Survivor Series

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Backstage, Survivor Series

3rd Person POV

Gionna and Caleb are sitting down at catering, with the former sitting in the lap of the latter. At the table they're sitting at, they are joined by Lacey, Isaiah, Ruby, Roman, Pam, Corbin, and Kevin.

Kevin: So who is doing what match?

Roman: I'm in the Champion versus Champion versus Champion main event.

Caleb, pretending to be annoyed: You're Champion, we get it!

After throwing his head back while talking, he sits up straight to see Roman chuckling and smiles on everyone's faces.

Caleb: Well, KO, Isaiah and I are in the RAW versus SmackDown versus NXT Survivor Series Elimination Tag Match. Damn that was a mouthful.

Roman: I know that you and KO are on Team Blue. What team are you on, Isaiah?

Isaiah: Team Gold.

Kevin: Are you Team Gold, Lacey?

Lacey: No. I'm Team Red.

Kevin: So there are two captains at this table?

Lacey: I know that I'm the captain of the RAW Women's Team. Who's the other captain?

Kevin: King Winters over there.

Caleb does a small, two finger salute which causes both of them to laugh. As they continue talking, Gionna shifts to where she can whisper in Caleb's ear.

Gionna: Wasn't there someone you wanted to introduced me to?

Caleb: Yeah.

Gionna: Well, who is this person?

Caleb: It's persons and I think you've already met before. You've at least met his wife before.

Gionna: I'm so excited now. Please tell me.

Caleb: Alright, come on baby. (To the group) We'll see y'all around.

The two stand up and hold hands before walking towards an area where more of the veteran wrestlers are. Caleb leads Gionna through them before stopping in front of Randy Orton.

Caleb: Hey Orton, is he here yet?

Randy: Yeah. He's hanging around his locker room over there.

Caleb: Thanks man.

Gionna and Caleb walk in the direction Orton pointed and find a large man wearing a beanie, shorts, and a t-shirt. The large man is standing next to a shorter, yet still tall, blonde woman with a little girl standing in between them. The little girl runs from in between her parents straight towards Caleb. She reaches her arms out as she runs to him. Caleb squats down as best he can and catches the little girl, grabbing her and lifting her up into a hug.

Tall blonde girl: I should've known it was you. You're the only person she runs to like that.

Caleb: It's a special bond we've got. (Turns to face the little girl) Ain't that right, Kaia?

Kaia nods her head, causing everyone to laugh a little. Gionna watches as Caleb interacts with the young girl, a smile forming on her face. Her face quickly turns into one of shock as the tall man approaches.

Tall man: Caleb! How's it goin' brotha'?

Caleb: I'm doin' pretty good. How about you, old man?

Tall man: I'm doing just fine. (He turns towards Gionna) Who's this?

Caleb reaches back and grabs her hand before pulling her next to him and wrapping his arm around her waist.

Caleb: This is my girlfriend, Gionna Daddio aka Liv Morgan.

Gionna: You're the-the-the-the...

Caleb: Gi, this is the main man who trained me: the Undertaker, his wife Michelle, and his little girl/my best friend, Kaia.

'Taker shakes her hand and Gionna's face turns into one of disbelief, causing Caleb to laugh to himself. Michelle gives Gionna a little hug and the three talk while Caleb and Kaia have their own private conversation.

Kaia: She's pretty.

Caleb: Yes, she is.

Kaia: Do you love her?

Caleb: Without a doubt.

Kaia: She has a funny laugh.

Caleb: Yes, she does.

Kaia: Is she nice?

Caleb: She is extremely nice.

Kaia: Does she give good hugs?

Gionna: I give the best hugs.

Caleb: Where'd they go?

Gionna: They wanted some time to themselves.

Caleb: Well it looks like I have two problem children to deal with. Hey Mark!

Undertaker from the locker room: Yeah!?

Caleb: You mind if I borrow Kaia for awhile!?

Undertaker: No! You go ahead!

Caleb: Alright, see ya around old man!

And with that, Gionna and Caleb, who is carrying Kaia, make their way back to their private locker room. Once inside, Caleb sets Kaia down on the couch and gives her his phone after unlocking it. Gionna sits on the opposite side of the couch, not sure if Kaia wants her to sit next to her or not, while Caleb is laying on the floor with his head resting against his duffle bag.

