New Beginnings

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Beep. Beep. Beep

Chris pulled the thermometer out of Leon’s mouth and he frowned. A 102 fever. No way was Chris letting the omega do anything today other than rest. The alpha covered him up and he went and got a cold wash cloth and he placed it over Leon’s forehead. In hopes to bring the fever down. Chris would for sure have Rebecca come check him out a little later. Since Leon was unwell Chris picked up all the housework which started with breakfast. Much to his surprise all the little ones were still knocked out cold including even Domi which was a shocker. So Chris quickly wiped up some pancake batter. He followed the instructions step by step from a cookbook Leon had because anyone who knows Chris knows Leon is definitely the chef in the household; not him. Chris was not very good with cooking but he had little ones to feed and a sick omega so he’d make it happen. Even if the alpha had to cave in and order breakfast. Chris somehow managed to make the batter perfect and he was damn proud of himself. He then used a flat griddle and placed 6 pancakes on there. He remembered Leon said when bubbles appeared on the side showing it was time for the pancakes to flip, so while he waited for that to happen he started cracking eggs into a bowl, salting and peppering them, before he whisked away the eggs. Chris heard a little pitter patter of feet and Claudio peeked his head into the kitchen.

Chris smiled at his little one. “Good morning, wanna help Papa with breakfast?”

Claudio nodded. “Where’s Mama? Daddy doesn’t cook.”

Chris laughed. “You’re right usually I don’t but Mama is sick. So I’m filling in.”

Claudio pouted. “I hope Mama gets well soon.”

“Yeah, me too buddy. Here… you can help me pour the eggs.”

Claudio took the bowl and he poured the eggs into the pan for Chris. Just then Sergio came down and he noticed the pancakes on the verge of burning and quickly flipped them.

“Daddy! The pancakes almost burned!” Sergio whined. And suddenly they heard a loud cry. Which was definitely Domi screaming his head off in his crib.

“I’ve got it!” Sergio ran up to get his baby brother while Claudio finished helping. Chris has no idea how the hell they did it but with the kids' help they somehow managed breakfast and eating it. Chris was cleaning up but before he did that he warmed up soup for Leon and Sergio was slowly taking it up stairs on a serving tray with Claudio following behind to help. They gently knocked before entering. “Mama? We bought soup.”

Leon smiled tiredly and he leaned up as much as he could. “Thank you my loves…”

They got up into the bed with Leon and soon enough even little Domi joined them. Domi gave Leon one of his stuffed animals and Sergio helped him drink some water, while Claudio got some soup and blew on it. He put his hand under the spoon and put it up to Leon’s lips. “Mama, say ah!”

“Ah…” Leon said and Claudio fed him, Leon only got half way through the soup before he couldn’t stomach anymore. Just then Chris had come up to collect Leon’s soup and he smiled seeing his little one being so helpful.

“Okay kiddos, go play. Papa’s got it.”

The little ones kissed Leon’s cheek before going to play, and Chris sat by his bedside.

“Hey baby… how are you feeling?”

“Like shit… and so tired. How are thing with-”

Chris shook his head. “Don’t you worry. Everything is well. I’ve got it handled. Just rest.” Chris said, stroking his sweaty bangs back. “Rebecca should be here around 1:30 to check on you.”

Leon nodded and for now he definitely listened to Chris and got some well deserved sleep. Chris didn’t give Leon any medicine yet, not until Rebecca gave a diagnosis. When 1::30 hit Rebecca was right on time and Chris let her in.

“Hey, how’s the patient?” 

“Knocked out. C’mon, he’s up stairs.”

Rebecca followed Chris up stairs and she checked Leon out and even drew some blood for safe measure. 

“This is all I need. I’ll call with the results in about an hour.” She smiled.


An hour had passed and Chris received a call from Rebecca and he was shocked to say the least. Chris listened to Rebecca’s instructions and nodded while hanging up the phone. Chris  went to check back on Leon and when he walked in the kids were snuggled with him, keeping him company.

Leon sighed tiredly. “So what’s the prognosis?”

“Well you’re not dying if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Haha, very funny…” He said huffing.

“Leon, you’re pregnant.”

Leon nearly spit out the water he was drinking. “...w-what?”

“You’re pregnant.” Chris repeated. “She said about 4 weeks.”

“Mommy’s having a baby?!” Sergio said excitedly. 

The kids were happy and Sergio was holding Domi.

“Dominique you’re gonna be a big brother!” Sergio chirped.

Chris sat on the bed and he kissed Leon right on the lips and nuzzled him. “I’m happy…”

Leon’s heart melted seeing how excited they were. It’s not that Leon wasn’t but he was shocked as he wasn’t really trying to bear more fruit.


“Of course, who the hell else would I wanna do this thing called life with other than you? And we get to have another little us.”

Leon laughed and he kissed Chris again, and the Kennedy-Redfield family just enjoyed the exciting moment and news.

To Be Continued…

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