Chapter 6

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Burt have lost track of time.

He didn't mean to. he was supposed to put Soph back in bed after she has fallen asleep in his arms. however, that thought has been pushed to the back of his head and forgotten. 

His head was cramped with thoughts and what made him really upset was that all the thoughts inside his head were negative and painful.

His tired eyes stared at the wall across his bed. it would have been blank if the nightstand next to the bed was out of the way. he didn't realize that he was in the same position for the longest time, it almost looked like he died with his eyes open and a child in his arms.

He looked over to the alarm clock on the nightstand. according to the clock, it 12:02, just the beginning of twelve. 

You should get some sleep and stop worrying! everything will be fine.

Burt shivered at that cheerful and positive voice. he didn't expect a positive thought in his mind, cramped up with all the other thoughts in the crowd, waiting for a perfect time to speak up.

Though, it was right.

It was getting late and if he let his thoughts distract him any further, he'll probably fall asleep around 3 AM or later. he sighed and squeezed his eyes, forcing his body to get up and carefully pick up the small sleeping body.

Once Burt arrived at Soph's room, he placed the child on the bed, grabbing Mr. Giraffe nearby and placing it next to her. 

He suddenly got a shiver sent down his spine and looked over to the open window. now, he never closed the window because Soph enjoyed the breeze of the window, despite it being extremely cold outside.

Burt bit his lip and closed the window, blocking out the cold wind from outside. the window was probably how Soph got out of the house in the first place and he didn't want to be reminded.

He stared at the night sky, trying to see if he could spot any stars in the sky. he couldn't, of course, he never could. he suddenly had this urge to go outside, like he did when he was smaller and clueless.

Demo really lost his shit whenever I start wandering off in the middle of the night.

He knew it would be bad to start that habit now but he couldn't help it. he loved doing it back then and plus, the look on Demo's face every time she found him was fucking priceless.

He sighed and shook his head, turning the lights off in Soph's room and left to go and get his jacket. he found his jacket on the floor in his bedroom. he bent down and picked it up, putting it on before leaving his room.

He left through the backdoor, careful to turn off the lights and sneak past Demo. thankfully, he didn't wake him up and the sound of him closing the backdoor didn't seem to wake him up either.

Demo is usually a light sleeper...

The thought didn't seem to bother Burt as much as he started to walk away from the house. he didn't plan to just stay inside the fence so he opened the small door of the fence, avoiding the hole on said fence.

Who the fuck sawed a hole into the fence?

The hole was small enough for a child like Sarah and Soph but not for an adult like Burt. well,he managed to pass the fence, walking even further away from the house. he wasn't sure where he was going at all but he didn't care where.

That's what a normal person would do. worry about where their going.

Burt's thoughts were insanely active. he didn't know why but they only said small things from time to time. 

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his shoulder but brushed it off. the pain, however, didn't seem to go away. Burt stopped in his tracks to check on his shoulder.

It seemed fine. it was fine. when he touched it, there was no trace of blood at all. he just assumed that it was cramp of some kind, if shoulders could even receive cramps at all.

He hoped they did.

He continued walking, letting his mind taking control. suddenly, he got dizzy, his head started hurting. he, once again, started assuming. he turned around and started heading home but the more he started walking, the worse his head got.

He hoped that he could get through the pain so he could make back home but his vision got blurry and his eyelids felt heavy.

he slowly sank to the frozen dirt, grip tightening on the sleeves of his jacket. he laid down, curling up into a ball as he passed out from the pain his head was giving him.

God damn it Burt, what did you do..?


Now, Demo was never a fan of the police. he was an arsonist, a criminal of fire and the police was his enemy.

But now, both Burt and Sven went missing in under one night and no one but the police can help them.  Demo did search everywhere. the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, even the fucking basement.

Burt wasn't there at all. he wasn't even in Soph's room.

Strangely enough, Soph wasn't even awake. she probably slept, considering that yesterday was too much for her to handle. or anybody.

Today is another day, right?

Demo stared at his phone, which laid it's plastic back on the dining table. he wasn't sure about this. maybe he could find them himself. he could probably get a babysitter for Soph and Sarah and look for the two.

That... that could work.

Demo sighed, hands shoving into his hair. he wasn't sure about this but this is what any normal person would do, right? they'd cry over the phone as they report their loved one missing. or maybe there's a another number to call.

Footsteps were heard, walking down the stairs. Demo looked over his shoulder then grabbed his phone to check the time. it was 9 o'clock and either Soph or Sarah woke up.

To his surprise, it was Sarah. unlike him and Soph, she doesn't look tired... or  she doesn't look like any emotion at all. her eyes were pitch black, no one could tell what emotion her eyes would hold.

