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DROWNING HAD ALWAYS SEEMED LIKE A PAINFUL WAY TO GO BUT MAYBE IT WAS A BLESSING, sun hit the water breaking at the surface, patterns of light turning the ocean bright green in certain places.

Maybe drowning and letting the ocean take a life was a better option than Violet doing it herself or letting the supernatural be the reason for her parting from the earth. She'd tried to fight it, She'd tried to fight against the harsh waves dragging her further and further from the surface. The shadow of Bella disappearing into the depths of Ocean while Violet thrashed against the icy waves tearing her from her cousin, tearing her away from her consciousness mind.

Her Lungs screamed begging her to take a breath but she couldn't, Sucking in the water was the very last option. She couldn't give up, Not on Bella, Not on Matteo. She'd fight for as long as her lungs would allow her to. But her lungs timer was coming to an end.

Her lungs were on fire, Her eyes threatening to close as her body began to weaken. The cold water and constant thrashing having caused her muscles to seize with cramps while her brain fought against the lack of oxygen. The strong ocean salt burning her eyes one last time before everything went Black.




"Come on Violet breathe"

She could hear the echo of voices accentuating the vicious pounding in her skull as she gasped an agonising breath. A breath that caused her lungs to flood with another wave of raging fire.

Her Lashes fluttered as she peeled her eyes open, Her body roughly shaking as she came to. Her vision blurring from the pure ocean salt that had invaded her eyes. Warm hands laid on the freezing cold skin of her shoulders shaking her awake.

When her vision finally returned to somewhat normal she could make out the faces in which the voices had come from. Inches away from her face was Jacob Black, a pure look of panic drowning his features as his wet hair fell onto his forehead.

Violent Coughs shook violets body as her hand gripped Jacobs arm while she tried to remember what events had led to her being soaking wet and freezing in the arms of Jacob Black.

"Violet?" The second voice echoed in her mind, Tilting her head to the side she caught sight of a wet Matteo Cradling the weak body of Bella as they sat on the cold beach and all the memories came flooding back. How she'd been searching for Bella. how she'd jumped after Bella in a lousy attempt at Saving her..

"What happened?" Violet asked her voice raspy from disuse as her eyes met Jacobs, His panic filled brown eyes staring down at her with desperation. She knew what happened... But how did Jacob get there.

"you Jumped after Bella, I saw after i chased Victoria off the cliff. Then Matteo saw me jump after you" Jacob Explained as Violets weak eyes widened at the mention of Victoria.

Jacobs arm found its way under Violets back gently helping her sit up in a way she was in his arms as his panic began wearing off; "what the hell were you thinking?"

"i needed to know if Bella was okay" Violet whispered barely audible as Jacob leaned closer to her, Her eyes meeting his again with desperation.

"Get them home! I'm gonna go help at Harry's place!" A familiar voice echoed from the forest bordering the beach. — Sam.

"wha- what happened at Harry's?" Bella questioned weakly from Matteo's Grasp, Her question causing Violets grip on Jacobs Arm to tighten as he pulled slightly away from her to answer.

"Harry clearwater had a heart attack. Charlie and my dad are over at his place with his family" Jacob explained his lips flattened into a straight line of Grief as Violets gaze softened.

"is he okay?" She asked only noticing Jacobs expression harden as he shook his head and answered; "He's Gone."

"Come on. Let's get you something dry" Jacob quickly changed the topic as he helped Violet to her feet supporting the majority of her weight.

"I'll take Bella home, Stay with her till Charlie gets back. You stay with her." Matteo ordered as he stood up Bellas arm around his shoulders as he helped her before digging around in his pocket.

Matteo knew he'd messed up, He needed to be involved. Both Girls in danger like that, The moment he'd realised they were both in the water he'd promised himself he'd never let them be in danger like that again. And to keep them safe he needed to know more, He needed to know everything. And the best way for him to know everything was through Bella.


Violet sat on the passenger side of Bella's truck beside Jacob after Matteo had said he'd drop Bellas truck back to the swan residence in the morning after ensuring both girls were okay and safe. fierce goosebumps littered Violet's skin as she wrapped a dry Jacket around trying to better disguise her body's shivering.

Her body shook against her cold wet hair that stuck to her neck, the lingering icy water over her skin only causing her teeth to chatter as she tightened her grip around the dry jacket that was supposed to preserve her warmth yet it didn't feel like it was doing much.

