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Days had merged into one agonising never ending loop. Scream filled nights, And lonely school days begun Blurring together as Violet fought against the rancid voices That haunted her mind.

Bella sitting alone at the Cullen's table in the cafeteria refusing to have more than a conversation with Violet throughout the day. Bella's earth shattering screams Preventing violet from sleeping more than the dreams that haunted her own mind did.

Another relentlessly bland day had started, Both Bella and Violet making their way outside of the swan house to make their separate ways to School before Charlie stopped them. Both girls coming to a halt when he spoke; "Alright that's it"

"What?" Bella questioned turning to face him, Leaving violet silent waiting for charlie to continue.

"You're going to Jacksonville. with your mother." Violets wide eyes met charlie's as he looked between the two girls, Bellas irritation almost instantly radiating from her.

"I'm not leaving Forks" Bella stated with no room for negotiation as Charlie looked down a sense of worry for his daughter consuming him in a way he couldn't even begin to describe.

"Bells he's not coming back. And Dean and Matteo aren't going to be back for a while either" Charlie explained, His voice remained soft as if the words would hurt less with a different tone. Yet they didn't. Both girls hearts sunk at his words.

"I Know" Bella nodded begrudgingly, Yet violet's eyes remained wide as she stood silent. A while? How long was a while? Her heart ached with loss, She knew her way of dealing with her mother death was putting a strain on the relationship she had with her brother yet she just didn't know how to fix it.

"A while?" She confirmed her voice mixed with loneliness as she stared up at her uncle who painstakingly nodded, Causing a piece of her heart to shatter.

"Yeah.. And you can stay here, your dad doesn't want you alone in the house.." Charlie nodded offering Violet a weak smile before his attention turned back to Bella; "This behaviour isn't Normal. quite frankly it's scaring the hell outta me. And Probably Violet too."

"and your mother-" Charlie sighed as he watched bella's mood deflate more as if that was even possible. his eyes flickering between the two girls before he continued barely able to choose the right words; "Baby i don't want you to leave- i don't. But- Just go. Go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends."

"i like my old friends" Bella countered causing Violet to scoff, Liked her old friends? She barely even spoke to her own cousin let alone anyone at school. Violet Knew Bella was hurting but there was always a point of no return, There was always a point when people would stop trying.

"Bella you Never see them anymore. You don't even Spend time with Vi." Charlie agreed, Violet nodding away the sense of failure she felt for her cousin. Guilt rolled through her body at her blatant inability to help Bella through whatever was plaguing the Swan girls mind. But there was only so much a grieving 17 year old girl could do to help.

"I do." Bella scoffed taking a deep breath before continuing; "i'm gonna uh- Go shopping. Right Vi? tomorrow us and Jessica."

Violets head snapped toward bella as Bella searched Violets eyes for agreement while Charlie spoke confusion lacing his voice; "You hate shopping."

"I need a girls night out. We both do." Bella looked toward Violet as the Lewis girl Gave in and agreed. Violet knew she had to try again, She had to try and help bella again. And maybe it could help her too.

"Alright. Girls night. Shopping... I like it. Go buy some stuff." Charlie nodded his confused eyes darting between Violet and Bella as the two girls nodded going their separate ways to get in their cars.


"I don't know why you wanted to sit through all those Zombies Eating people and no hot guys kissing anybody. It's gross. and why is there that many Zombie Movies anyway? is it supposed to draw a parallel about leprosy, My cousin had leprosy it's not funny. You know? and like it's supposed to be a metaphor for consumerism. cause don't be so pleased with your own like self-" Jessica rambled on giving Violet a headache as they walked out the movie theatre. Jessica's voice drained every ounce of energy from violets body Making the girl Pinch the bridge of her nose before she needed speak.

"It's a movie. It's really not that deep" Violet shrugged just wanting Jessica to shut up- The girls voice fuelling the ache deep within the back of Violets skull.