Gionna: You and Kaia seem really close.

Caleb: Well, my best friend is her older brother. I spent a rather large chunk of my time at their house to train with him and their dad.

Gionna: I don't think you've ever told me who actually trained you.

Caleb: I had three main trainers. They were Brock, 'Taker, and Randy.

Gionna nods her head before looking down to her left to see what game Kaia is playing.

Kaia: You're Liv Morgan, right?

Gionna: Yes I am.

There's a knock at the door so Caleb gets up to check it. While he does, the girls continue to talk.

Kaia, putting the phone down: Do you love him?

Gionna: Yes, I do. I always have.

Kaia: He does dumb things.

Gionna, laughing: Yes. Yes he does.

Caleb comes back and heads straight for his bag. He reaches in and takes out his jacket and his glasses.

Gionna: You're up already?

Caleb: Yep. Kaia, your parents said that you could stay here with Gi and the Squad if you'd like.

Gionna: The Squad?

Caleb: Yeah. Y'all can come in now.

Ruby, Sarah, and several of Gionna's friends come into the locker room and sit around the two. Kaia stands up and walks towards Caleb.

Kaia: I'm good. I'll go back to mom and dad.

Caleb: Ok.

Gionna: I'll walk her to them.

Caleb: Great. I'll see you at the gorilla?

Gionna: Yep.

As Gionna takes Kaia back to her parents, Caleb goes to his designated area to film a small video for the show.


Caleb is sitting on a production crate when Roman walks towards him. Winters hops off of the crate and stands face-to-face, staring down at Roman.

Roman: You know what you have to do.

Caleb stares at Reigns and the Big Dog can tell that they have a mutual understanding.

Caleb: I'll win my match. Just do me one favor.

Roman raises a questioning eyebrow.

Caleb: Kick Wyatt and Bálor's asses.

Roman nods slowly before the two bump fists and go their separate ways as the camera cuts.


Gionna and Caleb are in the gorilla with the rest of Team Blue as they finish warming up and go over strategy. Watching her man step into the role as captain causes her to smile.

Caleb: Alright, the most likely scenario is that the captains are starting off. We need to keep them on their toes. Form alliances with opposite teams and betray them before they can betray you. If they send in their big guys, go for the legs or get Corbin or myself. We are the largest guys on this team and can match their larger guys's strength. Turn your opponent's strengths into their weaknesses. Get it? Got it? Good. Now let's go kick some red and gold ass.

As everyone breaks away from the little meeting and get ready to make their entrances, Caleb goes to Gionna. They embrace each other before pulling back slightly, Caleb's hands placed on Gionna's waist while her arms drape across his neck.

Gionna: Try not to get hurt too badly out there.

Caleb: I'll do my best.

Gionna: Please don't do anything stupid.

Caleb: Where's the fun in that?

Gionna: You're lucky I love you.

Caleb: Yes I am.

They share a short, sweet kiss before he slowly lets go of her, fixes his jacket, and puts his glasses on.

Caleb, to himself: Let's do this, motherfucker.

His theme song hits and he walks out of the gorilla.

The match

3rd Person POV

The lights go out as a theme song plays throughout the arena; unfamiliar to some, but very familiar to others.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N: I don't own this song.)

A blue spot light shines down on the Southern Juggernaut as he slowly makes his way down to the ramp before stopping. The members of the WWE Universe who have seen him wrestle on the indies cheered loudly as they recognized his King Winters theme song. The lights come on as King Winters's theme song changes to the SmackDown theme song ("Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson) and the rest of Team Blue make their way next to their team captain.

Mike Rome: Making their way to the ring, the team of Kevin Owens, Baron Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, Jey Uso, and Caleb Winters; Team SmackDown!!!!!

