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"if i'd told you we couldn't have fixed these bikes what would you have said?" Jacob questioned as he sat in the passenger side of Bella's truck. Violet watched Bella drive as she sat wedged between her Cousin and Jacob.

"Are you doubting your mad skills?" Bella questioned her grip on the steering wheel tightening as she glanced over at the pair sat beside her.

"No- Definitely not. I mean they'll run fine. just maybe if i was smarter i would've dragged out the re-build a bit" Jacob shrugged causing Violets head to jerk toward him, He wasn't wrong. Maybe that would've been a smarter idea.

"bit late for that now Jake" violet shrugged nudging his arm with her Elbow. The memory of Bella riding off into the darkness with an unfamiliar man replaying in violets mind making her expression dull.

"If you told me you couldn't fix these bikes. id say that's really too bad, cause we'll just have to find something else to do." Bella smiled as Violets eyes remained in the road ahead trying to distract from the fact she felt like she was interfering in their conversation.

a lopsided smile growing on Jakes lips as his eyes flickered over to Bella, Before Noticing the way Violet's eyes drooped falling on her hands as she picked at the skin around her nails causing Jakes brows to furrow.

"Is that Sam uley" Bella questioned taking Jacobs focus from the girl sat beside him as he looked up. A group of Shirtless teenage boys stood On the edge of a cliff wrestling each other.

"Yeah- Him and his Cult." Jacob confirmed before Two of the boys Wrestling fell from the edge of the Cliff, tumbling through the air before a violent splash of water broke their fall. Violet was Jolted forward as Bellas foot instantly connected with the break.

"Oh my god, Did you see that?" Bella exclaimed jumping out of the truck. She frantically ran across the road her expression laced with Concern as Violet's wife eyes met Jacob as he laughed. Violet following him as he got out the truck.

"Jake that's not funny what the fuck are they doing" Violet scoffed watching another one of the boys jump from the Cliff.

"They're not really fighting. They're cliff diving Scary as hell, But a total rush." Jacob Chuckled leaning against the truck, His words calming violets anxiety until she saw the look of panic in Bella's eyes change to a look of amusement.

"A rush?"  Bella wondered her eyes remaining on the boys jumping from the cliff as Jacob continued; "Yeah. Most of us jump from lower down. we leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples"

"You do that?" Violets eyes narrowed as she turned to look at Jacob, he jumped. off cliffs. for fun? Violet shook her head in disbelief.

"Not from as high as they are. But yeah" Jacob confirmed with a chuckle as he looked down at Violet while Bella made her way back over to the pair.

"you have some kind of beef with them or something?" She asked noticing the way Jacob spoke about them, Jacob shrugged as his eyes flickered between the two girls and the boys Jumping in the distance.

"I don't know. they just think they run this place. Embry used to call them Hall monitors on steroids, now look at him." Jacob nodded towards one of the boys hyping himself up to jump.

"That's Embry?" Violet asked watching him jump from the Cliff, He seemed to be completely different to how he'd been when she'd met him weeks prior.

"Yeah" Jacob confirmed partially rolling his eyes as he Glanced back to the boys a sudden anger consuming his striking brown eyes.

"what happened to him?" Bella question her focus now on Jacob as violet glanced out into the distance watching the boys. Oh how she wished she had the confidence to do something like that, Yet she was just like her best friend Stiles. Riddled with Anxiety.

"He missed some school. now all of a sudden he's started following Sam around like a little puppy. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared.... Sam keeps giving me this look- Like he's waiting for me or something... It's kinda starting to Freak me out." Jacob explained, His words attracting Violets Attention. The girl further piecing together a puzzle she planned to present to her brother when he got back.

"Just avoid him" Bella suggested earning a scoff from violet before the lewis girl added; "or tell him to do one"

"I try" Jacob nodded offering Violet a soft smile before his eyes drifted to the scene behind her, Sam launching himself from the Cliff. Preforming an impressive flip before the water shattered around him breaking his fall.


"Okay" Bella nodded as she got on one of the bikes, Anxiety spiralling through Violets body causing her hands to shake as she sat on one of the bikes. Her hands gripping the handle bars in an attempt at hiding her anxiety fuelled shakes.

"You'll be fine Vi. You know where the break is, If you want to stop stop. I'll be behind you" Jacob offered the Girl a soft smile as he stood in-front of her bike, His brown eyes trained on her expression.

"yeah okay" She nodded as she looked up at him, Holding his eye-contact. His reassuring smile easing her anxieties just enough for her to push them aside before his hand fell on top of hers on the handle bar.

