Trust and Protection

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Ethan was able to find some herbs and he rubbed some of the green herbs over the gash on Domi's head. Domi winced as Ethan gently stroked over it.

"Sorry..." The male apologized. "How bad does it hurt?"

"Pretty fucking bad.." Domi admitted as Ethan started wrapping the bandages around his head.

"Feel dizzy at all?"



Domi shook his head. "Good... doesn't seem like you have a concussion then."

Domi looked at his phone. "Shit... it was cracked and it had no signal." He sighed.

Ethan and Domi had followed a lead that led them to Luiza's home and there were a lot of other people also there. Humans, scared nonetheless.

"Is he alright?" The woman they had saved along with her father asked him. Her name was Elena.

"He's okay... thanks."

"He yours?" She asked.

"Ah no... I'm trying to help him get reconnected with his Dad and I'm looking for my daughter, Rose."

"I hope you find your daughter."

"Me too. I-"

Ethan and Domi jumped as the father started being erratic.

"Dominique, come here!" Ethan immediately grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind him. He also grabbed Elena and told her to stay away from her father who was being aggressive and attacking the villagers. The house was quickly burning down. Domi coughed as they were all inhaling the smoke. Elena looked and she noticed a vehicle. "Ethan, there's a car!" She yelled.

Domi looked around and he ripped dressers apart as he looked for the keys, he finally found them and ran to Ethan as he coughed loudly.

"Ethan, catch!"

Domi tossed him the keys and Ethan caught them telling them to step back as he tried to break through the house but it was useless. They had to climb up to a window. Ethan got up first and then he pulled Domi up. The omega was panting heavily and Ethan noticed his breathing was really off. Ethan cupped his face and made the young omega look at him.

"Dominique, look at me... are you okay?"

Ethan could hear Domi gasping. "I... I... as-...asthma..." He barely spit out.

"Shit... we have to get you out of here! Elena, come on! We have to get him out of here now!"

Ethan got Elena up and they were quickly making it to the top and Ethan saw a window. He gently sat Domi down. "Stay here, just try to breathe."

Ethan was worried it was getting much worse. He tried to save them both. But in the end, Elena perished with her father. Ethan quickly got Domi out of the window and into the fresh air at this point Domi was struggling to take a decent breath. Ethan sat him up right and he made Domi look at him.

"Look at me... breathe with me..."

Ethan made Domi take slow and deep breaths trying to get him steady. It seemed like it lasted forever but after 7 long minutes Domi's breathing evened out. Ethan gently brushed his loose strands of hair back and he looked over his face.

"You okay?"

Domi finally opened his eyes and nodded. "Y-yes... thank you Ethan..."

Ethan nodded. "Good... good... we have to keep moving okay? Can you stand?"

The small omega nodded as Ethan helped him up and they got down to the ground. Heading to their next destination.


Leon was making some breakfast for everyone and Daisuke came down, yawning and he stretched. He looked around and noticed Domi wasn't downstairs.

"Domi isn't down here?"

Leon shook his head. "I thought he was up stairs with you still sleeping. He isn't?"

"No..." Daisuke said.

Daisuke could see as worry crossed Leon's face. Domi was not one to leave without leaving a note or letting Leon know. Leon turned off the stove and moved the pan and he started searching the house with Daisuke.



Sergio was just coming out of the bathroom. "Mama what's wrong?"

"Domi is gone! I thought he was asleep with Daisuke but he wasn't."

Sergio's eyes widened. Everyone started looking for him but there was no trace of him. Leon went to his room and he opened a dresser seeing his inhaler. "Fuck..." Leon immediately got his phone and he looked at his tracker app. He didn't see Domi's phone so hopefully it was on. Leon opened the app and he saw Domi's last location and he was 2 miles away from Chris.


"Mama, did you-"

"He followed your father!" Leon started grabbing clothes and his holsters and guns.

"Wait, what?!"

"Sergio, I need you to stay here with your brother's and sister. I am going to go get him."

"By yourself?! That's suicide!"

Daisuke came into the room and he volunteered. "I can go."

"No way, you're a civilian. You'd slow me down and I'd have to keep an eye on you. It's better for me to go alone. I need you both to stay here and watch over the kids."

