Phone Call

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~~Goten's POV~~

I sighed quietly as I walked home from another long day of school. I was in my senior year of high school and it had only just started. It was really lonely without my best friend, Trunks at school. He graduated the year before me and was now off at some university. I haven't heard from him since he left. I never even got to tell him how I feel about him. I was going to tell him at his graduation party, but I was never able to get him alone. He was too busy with the party and his family. I don't even think he noticed that I was at his party. He didn't even say goodbye to me in person. He just sent me a text and that was the last message I ever got from him.

I shook my head slightly. I had to quit thinking about that because it only upset me every time but it was really hard to not think about it. My heart was pretty much broken, but it's not like it matters to anyone, except my dad of course. He's the only one who's really been concerned about me ever since Trunks left. He and my mom split up shortly after Trunks left and ever since then, he and I have been staying in a Capsule house Bulma had given us. She's Trunks's mom and she's really smart. I see where he gets his smartness from.

When I got to the door of the Capsule house, I opened it quietly and slipped inside. I kicked my shoes off at the door and shut it behind me. It was good to be home after a long day. I didn't have much homework so I decided to do it later on after I settled down for a bit. My dad never pushes me to do my homework like my mom did. He knows I'll do it and make sure it's done on time. Sometimes my older brother Gohan comes over and helps me when I'm having trouble with certain subjects. It's pretty awesome having a smart older brother, but it also sucks since he isn't around as much anymore.

I decided to just leave my bag by the door for now and made my way into the living room. I sat myself down on a simple looking black couch and stretched a bit before running my fingers through my shoulder length black hair. I was about to close my eyes for a minute until a voice called from the kitchen.

"Goten? Is that you?" The voice of my father called.

"Yeah dad, it's me." I called back as I glanced over the back of the couch, only to see my father standing in the doorway that led to the kitchen. He gave me a gentle smile and made his way into the living room. He sat down beside me on the couch and ruffled my hair a bit.

"How was school today?" He asked kindly.

"It was alright. Nothing new happened." I replied with a simple shrug. My father just nodded and leaned back against the arm of the couch. He wasn't usually this quiet. I could tell that something was bothering him. I couldn't help but stare at him curiously and when he realized, he raised an eyebrow.

"Is something wrong Goten?" He asked curiously.

"Well...normally you aren't this quiet unless something's bothering you..." I say softly and he quickly looks away.

"O-oh... It's nothing Goten. You don't have to worry about it." He replies in a quiet tone.

"I do so need to worry about it dad. Please, tell me what's bothering you." I plea and he sighs softly before looking back at me.

"I just...I'm in love with someone else and I don't know what I should do about it. The thing is, this other person is already married and I'm sure they'd reject me in an instant..." He explains cautiously and he's instantly got my attention.

"'re in love with someone else now? Who is it? Please tell me daddy! I have to know!" I exclaim, instantly scooting closer to him with wide eyes. He chuckles softly and shakes his head.

"You might freak out if I tell you who it is." He says with a slight grin.

"I don't care! Please tell me! I have to know." I say in a near demanding tone.

"Alright, calm down. I'm in love with...Vegeta..." He looked away once again as the name of his life time rival left his lips. His face was completely covered with blush and something flicked at his side. I blinked a bit as my eyes fell to the new appendage that was dangling off the couch.

"Dad! Your tail grew back!? When the hell did that happen!?" I asked in shock, completely forgetting what we were talking about before I noticed his newly grown tail.

"Huh? Oh it grew back today while you were at school... Did you even process what I said Goten? I just told you I'm in love with Vegeta. Vegeta of all people!" He exclaimed, instantly earning my attention.

"Wait what!? You're in love with Vegeta!? Does he know this?" I asked, now in even more shock than before. A lot of strange things seem to be happening now. My dad being in love with Vegeta and his tail growing back. What the heck is my dad going through?

"No Goten. Vegeta doesn't know that I'm in love with him. I haven't told him yet because I don't want to know what will happen if I do tell him. I think he'll just reject me and then he'll quit talking to me all together. That's the last thing I want!" My father exclaimed, clearly worried about the situation.

"I guess I can understand that... You already know that I'm crazy in love with Trunks and I haven't told him yet because I don't want to know what his answer would be. I don't think he likes me the same way I like him." I said sadly as I looked at the floor.

"Awe, Goten. You still haven't heard from him since he left, have you?" My dad asked, and I shook my head. "Don't worry son. If he really is your friend, he'll contact you soon enough. I'm sure he misses you just like you miss him. Hang in there." He pulled me into a hug and purred softly in order to comfort me. I purred back at him and returned his hug He's right. If Trunks really is my friend, I'll hear from him sooner or later. I really hope so anyways.

~~Later That Night~~

The rest of the night had gone by pretty fast. My father and I had talked for about another hour, telling me about how long he had been in love with Vegeta and everything. After that, we had dinner, I went to my room and did my homework and now, I'm lying in bed, staring out at the half full moon. I had started to close my eyes when my phone suddenly started vibrating. I groaned softly and rolled over, grabbing my phone off the desk. When I glanced at the caller ID, I had to stare for a minute. Trunks was calling me. I couldn't believe it. He was really calling me. I smiled brightly and quickly answered the phone.

"H-hello?" I said softly while trying like hell to contain my excitement.

"Goten? Is that really you?" His familiar voice asked.

"Yeah Trunks...It's really me." I replied with a smile on my face.

"Oh god, it's so good to talk to you again. I'm really sorry I lost contact with you. I've just been really busy with homework and stuff so I haven't really had time to contact anyone. I'm really glad you were awake. I wanted to ask you something." He explained and I felt my excitement growing even more.

"Alright, what is it?" I asked.

"Well, if you aren't doing anything this weekend, I'd love it if you could come down to my university. I really miss you and I figured you and I could grab lunch or something and catch up. Would you be interested in that?" He asked, sounding really hopeful that I'd say yes.

"Of course! I'd love to come up there!" I exclaimed almost too loudly. I quickly covered my mouth, hoping I didn't wake my dad up.

"Great! Also, there's someone I want to introduce you too. She'll be joining us for lunch this weekend. I hope that's alright." He said and I suddenly felt my heart sink a bit.

"O-oh... Yeah... That's fine. I don't see why not..." I replied, trying to hide my sadness that it wasn't just going to be the two of us.

"Thanks Goten. I'm really looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Anyways, I have to go. I have to get up early and I know you do too. Goodnight." He said before he hung up the phone. I dropped my phone from my ear and just laid there in silence. He didn't even give me the chance to say goodbye or goodnight. I was excited to see Trunks again but I wasn't excited about meeting this mysterious person who was apparently a girl. I already didn't like where this was going but I already told him I'd meet him and I wasn't going to back out of it.

I rolled onto my back and pulled a pillow over my face. I guess I'll never get the chance to tell Trunks how I feel about him. After this weekend, it might not even matter depending on who this mysterious girl is to him. I decided not to think much about it. If I continue to think about it, there's no way I'll be able to sleep tonight. After about ten minutes, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, my mind still racing the whole time. 

((Okay! Here's the first chapter of my new story! I'm sorry if it's kinda sucky. It's like 12:30 AM and I can't sleep but also can't think very well! I really do hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter though! Please let me know how you liked it! Until Next Time! ~~Gok_Chan 

PS: I love cats!!!!! Random I know but hey, randomness is fun! Anyways, laters!)) 

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