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I'm standing in the kitchen of the Malhotra house, pouring myself a glass of mango juice. The sweet, tangy aroma fills the room, a small comfort before the storm. Just yesterday, after Mr. Malhotra dropped me off, I went straight to my room, feeling the weight of what was to come. I took a long, relaxing shower, trying to clear my mind and calm my nerves, but sleep was elusive. I lay in bed, restless, consumed by thoughts of how to end things with Dhruv.

It's now today, and I'm about to face the reality of my decision. I know this is going to be difficult; breaking up is never easy, especially when you care about someone. But I need to do this for my own well-being. It's a choice I've made for myself, one that's necessary for my growth and happiness. I've rehearsed what I want to say, tried to anticipate his reactions, and prepared myself emotionally.

As I sip the mango juice, I gather the courage I'll need. The sweetness of the drink contrasts sharply with the bitterness of the situation, reminding me of the duality of emotions I'm feeling. I remind myself that, though it's going to be hard, this is the right step for me. 

I pull my phone from the pocket of my dress skirt and unlock Instagram, a habit of mine to stay updated. As I scroll through my feed, a photo catches my eye, and my heart sinks. There's Dhruv, lying on a bed with another girl. From the way they're positioned under the blanket, it's clear he's naked. The image is a punch to the gut; tears well up in my eyes, and the sense of betrayal is almost overwhelming.

I question why I feel this so deeply, especially since I've already decided to end things with him. Part of me wonders if this is just another confirmation that I'm making the right choice. I've always been hesitant, keeping my distance, and now it feels like this betrayal is a reflection of my own fears and insecurities.

I finish the last sip of my mango juice, its sweetness now bitter on my tongue. I set the glass down, the finality of my decision weighing heavier. The tears begin to fall, but I remind myself that I'm doing this for me, for my own peace and dignity. Despite the hurt, I know I'm moving forward with strength and purpose.

I leave the kitchen and head toward the living area, where Navya is chatting on the phone with Kabir. Dhruv is upstairs, presumably still asleep. I steal a quick glance at Navya, who's engrossed in her conversation, and make my way to Dhurv's room. My heart is pounding as I knock softly before opening the door.

What I see inside is something I wasn't prepared for. Dhruv is there, tangled with the same girl from Instagram. They're making out, lost in each other, and I'm frozen in the doorway, the reality of the situation crashing over me.

Dhruv finally turns and meets my gaze, and at that moment, I can see the shock and guilt on his face. But it's too late for words, too late for explanations. I take a deep breath, my emotions spilling over. "I'm done. We are done!" I cry out, my voice trembling with hurt and anger.

Without waiting for a response, I slam the door shut behind me and rush out of the Malhotra mansion. I sprint down the driveway, the tears blurring my vision as I make my way to the road. I need to get away, to put distance between me and the scene of my heartbreak. The cool air and the quiet of the night hit me as I stepped into the street, seeking solace in the solitude and the promise of moving forward.

I take a few deep breaths, forcing myself to calm down. It's a small comfort that no one can blame me for breaking up with Dhruv now. I remind myself that Navya will understand my decision. 

I find a seat on the bus stand chair and wait for the bus, trying to steady my emotions. The cool air helps, and I focus on the fact that I'm about to start a new chapter in my life. The bus pulls up, and I get on, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. Today is my first day at the new job, and I need to be professional and composed.

As the bus makes its way to the office, I mentally prepare myself. I think about the tasks ahead, the new colleagues I'll meet, and the fresh start this job represents. It's a chance to focus on something positive and build my confidence. I straighten my posture and remind myself that I am capable and ready to face this new challenge.

Arriving at the office, I take a deep breath before stepping inside, ready to embrace the day with a fresh mindset and a sense of purpose. 

I step into the elevator and take it up to the 80th floor, my mind still buzzing with the morning's events. The doors open, and I find myself face-to-face with the same girl from yesterday, who I'm supposed to meet for the first time as a colleague.

I offer her a warm smile, "Hello, I'm Nandini." She returns the smile, but it quickly fades into a look of concern.

"Are you okay?" she asks, her brow furrowing.

I'm caught off guard by her question, unsure why she's concerned. I give her a puzzled look, silently asking what she means. She seems to read my confusion and gently explains, "You've got eyeliner smudged on your face, and your eyes are red."

I touch my face self-consciously, feeling the sting of her observation. I hadn't realized how much my makeup had run or how tired I must look.

"Oh," I say, trying to regain my composure, "I guess I didn't notice."

Her kindness is a small comfort in the midst of everything. "Thank you for letting me know," I add, giving her a grateful smile.

She nods sympathetically. "It's okay. Do you need a moment before we start? I can show you around when you're ready."

I appreciate her offer and take a deep breath. "I'd really like that," I say, feeling a bit more grounded.

I take another deep breath, grabbing the tissues the girl offered to me. As I start to dab at my face, trying to clean up the smudged eyeliner, the door next to us opens. Out steps, Mr Malhotra, looking impeccably polished in a grey suit with a checkered shirt and a blue tie. His hair is neatly combed back, and he exudes an air of confidence and composure.

