Back To Work

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Friday Night SmackDown

3rd Person POV

After a week of hanging out at her farm, Gionna and Caleb go back to work. After arriving at the arena, they get ready and wait for their cue to go out.


Roman Reigns is in the ring with the Usos, Jimmy on his left and Jey on his right, with a mic in his hand, while Paul Heyman stands at ringside.

Roman: Last week that insubordinate punk, Caleb Winters, defied my orders and attacked me and my family. He called us out and made us look weak.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Caleb: Woah woah woah. Hold on there, ya big mutt. Last week I made you look weak. Not your family. Your family is as strong as ever. Its only flaw is its leadership.

Roman: You just don't get it, do you? My family isn't just the Usos. My family is SmackDown.

Caleb: Then start acting like it, you dumbass. People used to respect you, Roman. Those people would've done anything for you when you had leukemia.

Roman: Those people "would've" done anything for me, but they didn't. Week after week, night after night they disappointed me. I watched the business I worked so hard to keep at the top be destroyed by them. I'm putting them back in line. I'm restoring the WWE.

Caleb: I must've hit you in the head harder than I thought if that's what you think you're doing.

Roman: You're just jealous that I'm the Universal Champion. That I'm out here every night winning matches and defending my title, while you're stuck in the back mopping up Liv Morgan's tears.

Caleb: Why is it that any time I'm winning an argument, you use her against me? There are so many things about me that you could make fun of, yet you choose to try to make fun of me for dating the most gorgeous woman in this industry. Why? Because she's underused? Because she's never had the opportunity to hold a title before? I'm sorry that my girl wasn't given title after title like you and that bitch you call a tag partner. She works her ass off day in and day out for this company. Your little advocate down there knows it. I know it. And I'm proud of her for putting up with people like you and all of y'all's shit for so many damn years. Next time you wanna insult me, pick somethin' that's actually insulting.

Roman: I wasn't trying to attack you. I'm just here to stall you.

As Roman points to the titantron, the image shows Sasha and Liv brawling backstage in the locker room. Roman, Jimmy, and Jey all get out of the ring and run to Caleb to keep him from going backstage. Caleb takes them on one at a time. He deals with Jimmy first by hitting the running Uso with a back body drop. Next is Jey, who is stopped with a big boot right to the skull, knocking him down instantly. Now it's the Chief's turn. Reigns runs right for Winters, only to be hoisted up and hit with an Assassin's Torch. Without wasting any time, Caleb runs backstage and finds Liv and Sasha in the parking area. Sasha looks like she's ready to slam a car door on Liv's head and neck.

Caleb: Step away from her, you rejected blueberry!

Sasha, stepping away from the car and walking towards Winters: Or what!? You'll hit me!? You're too easy! We all know that you won't hit a woman!

Caleb smirks.

Sasha: What are you smirking about? I'm beating down on your girlfriend and you're smirking!?

Caleb: Roman isn't the only one that's good at stalling.

He motions his head to his right, Sasha's left, and the Boss turns to see Bayley and Ruby Riott standing there. Bayley grabs Sasha and drives her back first into the car while Ruby and Caleb grab Liv. The two lift Liv up to her feet while Sasha tries to fight back against Bayley.

Ruby: You alright, Livvy?

Liv: I'm fine. I'm gonna kill her!

Liv runs/limps towards Sasha and joins Bayley in taking the Boss down. After fighting Sasha and pushing her against a nearby car, Liv hits an improvised ObLIVion on the Boss, using the nearby car's hood in place of the middle rope and drives Banks head first into a chair, which Sasha had used on her earlier. Caleb helps the battered Liv to her feet and takes her to the trainer's office while Bayley lifts Sasha to hers, takes her on top of the nearby car, and hits a Bayley-to-Belly. The impact of Banks's back shatters the windshield and dents the roof and hood.


