hair. And Leon heard his other kids rush down. And Sergio helped Leon set the table and they sat down to breakfast together. Sergio was wolfing down his food.

“Slow down, you’re gonna choke.”

“Mn…but…mf…it’s good!” Sergio put his bowl down for a moment and he reached in his bag. “Can you sign this Mama?”

Leon put his fork down and took the slip.

“What is this?” Leon started scanning over the document. “Se! This is today?!”

“I forgot! Please, we really wanna go to the museum.”

Leon pouted at him and he signed it. And pulled out $75.00 dollars. Sergio went to reach for it and Leon held it back a bit.

“Hey this is to pay for you and your brother to get in, and this is lunch for both of you. Got it?”

“Yes.” Sergio said taking it, and gave Claudio his half and Leon signed Claudio’s slip as well.

Sergio heard a horn honk and he got up. “Come on, Claudio.”

“Wait a minute!”

Sergio was rushing to the door and Claudio was straying a bit behind because of his leg, granted his walking had improved a lot so much so he didn’t really use the cane anymore. Sergio went to open the door but Leon closed it. 

“Who is that? Is it that boy?”

Sergio huffed. “Mom…”

“I want to meet him, you’ve been hanging out a lot and I want to know who this boy is.”

“Do we have to do this now??”

“Yes, now. Especially if he’s driving you to school.” Leon opened the door and the boy was outside his car leaning against it and he waved to Sergio.

“Go.” Leon said letting him out but he was hot on his trail. Dominique, and the twins were watching the show from the window. Oh this was gonna be good.

Sergio ran over to the guy. “Hey.”

“Hey.” He smiled and hugged Sergio who was smaller than him, the boy had quite a few inches of height on Sergio and it was clear he worked out as he was fit and muscular. Leon noted his hand was on Sergio’s waist when they hugged.

“Hello, I’m Lee Yeon. I’m in math with Sergio.”

Leon looked at his outstretched hand and he took it grip tight and harsh. “Nice to meet you, I’m Sergio’s mother.”

“Nice to meet you.” He smiled.

Sergio was helping Claudio into the car and then he got in himself. Leon looked at Sergio.

“What’s your intentions with my son?” Leon asked flatly and straight.

“I- We… We just have a math class together and I tutor him sometimes when he has trouble.”

Leon chuckled. “No boy goes out of their way to hang out nor pick up someone they’re just tutoring and not interested in.” Leon’s eyes got icy. “Let me make myself clear, my Sergio is a sweet boy. Don’t fucking play around with him. If you hurt my son I swear the pain I inflict on you will be so much worse.”

Ellie snapped a photo of the boy's shocked face. Dominique looked at the picture. “Good evidence Ellie. We have to show Daddy when he comes home!”

They saw the boy nod quickly and he got in the car and said goodbye and then pulled off. Leon came back inside and he looked at his 3 kids. “You’re all so nosy. Let me see it.”

Leon put out his hand and Ellie gave him the polaroid snap shot. “Hm, not bad. Keep it up kid, you’re going places. Now… grab your bags. Time for school!”

“Aww…!” They said in unison.


Sergio was looking around the museum in awe. Sergio loved artwork; it was one of his most favorite things, outside of music. Sergio took a few pictures and really embraced the artwork. And he and Yeon even took some goofy photos with the art. And he captured a photo of Sergio and Claudio together. And Claudio got one of them together, once lunch rolled around Claudio went to go sit with his friends and Sergio and Yeon had grabbed some burgers and sat on a bench eating.

“You have a big family… I bet there is never a dull moment.”

Sergio laughed. “You can say that again. Sometimes I wish there were duller moments.”

Yeon looked sad. “You don’t… it’s just me and my Mom and it gets pretty lonely sometimes.”

Sergio looked at him sadly. “Well… you’re always welcome to my home… I mean…! If you wanna come this is! Don’t feel pressured!”

Yeon smiled. “I’d love that.”

Sergio blushed a bit and he looked away quickly. Sergio sighed. “Geez, it’s so hot.”

“Really? You’re hot?” Yeon thought that was weird considering the bitter chill.

