'I Was Destined To be yours'

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Shanti tried to stop his son.Amidst house filled up with guests.She tried to keep normal face.

Sh-"Vidyuth stop.I said.

You cant go like this.Few hours you got married.Your wife is sitting inside.Waiting for you and."

Vidyuth rubbed his face.With his palms.He couldnt make his mother.Understand what he felt inside.He kept calm face.

V-"I have to go.Mom but.I will be back.

I know.You will understand me."

He touched her cheeks.Then said good bye from eyes.To turn back and.Slowly speak.

V-"She will too understand."

He left.On that rainy night.Leaving his family with questions.Newly wedded wife.Waiting for him.Didnt knew why.What he did.

Next morning Vijay and Shanti were.Sitting with blank faces.The night passed with storm.Outside and inside it was.Not less similar situation.For them.They had to face guests.Which became possible.Then handle confusion.And wait which started.It never ended.Till sun rose.Calling it morning.

Vijay felt giddy.A night without sleep.Was not good for his health.He had high blood pressure.His wife.Who looked equally pale.Disturbed gave him medicines.He had some water.They didnt knew this morning.They had to face.Everything was going smooth.Happy for the family.When their elder son Vidyuth decided to get married.Vidyuth was exceptionally talented.From childhood.An artist.He loved painting.

Music,art and nature made him happy.He felt peace being in his world.His views were kind.Of selfish.As they stick to him.Restricted within himself.For his benefits.His father often having brawl of words with him.he ended up making it point.He had no interest in his family business.Later things were at peace.When Vivaan the peacemaker.Entered calling it truce between father and son.Vivaan was younger brother of Vidyuth.And younger son of Vijay and Shanti.

Vidyuth was always busy with friends.Invading his journey in life.Keeping with nature and art.His paintings were in demand.In exhibitions.That he took as profession.However he loved music.Singing and making his own tunes.He loved his family and younger brother.Vivaan was one person.he could die for.When he was there.No one would dare to raise finger at his brother.Both brothers were like.Shields for each other.They had strength and handsome features.For which families were.Ready to form alliance with house.

One day when family visited hometown.In Hyderabad.Apart from city life.Shanti found her daughter in law in.Ramya.A simple and sweet girl.Educated and smart.Who was perfect for Vidyuth in all aspects.Their families were in same neighbourhood.Being known to each other.Everything got fixed in a hurry.The bride and bride groom got very less time.To meet and talk.Vidyuth didnt say.His face said how he had.Fallen for pretty eyes.Which conveyed alot to him.In first meeting.

Vivaan pulled his leg.Till final day came.And the marriage took place.In their home town.After which next day all returned back to city.For grand reception.

It was after coming back from reception.In presence of guests.Vidyuth was found tensed.After getting phone call.He had a thing for friends.If needed he can give life.If asked for help.He would go anywhere at any time.This didnt go well many times.With Vijay and Shanti as well.This is how he left.That night telling his mother.He would back.But no news came.

A tired Vivaan.Entered with few of his friends behind.He panted catching his breath.His hair messed up.Still in attire of last night's.Event and face looked drowsy.Vijay and Shanti's eyes went to him.His face gave answers.

V-"His phone is unreachable.

We tried finding out.All places where he could have been.But."

Vivaan looked down.A negative response from him.Made Shanti fell on chair.Vijay went to console his wife.Shedding tears.They couldnt grief for their son.Who was believed to be lost.Or disappeared.Vanish in thin air.No one knew.When they heard.Sound of bangles and anklets.The girl in last night's bridal attire.Came to them.Without jewelry.Wearing wedding chain.Her hair open and.Face equally drowsy.But with a lot of hope in eyes.

Vijay and Shanti looked at each other.Vivaan got up.Stealing glances at his brother's wife.Did anyone had answers.For her.Who was awaiting to start life.Just now and then it happened.Ramya saw eyes of people.Present in room.Hearing Shanti's sobs.Dejected faces.She caught hold of wall.Behind her till she hit her back.Gulped down a lump.Her eyes became hollow.Her heart shuddered with pain.Fear.For she got answer.She had come for.

R-"Why Vidyuth.You did this to me.

I have done no.Harm to anyone."

Ramya collapsed on floor.Day when she was hit.By reality that.Her husband have gone.Leaving her.Which no one could erase from memory.

A month later.A not so usual morning in house.Nothing new.That was how each day passed.Vijay was reading newspaper.Shanti took glass back from him.After giving him medicines.She went to kitchen.Finding helpers making breakfast.

Then her eyes fell on.Her daughter in law.Making morning tea.Ramya was finished with tea.As she served her in laws.Vijay and Shanti blessed her.With hand on head.She stood there in silence.Holding tray.After that day.Girl had gone into some.Unknown silence.Forgotten to smile.Speak much.But every day they have found same question in her eyes.Which they had no answer.

R-"Maa.Is there.

Any news?"

Vijay and Shanthi stopped.Having tea.Looking at each other.Then at Ramya.Keeping tray close to her.Eyes down.Biting her lips.Shanti felt lump on her throat.Vijay kept cup down.Watched Ramya.

V-"I dont know what.Answer to give you now.

Ramya.Forgive us.For doing this to you."

Shanti was in tears.When Ramya went to her.Hugging her.She watched both her in laws.Who treated her like.her own parents.Which they didnt.In this time.After getting news.They came to meet her.But as days passed.Affection and worry were limited.To mere phone calls.

R-"Please.Dont say like this.

I.It was in fate.Which no one could.Change."

