{39} - Sick.

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3 days after Niall left for London...

Megan's P.O.V

It was quiet since Niall left. It felt like back to square one because it was me and Amy alone again. Niall called every day at 6pm to talk to Amy. They would spend about half to an hour talking before Niall said his goodnight.

Niall and I wouldn't talk. Actually, there were quite a few times when Amy wanted to pass me the phone but I would give some excuses like I needed to use the bathroom or I was busy cooking. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I was still upset about that night. I couldn't get over it.

Honestly, I was actually trying hard to love him and I was almost getting there. He was always sweet with me, taking care of me and Amy and giving in most of the times. But that night ruined everything. I was starting to accept him as my husband and I thought maybe one day when I was ready, I could just tell him what I really feel. But everything went down the drain now.

I cringed when a pain shot my stomach. I was starting to have some bad stomach cramps for the past few days but I knew it was normal especially because my time of the month was coming. I always had my painkillers with me all the time. But it was difficult for me to carry on with the housework.

'Beep... Beep... Beep.'

Painfully, I walked over to the kitchen's counter from the dining table that I was sitting at and grabbed my phone. Who would be calling me, I wonder. It was my phone but most of the time it belongs to Amy because she would be the one playing her games and watching YouTube videos on the phone.

It was unknown caller but I picked it up anyway. It could be the hospital, but why would they call me? It could be someone from Amy's school but what was wrong? Not delaying further, I picked up the call, "Hello."

"Megan," the caller said. I removed my phone from my ear and looked at the caller again.

"Why is your number private?" I asked.

"It's not my number. I know you wouldn't pick this call up if I use my number. So I had to use my house phone," Niall told me.

"Oh," was all I replied with.

"How's everything at home?" He asked.

"Good," I answered simply and then there was a silent.

"Amy said you were complaining of stomach cramps. Are you sick?" He asked and another pain shot my stomach, causing me to yelp. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked again and this time, I could really hear the concern in his voice and that gotta stop. I hated him but every time I heard his voice, I couldn't help but feel something about it.

"Yeah," I lied, "I have to fetch Amy now."

I cut off the line immediately and searched for my painkiller. This pain couldn't be going on forever.

Niall's P.O.V

Megan cut off the line and I didn't get the chance to tell her to take care and that I loved her. She just got us disconnected. I knew she hated me and I was trying my best to win her heart back but I just didn't know how. I felt like giving up but I wouldn't want to.

It made me feel better because at least I could hear her voice but it was hard as well because Amy told me that Megan has been sick and from Megan's voice, I could hear that it wasn't normal. Like, it wasn't fresh and that cheery voice I always looked forward to.

My phone beeped while I was staring at the family photo of Amy, Megan and I that I brought along.

'Tomorrow's meeting with Simon at 10am. Paul's fetching at 9:15am. Don't be late. Sweet dreams, Nialler. x'

Zayn reminded me of the meeting tomorrow. I already know what Simon would want to talk about. It must be about my marriage. I honestly didn't know at which stake my marriage was. All I did know was whatever Simon has to say, I was gonna fight for my family and when I got back to LA later, I was definitely gonna fix everything about me and Megan.

* * *

"Ready mate?" Liam asked me and tapped my shoulder.

"I think I am. I'm just afraid of what Simon would make me do," I stated my doubt.

"We all know Simon is bad, but I believe he would give and take with us. Think positive okay?" Liam encouraged me and ruffled my hair. I gave him a warm smile before the meeting room's door burst opened, revealing Simon in his everyday white t-shirt.

"Good morning boys," he greeted as he walked over to the big chair. The boys replied with one of their own and then Simon turned to me, "Good morning Niall."

"Good morning Uncle Si," I said quietly.

"Well I heard about the news," he started, "And it got me thinking. Had I made the wrong decision by sending you over to LA? I should have instead called Corey over but I trusted you so much that I send you off. My bad, look how it turns out now."

"Everything is good with the album. The boys and Corey would agree with me," I said, purposely stalling on the real topic.

"Ah I see. But I think you and I and every soul in this room knows that we're not talking about the album," Simon said, standing up and banging the table along the way. "Who is she and that small girl?" Simon asked me.

"Megan's my wife and Amy's my daughter," I answered simply.

"Have you really known her before you joined the X-Factor?"


"Then how did you meet her?" Simon asked, raising his voice and it was clear that he was getting irritated with my short answers.

"A few weeks before you sent me off to LA."

"You mean the entire thing that you told in the interview in LA was all faked?"

"Yes," I answered softly.

"Good dialogues," he complimented sarcastically, "You met her a few weeks before you went to LA and then you just got married to her? Who do you think you are Niall? Trying to be a superhero and save that girl after she got knocked out by whomever...."

Simon went too much for my liking and I hated that he was talking like that about my wife and daughter. I stood up from chair, banging the table like he had done earlier but wasn't as loud, causing Simon to stop speaking.

"If you didn't realize, you are talking about my wife and daughter and I definitely don't like the tone and the way you are talking about them. If I may conclude, you are being rude," I said straight-forwardly. I didn't know where the courage came from but I was going against the highly respected Simon Cowell.