Sergio had his head leaned back and looking up at the sky. “Yeah…”

Sergio suddenly was feeling like he had to throw up. Did the burger make him sick? He only had a few bites. Sergio stood up and he was a bit wobbly. “I’ll be back. I have to use the bathroom.” Sergio spit out as he started walking back inside to use the bathroom. Sergio only made it halfway to the bathroom before falling to his knees panting. God he was so hot and he felt so damn nauseous. Another student was on his way to the bathroom, a senior, who was known as the school asshole. He saw Sergio struggling to stand and he went to grab him and Sergio smacked his hand.

“D-... don’t…t-touch me…”

The senior looked at him annoyed. “You ungrateful bitch.” He grabbed Sergio by his hair and Sergio grunted and he pulled Sergio close to him and sniffed him. The senior laughed. “Look at you, a miserable omega bitch in heat, c'mon let me make you feel better.” The male placed one hand on Sergio’s thigh and Sergio head butted him, making the male let go and he grabbed his now badly bleeding nose. The senior went to kick at Sergio but Yeon roughly snatched him up and twisted his arm. Yeon growled. “Stay the fuck away from him. If I catch you near him again I will make your life a living hell for the rest of the year you damn pervert.” Yeon nearly broke his arm, the senior agreed quickly and ran off. Sergio felt dizzy and he barely registered Yeon was there before he passed out. Yeon grabbed Sergio and he held him close to him and he picked him up into his arms bridal style and scented him gently. To mask his smell a bit, he fought his instinct as an alpha to get Sergio to the infirmary.


Leon was laughing. “I don’t think he’s going to say much.”

Leon showed his husband a sleeping Henri with their pitbull Zeus asleep beside him. “He’s out like a light after his bath.”

Chris chuckled and smiled. “God… I miss you guys.”

“We miss you…”

“I hope I’ll be home soon but…” Chris sighed. “With this fucking mess. I don’t know.”

“How bad is it?”

“Bad. They used a kid as a bio-weapon, blew apart a whole ship on the coast of Dulvey, Louisiana. Unsuspecting family took her in, not knowing she was a bio-weapon. Wiped out the whole family except for one Zoe Baker. And Lucas Baker is missing. No idea if he is alive or dead yet. About to explore the mines for him. And two civilians. Mia and Ethan Winters.”

Leon looked at his extremely tired husband. “Sounds like a fucked situation. I’m sorry baby, but we’ll be home waiting on you. And I swear I will make your favorite meal when you come home, massage your back like you like.”

Chris sighed in happiness. “Sounds good to me already.”

“I’ll even-” Leon looked up seeing the school was calling.

“Shit the kids' school is calling.”

“It’s okay baby, I have to go. Time to get back to work. I love you.”

“Love you too, and see you soon. And Chris?”


“Be safe. Come home to us.”

“I will, I promise.” Chris waved bye and ended the video call.

Leon answered the phone. “Hello… Yes this is Leon… what?! I’m coming right now!”

Thank god for Leon’s sweet sweet neighbor who was an old woman that literally watched the kids grow up. She watched Henri while he ran to the school. Leon rushed into the infirmary and he saw the nurse giving Sergio a shot. And Claudio was standing beside him.

“What the hell is that?” Leon ran over looking at Sergio who was obviously sick.

“A suppressant. It’s just to help ease some heat symptoms.”

Leon looked surprised. “He’s in heat?”

She nodded. “The first ones are always the most unbearable. But Sergio had a caring friend who brought him to the nurses office.”

Leon looked at Claudio. “It was Yeon Mama, he brought Sergio when he passed out.”

“Sergio will be alright but he will have to take a few days off school and let it run its course.”

Leon nodded. He kissed Sergio’s forehead. “Thank you… I’ll get him home.”

“You’re welcome. Here are some care tips for at home.”

Leon maneuvered Sergio onto his back and he carried him out to the car. Leon gently laid him in the back seat and Claudio sat up front. Despite Leon’s initial panic he was glad Sergio was alright and had someone trustworthy around. Leon would really have to thank that kid.

To Be Continued…

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