The five get into the ring and do their little taunts to get the crowd fired up. For Caleb, that was climbing up onto the middle rope, placing his left foot on the top rope, and shouting "all hail mine". All three teams are in the ring now as they decide who will start off. Team RAW is made up of Braun Strowman, Randy Orton, Ricochet, AJ Styles, and their captain: Drew McIntyre. Team NXT is made up of Pete Dunne, Tyler Breeze, Keith Lee, Isaiah Winters, and their captain: Adam Cole. The captains climb into the ring and get ready to start things off, but before they can start, Adam decides to play mind games with Caleb by tagging in Isaiah while laughing.

Caleb quietly: Oh for fuck's sake.

The three people in the ring now are the Winters brothers and McIntyre. The two brothers look at each other, shrug and then run at Drew and begin hitting him with a barrage of punches, stomps, and kicks. The continuous attacks force Drew against the ropes where the brothers continue to wail on him. The ref tries to get order and manages to get Caleb off of Drew, but he wasn't strong enough to stop both of them, so Isaiah is still damaging the Scotsman. Once the ref pushes Caleb away from McIntyre, he turns around and pushes Isaiah away from Drew. While the younger brother is being pushed back, Caleb goes back on the attack, whipping the Scottish Psychopath into the ropes on the other side of the ring and hitting him with a big boot. Drew's head bounces as he collides with the mat, but he doesn't have much time to recover as Caleb bounces off the ropes and hits him with a senton. The impact causes Drew to roll over onto his knees. Once he gets up onto his feet, he is still clutching his midsection and doubled over, leaving him open for Isaiah's next attack. The younger Winters brother darts out of the corner and hits him with a Curb Stomp. The Universe is on edge as the two brothers work together for the first time in close to a year. The Stomp stunned McIntyre, but it didn't send him to the ground as he wobbles on his feet. The Southern Juggernaut takes this as his opportunity to strike once Drew slowly turns around and is facing him. King Winters lunges forward and brings the large Scotsman down with a Juggernaut Charge. Unfortunately, this partnership doesn't last. When Caleb and Isaiah are standing near each other and looking out into the crowd, the latter tries to hit a surprise WMD, but his brother sees it coming and ducks under it. Caleb goes for a Southern Superkick, but his foot is caught. Knowing he has the advantage, Isaiah throws his brother's foot to the side before booting him in the stomach and hitting the Perfect Insanity. Caleb reels back, quickly recovering and hitting his brother with a Juggernaut Charge. The two brothers make their way to their feet as Drew crawls to his corner and tags Braun in.

Gionna and Caleb's locker room

Gionna is sitting on the couch with Lexi to her right. The rest of the Riott Squad, the IIconics, Lacey Evans, and Roman are also in the locker room with them and they all watch the match.

Lexi: I forgot how well they work together.

Cole: The Dark Messiah connects with the Curb Stomp!

Graves: Yeah, but it didn't bring McIntyre down. He's still on his feet!

Saxton: I don't think he will be for much longer guys!

Cole: The Southern Juggernaut is waiting in the corner, staring hungrily at the Scottish Psychopath!

Phoenix: If Drew wants to win this thing, he better get out of the way and fast!

Phillips: It's too late, the Juggernaut is heading right for him!

Cole: The Juggernaut Charge!!! The brothers are standing tall, the crowd is on their feet, and McIntyre is down after receiving a Curb Stomp and a Juggernaut Charge!!!

Gionna: That's right babe! Lets go!!

Everyone in the locker room laughs at Gionna, who jumped to her feet when Caleb brought Drew down. Lexi and Cassandra grab Gionna and pull her back onto the couch.

Lexi: Calm down, Gionna. I know you're excited but damn.

They continue to watch as Caleb gets hit with a Perfect Insanity and stumbles backwards.

Gionna: Come on baby, you've got this!

Caleb bounces off of the ropes and hits Isaiah with a Juggernaut Charge.

Gionna: That's what I'm talking about! Woooo!

Lacey and Gionna look at each other and smile, knowing that only one of their boyfriends is walking out of this match on the winning team. This only added to the excitement as everyone there started making predictions about what is going to happen.

Cole: A tag has been made; Strowman is in the ring now.

Gionna and Lacey: Oh no.