"But-" Daisuke was going to protest.

"No, promise me. Both of you."

Sergio and Daisuke looked at one another.

"...Okay..." Sergio said. "We'll stay."

Leon got dressed and strapped up quickly and he called Hunnigan for transportation. As Leon was leaving out he kissed his children goodbye with a promise to be back soon. As soon as the door shut Sergio was making a call.


Aunt Jill, we have a problem...


"ETA is 3 minutes Kennedy, prepare for landing."

Leon nodded and he had them drop him at Domi's last location and Leon's eyes widened as he saw the smoke from a now snuffed out fire. Leon went to check his phone and he groaned in annoyance.

"I should have known there was no fucking signal. Shit...!"

Leon could no longer check Domi's location; he had to track him the old way. By simply following clues. Domi was smart and they raised him well. Leon knew he'd leave subtle clues that would stand out to them but no one else.


When Domi opened his eyes they widened as he saw 5 people that seemed to be human but he wasn't sure. Was that a damn doll walking around? Domi looked down and his hands were shackled and he looked at Ethan.

"Ethan..! Ethan, wake up!"

"Oh look! This one's awake!" Angie said happily.

Domi's eyes widened as the doll tried to approach him.

"Fuck off...!" The omega snapped.

Angie looked angrily. "I don't like this one. We should make mincemeat out of him."

"Let me handle them mother, I am more qualified than this child!"

Ethan finally came to and he looked around and quickly accessed the situation and looked at Domi.

"You pasty cunt!"

"Watch your mouth-"

"Silence!!" Mother Miranda yelled.

"That man there. Do what you must with him, Heisenberg. I'll let you have a go at it."

Lady Dimitrescu scoffed. "And what of this one?"

Mother Miranda approached him slowly and she got him up on two feet.

"Leave him alone!" Ethan yelled as he tried to get out of the restraints.

"This one is only a child." She said softly. "Such an innocent little thing." Domi's eyes widened as Heisenberg took Ethan. "No! No! Ethan!"

Heisenberg cracked the ground under Ethan's body and Domi saw as the floor collapsed. "ETHAN!!!"

Domi tried to go to him but Miranda grabbed Domi's shoulders. Do not worry about his safety, little one. He is no longer your concern. These can be your brother's and sisters, hm?"

Domi looked her dead in the eye.

"This could be a good place, a sanctuary for even your own child." Domi felt as the woman placed a hand on his stomach and he smacked her hand away.

"I'm not your fucking family!"

That pissed Miranda off and Domi felt as she grabbed his face harshly and was yanking him around.

"You spoiled... ungrateful... smart mouthed child! I will teach you some manners." Miranda said as she pulled Domi to a ledge. "When you have learned to behave like a good little mouse I will come get you."

Miranda's hand was close to Domi's mouth and he bit it hard and she grunted and let him go. Domi lost his footing as he fell into the hole. Ethan saw as Domi fell down and he heard as his body hit the bones and ground. Domi cried out as his back hit the ground hard, the wind was knocked out of him and Ethan's eyes widened as he saw a big spinning clog with spikes, coming towards Domi. Ethan didn't hesitate as he rushed over and grabbed Domi and he pulled the omega's body across the ground. Ethan saw a small hole and He dragged himself and Domi to it. Ethan put Domi in his lap and he caged Domi between his chest and bound hands.

"Come on... come on...!" The spikes finally came close enough and Ethan stuck his hands out letting the spikes break the shackles and stop the device. Once his hands were free he got Domi's hands free and Ethan looked down at him.

"Dominique?" Ethan tried to wake him and the omega grunted in pain. Ethan knew that was a long fall. Had he broken his ribs? Ethan didn't know how hurt he was because he was unconscious.

"Okay... okay... we have to get out of here." Ethan maneuvered so he could get him and Domi out of the hole and past the spikes safely. Once out Ethan maneuvered Domi onto his back so he could carry him. Ethan grunted as he stood up. He was in pain but he had to keep pushing for Rose's sake. And Domi's too. He swore to him he'd make sure he got back home. And damn it was he going to follow through with that.

To Be Continued...

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