Total Divas #3: The Island

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The day after the last chapter

Caleb's POV

Finally we land on that island. After several hours on that nightclub on wheels and on that boat, which wasn't half bad, we landed on the island. We went straight from the boat to the huge house hotel thing we are staying at. It has a large number of bedrooms, a huge pool in the back, and a view of the ocean, which is only a few minutes away walking wise. Everyone chooses their rooms and some gather in the kitchen area. Gi and I didn't really go for that option as we stay in our room and unpack before climbing onto the bed.

Gi: I'm still sleepy.

Me: I know baby.

Gi: Can we just cuddle and go to sleep?

Me: Of course. Come here, darlin'.

Gi and I embrace each other before kissing one another for a good while. We soon end the kiss, cover up using a rather large blanket, and go to sleep, holding each other close.


3rd Person POV

Gionna and Caleb slowly wake up and just lie there in the bed, happily embracing each other.

Gionna: Hey.

Caleb: Hey.

Their nice little moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Caleb rolls his eyes before laying on his back, which he arches a little after doing so. He's had a long history with knee and back injuries and lying on his back tends to bother him.

Gionna: It's open.

The door opens and it's Lexi, who is wearing a t-shirt and the bottom to a bikini.

Caleb: *Groans in pain* Hey Lex. What's up?

Lexi: Your back again?

Caleb nods, his breathing a bit unnatural due to him trying to keep from crying out in agony.

Lexi: Well, get up. There's someone here to see you and someone he wants you to meet.

Caleb: Oh boy.

As Lexi closes the door and leaves, Gionna stands up and starts getting dressed in her bikini herself. She can tell Caleb is looking at her and smirks.

Gionna: Enjoying the view?

Caleb: Yeah, why?

Gionna, laughing: Just get dressed.

Caleb: Yes boss lady.

After doing a playful salute, he gets up and changes as well. Keeping his traditional all black look, he puts on a plain black pair of swim trunks on. Before he can put his shirt on, he feels Gionna's hand on his back. He turns around and Gionna puts her hand on his chest and stands in front of him.

Caleb: I have to put a shirt on and, unless you wanna wear the shirt with me, you're gonna have to move that hand.

Gionna: Just...don't put the shirt on.

Caleb: How about I wear one until we're get to the water?

Gionna: But you always wear shirts. Give me and the viewers of this show something to really look at.


He throws his shirt back down and follows Gionna out the door. When they walk into the kitchen where everyone seems to have gathered, Caleb is met with a few whistles, catcalls, etc. The ones that really made him laugh were from Rusev and Jimmy.

Caleb: What? Never seen a guy without a shirt on?

Nikki: Not one with a swimmer's body. Turn around.

Caleb shoots Gionna a questioning work which she responds to by turning around and backing up to where she's standing with the rest of the girls near the island counter.

Gionna: Yeah baby. Let us see the back.

Caleb holds his hands out in a similar fashion to Ric Flair before spinning around to his left slowly. As he does, the girls and the obvious two guys continue to tease him by cheering and clapping. As soon as he faces back forward, Gionna approaches him, wraps her arms around his neck, and smiles.

Gionna: Damn babe.

She pulls his head down to meet hers and plants a kiss on his lips. He kisses back before the kiss is interrupted by a familiar voice.

???: Why is my brother shirtless and kissing Liv Morgan?

Caleb, remembering that there are cameras around: Isaiah, meet Liv Morgan. My girlfriend. And I'm shirtless because she told me to be.

Isaiah, walking into the room: My woman told me to go shirtless too.

Caleb: You're woman?

Isaiah, motioning to a blonde standing next to him: Yes. My woman. Big bro, meet Lacey Evans.

Lacey comes into view and waves.

Caleb, after standing there for a second: Sorry. Just can't believe my brother got himself a lady.

Lacey: More like I got him. Took a lot of work to get this boy to open up to me.

Caleb: Don't feel bad. All of my family is like that.

Nikki: What's with the tattoo?

Caleb: What?