In the ring

Braun looks at both of the Winters brothers before running and attempting to bulldoze Isaiah, but the Dark Messiah stops the incoming Monster with a boot to the stomach before hitting the Perfect Insanity. The Monster Among Men is stunned as the younger Winters begins hammering away at him with repeated jabs, crosses, hooks, and knees. He fights Strowman into his corner and continues his assault before tagging Keith Lee in. Lee goes to pick up where Isaiah left off when he and Braun are crushed against each other by Caleb, who ran across the ring and rammed his shoulder into Keith's back. He continues to drive his shoulder into Lee's spine before backing away a little and turning Lee around. Braun and Keith are now facing Caleb, who darts back across the ring before running all the way back and hitting a Stinger Splash. Before they can stumble out of the corner, Caleb reaches down and starts lifting, slowly hoisting both of them up onto his shoulder in a fireman's carry.


Gionna spits out some of her drink at the scene, choking a little. Lexi pats her on the back as her breathing returns to normal.

Jessica: What's he doin'?

Cassandra: Gionna, hunny, what's your man doin'?

Cole: H-he's lifting both Strowman and Lee up onto his shoulders!

Gionna: He's doing what!?

In the ring

Caleb starts growling in pain and frustration as he lifts both Keith and Braun onto his shoulders. He slowly walks towards the center of the ring, his steps wobbly and his breath shaky as he lets out long exhales. He looks directly at the hard camera and shouts.

Caleb: ALL! HAIL!! MINE!!!

He releases a loud roar mixed with a yell of pain before hitting a double Assassin's Torch. After he hits the mat, he moves his hand to his back and rolls around a little, cussing through clenched teeth.

Caleb: Fuuargh!! Shitdamnfuck!!!


Gionna quietly: Oh no.

Jessica: What? Gi, what's wrong?

Gionna: He's hurt. He's hurt really bad.

Cassandra: How can you tell?

Gionna: He doesn't cuss like that unless he's doing housework, fixing something, or he's in pain. I need to go to him. Now!

Lexi grabs her wrist and pulls her back onto the couch before speaking.

Lexi: Caleb can handle this. He's been through way worse. All we can do is be for him when he comes back.

Gionna: Y-yeah. You're right. (To herself quietly) Please be ok. Please be ok.

In the match

Caleb crawls towards the corner, but is unable to make a tag as the newly tagged in Ricochet grabs his ankle and pulls him away from his corner. Quickly getting up to his feet, Caleb turns to face Ricochet, who charges right at him. Feeling he'd be better safe than sorry, Caleb counters the charging man with a Deep Six. Ricochet is quick to get back up to his feet while Caleb struggles a bit. Pete Dunne is tagged in and he quickly takes advantage of the larger threat: Ricochet. The two do battle, wearing the other down as much as they possibly could when Ricochet surprises Dunne with an enziguri. Pete turns around right into a Winter's End. Caleb pins him to three before crawling to his corner and tagging Corbin in and rolling to the outside.


Braun Strowman is the legal man and is running through everyone. He exits the ring as Caleb is still trying to gather himself and stand up. Braun signals that he's about to run around the ring and bulldoze through everyone on the outside. He takes off and collides with everyone who gets in his way until Caleb pushes himself into the way as Braun goes for lap three. Braun doesn't care who is in his way and just keeps running forward. As he approaches Caleb, the Southern Juggernaut lunges forward and brings the Monster Among Men with a Juggernaut Charge. King Winters stands back up and pulls Braun to his feet and hoists him onto his shoulders before putting Strowman through the announce table with an Assassin's Torch. Caleb climbs onto the apron and holds his hand out so Kevin can make the tag.

Ref: Tag!

Caleb enters the ring, where Breeze is just starting to come to after he was drilled into the mat with a Running Powerslam, and goes over to the weakened man, lifting him to his feet before hitting a Darkest Void. As he calls for the Winter's End, Tyler stands and wobbles. Caleb goes for the Winter's End, but Breeze is able to push Winters away before going for an enziguri. The Southern Juggernaut ducks under the kick, lifts Breeze up, getting him into position, and then hitting the Cemetery Bloom. After pinning him to three, Winters turns his attention to the recovering Monster. Looking around at the crowd and at Strowman, Winters realizes what he has to do. Braun is now standing as Caleb leans back into the ropes before running across the ring and leaping over those set of ropes, hitting a Tope Con Giro. As he's about to collide with Strowman, the Monster Among Men catches him and lifts him into position for a powerbomb. Rather than wait for Braun to do whatever he's planning, Winters takes matters into his own hands and throws his body backwards, performing a hurricanrana causing Strowman to flip and crash to the floor back first.


