8 - Soft and Abrupt

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✩✼ 。゚・  ゚・ ☆ 。゚

Jeno wakes up slowly, and painfully. His whole body aches and he felt so sore and weak, his eyes fluttered back closed. His arm hurt and so did his rib cage, he felt so stiff and his cheeks felt so swollen. His eyes stung at the dryness of salt and he couldn't bare to open them.

He then felt a kiss on the side on his temple that made him jump a little at the sudden movement, and then he heard quiet shushing and whispering. He knew it was Jaemin from his morning husky voice, and he loved the sound. He felt Jaemins hand caressing his hair and even his bruised cheek. He felt sleepy all over again at the gentle movements.

Then as Jaemin caged him in his arms, he heard him whispering "it's okay now baby, I'm here" and a lot of other things that made Jenos heart flutter at. He then slowly opened his eyes and was met with Jaemins warm ones.

Jaemin stared down at him with such intensity of- something Jeno couldn't make out. All he knew was that Jaemin was caressing his hair and saying soft things to him. Jaemin then leaned down and kissed the top of Jenos head, and Jeno closed his eyes. He then kissed down Jenos nose, to kiss lips, where he placed a small quick peck, but Jeno still felt fireworks boom at the sudden contact.

He then felt Jaemin make his way down, planting butterfly kisses on his neck. Jeno made a small whimper when he felt him nip a piece of his skin.

"Your skin is so soft." Jaemin whispered and lied his head in the crook of Jenos neck. Jeno sighed in peace to take this moment in.

After awhile, Jaemin slowly got up from Jeno and Jeno made a low whine at the sudden loss of warmth. Jaemin smiled lovingly at the sight, and cupped Jenos small cheek in his hand.

"Stay here." He said softly and got of the bed and went into the bathroom.

Jeno could hear water running and he felt at peace at the sound. After awhile the water stopped. Jeno felt strong hands lift him, carefully not to hurt him, off the bed, taking him into the bathroom.

Jeno then felt himself being sat down on a soft rug.

"Jeno, do you want me too leave or stay?" Jaemin asked.

Jeno wanted him to stay, but he didn't want him to see him get undressed. Jenos cheeks heated up at the sudden thought and quickly shook his head, then met his eyes with Jaemins.

"Stay- B-But don't watch me take my clothes off." Jeno admitted shyly. Jaemin chuckled at his cuteness and said a quick 'ok' before turning around and facing the wall.

Jeno then slowly took his clothes off, one by one, first his shirt, then his pants, then his boxers. But right after he took his boxers off, he jumped into the big bath tub full of warm water. Jeno then looked up and saw Jaemin still standing there.

"Y-you can turn around now Jaemin." Jeno said shyly.

Jaemin smirked and turned around and his heart instantly jumped into thin air, Jeno looked so soft and cute in a big bathtub that he had to make a small noise of 'uwu'. Of course his bruises were sorta visible, but when Jeno gave a small giggle at Jaemins reaction, Jaemin was finally shot down as he felt his stomach do a back flip and his mind was blown away at Jenos cuteness.

Jaemin then slowly leaned down and picked up a cup full of water to dump on Jenos head. Jeno then started playing with the bubbles and putting them on his face.

This kid was being a toddler, Jaemin thought, but he didn't mind as he thought it was cute.

Jaemin smiled at the cute Jeno,and started washing his hair.

-time skip-

Jeno was lying on Jaemins broad chest between his legs, while Jaemin was messing with his hair gently. He had already tended Jenos wounds, (in which every-time Jeno gave a small cry or yelp he'd instantly ask if he was okay and felt like a bad human) and now they were watching Marvel movies. Jeno was watching as the man with the big iron thingy shot lighting from the sky, known at Thor, at a woman- who Jeno found very evil. Jeno watched- immersed in the movie.

Jaemin kissed the top of Jenos head and watched him in adoration. Jeno then felt sleepy, and leaned back on Jaemin. Jaemin noticed and slowly turned off the movie as he checked to see if Jeno was asleep.

Jeno was asleep, his eyes were closed and his mouth was opened just the slightest making Jaemin want to grab his cheeks and squeeze them. He slowly lifted Jeno and carried him to the room.

Jaemin carefully laid Jeno down on the big bed, and covered him with blankets, knowing Jeno gets cold easily. He kisses the top of his forehead and walked over to his side of the bed.

He was interrupted as he heard a ring of the phone downstairs. He went downstairs and quickly answered the phone.

"This is Na Jaemin." Jaemin answered professionally.

"H-hello Mr.N-Na- t-this is such a-abrupt news b-but-"

"Spit it out!" Jaemin yelled, but quickly lowered his voice as he remembered his baby was sleeping.

"You can't keep Jeno anymore, I'm sorry, but he must go with the Children's home and out of your home in a weeks notice."

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