8. He is my new world

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Roshini's PoV

As we expected, the whole family left for a tour by early morning. I am glad that mom have given me only few jobs to do before she leaves. I have completed all that within this time and started waiting for him to come and pick me.

He..my man. He was very stubborn when he decided to take me out of the house. Eventhough I protested him in all my ways, he didn't agree. It's not that I don't want to spend some time with him or see the outer world. But I can't do anything with my fears. I have been programmed like this with all the bitter experiences in my life. Above all, I don't want him to suffer because of me. He is very precious for me and I don't want someone to question him about his choices. I may not deserve him. But I need him. The way he loves me, he protects me, I can't let him go even in my worst nightmares.

Tears again deceived me. I was wiping my face when I heard the horn of his car. I suddenly got excited as much as anxious about this journey. Where would he bring me? A smile was playing on my lips which I would struggle to hide from him. He stopped the car beside me by this time.

"Ready for our first date? Get in." He winked with a teasing smile making me freeze while stretching his hand to open the door for me.

I entered into the car trying to stop all those weird butterflies in my stomach.
"Let's go from here. Fast."

"Soon you will be getting a panic attack if you get scared like this." He told.

"It's not like that."I didn't tell him that I already had so many panic attacks in that house.

"Hey..don't worry. Let somebody see us, I will take you with me." He assured again.

I showed him a fake smile. He started the car.

We didn't talk for the next five minutes. May be he is waiting for me to say something. I didn't want to disappoint him. He is taking a huge risk for me. And I don't want to make his day dull.

"Where are we going Reyhaan?"I asked to initiate a conversation.

"We are going to the place where nobody will disturb us. Only us. Don't you also want that?"he asked with a cute face.

"I don't know." I hid my blush by turning away from him.

"Don't blush on your first date Roshini."He caught me.

The journey continued with Reyhaan talking with me about random things. He asked me about my likes, dislikes, my life before the marriage proposal etc. I chose to hide things from him that may boil his blood and talked about everything else. Soon he stopped the car infront of a huge mall.

"Why are we here?"I asked out of nowhere.

"Shopping. I hope that may be the only purpose why people visits a mall"

"But..."I was sweating badly and he handed over his kerchief for me to clean my face. I did it with my shivering hands.

"Stop worrying over everything. Come with me."he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I am not coming."I was saying but he didnt pay any attention. He had already came out of the car and opened the door for me. When I again protested, he gently held my hand and dragged me out.

"Come Roshini."He started walking and I stood there lifeless.

I looked around to see the large crowd that almost choked me. This is the problem. I am not used with many people around me. Mostly I am alone. And now this crowd is scaring me.

He stopped suddenly realizing my absence beside him. He turned back to see me and his face fell down. He realized my dilemma and the next second he is infront of me holding my hand tightly.

"I am sorry Roshini. Wait. Let me help you." He walked infront and I slowly started walking behind him. He never left my hands. I got some courage and felt that I am not alone to face the changes in my life. This is what I I exactly want, him in every step of my life. I am tired of people shouting at me. Now it's time to feel some love. I thought.

Soon we reached a textiles and he stopped there.
He had a sudden look all over my dress and gestured me to follow him.

"Let's purchase something nice for you to wear."he told seeing my hesitation.

"No, Reyhaan. Even if you buy me new dresses, I can't take it with me to home."I spoke.

He was about to say something but I stopped him.
"Please understand. I know how much you loves me. That's enough for me. I don't want your money or anything expensive from you."

He sighed frustrated.
"Roshini, can you listen me for once? This is not for you. For my wife."

His words had an effect on me such that my heart started dancing in happiness. I felt goosebumps all over my body. Wife? Did he really mean that?

He once again held my hand and dragged me inside the shop while I was still in my trance.

Before I could stop him, a lot of dresses of different fashion were placed infront of me. Expensive and stylish dresses that my family always chose to wear.

"Which one did you like madam?" The salesman asked me.

I looked at Reyhaan who is now grinning.

"Not at my face darling. Select something you would love to wear."

Seriously? Darling?

He started showing me more dresses.
"Reyhaan, what's your favorite color?"I asked making him amazed.