Jessica: Did you know that he could do that?

Gionna: I've only seen him do it once or twice and it was never to anyone that size.

Roman: He's always full of surprises.

Gionna: That's for damn sure.

In the match

Caleb picks Strowman up and rolls him into the ring before climbing in himself. After lifting Braun to his feet, Caleb looks over and sees his brother standing in the corner waiting to strike. Despite the dark green (so dark it's nearly black) face covering that is shielding the bottom half of his brother's face, Caleb can tell that his brother is smiling sadistically. Caleb taunts his brother, doing a "bring it" gesture with both of his hands. His brother lunges forward and Caleb hits the deck as his brother approaches and leaps towards him, causing Isaiah to Spear the Monster Among Men. Caleb stands back up and is chuckling as his brother gets to his feet. They look at each other before looking down at Strowman and then back at each other, both chuckling at the dismantled Monster's expense. Isaiah goes back to his corner facing the crowd and nodding. Then, he turns around and slowly raises his right fist into the air. All of his fans know this signature taunt and raise their fists into the air as well.

(A/N: This is what the taunt Isaiah and the crowd are doing looks like.)

Phoenix: The ten thousand fists are in the air. Anyone who has seen this man wrestle knows what's coming next.

Braun stands and charges Isaiah, who counters it by placing his hand on Strowman's chest and lifting him up, holding him up with one hand. While he lifts Braun, Caleb runs into the ropes and darts back towards his brother. As Isaiah slams Strowman down with a One-handed Spinebuster (known as the Vengeful Spinebuster), Caleb leaps into the air and hits the Winter's End on the falling Strowman. The fans go nuts as the Winters brothers just hit their tag finisher, the Harsh Reality. The older Winters approaches the battered Monster's legs, picks them up, and locks in Dear Agony. Strowman taps out and, as Caleb releases the hold, McIntyre runs into the ring and hits him with a Claymore. Caleb rolls towards the ropes as Drew quickly gets to his feet. Before Drew could make a move against Isaiah, the younger Winters hits Drew with a Claymore of his own. Wasting little time, Isaiah locks in the P.T.O and holds it until Drew passes out.

Mike Rome: Drew McIntyre has been eliminated!

The teams are now down several members each. Team RAW has Randy, Ricochet and AJ, Team NXT has Isaiah, Pete and Adam, and Team SmackDown has Caleb and KO.

Cole: Look! It's AJ! Styles is on the apron, setting up for the Phenomenal Forearm!

Styles springs off the top rope and almost connects with the Phenomenal Forearm, but is met with a boot to the gut as Isaiah sets him up for, and hits, the Perfect Insanity. Caleb makes it to his feet and runs right at his brother before sliding underneath his legs and tags in Kevin. Owens hits Isaiah with rapid right hands before connecting with a Stunner of his own. The Stunner knocks Isaiah back towards his corner and Adam Cole tags himself in.


Cole: A Pop-up Powerbomb from Owens to Ricochet!!

Graves: Styles just slid into the ring! He's going to break up the pin!

Cole: A Juggernaut Charge to Styles!! Kevin Owens gets the three count thanks to Caleb Winters running through Styles!!

As Owens stands up, he turns around right into a Perfect Insanity from Isaiah, who gets the three count. Randy runs in and clotheslines Isaiah as Caleb slowly slides into the ring. Randy goes to clothesline the eldest of the Winters family, but Caleb ducks underneath it before hitting the Winter's End. He pins Orton to three as Isaiah tags in Cole. Adam runs into the ring and hits the unsuspecting Juggernaut with a Last Shot.

Adam: You finish him off!

Isaiah looks at him confused for a moment.

Adam: Prove your loyalty!

The younger Winters looks down to floor before nodding and looking back up.


Gionna: Come on babe, move out of the way. Do something. Anything.

Lexi: What is Isaiah doing?