"You'll be fine" He smiled reassuringly, The sudden contact of his hand on hers causing a blush to spread across her cheeks as she looked down at their hands.

Clearing his throat Jacob pulled his eyes from Violet fighting off the embarrassment deep within his chest as he took his hand off herself and walked over to Bella who'd settled on the second Bike.

" you look scared" He chuckled As he approached her. Bella instantly shaking her head as she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear; "i'm not"

"Brake.... Clutch... Gas..." He explained showing Bella the controls. She nodded taking in his words as she stared down at the handle bars, Her hand flicking the ignition switch before she revved the bike.

"ready?" Jacob questioned Stepping away from the two girls who sat on the bikes ready to speed off.

"Now slowly release the clutch" Jake explained as Bella revved the Clutch. Violet still staring at the handlebars unsure if she really wanted to commit to joining in. Yet Bella gasped as she released the clutch too quickly sending her a foot forward; "woah"

"You alright?" Jacob asked as he looked at Bella his eyes Narrowing, Violet watched the interaction that really hadn't helped her anxiety on the topic.

"Imma go again" Bella's voice came across frantic, Violets Head jerked toward her cousin as she heard the Rev of her bike followed by the quick growls of the engine as Bella sped off. And within seconds Violets anxieties were gone. She watched Bella barely focus on the road ahead of her, The swan girl frantically looking around as she trusted the bike.

Violets wide eyes returned to the handle bars as she flipped the ignition switch. Slowly letting go of the clutch violet sped off following Bella, the wind blowing through her hair as she tried to catch up with her cousin.

"Woah-Woah woah" Bellas panicked voice echoed through the air as she lost control of the bike. Bella Hit the brake too late. Her body jolted as she was sent over the handlebars tumbling across the floor with a thud.

"shit" Violet exclaimed as she hit the brake on her own bike, A louder Rev coming from behind her as she Let her bike fall to the floor with a clash without a second thought before rushing to Bella.

"Bella?! what the fu- Are you okay?" Violet exclaimed panic consuming her voice as she crouched beside Bella scanning the girl for Injuries.

"I wanna go again" Bella spoke deliriously as Jacob rushed toward the two girls Crouching beside Violet. His wide eyes consumed with Panic as he stared at Bella. His voice darker almost; "are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I wanna go again" Bella repeated Making Violet scoff in utter disbelief and confusion. She'd had enough of biting her tongue. Holding back her thoughts. Yet just as she was about to speak Jacob interrupted her; "no. Forget it. No more bikes. Your head-"

Jacob and Violet noticed the bloody cut on Bella's head as a soft ow escaped the Swan girls lips, Her hand coming up to Gently press against the Gash. As Bella looked at her own hand and noticed the blood she instantly apologised.

"You're apologising for bleeding." Jacob tilted his head confused, Yet that apology was all Violet needed. She was Right. Matteo was right...

"Yeah i guess i am" Bella stuttered looking down as if she was embarrassed. Yet violet shook her head, Her hand falling on Bellas shoulder in an attempt at comforting her; "don't ever be sorry"

"Yeah it's just blood bella, No big deal" Jacob nodded agreeing with violet as he stood up pulling his shirt over his head revealing his toned body. Violets eyes widened in shock as she looked up at the boy balling his shirt up. Her lips slightly parted in surprise at his toned body.

"wow" She muttered barely audible as he crouched back down beside the two girls, pressing his shirt against Bella's Gash. Violet blinked as she looked at him, Unable to tear her eyes away. Jacobs eyes met hers, Unbeknownst to her. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he noticed Violets eyes tracing his body.

"What are you staring at?" He questioned cleaning Bella's head with his shirt as his eyes flickered back to Violet causing her to blink clearing her throat as a deep blush dampened her cheeks.

"I- You're just sort of beautiful" The words escaping her lips before she even had the chance to speak, A lopsided smile tugging at Jacobs lips as his brown eyes stared into violet's.

"did you hit your head too?" He questioned with a soft chuckle pulling Violet from her embarrassed thoughts. The girl running her hand through her hair as she laughed off the conversation despite the strong embarrassment that rushed through her veins, burning her skin.

"Come on. Let's get you two home" Jacob Chuckled his eyes shifting from Violet. Both Violet and Jacob helping Bella to her feet.


a/n- It's about to get interesting 🤭 I hope you guys are Enjoying. I hope the quality of this story is good i've been a bit stressed atm with college and work and i feel like it's affecting the quality of my writing lmao.

But i'd love to hear what you all think. Please don't be a silent reader i appreciate all comments and votes. Thank you all for reading <3
(not proofread)

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