The only act of emotion is her voice, eyebrows and hands.

Well, her hands are used for slapping people across the face.

"What's wrong?" Sarah asked, her head cocked. Demo shook his head as he pushed his phone to the side. "nothing. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Demo's voice sounded a bit groggy. Sarah voice, however sounded like she been awake.

It always had.

She looked like she didn't believe him. he could feel the sweat dripping down his skin, making him feel all gross and dirty. he suddenly had an urge to take a bath but fought it.

Anything could be happening to him at his point. to them. 

Sarah walked away into the kitchen, leaving Demo in peace. to think once more as if he wasn't thinking enough. now, the phone. the damn thing is just sitting there, waiting for something. no one knows what, but it's just waiting.

Should I call?

Demo doesn't want to. he really doesn't.

What about Soph?

Eh, she'll be fine. though, he really doubts it. both of her parents are missing and she's alone. not to mention that she's one of those kids.

This.. was gonna be a long ass week.

Soph has woken up, wrapped up in her blanket. yesterday's memories haven't returned to her yet but that night, she had the strangest dream.however, she enjoyed it. it wasn't a nightmare but it wasn't your typical dream either.

It was just a strange dream.

She sat up, sitting there for awhile. that is, until she heard a tapping noise.


The memories came rushing back. she squeezed her eyes and looked over her shoulder. she was afraid that she'd see that woman again. it was her fault that he's gone. her throat ran dry as she thought more about it.

She decided to focus what's tapping the window.

Soph let out a sigh of relief when she saw a bird, a house wren. it tapped the glass with it's beak, making that tapping sound that was now, Soph's least favorite sound.

Besides fish, Soph also found birds fascinating creatures. a smile formed on her lips as she climbed onto the heater, careful not to fall. she opened the window, getting a good look at the bird.

The bird tilted it's head, staring at her with it's eyes. Soph always wondered if there was any eye color in the animal's eyes other then just pain black. to her, black was a boring color, it was just so plain.

Though, there was something odd about the house wren. normally, they're brown but this one.. was some kind of yellow. it never bothered Soph but to normal people, it must be slightly concerning.

No, it IS concerning. people could assume that this bird has went through shit in order to get that kind of color on it's fur and Soph was sure that it wasn't paint at all.

Whatever, at least the bird didn't look hurt in anyway. that's a plus.

Soph picked up the bird, carefully bringing it inside. she didn't want to scare the bird off. was it cold? she understood, it was cold outside and the bird probably had nowhere to go.

That was her thinking.

She placed the bird on her bed before closing the window shut, blocking out the cold wind from entering. she turned over to the house wren and smiled.

"You must have been cold." she said, picking up the bird and sat down the bed. "you needed a place to stay, didn't you?" she asked, tilting her head. the bird copied her movement. 

The bird got comfy in Soph's hands, acting as if it was nest, it decided to take a rest, closing it's eyes and let itself drift off to a slumber. Soph smile only grew.

"I see." she whispered. "you must be very tired from your trip." she kept her voice in a low whisper, slowly getting up from the bed. Soph tried her best to not wake the animal in her hands up as she got out of her bedroom and into the stairs.

It was hard, sure. trying not to trip. she wouldn't want to fall down these stairs, no one does really. your body feels like a rag doll when it falls down those stairs. if your lucky enough, those stairs might not hit your head.

Though, if the hood off your jacket doesn't go over your head or if your not wearing one then chances are slightly. then boom.


Soph managed to reach to the bottom of the stairs, stopping every once in awhile. she then went over to the dining room, to greet Demo. (who, was deep in thought.)

"De, look!" Soph said, feeling proud of herself. Demo looked at the palms of her hands and saw the bird sleeping in there. 

"How did you get a bird in here?" Demo asked, wondering if Soph ever went outside by any chance. "the bird was knocking on my window! can she stay, please?" the blonde pleaded, looking at the bird in her hands.

Demo sighed. "I guess so." he shrugged. the blonde smiled and kissed the bird's head. though, Demo wasn't so sure about his answer. now, the real problem other then the house wren.

Burt and Sven.

Soph still doesn't know and Sarah... well, Demo assumed she knew. the dead child seemed a bit off this morning. her movement gave it away. his eyes traced over to his phone, which was still waiting.

The boy scoffed. he wasn't gonna turn into soft yogurt just because someone went missing. the people who lived in this very house wasn't normal like everyone else and Demo was sure that normal people would have called the police by now.

But the police could be careless as well. it take them years for them to track down two adults. what a joke.

Demo decided that he'll find them himself. fuck the police. he stood up and left the dining room, probably heading for the stairs. he'll find some clothes and blend in with people, though, he's not sure if he should bring the girls along.

At the end, he didn't make the call. 

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