Perfect For Me

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Today was the day and Sergio was so fucking nervous. He had just left a doctor's appointment with his parents and Henri, the poor little one needed to be checked since he was so miserable with his cold. This appointment was his first actually and they told Sergio he was currently 8 weeks and he was able to see the little baby. The baby was so small it truly looked like a dot but Sergio had to admit seeing that little baby inside of his stomach and hearing their heart beat the omega was absolutely in love. He had no doubt about the choice he was making. He just hoped Lee Yeon would love the baby too. And here he was now sitting in the back seat with a scan in his hands, in front of his and Yeon's favorite coffee shop.

"Baby we will respect your wishes and not go in."

Chris grumbled and growled.

"Much to your father's dislike. But we understand. If you need us we will be right here okay?"

Sergio nodded and he sighed. "Wish me luck Henri." He said looking at his little brother in his car seat.

"Luck! Luck!" Henri clapped and Sergio kissed his forehead before getting out. The omega stuck the scan in his back pocket and he walked in seeing Yeon already sitting down. Yeon stood up immediately and hugged the omega lovingly. He held Sergio for a bit, inhaling his scent.

"God... I've missed you so much. I hated being gone these 2 weeks in Korea."

Hearing those words. How much his boyfriend missed him. His heart absolutely soared.

"I missed you too."

Yeon pulled back smiling at him and he kissed him gently. He helped his little omega sit down before sitting down himself.

"I got your favorite. Strawberry milk tea and a croissant with that cinnamon butter you love."

Sergio giggled. "Trying to butter me up from being gone for two weeks?"

"Did it work?" Yeon asked.

Sergio hit him playfully and laughed. "Maybe a little. You know breakfast and hot men are my weakness." Sergio said, taking a bite of the croissant.

"Looks like I'm winning in both areas then." He smiled while taking a sip of his iced americano.

"How was Korea? How's your grandma?"

"She's good. It was nice to see her and I had fun. But I missed you, video calls weren't enough."

"I admit they did suck. I missed you just as much and I actually uh... found out some news when you were gone..."

"Oh really what?"

"I-" Sergio was having a hard time saying it, so he just took out the ultrasound and shakily handed it to Yeon. It read Sergio Kennedy-Redfield at the top and under it had a photo of a small gray dot in a black space.

"A-are you... are you pregnant?"

Sergio slowly nodded and he bit his lip and fuck his horomones as he felt the tears slipping down his face.

"Oh baby... no no... why are you crying huh?" Yeon got up and he sat on the same side with Sergio and he wiped his tears and brushed his omega's hair back.

"...because I- this is so sudden... and I don't know if you even want a baby- and we're so young... and I-"

Yeon leaned forward, capturing his lips and he stopped Sergio's rambling. He slowly broke the kiss and he looked at the omega. "Breathe. You're right it was unexpected and it's scary as hell... but... I know I love you. And I know I want to be with you the rest of my life. And I- I want our baby." Yeon said, placing his hand on Sergio's belly. "I'm scared as hell. But we've got this, we'll be great parents."

Sergio smiled at him and he hugged the alpha and nuzzled him lovingly. Back out in the car Leon and Chris were being noisy. Leon smiled. "Seems like they want the same thing."

"I still wanna strange that kid. They're so young!" Chris groaned.

"So were we. We were nowhere near ready when we had Sergio , we were a mess. But we figured it out. They will too." Leon smiled and he leaned over kissing Chris.

"I know seeing him grow up is hard."

"Seeing any of them grow up is hard... they're my babies. I'd keep them that way forever if I could."

"I know. I would too." Leon admitted. "But they have to fly the coop sometime."

"Really? Fly the coop?"

"Oh don't give me shit about the joke."

"It was a subpar joke."

Leon flicked him off and Chris nipped his cheek.

"Aaah! Did you just bite me?!"

"I was retailing!"

Leon gave him a dirty look and Chris busted out laughing and he gave Leon a few kisses. Just then Sergio opened the door and got in the car.

"Eww settle down love birds."

"Hope you know that's how you got here." Chris said.

"Oh my god Dad!" Sergio said, mortified.

"It's true. Those kisses led to so much more."

"Oh my god I literally want to pour bleach in my ears."

Leon and Chris snickered as they teased their son.

"I am so glad Henri is asleep." Sergio said.

"Actually I am too because he's a little parrot. He'll repeat it all." Leon said.

All three of them laughed as they headed back home. With a much healthier toddler and a happy omega who's alpha wanted him and their baby.

To Be Continued...

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