Vijay looked at girl in awe.What they did to get her.What she did.That their son.Did that to her.He felt anger rising every time.He remembers the night.Time when they decided her fate.To be with him.

Another month passed.With grief and dejection.They started living somehow.Ramya was waiting.Starting day praying.Ending it with wait for another day.Hoping something to happen.She couldnt express her.Sadness and pain.To anyone in house.Seeing how others were.In sorrow.Parents still not able to.Cope with loss of their son.Vivaan was seen.Running making it.To handle work and home.In single hands.

It was evening.When Ramya was serving tea.To Vijay and Shanti sitting.Door opened and Vivaan came.With his friend Sunil.followed  by one of Vidyuth's friend.They had grim look on face.Ramya fixed her stole.Seeing unknown faces.Went to hid behind door.Watching from there.

V-"Vivaan?Where have you been on holiday.

And he is."

Vivaan asked Sunil and other person.To get in.He was himself in turmoil.How to break news he got.In fateful day.His family was half broken.Still in home.Which he would be breaking.His eyes saw another pair of eyes.With red color worn on head.In name of his brother.He shut his eyes.His parents shared look.Urging him to speak.


He is Vidyuth's friend.he.He was one.Present when he got call.That night."

Vijay and Shanti got up from their seats.Ramya's heart.Felt a tug.She held on to door.More strongly.Vivaan looked at eyes of his parents.Truth had to be spoken.When it was out.After a silence of few seconds.It all came down.

His mother cried.Father couldnt break to tears.But fell down.Didnt their worst fear came true.A hope for two months.Got shattered.Getting news of Vidyuth's demise.Was last thing they expected.Vidyuth got call that night.By his friend for help.A problem which have taken place.At his home back in his village.Far away from city.He didnt think twice.To leave being rowdy person he was.He couldnt bear injustice too.So he left for village that time.

What his friend informed.Village wasnt safe.Due to bad weather.Vidyuth's car met with accident.The other friend who was travelling with him.Died on spot along with him.The car fell from high distance.Bodies drowned.Not to be found.It took them all time.To find out what took place that night.

Vivaan went to his parents.Taking them in hug.They were loss of words.For shock and.Cruel game they were played on.Vidyuth couldnt be blamed.But wish he could.Have refrained from being impulsive that night.Things wouldnt have been same.Vivaan's eyes traveled.To direction.Where no longer eyes darted.She was gone.Maybe to a shell.A world of her own.

It has been four months.Since Vidyuth's absence from house and lives.Two months from news of his death.Life was going.Normal for some.Pretending to.But one has to move on.With acceptance to happenings.Shanti and Vijay were still.Not normal from heart.They had to because of their son.Vivaan who was giving sweat and heart.To manage everything.The girl also who never complained to them.

Sh-"Vijay my heart.Aches to see her in this condition.

I have asked her.No need to live.Dead life like this.Doesnt listen to me."

Shanti sat beside her husband.Ramya recovered from shock.But couldnt come to terms with her life.Which was uncertain now.She had nothing to.Look forward to.A blooming life got tragic end.Her parents came again.For prayer ceremonies kept for Vidyuth.They shed tears and asked.Her to return with them.But she didnt go back.Taking it as her own house.

V-"She is here.For us.We lost a son.

Got a daughter.But its time.She has to move on.Understand there is more to life."

That night while having dinner.Shanti forcefully fed.Ramya her plate being empty.She was not having meals regularly.Then her face losing color.Her heart went out.To her every time she saw her face.They were in deep thoughts.

Ramya was cleaning kitchen.After dinner and she didnt hiss.With blood coming out of her finger.It got priced with something sharp.Vivaan was passing from there.Busy in phone call.He saw the scene.And rushed inside.Getting hold of her hand.Without giving her time.To react.She stood frozen.The bleeding didnt affected her.It looked to him.

V-"Are you mad.

Standing like that.Its bleeding."

Vivaan shook his head.Then opened fridge to get some ice.Held her fingers.Forcefully pulling her.To tap  and cleaning her wound.He looked angry.With his piercing gaze at her.Then looked for first aid box.Took some medicine applying it.And put band aid.Ramya stood there still.Her cheeks ended up with tears.

She bit her lips.Hearing to what his last words.Before he went from there.

V-"If you had last.Respect for my parents.

Dont ruin yourself.Life waits for no one.So shouldnt you."

That was first time.As if Ramya felt pain.From wound.And what she didnt express.Her tears making way down her cheeks.Did.This scene was witnessed by another person.Shanti registered what took place.Few minutes ago.And she knew.What way should she follow then.

From then on Shanti has started.Something which didnt fail to.get noticed by her husband's eyes.From preparing Vivaan's morning breakfast.To lunch.Ramya was asked  by her.Do small works.Which involved Vivaan.

One day Shanti was to go with Ramya.For grocery shopping.She felt sick.Asking Vivaan to go with Ramya.They had no choice.But to go together.Ramya's silent nature.Didnt please Vivaan in beginning.Bu there was something about.Her which struck him.The strength and courage the girl showed.For facing harsh realities.Not letting herself drown.Into deep hole of sadness.It was commendable.

Times Vivaan also felt.If he could face his brother.For he didnt think twice.About his family.Someone who entered his life.He promised to be with her.And it all changed.

Days passed like this.Ramya slowly got accustomed.To Vivaan's presence.Starting with light conversation.He worked hard.As an architect.She knew about work load.He had to face.Once Vijay mentioned her.About joining back her studies.She thought to start masters in business.