Lacey: What he knows is right.

In the match

Isaiah rolls out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp.

Adam: What are you doing!?! You cowar-

His sentence is cut off by Caleb, who picks him up and slams him down with a Jackhammer. Winters goes to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash. He picks Adam up by the hair after standing up and pulls him onto his feet before hitting him with a Southern Superkick. Not letting Cole go down, Caleb grabs onto him and lifts him up in a powerbomb position and then driving him into the mat with a Bandit's Run. In honor of the Deadman, Caleb's "wrestling father" and close friend who is going to retire later tonight, the Southern Juggernaut does the signature taunt of the Undertaker, sticking his tongue out and rolling his eyes into the back of his head while dragging his thumb across his throat. Then, he grabs Cole and hoists him up before hitting him with a Cemetery Bloom and pinning him to three in true Undertaker fashion.

Mike Rome: Here is your winner and soul survivor: Caleb Winters!!!!!

Caleb stands up and walks around in the ring with his hands on his hips, trying to catch his breath. Then the crowd pops loudly and he looks at the stage to see why. His face changes from one of confusion to a smile as he climbs out of the ring to great the person responsible for the loud pop. Caleb holds his arms out and the surprise person makes her way to him before hugging him.

Caleb: Hey babe.

Gionna: Hey.

He puts his hand under her chin and makes her look up at him using the side of his index finger. She stares up at him with a wide smile, which proved to be contagious as he soon finds himself smirking. He leans his head down and quickly kisses her before they make their way backstage. Caleb has his left arm wrapped around her shoulders and is breathing heavily and limping while she is helping him walk and stand. The cameras cut away to show a video package for the next match as the two continue to make their way up the ramp.


Caleb has his torso taped up while he and Gionna pack up their stuff to head home. They leave the locker room and head straight for the gorilla where Undertaker just got back from saying "goodbye" to the WWE Universe. Caleb drops his bag on the floor and goes over to 'Taker and hugs him and thanks him for training him all those years ago.

Mark: You're the future, kid. You and Gionna both are.

Caleb looks to his side to see Gionna with tears in her eyes and holds her close to him.

Mark: I'll always be around. Have you talked to Jace yet?

Caleb: He's here?

Mark: Yeah. He should be warming up in somewhere dark like normal.

Caleb: I'll be sure to talk to him before we leave.

Mark: Alright. See ya around, kid.

Caleb: See ya around, old man.

And with that, Gionna and Caleb make their way to Gionna's car and load their stuff in. Gionna gets in but Caleb just limbs in a different direction.


Caleb comes back and sits in the passenger seat.

Gionna: So what's Jason doing here?

Caleb: He's making a destructive debut, like always.

Gionna: Do you want to stay for his match?

Caleb: I want to lay down with you and go to sleep.

Gionna: That can be arranged. Did you get time off for injuring yourself?

Caleb: Yep. I aggravated my back injury and bruised my ribs up a bit. I should be back around the time for TLC.

Gionna: Well, lets get you home.

Caleb: Thanks Gi.

Gionna: Anything for you, babe.

Caleb smiles as he positions his seat so that he's comfortable and then closes his eyes. After driving for awhile, Gionna starts speaking to herself.

Gionna: I love you so much, Caleb.

Caleb: I love you so much too, Gionna.

Gionna: Wait! You're awake!?

Caleb: Yeah. I just closed my eyes.

Gionna: So did you hear...

Caleb: You singin' Poker Face? Yep. I heard it.

Gionna: You're sneaky, you know that?

Caleb: At least I don't fall asleep in the car and then attack my SO with a make out session.

Gionna: That was one time!

Caleb, laughing: You're cute when you're angry.

Gionna:...I love you, you goofball.

Caleb: I know.

Gionna smiles and shakes her head as they continue to drive. When they get to Caleb's house, they get inside and lock everything up before getting comfortable, climbing into bed, and holding each other close before drifting off.

End of chapter

A/N: Sorry I kept y'all waiting for this one, but I honestly rewrote it a bunch of times because I wasn't sure which version was best. I hope y'all enjoyed this one and I'll talk to y'all next time, whenever that may be.

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