18. New Member!!!

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Roshini's PoV


I sighed shaking my head.

"Roshini, aren't you hearing me?"


"Roshini, you are coming or else..."

"Wait, I am coming. Stop shouting."

This man and his stubbornness. I am cooking and not able to move away from the kitchen. But he needs me infront of him whenever he wishes for.

I switched off the gas and walked to our room where I saw Reyhaan standing with the tie in his hand.

"What do you want?" I asked completely irritated.

"Help me with this tie." He demanded with a pout.

"Are you a kid? For god sake stop being childish." I took the tie from his hand. He grinned.

I moved towards him and tied it around his neck. This has now became a routine for me. I stirred realizing his hands finding its place on my bare waist. I slightly slapped his arm.

"Watch your hands or else.."

He didn't allow me to complete.
"Else would you kiss me?"

I glared at him. He winked with a mischievous smile. If it was another day I would have happily watched him staying there. But today I feel very tired after having an hectic day.

"Reyhaan..."I shouted. "The maids are on leave and I have works at kitchen."I pinched his arm to escape from his grip. But he tightened his hold on me failing my every attempt.


"Don't be such a serious wife. We have been married for only 6 months and you are already behaving as if we spent 6 decades together."

I smiled at the choice of his words.

"You appears like a ghost to me." His comment made me widen my eyes.


"Don't give me this look wifey. Watch yourself in the mirror." He made me stand infront of the mirror. He was right. My hairs are messed up and face appeared pale. As if I was not eating for a week.

"If the maids are on leave, you don't need to do all works alone. You have me. I can help you or if you want we can have food from outside."

"Already we are eating from outside twice a week. I don't want you to be sick, my husband."I said.

"Thank you for the concern. But don't repeat this. I am concerned about only your health. Next time maids are on leave, inform me earlier." It was a command. He never compromises on my health.

"Now be a good wife and give me a kiss."he demanded.

I know he won't go until he get the kiss. I leaned towards his face and slightly pecked his lips. Before moving away he caught me and kissed me passionately. I smiled feeling him. When we were out of breathe, he left me. I blushed.

"I like it when you blushes for me."

My mouth felt dry at his comment.

"Let me complete preparing the breakfast." I said trying to escape.

"Oh sure. I would help you."he was about to accompany me but I stopped him.

"No please. You won't let me do the job. Please stay here."

He laughed at that and I walked to the kitchen.

Reyhaan's PoV

"Roshini, here I am." I washed my hands and took my seat on the dining table.

I didn't get any response from the kitchen.

"Wifey....."I called again while swiping the phone.

I waited for her thinking that she might be busy in the kitchen. But even after two minutes, she didn't appear infront of me. I suddenly felt a worry conquering me.

I rushed into the kitchen and then my whole world froze.

There I saw her laying down on the floor unconscious. Within a second I reached her and pulled her into my lap.

"Roshini, what happened to you? Open your eyes please." I shook her. But she is not opening her eyes. I tried to wake her up by pouring water on her face, but she didnt respond. I felt my body collapsing but she needs me. I tried to hold myself.

"Why are you doing this to me? I have noone if its not you. Please open your eyes Roshini." Tears were flowing down from my eyes.

I don't know what to do.

I took her into my arms and walked to the room nearest to us. I placed her on the bed and rushed back to take my phone. I dialled the number while my hands shivering heavily.


Its been 20 minutes and the doctor is still examining her. She didn't let me come inside the room as I was very much anxious.

I don't know what happened to my Roshini.

Without her, I can't live.

She is my whole world.

I need her back. Full of life.

The door of the room opened bringing me back from my thoughts and the lady doctor appeared infront of me with concern. I rushed towards her.

"Doctor, my wife. She is fine, right?"

"Please calm down Mr.Reyhaan. There is nothing to worry."she assured.

She was trying to say something but I interrupted her asking many questions regarding Roshini's health.