"108 degrees over here" Jacob spoke, His voice softer than she'd heard it before. His voice alone sending a pleasant shiver down her spine as she looked over at him. His warmth all too tempting to resist.

Violet carefully shuffled across the seats of the truck, edging closer to Jacob her hand wrapping around his arm as she pressed her side against his, her head falling against his shoulder. An almost instant warmth radiating from his body causing a soft sigh to escape Violet's lips; "my hands are freezing"

Violet's voice shook almost as much as her body as she let her hands clasp his arm in dire need of his warmth. A warmth that wasn't just physical but mental too. A warmth that consumed her her heart before it had even touched her skin.

"God you're so warm.. it must be nice to never be cold" Violet sighed as she let herself relax against Jacobs side, almost feeding on the heat he radiated.

"it's a wolf thing" Jacob smiled as he looked ahead at the road trying to remain focused on the road ahead, Violet shook her head.

"It's not, Matteo isn't warm. It's a Jacob thing" Violet chuckled softly as the numbness in her fingers started to dissipate allowing her fingers to gently trace shapes on Jacob's arm.

"You're like a personal radiator" Violet sighed as her head rested on his shoulder an almost unavoidable smile growing on Jacobs lips as he listened to Violets words.

"Is this better? Now that you know about me?" Jacob questioned as the truck approached Violet's house coming to a halt outside. Jacobs question seemed to be heavier then he was letting on as Violet's brows furrowed with a nod.

"You saw what happened to Emily?" a twinge of worry and sadness clung to Jacobs voice like a disease as he tore his eyes from the road once he'd parked. Violets head lifted from his shoulder as she turned to look at him. His brown eyes deeply staring into hers.

"Sam got angry. Lost it for a split second, Em was standing too close... He'll never be able to take that back. What if i got mad at you...?" Jacob exhaled, A worry filled pain prominent in his voice as he turned his head away from Violet as if hiding his shame. Violets expression softened as she reassuringly squeezed Jacobs arm.

"Sometimes i feel like i'm gonna disappear..." He whispered, Violet shook her head readjusting herself into a position where she was Closer to him, Able to look him in the eye once he'd turned his head back to face her.

"Not that you need me to tell you this, But you're not gonna lose yourself.. I wouldn't let that happen." Violet shook her head as she stared up at him, His face inches from hers as she tried to reassure him despite the growing blush that had began spreading across her cheeks.

"How?" He asked, His voice soft as Violet fought the urges inside of her that were screaming to lean forward, Close the gap between them and show him how. Show him how badly she wanted to be there for him...

"I'll be here, I'll be here for you whenever you need me Jake. I'll show you how special you are" Violets voice softened at the last sentence, Her voice quietening as hesitation lingered within her mind. The close proximity between her and Jacob growing as he slowly edged closer.

A need lingering between them,  a need that screamed for them to close the gap and show one another how much they meant to each other and how desperately they wanted to be eachothers. Jacob leaned in, His desire to be Violet's too strong. His breath feathered across her cheek as tension grew stronger in the silence, Violet swallowed the lump growing in her throat as nerves bubbled through her body.

His nose brushed against Violet's as a rush of electricity exploded within her veins at the subtle touch before his lips ever so gently collided with hers.

Violet's chest constricted as she processed his soft lips kissing her and without a second thought the anxiety rushing through her stomach switched to fluttering butterflies as she kissed him back accepting the tender featherlight kiss.

Savouring the feeling of one another Violet's grasp on Jacob's arm tightened a familiar disbelief rushing through her veins as his breath feathered across her upper lip.

a string of vibrations and a familiar ringtone echoed through the cab of the truck startling Violet as she fully realised what she'd done. Carefully pulling away a sigh escaped Jacobs lips as he reached for his phone. Violet's Lungs clenching as she fought against her bright rosey cheeks.

"It's your brother" Jacob sighed joy bubbling through his body over what had just happened yet an impending sense of panic and anxiety rushed through Violet as Jake passed her his phone.

"Hello?" Violet answered the phone, Her voice unsteady as warmth flooded her body. She was barely able to fathom her own emotions, She couldn't grasp what she was feeling, regret? happiness? Panic? Maybe even all three.

"Get to Bella's. Now. There's a Vampire here." Matteo's worried Voice flooded Violet's ears instantly causing her expression to dull into one of worry.


A/N- I'm ngl i didn't proofread this, and i wrote half of it at work so my apologies if it's bad lmao.

I'm so excited for this chapter tho- they kissed 😭🤭 i'm so happy... Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed i'd love to hear what you think?

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