Time flew and days passed being unstoppable.Ramya smiled now.With little things giving her happiness.Studies and household work.Kept her busy.But Shanti had something else on mind.It was festival of colors soon.All were celebrating.Vivaan touched his parents feet.Applying small dots of color.They did same to him.

Ramya havent come down.From morning except.For arranging breakfast and taking blessings.They knew reason.Couldnt do anything except.Knowing harsh reality.Shanti asked her to touch color.Which she didnt for obvious reasons.Later she expressed her wish.To Ramya of seeing her.Moving on in life.With a partner who would.Help her to live this long life.Ramya said no.She was happy like this.

Vijay was busy with guests downstairs.Shanti greeted women.With half smile.Till they heard noise.The tray full of colors.A helper was carrying from stairs.Bumped into Vivaan.With his hand as he touched the colors.Landing on himself and Ramya.Her white dress was colored.Both shared an intense eye lock.Vivaan felt embarrassed for his doing.But deep down.He felt he won over.Ego this girl had.He wished her not go.Grief for anyone.Putting herself down.

Ramya was in tears.Anger and humiliation she heard.From womenfolk there.Vivaan frowned and found her running back to her room.He removed color from his dress.Looking back at his parents.Shanti had faint smile on her face.She couldnt be more.Sure for this thing.

V-"I dont know.What you are trying to say Shanti.

Getting Vivaan and Ramya married.Like this.

Iam not against anything.But Vivaan."

Sh-"This way she will be with.Us too.

In front of our eyes.Vivaan's wife."

V-"Will he agree for this.

Have you asked for his consent?

I dont want poor girl.To face another wrath."

It was raining heavily.Vivaan came out after taking shower.Drying his hair with towel.He heard rains and smell.Made him feel nice.He needed some coffee.The festival have given him.Some relief from work.He went downstairs.To get himself some coffee.

His eyes fell.On main door open.He walked there to see.Someone sitting under shed.In garden.With head down.He walked closer.Ramya was crying.Still in her dress.Which got wet and smudged with colors.For first time he was seeing.her this close.He couldnt stop his eyes.From capturing beauty.She was.Her dignity was precious.Ornament she would wear.

Her simplicity stunned him.He went to sit beside her.At some distance.She sensed his presence.Rubbed her nose and.Hiding tears.Always her head up.Not seeking for sympathy.She looked.Miffed with him.He smiled.Still looking at her.

V-"When I first saw you.I thought you were perfect for my brother.

A confident and dignified girl.Who wouldnt give shit to anyone.Do what she feels right.Not that you disrespected anyone.With being same person.

But  was wrong."

Ramya raised her eyes.To look at him.Shivering with cold.Her face in stern expression.Vivaan looked at sky.Rain drops then spoke.

V-"World know how to.Demean you.

Leave you at mercy of others.I hate those.Who choose such life Ramya.

My parents feel same.What they have taught me.if you have knows them.This bit."

She stayed mum.Hugging her arms.He could make out.She was crying.She couldnt hear more from him.Stood up.To leave when he caught her wrist.A wave of anger and.Fear hit her.As she looked at him.Seething his eyes at her.She clenched her teeth.Taking her hand back.


He heard name first time.Like this from her mouth.He also got up.With smirk on face.Soon replaced by anger.Both were getting wet in rain.Clash of egos.

V-"Do you know.Why I stopped you.Touched you.

Not to prove nay point.To see how it feels.If you are human.

Have become stone.But good for yourself.For others that.You are still a human."

Ramya bit her lips.The cold water.Cutting her skin.She moved back wards.Her eyes spitting hidden.Anger to him.She chose to run back to her room.Crying her heart out.Her anger and.Pain everything being washed away.With rains.Vivaan stood outside.For some time.That day and night.Proved crucial for both of them.

Vivaan was ready to go for office.He found his mother.Passing him his watch and handkerchief.She gave him coffee too.After that day he knew.Ramya stopped coming in front.Of him and doing his tasks.If she made breakfast.Shanti or any helper served it.He stopped any verbal interaction.Too with him.It shouldnt matter to him.But it did.Very hard and he was.Also confused why he couldnt take it.

V-"I will be late Mom.

Please dont wait for me.At dinner.Sleep."

Sh-"Vivaan.I wanted to have word with you."

V-"What is it?"

Ramya was in stairs.Coming down with book on her hands.She moved lock of hair.Slipping it behind her ears.But she could hear what they.Talked about.

Sh-"I have seen girl for you.Your father likes her too.

If you are ready.We will think about.Marriage."

Ramya dropped her book on stairs.Both of them looked at her.Vivaan felt a sudden.Rush of anger.Frowned and touched Shanti's hands.

V-"I will talk about this later.Mom.



You have to give answer.When do I sit.To talk with you.Always busy."

Vivaan rubbed his temples.First he couldnt bear.Nonsense attitude Ramya was giving.Her ignorance made him.Mad and then his mother.Started marriage issue.He picked up his bag.finding Shanti crossing her arms.Ramya behind her.Trying best.To avoid looking.Deeply engrossed in her book.

V-"Iam happy.With whatever.

You guys decide.Bye."

He left.Shanti gave smile to Ramya.Asking her to sit for breakfast.Shanti observed.Her to be quiet that morning.While eating and.She sat to study.For exams but couldnt.Why did it affected her.Wasnt her life going way.She wanted.What more could she expect.She felt frustrated with herself.For restlessness.Inside.