"Doctor, she is working very hard these days. Did that affect her health? She looked very tired in the morning too."

"Would you let me speak Mr.Reyhaan?"she asked with widened eyes.

Then I stood quiet.

"You don't need to worry about anything Mr.Reyhaan. Your wife and baby is safe." She said.

"Wife and what?" I was surprised.

"Yes yes. Congratulations soon to be father. Your wife is pregnant. It's been three weeks already."

I became speechless at that revelation. My world has been stopped for a moment. I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Is this for real?

I am going to be a father?

I don't know how to express my happiness.

The doctor snapped her fingers and I looked at her gratefully.

"Thank you so much doctor." I said with teary smile.

"Take care of her well for the first trimester. Don't allow her to stress. More than any medicines, she need your presence in this period. Bring her for a check up after a week. Let me see the reports and then tell you more. Let her rest completely." She instructed me.

"Is there anything to worry? They are safe, right? My wife and baby, both of them."

She smiled seeing the overenthusiastic me.

"Absolutely. Stop worrying. I didn't tell her the good news. She is sleeping."

"Can I see her?"I asked.

"Yes. Sure."

The doctor left and I took slow steps towards our room. I watched her sleeping figure for a long time. She seems very fragile and delicate. I can't hold the excitement of arrival of our baby. I am going to be a father. I smiled and tears again marked my excitement.

I took a seat beside her and slowly kissed her forehead. She opened her eyes and looked at me anxiously.

"What is happening to me Reyhaan? I only remember when I felt dizzy and then suddenly my vision got blurred."

I couldn't stop smiling.

"Thank god. I could see you again. I thought I died." Before she completes I hugged her.

"Shut up. You didn't die."

She pulled away amazingly.

"You want to know?"I asked for which she nodded.

I helped her to sit straight on the bed.
"You always wanted a family. Right?" I asked.

She nodded.

"We are going to have our family." I slightly placed my hand on her belly. "With our baby." I kissed her stomach. I rested my head for a while there.

"Rey...haan..." I felt her words breaking and looked at her to see her tears.

"Our baby is coming Roshini. Our symbol of love."I assured her and she hugged my chest tightly.

I kissed her hairs and then forehead.

"Are we going to be parents?"she asked visibly more excited than me.

I nodded.

"You are happy. Right?"she asked again hugging me.

"More than you can imagine my love." I patted her back with all of my love.

"Thank you Roshini. I am never going to forget this moment of my life. The very first moment as a father." I slowly brushed my lips on her. "I love you."

She wiped the tears coming from my eyes.

"I can't wait to hold our child in my arms Roshini. The moment I married you, you became the whole world to me. Now you are not only my wife, but mother to my child. I am glad that we are not alone hereafter. We have our baby to complete us. This feels surreal."

She didn't tell anything but watching how happy I am.

"Congratulations for being a father."she said kissing my eyes.

"And congratulations for being my junior's mamma." I kissed her head. "Thank you Rose. I love you."

Roshini's PoV

"Reyhaan, please stop feeding me. I am already full and let me remember you I am not an elephant." I was saying but he would never listen. He was giggling while placing more fruits into my mouth.

After we came to know about my pregnancy, he didn't stay away from me. He started working from home and hired new maids to take care of me. After the first check up, doctor told us about the deficiency of protein in my blood. Thankfully the baby is safe. But after that he took the charge of making me eat, mostly fruits and vegetables. He even started cooking for me. And the new member doesnt like these fruits much. Everytime I ended up throwing up. But it wouldn't stop him from feeding me more.

Oh god. I am stucked between these two.

I chuckled at that thought.

"What?" He asked wiping away the sweat from his forehead.

"Our baby is very happy today." I answered.

"You are not going to eat this? Then let me bring some juice for you." He stood up and I held his wrist to stop him.

"Again? I had enough Reyhaan. I don't want my baby to be chubby." I declared.

"But I like that." He laughed.