"I know- But like. Some girls like to shop. Not All girls" Jessica gestured toward Bella as Violet tucked her shaky hands into her pockets. The Breeze sending a shiver down Violets spine.

"Apparently... i was surprised you even called at all" Jessica shrugged directing her sentence toward Bella before looking back to Violet with a slight giggle; "And i'm surprised you came with us. I wasn't sure you liked me"

"And the Depression thing. I totally get it. Maybe it runs in the family. Since you know- You both have it. and i'm totally worried... But after a while it's like, you're both still bumming, and i'm going through stuff too" Violets eyes widened at the girls words a sense of anger rushing through her body.

"ha- Do you ever stop talking" Violet chuckled her words coming off in a slight joking manner yet Jessica still stopped to think. Looking up and Violet dumbfounded as the Lewis Girl shrugged.

"What's up!" A loud voice called from the shadows of an alleyway they were walking past, Violet stopped in her tracks instantly as she watched Bella come to a halt. Blankly staring at the bikers who were parked outside a bar.

Jessica Kept rambling yet Violets eyes were trained on her cousin, Watching bella step back in shock taking a breath as she turned to the side as if she saw a ghost. The blush across her cheeks caused by the bitter cold air draining, changing her skin to a ghoulish white that almost matched her ex-Boyfriends.

"Bell? You okay?" Violet questioned noticing Bella's Unusual change in behaviour that honestly didn't even shock Violet. Bella stayed silent as her eyes glanced between Violet and the group of Guys sat against their bikes in the Darkness of the alley.

Violet's eyes followed the glance of her cousins. The Darkness of the alleyway almost sucking any positivity from Violet as she stared down at the possible dangers that lingered with those men before Bella's Voice Pulled violet from her thoughts; "I think i know those Guys"

"do you fuck" Violet shook her head, Her teeth clenching at just the possibility of Bella in danger, Of danger itself. Matteo was gone. She didn't have scott. She was Alone. Allison had taught her a lot. But those skills only went so far.

"Well. They seem great. Can we go?" Jessica urged a sense of anxiety growing throughout the air as Bella looked back down the Alley despite both other girls urging her not to.

"I'm Just gonna see something" Bella muttered before turning to walk down the Alley ignoring Violets instant objections.

"fucking christ" Violet scoffed watching Bella walk toward the guys, Just as Violet went to Follow she watched Bella come to a halt. Jumping back as if she'd seen something Terrifying. Violets eyes widened hoping her cousin would Turn back; "Bella this isn't funny." Violet warned.

yet Bella continued Completely Ignoring Violets warning. Bella marched down to the guys sat against their bikes. Violet scoffed her eyes darting to Jessica Before she followed her cousin down the Alley. She watched as Bella spoke to a man, A man who's eyes stalked Bella's body as if she was Prey.

Violets pace Quickened as she watched Bella Get on the back of the man's bike. Violets heart jumping to her throat as she called out; "Bella!"

Just as Violet reached the Group of Men. Bella rode off with a stranger into the Darkness of the night On the back of a motorbike. Violet Cursed under her breath Pulling out her phone as she contemplated calling someone. Calling Charlie, Matteo, Jacob. But she couldn't. What in gods name was she supposed to say... she'd failed at protecting someone again?

"Fuck." Violet cursed shoving her phone back into her pocket, violent anxiety pooling in her stomach, Racing through her veins in such a way it made her hands shake and her heart pound against her chest like a caged animal trying to escape.


"What the Fuck is wrong with you?" Violet Scoffed upon seeing Bella walk back toward where Violet and Jessica had parked themselves anxiously waiting for Bella to return, Anger burning Violets veins at her cousin's stupidity.

"I thought that i saw something" Bella stuttered glancing back in the direction she'd come from, Violet bit her tongue preventing herself from saying more. Saying something that would damage the cousin's relationship further.