Few days later.Vivaan was sitting at porch.Looking at birds.Flying with freedom in sky.He was enjoying his coffee.Vijay came to sit beside him.It was another Sunday and he was home.

V-"Vidyuth loved nature.Iam glad he left behind.

These birds and.Gardening.To make us remember him."

Vivaan didnt knew.What to say.He kept mum.He missed his brother's presence.But the work and responsibilities.Slowly engulfed him.In keeping away from what.He was actually feeling.Vijay continued.Having tea.Chatted for a while.Shanti joined them.

V-"Ramya has gone for her classes.So we thought.

To have word with you.On this.Might need your.Suggestion."

Hearing Ramya's name he burnt.From inside.If she was here.Would she prefer to join them.her behavior was such.he did crime for which.She punished him by.being miss attitude.Last day he got books for her.Which she needed.And kept them on her table.In study.She said thanks in mre whisper.He expected it in better way.Then she had to be.In avoiding game.

Sh-"yes Vivaan.We were thinking.

How to put this forward.To Ramya.Her family too."

V-"What are you.Talking about?"

He found his parents.Looking at each other.Vijay fixed his glasses.And spoke.

V-"We want Ramya.To settle now.

Get her married.To someone.Who will give back happiness.She deserved.

Think about it.Hardly a day she was married.And it happened."

It was more shock.For Vivaan which he went.Numb and his brain.Stopped to think.Shanti urged him again.To say something.His reaction.Didnt shock them.

V-"I dont think.

This will be nice.Idea I mean.yeah its good.

But will she agree.Look at her with not budging.To change her life.So stubborn.Why would she agree.To go for marriage."

Sh-"Why wont she.

She deserves love again.In life and.If there is someone.Whats the harm."

Vivaan shifted uncomfortably.In chair and Shanti eyed Vijay.They saw it in his eyes.

V-"Way you are telling.Looks like.

You have seen guy."

His tone was rather.Sarcastic.He realized and later.Unwillingly gave nod.To them as suggestion.

Same house but she was in a different room.Her throat dried.Every time she remembers.Where her life has taken her.Time ago she came here.With different identity.Today she got another.She heard footsteps.Fear gripping her.It was Shanti.Who entered Vivaan's room.Finding his newly wedded bride.Looking beautiful in colorful saree.

She touched Ramya's cheeks affectionately.Kissed her head.Ramya stayed mum.From morning she has been like this.Shanti knew how she must be feeling.It was for her good.As well as Vivaan's.They could see both felt something.For each other.Didnt misjudge their relationship.Instead went on to.Order them.For giving it name.She made Ramya wear golden bangles.Adorning her hands.

Sh-"Ramya dear.I know how you feel.Take this as decision of your fate.Again but for good.This is new beginning.For you and Vivaan.Love will heal all wounds.Let it go."

Ramya couldnt say anything.It has always been.Roller coaster ride for her.Then now she has.Left it to fate.Whatever it does.Shanti touched her hands.Feeling it cold.She smiled.

Sh-"Do you know.Ramya this chain holds importance.For a wife.It is symbol of her husband.Love and power.It holds it can chage.Meaning of marriage.Its up to you both.How you give name.Take your bond forward.

We cant express.How happy we are to see.Colors back in your life.They are meant for you.Dont disappoint yourself.Take it as it comes.Okay.Its late.Vivaan must be here.Shanti kissed her head again.Left room with.Ramya feeling her heart.beating fast as every second passed.He will be here any moment.

Vivaan came to see his bride.Sitting on bed.Her fingers playing with bedsheets.Dressed in simple pair of black pants and shirt.He couldnt believe still.He was married this morning.To girl whom he never thought.He would fall for.Ramya was one he always.had confusion with being connected with him.In some way.He didnt knew if it was love.There was a pull he felt towards.her and he shrugged it off.Many times thinking if.It was mistaken.What would anyone say.

How can he feel for his brother's wife.But why cant he.She was living dead life.He couldnt bear.He wanted to see her smiling.Waited to see her in colors.Give her life a new.Meaning and.If he wouldnt believe.His parents proved to be.Yet again best.By proposing him for marriage.Before he made plans to.Get rid of seeing any girl.He came to know.She was girl.They chose for him.

He coughed.Getting her attention.Sat on bed at distance from her.It was awkward for both.Hesitation from both sides.Fear and confusion as well.None of them wanted.The other to feel.Any urgency for starting this relationship.Wait was only solution.

V-"Ramya.Look.I know.

You werent happy with this marriage.Had no idea like me.So.

There wont be pressure from.My side to force.You for anything."

She was silent.He looked at her.From corner of his eyes.Then continued to speak.

V-"Tell me one thing.Arent you happy.Being here.

That you are.With this family.Not gone to somewhere else."

Ramya frowned her brows.Looked at him.With confusion.

R-"I didnt get you?"

Vivaan got up suddenly.Making her look at him.He rubbed his nape.Then spoke it in a rush.Quickly.

V-"I dont regret.Marrying you.So.

Let me be straight.I didnt wanted you.To marry someone else.Maybe because.I.

I discovered I feel.Something for you.Dont know how it.Can be justified.But.I would love to give.This a chance.If possible."

When he finished.He took a breathe.Finding her in silence.She was sitting.He turned back.She stood up and he heard.Sound her bangles made.He moved his head.From one side.To feel her presence.She didnt say anything to him.He shut his eyes.He knew what he wanted to.That was enough for him.A smile formed.Corner of his lips.Ramya watched him.With moist eyes.

