{43} - Hey Mrs Horan ♥♥♥

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Uneditted! So sorry for all the mistakes.

Niall's P.O.V

"Do you want me to give you a massage on your leg or your back or anywhere?" I asked as I looked at my wife's eyes. Yes, I was at last given the chance to be able to labelled her my wife without hesitation or guilty or bad that Megan wouldn't like it.

"No, Niall. It's enough. Thanks for the shoulder massage," Megan said, thanking me and planted a kiss on my temple.

"You don't have to thank me," I told her and lay her down on the bed. I pulled the the covers up to her chest and switched off the lights before getting next to her.

"Mhm," she mumbled. Her eyes closed and her hands protectively rested on her stomach.

My hands went to hers like magnet and I rested them on top of hers. "Why isn't it big yet?" I asked, whispering in her ear softly.

"It's been only 3 months Niall," she told me and stroke my hand that was resting on her stomach.

~ Flashback ~

"I'm pregnant from that night."

I was stunned as I watched Megan. She could be lying or joking or purposely trying to test me. "Are you lying?" I asked stupidly.

Megan slapped my arm and I could see tears at the brink of her eyes, "I am not!"

I could tell that she was hurt when I asked her the question. But I was stupid, I knew it. I didn't know how to react.

"Please don't cry. I...I was shock," I told her and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"But I'm not lying," she cried.

She wasn't lying when she said she was pregnant. Oh my god, what am I supposed to do now? Should I caressed her stomach? Should I carry her around so that she wouldn't feel tired? Oh god, I didn't know what to do.

"Why are you quiet? Don't you want it?" Megan asked quietly.

"No, Megan. I..."

"No? You don't want it?" Megan cut me off and looked away from me.

"No no no! Of course I want it Megan. The baby is ours. I just...."

"I understand if it's hard for you because you're still young. You also have a career..." Megan rambled on and I shut her up by kissing her lips.

"Will you be quiet now?" I whispered on her lips.

"I'm a stupid guy, if you don't already know," I started, "I love you, I love Amy and I am so sure that I will love that baby in your womb. But, I've never take care of the baby from before it's born. I wouldn't know what to do, but I promise you that I will try. Will you help me with it?"

Megan stared at me for a moment before nodding and wrapped her arms around my neck. She rested the side of her head on my chest and answered me properly, "Of course, I will. I'll be needing you anyway."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me but not too tight. I was afraid that I would hurt her or the baby.  

"We'll be having a baby," I said in her hair.

"We will, and you'll be a Poppa."

"I already am a Poppa."

~ End of Flashback ~

It was only about 2 months ago when Megan told me about how she was pregnant and to said that I was shock was an understatement. I almost fainted because that news was too much to take in at that point of time. But Megan was there with me and I managed to overcome my stupidity.

It was on the same night when Megan approved my decision of moving to London. I sold my apartment because I didn't need it anymore and bought a very beautiful mansion. Megan said it was too much and too big but I always thought that it was perfect.

It has an indoor swimming pool, a lawn swing and few other rooms for music, library and even a room for hairdressing for Megan. Danielle has been there once to get a free hair washing from Megan and Zayn has been there a few times for his hair treatment. And yes, for free as well.

We're living in the mansion now and Amy's room was much bigger and farther away from ours *winks*.

"Megan...." I called seductively as I trailed my index finger from her hair, down to her neck, shoulder and finally her collarbone.

"I got a feeling that tonight isn't a good night for it," Megan said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, why?" I asked playfully and peppered her face and neck with opened mouth kisses.

"Niall..." I heard Megan's soft moan when I sucked on that very spot just below her ear and at the same time, we heard the sky roared very loudly.

Megan chuckled and I was about to continue what I left earlier when we heard a very loud scream.

"Momma!" Amy came running into our room with her blue dolphin in hand. She jumped to the bed and crawled towards me and Megan.

"What's wrong, darling?" Megan asked her and caressed her cheeks.

"There's thunder," she informed sulkily, "I'm scared."

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's normal. Come, I'll put you in bed," I offered.

"No! I don't want. I want to sleep with Momma," Amy argued and curled herself beside Megan, in between Megan and I.

I pouted while looking at Megan. She caught my face and chuckled, "Come on, let's go to sleep."

Reluctantly I lay my head down on the pillow and placed my hand across Megan and Amy. Amy got up and slapped my hand away. "Poppa cannot touch me! Poppa's armpit's smelly."

Megan laughed loudly and I heard Amy giggled. I pouted even though Amy couldn't really see me. But I was sure that Megan saw my face because she reached for my face and stroke my cheeks.

"Okay no more fighting and sulking," Megan finalized. We changed our sleeping position at the end with Megan in my arms and Amy in Megan's arms. But I still managed to cross my arms until Amy was also in it.

My night with Megan might have been interrupted by Amy but I still loved her nevertheless. I wouldn't get Megan as my wife if Amy hadn't want to be a Mrs Horan. It was because of her that Megan now able to looked at me and loved me and I was definitely so grateful for that. There was a wisdom behind everything that happened to Amy, Megan and myself.

"Hey Mrs Horan," I called to none of them but both turned to me at the same time.

"I love you both," I whispered to them.

"I love you Poppa!" Amy said.

"And I, love you too Mr Horan."

Story completed : 27 June 2013

*Long Author's Note Ahead* - *Sequel Info*

So, I am done with I Want To Be Mrs Horan after about 3 months. I wanna thank everyone who read this story and also to those who kept pestering me to update. I've gone too close to the character that I could spot any little girl with blonde hair and said, 'Oh, that's Amy.'

Thank you so much for giving me the chance to write I Want To Be Mrs Horan ♥

As for the sequel, please check my profile or click the external link :) Thanks.



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