It'll Be Alright

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Leon was pissed. How could they even suggest something like that??? The B.S.A.A. and the D.S.O. were definitely overstepping. No way was he agreeing to that. No way in hell.

Leon chuckled angrily at Hunnigan. " let me get this straight.. They want me to carry the baby literally up until the day before it's almost too late to terminate my pregnancy and then they want me to-"


"No! They want me to have a fucking abortion so they can experiment on my baby?! Do you even hear your fucking self?! Hear how that sounds?!"

Leon stood up and he shook his head annoyed. "No. I'm not fucking doing that. The B.S.A.A. and the D.S.O. can go to hell. Over my fucking dead body will they be doing anything to my baby."

"Leon-" Hunnigan went to touch him and Leon snatched away like she was poison.

"Don't fucking touch me! Leave me alone." Leon left out and slammed the door. Leon made his way to his office and he closed the door sighing and he teared up in frustration and felt a small pain in his stomach. Leon needed to calm down, it was clear the baby wasn't appreciating this stress. Leon huffed and he rubbed his stomach. "I know... I'm sorry. I swear... I won't let anyone hurt you.." Leon said as he gently rubbed his stomach.


As the months went by Leon didn't really bother with anyone else other than Chris and Claire. Claire knew that Leon had been infected with the plaga and that it had been extracted. But he had no idea he was pregnant when he got infected so he was worried for the baby. But Claire agreed, no way was her niece or nephew becoming subject to being a fucking experiment. Leon was currently 6 months pregnant. He just had a check up appointment. Claire went with him since Chris couldn't and today Leon could have found out the sex but he'd let it be a surprise both for him and Chris. Claire smiled as she watched Leon scarf down his B.L.T. Claire laughed and Leon slightly blushed embarrassed as he noticed Claire watching him.

"So... Sorry I'm starving."

Claire smiled. "It's okay, to be fair you are eating for two. Have you told Chris yet?"

Leon looked down. "No.. I am tonight. Soon the baby will be born and he... he needs to know. I just didn't want to worry him."

"I know. But he needs to know because what if the baby ended up not being healthy Leon? You have to prepare Chris for that."

Leon looked down sadly. He knew but he didn't like to think about it. The baby being unhealthy or coming out like one of those infected fucking things in Spain. Leon wasn't really a religious man but he prayed to whatever God was out there to please let his baby just be born normal. He hoped the plaga was extracted in time to keep them healthy. Leon sighed.

"I know... and I'm telling him tonight. Promise."


Chris noticed Leon was staring off into space and he reached over the table gently grabbing his hand.

"Do you and the baby not like steak right now?"

Leon blinked and he was coming out of his haze. "What?"

"You haven't really touched your food. I can make you something else."

Leon smiled, laughing slightly. "No baby really it's good.. Thank you. I just.. Chris I have something to tell you. But promise me you won't get mad.."

Chris looked at the obvious concern etched onto Leon's face.

"Okay I won't get mad."

Leon took a moment before speaking. "While in Spain... I got infected with las plagas. And at the time I was throwing up a lot while there. Truthfully I just thought it was because of the virus but then when I got home..."

" found out it was because you were pregnant...?"

Leon nodded.

Chris was not happy to hear this at all. His main concern was their health. "Do you still have the virus in your body?"

"No.. no I extracted it but.. the nurse I saw that day said she didn't know if it affected the baby or not. And they wouldn't know until they were born so... there's a possibility the baby could be affected... and it.. It's all my fucking fault.." Leon teared up. That felt like a stab in Chris's chest.

"Our one shot at a fucking family and I got infected and now it could cost us the one thing we both yearned for the most!" Leon said frustrated and in complete tears.

Chris put his silverware down and he got up going to Leon, nuzzling the distressed omega. "Oh baby... hey... look at me.. look at me..."

Chris cupped his cheeks and he wiped his tears and gave him kisses of encouragement.

"You didn't know... I know if you knew you would have done everything in your power to refuse that mission..." Chris was hopeful and he smiled. "Our baby... there a little fighter... they are going to be strong and fierce... and I believe they will also be a bit stubborn." Leon laughed at that. "My point is.. they'll come out 100 percent healthy, and we will have so many years to love them. They'll be fine. Both of you will be, okay?"

Leon nodded and he kissed Chris and they both held each other, and they held onto that hope.


Chris was panicking and Claire had truly never seen him so panicked. Leon had made it to 8 and a half months and they were having dinner out together when suddenly Leon had let out a yelp Chris had never heard. It was a blood curdling scream and when Chris picked up his pregnant omega there was so much blood. Chris currently had blood all over his jacket, shirt, and hands. Claire grabbed her brother's hand.

"Hey... they're going to be okay..."

Chris was breathing heavily. "..t..there was so much blood.. And they won't let me in there with Leon... they-"

Claire understood. Claire comforted her brother in any way she could. It seemed like an eternity before they heard anything. Finally the doctor came over.

"Mr. Redfield?"

"Yes.." Chris said, standing up worriedly.

"Leon and your newborn son are just fine." He smiled. "Seems the placenta broke earlier than expected which also caused a lot of blood. But we were able to stabilize Leon and despite the early birth your little boy is a fighter."

Chris was relieved. "Can I see them?"

He nodded. "Yes, of course. Follow me."

The doctor took Chris to Leon and when Chris walked in Leon turned his head and smiled at him and in his arms was a little baby boy with chestnut brown hair; that was curly and hazel green eyes. He was so beautiful and he looked a lot like Chris. Chris came over in awe. The first thing he did was kiss Leon and the baby.

"Oh my god.. he's so little.. and he looks just like me.."

Leon smiled. "He does.. Sergio this is your Papa.."

"..Sergio?" Chris said.

"Yes. Do you not like it? We can-" Chris kissed him suddenly.

"I love it.. Thank you Leon. Thank you for giving birth to him."

Leon blushed and he nuzzled his alpha. "I would do it again. Happily. All that matters is this. This moment. Just me, you, and Sergio." Leon said softly.

On October 12th, Sergio Kennedy-Redfield was born and he was 5 lbs and 12 oz. And he had no idea how loved he'd be by Leon and Chris.

To Be Continued...

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