"Yeah maybe your life flashing before your eyes" Violet scoffed as the three girls turned to keep walking to make their way home.

"You're insane actually. or suicidal. that home boy. could've been a psycho. i was about to enter some FBI interview room like in one of those lame TV shows." Jessica rambled making Violet roll her eyes.

Violet bit the inside of her cheek trying to refrain from making any snide comments or losing herself in the anger Bella had caused from endangering herself in such a way when Bella spoke again; "God that was such a rush"

"No, No. You're insane. You do some stupid shit like that again you could Get yourself Killed." Violet warned anger spilling from her lips as she glanced back to Bella.


soul ties

Quileute tribe.

spirit warriors


Cold skin

Cold ones



Shape shifters


Words filled Violets computer screen. Words now engraved within Violets mind. Her heart raced as she clicked between tabs open on her browser trying to piece together parts of a puzzle she wasn't sure would even Fit together. But she needed to know. She needed to know more.

"There's no way.." she sighed One tab open read familiar words, Words violet had seen before. Words she'd witnessed right before her eyes. Lycanthropy. Scrolling down on the website violet came to a few chapters on another creature. A creature she couldn't believe even had the possibility of being real. Vampires. the Undead.

Violets hands shook with the violent anxiety spiralling through her stomach as she opened Skype on her Laptop, Clicking the only contact that would validate her discovery. Stiles Stilinski.

"Violet it's 3AM." A groan filled her ears as the darkness of Stiles room filled her screen. 3 AM? She'd been researching for 4 hours and hadn't even noticed the time passing.

"Stiles I need your help" Violet spoke, A sense of urgency in her voice making Stiles perk up turning on the lamp on his desk. illuminating is room and showing a second figure in the background. Aurora.

"What's up?" He groaned as he sat at his desk chair rubbing his eyes as Rory hadfield stood beside him dressed in a T-shirt that's belonged to stiles.

"Am i good to talk about everything?" She questioned unsure as to if Aurora was informed of the supernatural topics that usually lead the pairs conversations.

"I'm a wolf. I probably know more than he does" Aurora's voice echoed in Violets ears as violet tugged her bottom lip between her teeth fighting the lingering sadness in her heart at the sight of stiles with someone else.

"That's definitely not true. But yeah Vi, What's going on?" Stiles stared at violet, His tired eyes forcing themselves to stay open in order to help his friend.

"I think Vampires are real." Violet Blurted. A stunned silence consuming them as Stiles and Rory processed her words causing a sudden unease to fall over Violet.

"There's no way. No way at all. Vampires can't be real" Rory perked up her sudden interest in the conversation increasing as she walked over to stiles sitting in his lap to join the conversation, Stiles arm automatically finding its way around Rory's waist.

"Stiles Im sure you spoke to Matteo. what did he say about Edward? Ice cold skin, He stinks, And he's sure he's not a wolf. There's a few legends in this town about the Cold Ones, As well as a Tribe of Spirit warriors" Violet explained As Both Stiles and Aurora listened intently. Violets eyes flickering back to the open tab on her laptop in an attempt to distract from the girl sat on Stiles lap.

"Matteo also Said Sam one of the guys who found Bella a few months back smelt like wet dog. I know it's a long shot. But i'm sure this has got to be right" Aurora shook her head unable to process the words being thrown her way.

"There has to be another Explanation" Rory shook her head, unable to process the undead was even a possibility. Vampires? They were only real in movies, They had to be.

"Fur literally grows from your cheeks, Your eyes turn a golden yellow and you can't grasp Vampires" Stiles scoffed tightening his grasp on Rory's waist making her re-think.

"Have you told Matteo yet?" Stiles questioned staring at his computer trying to read Violets closed off body language as she shook her head trying to avoid looking at Aurora.

"No. Not yet" Maybe Matteo would've left instantly, Rushing back to forks to look after his sister, Look after his family. But violet was sure there was no danger. The Cullens had left Right?

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