The sun made day brighter than usual.Making it sunny day.Vivaan was busy in garden.Doing something he wasnt used to.Doing.Vijay eyed his wife.Asking what he was doing.Ramya served them tea.Shanti asked her to join them.

V-"Shanti.I can see your son.Coming back from office.Early and now planting.Trees here.Didnt knew he will improve.So quickly."

Sh-"Love makes every one do that.For people you love.You can do anything.Change is nothing.Dont think my son needed.To change for good.But for better.After marriage you also used to come.Early home dont you remember."

Vijay and Shanti smiled.Remembering good old days.The person sitting with them.Being on different land.Was controlling herself.Not to blush.Red hue already formed on.her cheeks.She sipped tea.Quickly and left in pretext of.Some work.

Sh-"Did you see.

Vijay things are.Changing finally."

V-"I hope for good.

I have an idea.Call Vivan."

Vivaan came back from office.Leaving his bag with helper.Fell on sofa with his father.Sitting in same room.Busy with some work.The helper gave him water.He had full glass.Looked at Vijay.

V-"Dad.Anything important?"

Vijay closed laptop.Then smiled at his son.

V-"yes.I wanted to tell you about this.

Let your mother come.Shanti."

They saw Shanti almost.Pulling Ramya with her.Ramya was requesting her for something.As she found Vivaan back home.Who eyed her.Till Vijay coughed.To get his attention.

R-"Maa.Please I dont think.I need it.

I am better like this.I will go with you.If you want."

Sh-"Ramya no.

Dont be so dull.Look at yourself.Tell me when did you last.Made visit to parlor.You are getting hair cut and treatment.Thats final."

Vijay tried to.Stop revolt his wife made.Saving Ramya.Vivaan was stealing glances.At Ramya which she noticed.Adjusting her stole.And hair.She didnt look.Pleased with idea.He got it.

V-"Shanti.its almost evening.

You go for tomorrow.Come here.I need to have talk."

Sh-"Your daughter doesnt listen.To me.

Tell her."

She faked to be angry.Ramya had to say yes.To keep her mind.Vivaan pursed his lips.After lot of attempts.By pressing his fingers.On his palms and then.He said something.Which made his parents look at him.

V-"Mom let it be.If she doesnt want all this.

Long hair suits her.She doesnt need.To cut them."

He said it and left.Soon after.Vijay and Shanti smiled.With teasing look.Ramya was standing.Like stone.Her inside bursting with different Emotions and feelings.She ran from there.In embarrassment.

At night Ramya was brushing her hair.Smiling at his words.From evening and.She couldnt believe her ears.She was in cute pajama and shirt.Wearing stole covering her.It was in initial days of marriage.She felt conscious around him.Slowly getting used.She started wearing normal wears.

Vivaan was reading book.Entered his room.Till he bumped with his wife.Making her land in his arms.The book fell from his hands.She made sorry face,Picked it up for him.In this way.Their hands came in contact.She shivered.Getting up.It increases as.He caught her hand.With a tight grip.On her wrist not letting her go.


What.Is it."

She wasnt looking at him.Facing her back to him.He smirked.Keeping book on bed.Wanted to see her face.He made her struggle in his hold.Till coming closer.She felt his breath.Near her neck.He moved her hair.From one side.Making her shut her eyes.He whispered.

V-"Say it again."


V-"My name.

It feels.Special to me.What I havent felt.In life time."

Ramya blushed.Getting out of his hold.facing him.He touched her cheeks.Barely and she caught her stole.Tightly not letting it go.He could see her going red.She found a way.For escape and moved away.From his path reaching door.Heard his voice.

V-"Mom and Dad wants me.To take you for honeymoon.

I didnt say anything.Because I cant.Till my wife.Permits for this."

He stood slipping his hands.Inside pockets of his pants.Giving her a smile.Nearly killed her.She blushed and ran away.Making it hint for him.To take as.What he got.

Honeymoon was a step ahead.Taken for to discover their relationship.As husband wife.Love blooming in silence.With eyes talking and.Making it point.To resist from letting other know.Vivaan and Ramya made it till.Boarding flight.After pastured by family.They had to.Switzerland was just place.Any girl would feel like dream.Getting to spend time with love of life.Ramya never thought.Much about such things in life.She didnt got time and situation never gave.Her chance.

It was day she got to know.Selection of place.Of course her husband.Knew about hidden wishes.She had on mind.Never expressed but he could see.Her face.Read smile she gave with mention of place.Tickets were booked right away.A dream journey was waiting for them.

No better way for expressing love.Than going with flow.Of how your heart.Makes you travel.Race towards something.Which makes you weaker from knees.The trip was planned for short time.But it made their bond closer.In that period.Zurich and Zermatt were the destination.Set for them in this time.

Ramya's excitement was visible.With spark in her eyes.Vivaan was on verge of.Resisting himself but letting it go.He had enough.Wanted to make moments special.In life with person he chose to be with.he loved and vowed to love.Till eternity.

The mountains,snow and fragrance of air.Filled with love made.The couple fail at their attempts.To say no to love.They had to be in love.With this trip.If nothing.They lost battle.Ramya held on to his hands.As he rubbed his nose with hers.Both gone red with chilling temperature.They laughed.She hid herself in his arms.He picked her up.twirling around.Another day passed.With trip ending soon.

The confession wasnt unique for them.it just happened.He was glad it happened.They came to know.How strongly they feel.For each other.Nothing mattered more.Vivaan came back.In resort.Finding his wife.Ready to pack their bags.he locked door.Rubbing his hands going numb.She looked cute.Wrapped up and covered from head to toe.Still shivering in cozy and.Warm room.