"Red."he replied hiding the excitement he had.

I started searching the dresses infront of me and finally selected one red salwar that is simple but beautiful. It has some golden colored designer works which added to its beauty.

Wow, this would look perfect on me.

"Please pack this." I told the salesman.

"Only this one? You can buy whatever you wants. Don't think about money. After all this is our first shopping." Reyhaan said elbowing me.

I was touched with his words.

"This is enough for now. I know my husband would buy me more in future. Don't try to snatch away his chance."

He was astonished is an understatement. For a moment he went out of the world.

"Is this really you? My god. If it was not a shop, I would have definitely kissed you." He said making me red like a tomato.

"Don't blush."he said.
"Why?"I asked.
"I may not be able to control myself if you blush like this."his words made me amazed. He slightly touched my cheeks with his finger. I took one step back realizing where we are.

Soon the salesman handed over the packed salwar and Reyhaan paid the bill.

"Thank you."I muttered holding his hand.

"Save your thank you for your husband."

I laughed hearing him.

We continued walking while looking over different shops in the mall. He invited me to eat something many times. But I politely refused considering I am not hungry. Then he stopped infront of a jewellery shop and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come inside Roshini."

"No, I don't like it."

"What? Which woman wouldn't like to wear ornaments? Come on. Try something for me."he pleaded.

"What are you even thinking? How would I wear new dresses and ornaments while I still live with them? I would do whatever you want once we get married." I assured.
"Only if you are serious about this relationship." I added a little bit of fun into it. And that made him frown. Now I have to face his wrath.

"Do you really think that I am jobless such that I find time to roam around with my not so serious relationship? Do you even know who I am? Reyhaan Suryavanshi is not someone who give fake promises to the women around and take them as my fun. I have given you not only my word but my heart also. And you are saying this." His mood suddenly took a 180 degree turn.

It's my mistake. I should have controlled my tongue from speaking rubbish.

"Reyhaan, I am sorry. See I was just joking. I know you are damn serious about this relationship."I tried to say. But he turned away from me.

"Roshini, that day I was not just proposing you. But actually asking your hand for marriage. When would you understand that how much I yearn for you?"he asked opening his heart.

I hurted him. It's evident from his voice and words.

"I am really sorry Reyhaan. Please forget this."I begged.

I was about to cry and he realized the need to make me calm.

"It's ok. I know you didn't mean that. Come, let's go."he said.

"Are you sure? You are not angry with me. Right?"I asked like a kid begging for his toy.

"Even if I am angry with this entire world, I can't do that with you. And yes. You are allowed to do fun with me anytime. I wouldn't mind."

I smiled wholeheartedly hearing his words. He gestured me to follow him.

"Roshini, feed this in your brain. Once you are mine, I would be decorating your whole body with gold. That day you can't stop me."he demanded and I nodded with happy tears.

"Ok now let's eat something. Atleast they wouldn't dig into your stomach to see what you have eaten." He gently pushed me into a restaurant.

We took opposite seats at a corner and he opened the menu sheet provided.

"What would you like to eat?"he asked.

"Anything you like."I shrugged my shoulders.

He narrowed his eyes and I laughed.

Soon he ordered the most delicious dishes in that restaurant and we started eating together. Most of the dishes there I was tasting for the first time. This is a feast and I enjoyed it. I felt his admirable gaze over me.

"Why are you not eating?"I asked.

"I was enjoying how you eats."he replied making me smile.

I took some food into my hand and forwarded it to his mouth.
"Eat. Otherwise I will also stop."I demanded with a pout.
With a smile he ate from my hand.

We finished our meals and moved out.

The next half an hour passed with us looking over all the other shops in the mall. I really enjoyed spending time with him. He is actually showing me a new world that was restricted for me till now. He insisted me to buy something everytime we enter into some new shop and I kept on rejecting his offer. He was clearly getting offended but didn't show it to me.

"What are you thinking about yourself?" He suddenly dragged me to a corner and asked when I was least expected.

I looked around and realized that it's only us there.

"Reyhaan..."I was worried seeing the change in his tone.