His calm demeanour shifts when his gaze lands on me. I can see the immediate change in his expression; he frowns and starts walking toward me.

I feel a mix of embarrassment and anxiety. This is not how I envisioned my first day starting, especially not with Mr. Malhotra seeing me in such a dishevelled state. I try to regain my composure, smoothing out my outfit and hoping I don't look too out of sorts.

"Good morning, Mr. Malhotra," I manage to say, trying to sound as professional as possible despite the situation.

He stops in front of me, his frown softening slightly as he assesses me. "Nandini?" he asks, his tone a blend of curiosity and concern. His voice carried a note of sympathy. "Are you alright? Is there anything I can do to help?"

I appreciate his concern but also feel a pang of discomfort at the attention. "I'm fine, thank you. Just had a bit of a rough start this morning."

He nods, his expression understanding. "Well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly."

With that, Mr Malhotra gives a reassuring smile and continues on his way. I turn back to the girl beside me, feeling slightly more at ease. Her presence and Mr. Malhotra's unexpected kindness helped steady my nerves as I prepared to dive into my first day on the job.

A few hours into the workday, I started to get a clearer picture of my responsibilities and what was expected of me. I'm sitting at my desk, just outside the CEO's office. The room next to it, labelled "Assistant to the CEO," is beautifully appointed, reflecting the importance of its role.

The intercom buzzes, breaking my concentration. I pick it up, ready to respond, but before I can even greet the caller, a voice comes through, brisk and authoritative. "Come in."

My heart skips a beat. I gather my things and take a moment to steady my nerves before heading toward the door marked "CEO."

I knock softly before opening the door and stepping into the room. I take a quick look around, noting the elegant decor and professional atmosphere, then, turn my attention to the person who called me. 

I stand by the door and ask, "You needed me?" My voice is steady but carries a hint of curiosity and nervousness.

Mr Malhotra gestures for me to take a seat, and I do, trying to look composed. As I settle into the chair, he remains focused on his laptop, but I can feel his attention is entirely on me, even though he's typing away.

After a moment, he stops typing and looks up, his expression serious. "What happened this morning?" he asks, his eyebrows raised in concern. His hands rest on the desk, elbows propped up, conveying both authority and attentiveness.

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the question. "I... had a rough start to the day," I begin, choosing my words carefully. "I experienced some personal issues before coming in, which affected my appearance when I arrived. But I'm here now and ready to focus on my work."

He nods, his gaze remaining steady. "I appreciate your honesty. It's important that you're aware of how these things can impact your professional demeanour, but I also want to ensure that you're okay. If you need any support or adjustments to help you settle in, don't hesitate to let me know." 

His concern is unexpected but reassuring. I feel a bit more at ease. "Thank you, Mr. Malhotra. I appreciate your understanding."

"Nandini, if we're done playing boss and colleague, can you please be less formal and just tell me what happened?" he asks, a hint of frustration mingled with genuine concern in his voice.

I find myself looking anywhere but directly at him, feeling the weight of his request. His directness catches me off guard. I shift in my seat, trying to gather my thoughts.

I take a deep breath and finally admit, "Dhruv and I... we broke up." I fidget with my fingers, not quite meeting his gaze. The confession feels like a weight lifted, but it also makes me feel vulnerable.

His question catches me off guard. "Isn't it what you wanted?" he asks, his confusion evident, along with a hint of hurt in his voice.

I look up, surprised by the emotional undercurrent in his words. "What do you mean?"

He seems to be grappling with his own thoughts. "I just... thought you and Dhruv were having issues. I didn't expect you to be so affected by the breakup."

I hesitate for a moment, whether to share the details, but ultimately decide to be honest. "Yes, I was planning to break up with him, but he..." I falter, then continue, "he cheated on me."

The words hang in the air, and I can see the immediate shift in his expression. His brow furrows with a mix of sympathy and concern. 

Suddenly, he rises from his chair and walks around the table, my heart skips a beat. He gently takes my upper arm and pulls me into a hug, an act so tender and unexpected that it takes a moment for me to fully process it.

We've known each other since I was six, and now, at twenty, this is our first hug. I've always imagined what it might be like to be held by him, to feel the comfort of his embrace. The reality surpasses anything I had envisioned.

The sensation is almost surreal. I wrap my arms around his torso, feeling the solid, reassuring presence of his body. I rest my head against his chest, allowing the warmth and strength of his hug to envelop me. The fact that I'm wearing heels means I can fully appreciate the rhythm of his heartbeat, steady and calm, syncing with my own in a soothing cadence.

At that moment, all the confusion and heartache of the morning seem to fade away. The hug feels like a sanctuary, a place of peace and understanding. I wish it could last forever, this simple yet profound connection that offers solace and a sense of belonging.

As we finally pull away from the embrace, I feel a gentle, unexpected kiss on the top of my head.

our first kiss? 

To be continued...

A/N -

This is the longest chapter we've covered so far. Enjoy!


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