Gionna and Caleb prepare to leave the show as this week's episode of the Mixed Match Challenge is at an NXT show. The three shows each take turns eliminating their teams until each has one team remaining. Then, those teams will compete in a triple threat match at Survivor Series to prove which brand has the greatest team. The winners of the MMC get to either enter the Royal Rumble at any number of their choosing or have a guaranteed title match at the next PPV. The two haven't yet decided which they'd rather do and Gionna is ready to find out.

Gionna: So what are we going to do?

Caleb: What do you mean?

Gionna: I mean when we win the Mixed Match Challenge. Are we doing the Rumble thing or should we go straight for the titles?

Caleb: I think we should do the Rumble thing.

Gionna: But we'd have a higher chance of winning those title matches at TLC than we would at winning the Rumbles.

Caleb: I know. And you deserve to be champion now. I'm not sure which one is the better option to be honest. One could give us potential WrestleMania moments. The other could bring the titles right to us.

Gionna: I'm tired of waiting for a title opportunity.

Caleb: You could have a Liv O'Mania at WrestleMania.

Gionna: Liv O'Mania?

Caleb: Yeah. It's like KofiMania, but for you. Liv O'Mania.

Gionna: I like that idea. Liv O'Mania would be cool.

Caleb: Well we still have time to make our decision. We haven't won it yet.

Gionna: I know. I just wanted to know what you thought about it.

Caleb: Ah ok. Well let's head out.

Gionna: Where are we going? To another hotel?

Caleb: Nah. We're going to the farm.

Gionna: I get to go home and see my babies?

Caleb: Yep. Shane wants us to stay at 100%, so he told me that we won't be doing any Live Events. Not until they figure everything out.

Gionna: Oh ok. You're not sleeping on the couch again. Or going to a hotel.

Caleb: So I'm sleeping with the cows?

Gionna: You will if you try to sleep on the couch again. You're sleeping in my bed tonight, silly. We slept together countless times. I'm not sure why you keep going other places to sleep. (There's a small pause as they get into the car and leave the arena.) So why don't you sleep with me unless I choose to lay down with you?

Caleb: Because I don't want anything to be weird. You have a tendency to fall asleep before I do. So when I carry you to your room and tuck you in, I think about how weird it'd be if you woke up and found me just laying in your bed. You might wonder what you did the night before and things could get awkward.

Gionna: Oh. Well, don't worry about that. I've known you for a good while now, and we've been dating for almost a month now.

Caleb: That's it?

Gionna: I know. I feel like we've been dating for a long time. I feel so comfortable when I am around you.

Caleb: That's because you've known me for years and we've met up together every now and then. I have been so comfortable with you and I've only been on a beach date with you.

Gionna: If you count the time you helped me through my break up with Enzo and several other rough times, we've been on more than one date.

Caleb: I guess if those count, we've been dating for years Gi.

Gionna: Apparently we have.

After sharing a laugh, the Southern Juggernaut decides to ask Gionna a question.

Caleb: What was your first opinion of me when we first met?

Gionna: I thought you were kind and funny and *unintelligible mumbling*

Caleb: What was that?

Gionna, blushing: I didn't say anything.

Caleb: Don't lie to me, Gi. What'd you say?

Gionna: I said I thought you were sexy.

Caleb, laughing: Awwww. You thought I was sexy when we first met?

Gionna: Maybe.

Caleb: Awwww, Gi. You had a crush on me, didn't you?

Gionna: I will admit I did have a crush on you. Did you have a crush on me?

Caleb: Until Paul asked me if I had a crush on you, I didn't realize that I did. So the answer is yes, I unknowingly had a crush on you.

Gionna: If you had a crush on me, then why were you always hanging around other girls.

Caleb: What do you mean?

Gionna: Whenever you'd come to visit, you'd hang around Becky, Peyton, and Billie.

Caleb: They were old friends from the indies. Any time I saw you, I'd head your way.

Gionna: Really?