"Ah, I see you're going all big-headed now huh? Look Niall, I'm gonna give you two choices and only two. Number one, you're gonna promised me that after the new upcoming tour is over, I'm gonna have a press conference for you and you're gonna admit that your marriage was arranged and you are divorcing because you don’t like the girl. Arranged by whom? The management. We, the managements are definitely agreeable to take the blame on your behalf," Simon offered.

"Number two?" I asked, not bothering to consider the first one.

"Ah, number two is much difficult I guess," he said and then I saw his eyes landed on each of the other boys who were quiet from all along, "You quit the group and forget about all of your dreams."

I scoffed. I didn't need to think further about it plus I was sick of the controls and drama. "I'm going for number two," I answered simply, "Thanks for all the good times Mr Simon Cowell."

I pushed my chair back and ready to leave the room when I heard Zayn said, "If Niall's quitting, then I guess I should too."

"Now what are you talking about Zayn?" Simon asked.

"I think I would wanna quit too if they quit," that was Louis voice. I turned around and looked at them who were standing and staring at Simon.

"Well if Lou's quitting, I think I should too," Harry said. Simon was turning red as the boys one by one said that they are quitting with me.

"If the boys are quitting, then I don't see the reason why am I here," Liam, the last one to said, "So, we should just close down the whole thing I supposed?"

I smirked at the boys and then loudly announced, "I'm out of here. I've missed my wife and daughter in LA."

* * *

"You're really gonna leave now?" Liam asked me, sitting on my bed while I repacked a few more clothes to bring over to LA. The rest of the boys joined him soon after.

"Well, it's no fun over here," I stated jokingly but none of the boys took it.

"We haven't even got to spend time together mate," Zayn whined.

"We have...all the time these while," I answered him and continued packing.

"Mate when you said you're quitting," Harry started but I cut him off immediately, knowing what exactly he wanted to ask.

"I meant it. But you guys don't have to follow my path."

All of them made their upset faces. "I'm not risking or leaving Megan and Amy for anything," I told them with hope that they would respect my decision.

"We're still gonna love you whatever it is," Zayn said and hugged me. I hugged him back for a good time and then finished my packing.

"You've got your flight ticket?" Liam asked me.

"Not yet. I'll book online on the way," I answered.

"Oh my gosh! Do you really have to go?" Louis' turned.

"Yes mate. I don't feel good leaving Megan and Amy already, plus Megan isn't well," I told him.

"How about you stay just for one more day?" Harry suggested, "It's Demi's birthday today. She's having a party and she invited us. Please, just for today."

Harry sounded begging. I was considering but not because of his beg. Demi was one of my good friends and then people misunderstood our closeness for some stupid relationship. I could probably just stay for a while and then catch a flight the next morning.

I looked over to the boys with their puppy looks. The truth was they didn't really want me to just stay for Demi's birthday party. They wanted me to stay.

"Just one more day then," I confirmed.

Megan's P.O.V

I stared at Doctor Elena for the longest time until she tapped my shoulder. She was a very good doctor. I used to consult her when I was pregnant with Amy and she was the one who gave me the support, teaching me how to take good care of the baby. She was like a sister to me but we only met when I needed health consultation.

My stomach cramps was getting worst and sometimes I just found myself black out, out of a sudden. This made me decide to consult Doctor Elena while Amy was still in school.

"You have to let your husband know," she stated.

I frowned, "How did you know I'm married?"

"Well I watched some entertainment news sometimes," she admitted, "But now it's nothing about me. It's about you and your health."

"I know," I said very quietly. I couldn't believe I'd have to go through this again. I wanted to cry so badly.

"Megan, you need to take care of yourself. You won't be able to manage alone," the doctor advised, now on a serious note, "You also need to stop stressing. You don't know what those stress are doing to you. Look at you. You look very pale Megan."

"You're gonna give me some painkillers will you?" I asked.

"Yes I will. But painkillers will not be able to help you forever. It needs a stronger antidote," she informed. I looked down on my lap and sigh. "You may want to inform Amy?" she suggested.

"No!" I answered immediately, "She'll get worried to know I'm sick."

"Then your husband must at least know."

* * *

"Momma!" Amy yelled as ran out of her playschool, holding a piece of paper which I was sure another drawing that she had done that day.

"Momma," Amy called again sheepishly. She took my hand and then kissed my knuckles. It was weird but I smile warmly at her. "Happy Birthday Momma," she wished and I looked down at her in awe.

My daughter remembered my birthday!

She gave me the piece of paper she was holding. It was a picture of 3 figures holding hands. She labelled them just above each figure's head. There was, Poppa, Me and Momma. Right below the picture were three words that were written big, 'Happy Birthday Momma!" And then another 3 words in smaller size right below it was, 'I love you.'

I knelt down and kissed Amy on the forehead, her nose, both of her cheeks and then she giggled when I kissed her lips. "You cannot do that!" she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Only Poppa can do that with you," she answered bluntly and I felt myself die a little inside.

"Hmmm do you want a cake? How about we buy a cake and then we can blow the candles together?" I suggested, changing the topic.

"I want the chocolate cake!" Amy said.

"Alright let's go buy the chocolate cake."


You guys know it. 15 votes (& more comments) for the next update.

Just to inform, there will be another 4 chapter before this story finishes (:


-          Ree

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