Home is Where You Belong

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Leon was slowly coming to. He could hear the steady beating of monitors and he realized something was over his face. Which he instinctively grabbed for. Claudio was right by his bedside and he grabbed his hand gently and Claudio didn't know if he could hear him but he spoke anyway. "Don't pull it Mommy..! Mrs. Rebecca said to leave it on..!"

Leon slowly opened his eyes and he blinked a few times before fully opening them and he turned his head. "...Dio..." Leon gently put his hand on his face and stroked it softly. "...Hey baby."

Claudio leaned into his mothers touch and smiled. "Hi Mama."

Chris had just walked back in the room then with Domi in his arms and he saw Leon was awake.

"Leon... Rebecca!" Chris yelled into the hall. "Leon's awake..!"

Chris immediately rushed to his side with Domi and Chris gently stroked his head and kissed him.

"Oh my god... hey baby... god am I so glad to see those beautiful blue eyes."

How long had Leon been unconscious?

Rebecca stepped into the room and she smiled. "Good to see you finally awake."

Rebecca walked over slowly removing the mask from Leon's face to see how he was breathing on his own. Leon was taking a few ragged breaths at first.

"Deep... slow breaths... exactly just like that. There you go."

"...H...How long have I... been unconscious...?"

Rebecca held the chart to her chest. "It's been a week. Your body was so exhausted and you got stabbed in the ribs and shoulder, which caused you to lose quite a bit of blood." She stated. "I was able to bandage everything and stitch you up. But you had extreme fatigue. We weren't sure when you were going to wake up."

A week was too long, Leon sat up grunting through the pain.

"Leon, wait you shouldn't-"

"Back off..!" Leon said snappy. "I... a week has been too long... S..Sergio... I need to find him..."

"Leon, you can't, not in this condition."

"Then give me a steroid; I'll survive."

"Leon..." Chris tried to reason with him. "Baby you can't protect him like you need to like this.."

"I don't care..!" Leon's hands tightened on the sheets, Leon looked at Chris. "Sergio is out there... somewhere... and he's afraid and alone... and he needs us... every moment that passes by is a moment we lose him more..."

Chris looked at Leon and he knew what he meant. "Rebecca... could you make something that can give Leon the adrenaline he needs... for at least 48 hours."

"I could but it'd take time and-"

"Then please do it... so we can bring Sergio home."

Everyone turned as they heard the sound of heels against the floor. "Just like you Leon, can't take no for a simple answer."

"What the fuck is she doing here?" Leon spat.

"Relax." Ada said. "I'm here to help, which you would have known if you didn't bolt the last time."

"Ah, Sancho, you should take better care of yourself." Luis said, peeking from behind Ada.

Leon's mouth was agape. "How the hell are you alive?!"

Luis shrugged his shoulders. "Took a bad stabbing, but alive. Thanks to Ada patching me up I made it. And I am sure by now you know Krauser did as well. Which me and Ada found out was because of Wesker. He used pieces of the Amber to bring Krauser back."

"So that's who you were giving it to." Leon said, looking at Ada.

"Mm... not my proudest moment teaming up with someone. But I am making up for it now. I know exactly where Wesker is hiding out and where he has your son. We can discuss further on the way there." Ada told them.


Rebecca to the best of her ability whipped up a steroid that would keep Leon's adrenaline pumping to override the pain and help increase his stamina since he was not one hundred percent healed. Claire stayed with the kids and as did Jill. In case anyone tried to attack Claudio or Dominique they'd have protection. They knew they were in good hands. Currently Ada, Luis, Leon, and Chris were in a chopper heading to the location.

"We need to get Sergio to my lab, I have one close to the BSAA."

"Lab? For what?" Chris asked.

Luis didn't know how to tell them. "To put it in simple terms to terminate las plagas."

Leon shook his head. "Rebecca checked him when he was born. He's not infected, and he's never acted violent or like one of those things."

"Probably because it is not big, but Wesker has mixed the las plagas with the Amber. And that together will be a bad mix for your son. Despite the current state he's in, his body won't be able to handle it much longer because realistically he is only a child."