Caleb: Call Becks. She may be pregnant, but the woman still stays up late.

Gionna grabs Caleb's phone and calls Becky Lynch like he suggested.

Becky, excitedly over the phone: What's up, stranger!?

Caleb: Hey Becks. How's pregnant life treatin' ya?

Becky: At first it was easy. Now it's a pain in the arse.

Caleb: You'll be alright.

Becky: Yeah. So, what're you doin' calling me? Shouldn't you be with Liv?

Caleb: She's right here with me. We just left the arena.

Gionna: Hi Becky.

Becky: Hi Liv. Now, why are you two calling me?

Caleb: My girl over here didn't believe me when I said every time I saw her, I left you and the IIconics to go talk to her.

Becky: He would do it every damn time. Even if his old buddy Jason was there. If he saw you, he went to check on you.

Gionna: Did he ever tell you why?

Becky: No. We thought he was crushing on you. Then we saw you two hang out and saw it was mutual. Why was he always with you?

Gionna: He was making sure I was feeling ok because I was in an abusive relationship.

Becky: That wasn't all you did, was it Caleb?

Caleb: You know I beat the guy up, Becks.

Becky: Yeah. I knew you did.

Gionna: She knew you beat him up?

Caleb: She knew I fought a guy who was picking on a girl. I never told her any details. I respected your privacy and I didn't want corporate involved.

Gionna: Corporate could've gotten involved?

Becky: If the guy took it to court, yes. WWE would've vouched for Caleb because he stood up for you.

Gionna: What if the guy he beat up worked for WWE?

Becky: Depending on who it was, Vince would've taken Caleb's word over the other guy's.

Gionna: I believe that. How did you learn that Caleb beat that guy up?

Becky: He came to mine and Charlotte's hotel room with bruised knuckles and some pieces of glass stuck in his arm.

Gionna looks at Caleb questioningly.

Caleb: I missed a punch. My fist went through a window. I bruised my knuckles from beating him up so badly.

Gionna: Were you freaked out when he came to you?

Becky: Not really. I just had one question for him.

Gionna: What was it?

Caleb: She asked me if I won.

Becky: And he said (doing her best impersonation of Caleb, even though it isn't that good) "you bet your Irish ass I won."

Caleb: Nice try at imitating me, Becks. You're getting better.

Becky: Well I try.

Caleb: I'm gonna let you get some sleep now. You sound tired.

Becky: You try lugging another hum-

Caleb, talking over Becky: Uh huh. Bye Becks. Goodnight. Say "hi" to Seth for me. Bye bye.

Gionna laughs as Caleb hangs up that phone.

Gionna: You really did have a crush on me?

Caleb: Yes I did.

Gionna: Awwwwwww. You were fighting for me before I was your girlfriend?

Caleb: I always stuck up for you. When management decided to form new, all female factions, Hunter called me and asked if I had any ideas about who they could use. I suggested you.

Gionna: Were you a simp for me?

Caleb: No. Simps are different from me. I had a crush on you. Simps will donate their blood to you even though you are healthy or give you their whole life's savings just for you to say the first letter of their name. I fought and vouched for you.

Gionna leans over and kisses him on the cheek.

Gionna: I know you're not a simp. You're a man. You're my man. I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me.

Caleb: You don't have to thank me, Gi. Being able to hold you, kiss you, and call you my girl is more than enough thanks.

Gionna: You keep talking like that and no one on the farm will get much sleep tonight.

Caleb laughs with Gionna as they continue their drive home. Once they get there, Gionna and Caleb put their bags down, feed her animals, and get ready for bed. The two walk into Gionna's bedroom and get in the bed. Caleb spoons Gionna as they get comfortable, kiss each other goodnight, and drift off to sleep.

End of chapter

A/N: Thank y'all so much for reading. I'll talk to y'all next time. Edit: I changed some of Gionna and Caleb's dialogue.

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