Nikki: The cross tattoo on your upper left arm.

Caleb: Oh. The cross tattoo is the same one our dad had on his left shoulder. I got it as a way of keeping a tradition.

On Caleb's upper left shoulder, he has a tattoo of a cross but it's made of two nails, one of the nail heads is facing up and the other is facing to the left. It also has blood dripping down the right side of the tattoo below the horizontal nail. He has another tattoo, but he doesn't show it off and most people already know the meaning behind it. Caleb has always meant to get more tattoos, just never found the time to.


The group divides into two groups: the girls and the guys. The girls said they wanted to spend some time together and catch up with each other so they sent the guys out to do something else. What they didn't know is that Caleb found a place full of stuff to blow up and bought a lot of stuff from there. A lot. So he, his brother, Jimmy, Rusev, and Corey (who showed up at the island that morning), make their way to a clear space on the beach to set it ablaze.

Caleb's POV

The guys and I make our way to the beach with a propane tank, large fireworks, and a thing of gasoline.

Rusev: What are we doing out here with all this stuff and why does Isaiah have a case?

Me: The case has guns in it, Rusev. And as to what we're doin' here: we're gonna blow all this shit up.

Corey: I'm not sure how things work here but don't you have to notify someone?

Me: I did. I told all officials on and near the island what we're gonna do.

Jimmy: You tell the girls?

Me: Uhhhhhhh.

We all burst out into laughter. Even the cameraman and mic guy start laughing a little.

Corey: You didn't tell them?

Me: Nope. I just told Liv that we would be back later today.

Corey: You're a brave soul.

Me: What? Because I didn't tell Liv exactly where I was going and what I was going to do? If I did, I'd never get to do anything.

Rusev: Why is that?

Isaiah: 'Cause he always want to do something destructive or stupid.

Me: Usually it's both. Now, help me set this shit up so we can blow it all to hell.

Back with the girls

3rd Person POV

The girls are all gathered around the pool, laying on the beach chairs or just sitting at the edge of the pool. They all trade stories about different stuff they've done from the ring, to backstage, to life with their significant others.

Naomi: The guys have been gone awhile.

Lexi: I'm sure they'll be fine. Ryan went to pick up Artem, Nikki.

Nikki: That was nice of him. (To Naomi) Are you nervous about them?

Naomi: I'm not worried about Jimmy. I'm worried about what he's gonna make the others do.

Lacey: Believe me, he's not the one that we should be worried about.

Gionna: Caleb's the one we should worry about.

Brie: Why do you say that?

Gionna: Because he's gonna do something stupid.

Lexi: That's why I told Ryan to stay back. So he didn't get caught up in one of Caleb's destructive adventures.

Brie: I'm sure Caleb won't do something too destructive.

Gionna: You don't know Caleb like Lexi and I do.

Lexi: To make matters worse or "more fun" in his eyes, Isaiah is with him.

Lacey: Oh boy. We better have 9-1-1 on speed dial.

This causes them all to laugh before they start drinking and trading more stories and personal facts/secrets.

With the guys

3rd Person POV

Jimmy: You sure that it's gonna work!?

Caleb, from the distance jogging back to them: Yes! I'm sure it'll work.

Rusev: So how is this going to work?

Caleb, now standing with the group: Well, we are gonna shoot it using the three guns Isaiah brought and if they don't explode like we want, then we'll use plan B.

Caleb moves to the large case and opens it, revealing an M1 Garand and a P90. He reaches into the holster on his hip that no one noticed before now, and pulls out a Desert Eagle, placing it next to the other two guns.

Caleb: Now, the M1 Garand is Ol' Bess, the P90 is Carter, and the Beretta 92FS is Riggs. Got it?

The others, except for Isaiah, nod.

Caleb: Who wants to go first?

Corey: I'm gonna sit this one out. I'll just take a beer.

Corey takes one of the bottles and sits down on a large rock nearby.

Caleb: Rusev?

Rusev: I'm just here to watch some fireworks.