V-"Already planning to leave.

See my fate.wife wants to end honeymoon.Soon."

He fell on bed.With smirk.Eyeing her.She was folding their clothes.Keeping everything inside bag.It was last night there.She was taking good memories.With her which she will cherish.For life.He have seen her.Only smiling bright.Since they came here.Couldnt be more thankful.For planning this trip.

He held her hand.Bringing her closer to him.She fell on his chest.Felt his hold from back.Kept her gaze lowered.He held her chin.Kissed her both cheeks.Hugged her.Hiding his face in her neck.They rolled on bed.Messing clothes kept.And quilts and pillows.He breathed in her neck.Raising his face.His eyes.Full with passion and desire.To make her his.

V-"You are so beautiful.Dont be so harsh.

To kill your husband.Like this."

Ramya's eyes met his.She moved his fingers from her chin.held his shoulders.He kissed her head.Playing with her hair locks.She tracked his jacket.He kissed her fingers.His arms were giving her warmth.She needed and both had no restrictions.To be each other's completely.Ramya remembered something.Smiled.He continued messing her hair locks.Giving light kisses.

R-"Its so hard.To lose and gain.So much in one lifetime.

I feel scared.To cherish.Smile for longer what if.it goes away."

Vivaan held her face.As her eyes moistened.He bent his face.Lowered to her.Kissing her both eyes.Asking her not to shed tears.he clasped her hands.Taking them near his heart.

V-"What have to go away.It is gone.

Lets embrace.Love with something deep.Meaningful.Like an emotion.Which will submerge us."

Ramya didnt knew.When she felt this lucky.Holding her life.Gathering happiness and love.In this fold.Neatly wrapped in his arms.She kissed his head and eyes.Slowly their lips met.Promising to love.Madly and from heart.Soul never to depart.be it anything.Comes on way.

She fell beneath him.Their hands clasped together.Curling up her toes.She let him dash over her.Unfolding every layers.Breaking barriers between them.The quilt as cover for them.In land of white.Freezing temperature.Couldnt melt burning passion.Rising from fire of love.Inside as two souls.Made love for indefinite time.Saying nothing.Everything to surrender.In name of togetherness.

Ramya felt pearls dropping.From corner of her eyes.A satisfaction inside her.her hands tightly.Clasping to pillow.He fell on her.Kissing her head.Letting their faces.Newly emerged from love.Met and claim love.He kissed her.Hugging her closer to him.Rest of night passed like that.In their paradise.

The trip had to cut short.Because of Ramya's exams.And important work Vivaan had.It was best for them.Giving their relationship name.Finally completing their marriage.Once back Shanti could see.Happiness on their faces.They were glad.Children finally settled.Starting their life.

Ramya busied herself.preparing for exams.Vivaan also stayed long hours.At office.But both gave time.to each other.never letting chance.To sit or chat.Few minutes.Ending night in each others arms.Sleeping.Leaving for next morning.

R-"Vivaan dont move.Stand properly."

She was fixing his tie.he had an early meeting.At office.he held her from waist.Tickling her.She made stern face.Showing him eyes.He sobered down.She shrieked in pain.Did he pinched her.On waist.

R-"Iam not doing this.

Bad man.Who does.Such things."

She rubbed spot.He laughed.Pulled her to him.Nuzzling her face.Till making her smile.With his lame joke.And embarassing words.She had to smack him.Lightly giving a kiss.As promised.

R-"Come home early."

She helped her.With blazer.He gave naughty smile.


Am I getting special.treat after dinner."

R-"One track minded.

Guests are coming.Dont be late."

He kissed her and went down.She smiled.Playing with chain.On her neck.She thanked life.For being so nice to her.Every day.For her it was all.About her husband and family.The happiness.Thats it.

It was Vijay and Shanti's wedding anniversary.They cut cake.Four of them.Went for dinner in restaurant.Vivaan and Ramya gifted them.beautiful frame of picture.Of duo from early years.Shanti hugged her children.Vijay asked for family hug too.

Sh-"This was Ramya's idea.Iam sure.

Only a woman can think of.Such gifts.What value memories.Hold for us."

She traced frame.Picture in it held memories.Of their marriage and.Life after that.Ramya smiled and teased.Vivaan with a wink.He smirked.

V-'Thats not fair Mom.

Even I worked hard.To get it done."

R-"he is sulking.You were right Mom.

He is still baby."

The ladies laughed.With Men folk being clueless.Shanti went to answer them.Ramya left to keep gift.In couple's room.

Sh-"I was telling Ramya.

How Vivaan used to sulk.As child and pout.At every small thing.Still he does.Like this."

Seeing his parents laughing at him.He pouted same way.Crossing his arms.Shanti cooed his cheeks.Vijay teased him.More.Calling it night.

Vivaan stirred in his sleep.Moving his hands.to person beside him.Tightening hold on her waist.His breath fanning her neck.Nose willingly.Rubbing her cheek.Ramya smiled and touched.Her husband's wavy hair.He looked hot in messy state.Her hand touched his bare back.He pressed his face.On her more.Giving shivers to her  body.

R-"Enough Vivaan.Sleep.

have to wake early."

She played with his hair.Then ears.With pout on face.He kissed her lips.Neck and captured her.Completely in his hold.Didnt he had enough.Of love at night.He had to punish her.For what she did to him.So it was revenge taken.They were awake now.Early hours before sun.Came out.He kept on giving her wet kisses.She hugged him.With smile of satisfaction.