"Laughing again? You are not serious about me anymore. You don't try to understand my struggles. You would only understand when you becomes pregnant." I said without thinking much.

He laughed again. This time louder. I bit my tongue realizing what I said.

"Ok I can wait for you to make me pregnant."he teased me and that didn't go well with me.

"The day our baby comes out, we will take revenge for all this." I announced proudly caressing my belly.

"I know ways to convince my junior. You stop worrying about that." He placed his hands above mine.

It was then I again felt suffocated and I rushed to the washroom.

"Roshini, are you mad? What are you doing? Stop running you idiot." He followed me.

I threw up again. He patted my back to ease me. He helped me wash my hands and face.

"It's ok." He cupped my cheeks. "It's the part of the game."

He wiped my face with the towel and I rested my head on his heart.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked with concern.

"I want to sleep."

He lifted me into his arms and dropped me on the bed softly. He sat beside me and pulled me towards his lap. His hand started caressing my belly. Slowly sleep consumed me.

Reyhaan's PoV

Life has given me a new role. The role of a father. I have never experienced my father's love much. But I would never let my baby miss me. I would be there for my baby and its mother.

About Roshini, she has changed a lot. She is nomore that innocent girl. But a stubborn mother to my kid. I guess her mood swings are creating big trouble for her. But I like this version of her the most. Because she has a life growing inside her. My blood. My child. Everytime I see her, I feel proud. I am living each and every moment of this phase.

I can handle all the tantrums my wife is showing. All thanks to my junior inside her. But she is always sad for making me going through all this. She thinks that she is troubling me. But that is not the truth. I feels heaven with her. I wish I could make her understand that.

This is her third month and we are going for the check up today. Finally I can see my baby for the first time today. I am so excited.

"Reyhaan, please drive fast. Our car is not a snail. I can't wait to see my baby. You won't understand."she said happily.

"So what am I waiting for? You know what. I couldn't sleep yesterday thinking about this moment." I said for which she smiled cutely.

"Sweet pappa." She pulled my cheeks.

"Roshini, I am driving. Stop this." I screamed while slowing down the car again.

"Not me. Your baby enjoys troubling you. Deal with that." She giggled.

Soon I saw her talking with our baby. She used to talk about every single thing under sky to the baby. Poor kid.

And then we reached the hospital where the nurse at the ultra sound section asked us to wait. She instructed Roshini to have a full bladder before they proceeds with the scan. I looked at her controlling my laugh.

"Dare you laugh again." She smacked my head.

"Roshini, we are not at home." I told her and she pouted. "Wait here. I would bring you water."

I bought a bottle of water and made her drink that. Nurse told us to wait for some more time. But she got irritated as her bladder is full and she wants to go to washroom. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close towards me.

"Reyhaan, I can't hold on anymore. I have to use washroom. Please."she pleaded.

I felt sad.

"One more minute and they would call you for the scan. Please baby." I tried to console her.

But she was uncontrollable. She started scolding everyone in the hospital in my ears. Thankfully nobody hears her.

"Reyhaan, I would kill that nurse. What does she think?"

I was shocked.

"Listen dear. Imagine the moment we see our baby. All your irritations would fade away. Think about that." I asked her.

I don't want her to suffer like this. I stood up and met the nurse.

"Please scan her first. I request you. I can't see her suffering."

Seeing my concern the nurse called her name first. We entered inside and the doctor was waiting for us. Doctor asked her to lay on the bed. I helped her to do so. Soon the doctor started examining her. I held her one hand for support.

"Here is your baby.." doctor gestured to look at the screen.

Soon our eyes started flowing down with happiness. I could see only a small dot on the screen. But it was a part of me growing inside her. How can I let my emotions out? I looked at her only to see her showing the same emotions.

"My baby is alright. Right?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes ofcourse. There is nothing to worry."

I felt her hand holding mine. I saw her smiling with tears. I knelt down and kissed her forehead gently.

"Thank you Roshini. You completed me."


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