"How long does he have?" Leon asked.

Luis hummed. "Realistically by now... two, maybe three hours before it consumes him completely..."


Sergio whimpered and he curled in on himself. The virus was hurting him badly. He had black veins running all up and down his arms and some was also on his face as well. Sergio panted and he was so sick.

Krauser looked at Wesker. "He can't accomplish anything like this! He is useless to us now!"

Wesker was creating a mixed liquid. "Don't you see I am trying to fix that problem? Quit your yapping and go stand guard."

Krauser tsked annoyed and went to keep a look out.

Sergio's hand that was laying flat against the table was having black lines create around his hand.


Leon slid down the line and onto the ground last and he readied his gun. They went into the front door and when looking around it eerily quiet. And no one else was around. Leon and Chris took one side while Ada and Luis took the other. Luis looked at Ada as he walked away from the worried parents.

"Ada, help me find a lab here. I am worried that kid won't make the chopper ride back. I have a vaccine that can slow the progression slightly. But he's so small I don't know how it will affect his small body and I don't want to risk it."

Ada looked at him. "Fine, let's find the lab first and then get the Amber back. If Wesker continues to have it he's going to do much worse things with it. So let's go!"

Ada and Luis ran to get the tasks done and Leon and Chris finally came to a dead end with double doors. Chris opened it first and he got attacked by Krauser to which Chris easily fought him off and he pinned Krauser to the wall and he quickly saw a door and Krauser wasn't trying to guard it for no reason. "Go Leon! I'll handle him."

But Leon didn't have to step far before Wesker was thrown through the door. Wesker had miscalculated how the Amber would work on a child and mixing it with las plagas was a mistake. He couldn't die here. Not yet. So he retreated, leaving everyone else to die.

Sergio shakily stepped forward and Sergio puked up black vomit out of his mouth.

Naturally as any parent would Leon rushed to his side. "Sergio...!"

Sergio shook his head weakly. "..s...stay away...!" Sergio yelled and Leon backed up. "I... I can't..." Sergio growled like an animal that was fighting its primal instincts. "...f...fight...it...!"

Krauser was even shocked he had never seen anything like it, not this bad. Chris restrained Krauser and he was able to maneuver cuffs onto him. Ada and Luis were running to them. "LEON!" Luis yelled.

"Bring the pup this way!"

Leon slowly approached Sergio. "D...do..don't touch... m.. me.. I... I don't..." Sergio looked up with tears in his eyes and black tears ran down his face. "...m...ma...Mama... sick..."

Leon didn't care and he ran over. Leon didn't have much strength himself but with what he did he picked up his son bridal style and followed Luis and Ada as fast as he could. Luis opened the door and Leon ran in.

"Lay him here! Hurry!" Luis booted up everything, and Leon laid Sergio down on the table and Sergio cried out in pain. It was hurting him so bad. Ada strapped Sergio's hands down tightly and Luis turned on the machine and it was searching for the parasite and Amber once found he pressed the button. The machine whirled up and Sergio screamed loudly. Sergio tossed his head back in excruciating pain. And before their eyes as the parasites were being terminated Sergio's body was going back to his original state. Back to the small seven year old boy he was supposed to be. Luis looked at the computer and it said termination complete and once the machine stopped Leon immediately undid the binds and he picked Sergio up and Sergio was limp in his arms.

"Sergio... baby... Mommy's here... I'm here..." He said, running his hand through his hair. Chris took care of Krauser and he ran to the room where everyone else was and he saw Leon kneeling down holding Sergio and Leon brushed the loose strands of hair out of his face. Chris immediately came over and he kissed Sergio's little cheeks and held his small hand.

Luis reached over and he checked Sergio's pulse, and the male sighed in absolute relief.

"The little one is exhausted, but will be fine." Luis told them both.

Chris and Leon looked at Luis. "Thank you..." Chris said. "Thank you for helping our son."

Luis nodded. "Of course."

Chris and Leon stood up and Leon had Sergio pressed against his chest and Chris held them both tightly and he kissed them both so glad they were both okay. They could finally go home with their baby boy safely in their arms.

To Be Continued...

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