Do you know.Mom asked for.Something else to me."

He continued his work.Raised his face.Seeing her blush.


Why didnt you tell me."

R-"I cant.

Promise alone gift to her."

He was confused.with her shying away.Then kissed her again.Resting his head on her bosom.

V-"What does she want.

We will give her."

He yawned.Feeling sleepy.Didnt hear her.She said it in whispers.

R-"She wants.To see junior Vivaan."

Heard his breath.going slow.He was sleeping.She hit her own head.Her husband was.baby and she was thinking.Of having their baby.

Life was going perfect.In all ways for everyone.No one knew how a year passed by.Living with new beginnings.Vidyuth was gone for a year now.He stayed alive in hearts of people.In memory.No one could guess.Expect what day had to bring.Till Shanti heard doorbell.One morning.Almost lost her breath.Finding her elder son.Standing in front of her.She waited.To see him holding her.Alas called for her husband.Who came running.

Vijay and Shanti have gone.For visiting relative's place.This was chance.To take which they wouldnt miss.Vivaan arranged to spend.Weekend cozily with his wife.In their farmhouse.Built in outskirts of city.Which had everything.One would go for.Finding solace and peace.Away from working life.

R-"Promise me.Wont drink like this.

Sounded like hooligan.Yuck"

They just came back.From fishing.Vivaan had to keep.Innocent face.Saving himself from wrath of Ramya.Last night partied hard.With friends.Who came with their wives.There at his invitation.Result was all men getting drunk.Some of ladies joined them.Ramya had to keep away.From alcohol.She didnt mind him.Sharing a drink with friends.Shouldnt be out of control.

V-"Sweetheart.Didnt I just promised.

For hundredth time.Spare this baby now."

R-"baby and you.

Grown up.Monkey."

V-"What did you."

He ran after her.To catch her.Later afternoon was spent.With good lunch.Food cooked by both of them.Dessert he wished to take.His favorite one.She gave him two kisses.Rest was kept for night.

They were resting in hammock.After a round of volleyball.He played with her.Rather taught her.It was more of romance.Than teaching game.She enjoyed.Trying something different.Ramya had to agree.Vivaan wasnt with her.As husband.He was there as friend.As support and.Someone she would look up to.She was glad.To be destined.have soulmate like him.

He rubbed his nose on her nape.She fought back urge.Losing herself.Feeling his bare body.In contact with hers.She thought of something.Both were covered with sweat.Had to take shower.He insisted to stay like that.She raised her brows.

R-"What is it.

Lets get clean.Let me at least.I feel dirty."

V-"Dont worry.

I will help you."

R-"Stop being.Naughty always.



He moaned.Feeling drowsy.Hiding himself in her hair.She nudged him.

R-"get up."


Cant we stay like this.Please.It gives me.Peace."

Ramya smiled.Checked time.Since they came here.Called Shanti once.She have to call back.If they came back already.Vivaan didnt let her leave.She felt weird.His hold was bit possessive.She stroked his hair.Seeing his eyes.tired and speaking something.

R-"what happened.

I think.We should call Maa.They must be back home."


I feel.Weird.Dont leave me."

She smiled.Finding him.Behaving like a baby.Let him be like that.for some time.She didnt knew.What storm was.Coming for them.Still happy in her small world.

Next morning they were back to city.Stopping car outside his home.Vivaan looked at his wife.Who had bag.Giving him a look.She ruffled his hair.Shying away with his gaze.He had to leave for office.Being already late couldnt come inside.So she was going in.He promised to be back a bit early.

R-"Good bye husband.

Come soon.Dont want you to.Have eye bags."

He gave sheepish.Grin.How sleep derived he was.Messed up his own hair.Wasnt in look for office.Wish he could stay.Night didnt help them to catch sleep.Least.She opened door getting out.Heard him.


You get inside first.Cant risk leaving.beautiful wife alone.What if someone.Whisks her away."

She shook her head.At his antics.Finally got inside gate.Waving at him.He left on his car.She was smiling.Frowned as she walked.Inside making way.Helpers gave her look.With pain and sympathy.Ramya got tensed.If something was wrong.

Bag fell from her hands.Shanti came running.Standing with shock on her face.before she could face girl.Unsure how to make her understand.What and why.Vidyuth was seen hugging Ramya.His hands around her.Eyes closed and he was saying something.Ramya stood like stone.With no expression on face.She kept hands to herself.

Vid-"Im sorry.

Sorry for everything.Done to you.

I will make it up.promise."

She frowned harder.Making out his words.A tear slipped from her eye.She saw Shanti breaking down.Caught by Vijay from behind.Both had helpless look.On faces.Ramya didnt knew.How to judge them.In a situation.When she took lot of time.To sync.What her eyes were seeing.Vidyuth still hugging her.

They got their son back.Vivaan got his brother back.What about her.Where did she stand now.She couldnt hold back her.feet from giving up.Still shuddered with shock.

Vidyuth was sitting in between.His parents.From time he came.They didnt knew.To be happy.Overwhelmed.To see burnt hope.Alive again.Shanti stroked his hair.Not leaving him for a minute.Vijay was in same lines.Except he was scared.Tensed how to handle.Once Vivaan comes back.Things wont be same.They knew.

He went to help his friend.That night.Its how he explained his parents.Whole situation.he was caught up for a year.Once he gained consciousness.He got to know.Accident left him injured.Which he was treated.For three months.Got back his life.He stayed in village.Where people helped him.to recover.With motive to help them.His friend who died.He gave his family a life.Supporting them against.Fight they had with neighbourhood village.For land and their rights.