"You are no more that maid girl who only belongs to somebody else's kitchen. You are my girl now. Reyhaan Suryavanshi's woman. Not only just my money, but my everything belongs to you. You have every right to enjoy life just like all others."he said while running his hand over his hairs. "You are not an orphan or maid, but my queen."

He is making me emotional. I cupped his face making him look at me.
"Are you angry?"

"Yeah. This time I really am. You are still treating me as a stranger and it hurts. More than you imagine." He confessed.

I suddenly felt I became very small infront of him. My face fell down. Because of me, he is hurt.

"I am genuinely sorry Reyhaan. May be the definition of love is different for us. I don't go behind the shining world because you are my world. All I wanted was someone to love me selfless. And I got you. You have given me your heart and I value nothing over it. If you ask me to choose the most expensive thing from this mall, I will still choose you. Your love is the most precious thing I have ever experienced in my life. Money can't buy the happiness you are providing me. Not anything else, only you I want."

He hugged me tightly. I was surprised.

Wait. Wasn't he angry with me?

"Reyhaan..."I struggled to keep him away from me.

"I love you Roshini. You are winning my heart every moment. "He whispered making my heart flutter.

I was blushing when he finally pulled away and looked intensely into my eyes.

"Shall we move?"I asked and he simply nodded.

Much to my relief, he decided to leave the mall. We entered into the car and he started driving.

"Where are we going next?" I asked out of excitement.

"Time to drop you back at your home."he said making me sad. I don't want this day to end.

He smirked.
"What? You want another surprise?"

He was driving the car through places unknown to me. I don't know where he is taking me. But I am sure that I am safe with him. Five more minutes and he parked the car making me shout in surprise.

"A theatre???"

"Yes. Let's watch a movie." He got out of the car followed by me.

"This is unbelievable. Are we really gonna watch a movie?"I asked to confirm.

"What else we would do in a theatre? Ok wait here. I will bring our tickets."he walked towards the ticket counter and once again I felt lost in the crowd. I was nervous and couldn't stop myself from holding his hand.

"Please don't leave me."I said in the most vulnerable state.

He smiled at me.
"I won't leave you till my last breathe."

We walked together and bought the tickets. He never left my hands but held tightly with all his rights. We entered inside and occupied our seats. Everytime my family went for a movie, I wished for a moment like this. And today he made my wish true. I was very happy. Soon the film started. It was a romantic movie which he purposefully chose for us. Half way into the movie he was in another world. I could feel him caressing my hand. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Every time a romantic scene comes, he throws me a naughty look and I blushes. I was trying to control myself from completely losing to him.

This was continuing for a while when he suddenly leaned onto my shoulders hiding himself behind me.

"What happened?" So many thoughts passed through my mind.

"The girl sitting next to you.."he told in a voice only audible to me.

I looked at my other side to see a girl who is completely inmersed in the movie while eating popcorns. Wait, she seems very familiar.

"She is my sister. Ria." He said and unknowingly a chuckle escaped my mouth. Its rare that someone from Rithu bhabhi's house visits us apart from her mother. So I don't know his people exactly.

I turned to see Reyhaan thinking deeply.

"Is she here with her boyfriend?"I asked and he immediately checked over his sister.

"Thank god. She is not. She is with her friend." he was relieved.

"So brother can do anything. But sister is not allowed to."I rolled my eyes at him.

He threw me a look that asked Are you serious?

"One more word from you, I would kiss you infront of her."his words made me shut my mouth.

This man is going to be my death one day.

He hid himself away from his sister. The movie has been ended and we came out of the theatre.

"So tell me. How was your experience watching a film with me?"he asked.

"Should I say the truth? I have no words to tell you how much I enjoyed it."

He smiled wholeheartedly.

"And about you?"I asked back.

"Sorry. I was not in a mood to enjoy the film. I was busy watching you."his words made me blush again.

I was about to say thank you but he interrupted.
"This is not the end of the day my darling. Many more surprises are waiting for you."he said and this time I completely lost into his shining eyes. I could see my whole world in him. He is my dream, my love, my future. What I only wanted is living my whole life with him.


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