Caleb: And I'm guessin' you're sitting this one out too, Jimmy?

Jimmy: Yeah, I'm out.

Caleb: I think y'all are afraid y'all are gonna get in trouble when the girls find out so you're leavin' my brother and I to do it by ourselves.

Corey: Uh oh. He cracked our code.

Caleb: Ha ha very funny. Now, Isaiah, which are you takin'?

Isaiah: Ol' Bess.

Caleb: Then I'll take Riggs.

The two pick up their guns, load them, cock them, and aim them at the explosives a good way away from them.

Caleb: Three. Two. One. Fire!

The two pull their triggers, sending their bullets flying through the air. They connect with the propane tank but the result they wanted to happen didn't.

Caleb: Fuck! Well, time for plan B.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a lighter before throwing it down right in front of him. The lighter ignites the trail of gasoline Caleb made earlier, sparking the fuses and causing a large, colorful and fiery surprise.

With the girls

Lexi: Look, just calm down.

Gionna: Yeah, Caleb's destructive but he's not that-

WWE's Problem Child is interrupted by two loud bangs, one following the next closely.

Nikki: Were those gunshots?

Lacey: Yeah. Isaiah said Caleb told him to bring guns the next time they met up.

Gionna: Oh so it's nothing too bad then.

Lexi: Does anyone else see that huge fire ball and the fireworks going off near it?

Gionna: Oh God.

Nikki, Carmella, and Brie: What?

Gionna, in her thoughts: Caleb is so dead when he comes back.


Gionna's POV

The guys come back in with Caleb carrying a drunk Rusev. I stand in front of him with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

Caleb: Hey.

We share a quick kiss before he separates and carries Rusev to Lana's room. After a minute he comes back and looks around for the cameras.

Caleb: You ready for bed?

I just continue to stand there, pissed off at him for deciding to something so stupid and dangerous.

Caleb: Ok, what's wrong?

Me: How could you do something so stupid and so dangerous?

Caleb: You saw the light show?

Me: Yes, I saw your "light show".

Caleb: I found a store that sold stuff that we could blow up so I went there, bought some stuff, and blew it up. I also shot a coconut out of a tree for Rusev.

Me: Did you ever stop to think about what would happen to me if you got hurt or died? What would happen to Lacey? Naomi? Carmella? Lana?

Caleb: We were gonna be fine no matter what.

Me: I can't believe yo-

Damn. I must've been overreacting or overthinking again. He interrupts my argument with a kiss. This wasn't just some regular kiss either. It's like he's trying to reassure me that everything's ok and that everything was gonna be ok. He separates from me, still embracing me in his large frame. I look at him angrily only to see him with a serious face, staring forward.

Caleb: I'm sorry I worried you, Gionna. If I knew it would worry you to the point that you were angry, I wouldn't have done it. I'm sorry, Gionna.

In all the years I've known this man, I've never seen him so apologetic. I reach my hands up to his cheeks, stroking his scruffy face while looking into his eyes.

Me: It's ok, Caleb. Just...just be careful next time, ok?

Caleb, smirking a little: You got it, babe.

Our lips meet each other's once again before we embrace each other closely.

Caleb: You ready to go to bed?

Me: Yes. I still have a small hangover from last night.

Caleb: Tomorrow morning is gonna suck for you then. Don't worry, I'll take care of you tomorrow and, when you're ready, we'll go out and have another beach date. Whaddaya say?

Me: Sounds like a plan.

And with that, I hop up onto him like I did the first night we were reunited as he carries me to our bedroom. We climb into the bed, snuggle up close together, and spoon (yay! I get to be little spoon again!) before we close our eyes and start trying to go to sleep.

Me: Goodnight Caleb.

Caleb: Goodnight Gi.

Me: I love you.

Caleb, after turning my head to face him and kissing me: I love you too.

End of chapter

A/N: Sorry for keeping y'all waiting. Thank y'all for reading and please feel free to comment or message me. Anyway, I'll talk to y'all next time.

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