Vidyuth sided them.Letting them win case.Eventually.Which was risky and.he took it all.He wanted to do well.For them.He had threat of life.From people.Didnt care.Village was too far from city.Times he thought he would make.Call to family.Letting them know he is.Alive and safe.Then he was Vidyuth.person who thinks.He is right when.Doing good to others.His family would be there.They will be fine.

He held Shanti's hands.Making them touch his cheeks.

Vid-"I know.I made mistake.

it was for good intention.Mom forgive me.

Its fresh start.For all.Right Dad?"

Vijay couldnt give a nod to him.When another face off was.Waiting for them.

Vivaan and Vidyuth were sitting at porch.Of their house.It used to be their place.Brothers zone.Whenever one of them.Felt to share.Happiness and stress.Pain their bond.Was such.Vidyuth couldnt hold himself back.Seeing his brother.In front of him.He broke into tears.Vivaan did same.He wished this to come true.

All his feelings.He had stored in a year.Came out in form of tears.Brothers hugged so tight.Parents equally overwhelmed to see.Their family.From a broken state.To a complete one again.After realization dawned upon him.Vivaan felt earth.Shook beneath him.He havent spoken a word.Only listened to Vidyuth.From time he started.

Vid-"It has been.Not easy for anyone.

Iam to be blamed.brother wont you forgive me."

He clasped his hand.Every word cracking with an emotion.Vivaan stared at him.With an unknown fear.Confusion and he felt dizzy.Everything was getting blank.His world.That just transformed from a blank canvas.To a colorful one.In this time.Then Vidyuth coming back.And what was.To be done now.He felt his inside giving up.Before his mind.Asked him one thing.Where was she.

Shanti found Ramya sitting like statue.In her room.She closed door.Went to hug her.Wiping her tears.She held her cheeks.The girl didnt shed tear till now.Thats what Shanti feared.She made Ramya face her.She raised her stone like eyes.

Sh-"Ramya I beg you.Forgive me.

Iam a mother.I couldnt.Gather courage to.break my son and.Hopes he got back with."

She sobbed further.Feeling Ramya taking down her hand.Standing to move to door.She held her back.

Sh-"Listen to me please.We.Shouldnt take any decision in hurry.Should give Vidyuth some time.I promise you.All will be fine.Ramya.We have taken you as.Our daughter.Do this much for us."

Shanti was begging to her.Joining her hands.Ramya held her hands.Gulping down painful.Truth and she was clueless.How things will be handled.Shanti straightened herself.She could hear her husband and sons.voices coming from downstairs.Looked back at Ramya.

Sh-"Vivaan is there.He is also happy.To have his brother.Back home.

I cant tell you.Ramya how happy I feel.I have request to make."

The dinner ended.Shanti made everything.Vidyuth's favourite dishes.Made him sit between.Them so that not to blink an eye.Letting him go anywhere.He was talking.Letting them know in details.How life have been for him.He didnt change.Except his tone.Rightful nature for he believed.He is never wrong.He stopped looking at Vivaan.Who was silent.Since he came back.

Vid-"What has happened to.My brother.He became quiet.

Did you guys.Burden all responsibilities on him.Dad did he get married or not."

Vivaan dropped spoon on plate.He hardly could eat.How he have not seen.Ramya and he was yearning to.He couldnt imagine her state.Wished to take her in his arms.She has been on his mind.But he stopped for what reason.Shanti and Vijay felt guilty.Scared to keep truth hidden.They eyed Vivaan to hold it back.He gave blank look.At them.

Vid-"Hey bad joke.Sorry.

I will find.Bride for him.Like he did."

Vidyuth continued eating.In his chirpy tone.Not missing a single detail.His eyes were searching for someone.Which Vivaan didnt miss.From time he hugged her.he found her motionless.Walking up stairs.Then havent come down.It must have been.Difficult for her too.Vidyuth thought to give her time.Now that he was back.Things will be fine.

Vivaan somehow survived dinner table.Rushed to his room.Ramya wasnt there.he called for her.Looking everywhere.When Shanti came.She looked sorry.Vivaan went to her.With hopeful eyes.

V-"Mom where is she.

Is she alright.Why am I even asking.I."

He ran his hand through his hair.Feeling miserable.he would have.Met her first.Imagining her condition.he couldnt speak further.Move out in search of.her feeling Shanti's hands.Stop her.She hesitated to speak.

Sh-"Vivaan.Ramya is not here.

I mean.I have asked her.To sleep with me.In guest room today."

Vivaan frowned his brows.With confusion.And irritation.He wasnt ready for any explanation.Now just wanted to see his wife.


Iam not getting you.Why should she.This room belongs to her.Everything here.As well as me.She is my wife."

Shanti widened her eyes.In horror to see.If Vidyuth was around.She breathed deeply.Held her son's hands.Making request.

Sh-"You have seen.How your brother is reacting.he sounds so.

Positive.he has come back with.Hopes in heart.Cant break them.In seconds.His whole world will.be destroyed Vivaan."

Vivaan was started.Hearing his mother.He staggered back.Spoke in hoarse voice.Keeping anger down.

V-"What about my world.

Didnt take you.Second to make that decision.Taking my wife.Away from here and.No Mom.He is my brother too.But Ramya.Shouldnt get that treatment."

He went despite of Shanti's attempts.To stop him and stopped.In his way.Seeing Vidyuth and Ramya facing each other.Vivaan clenched his fists.Trying to have grip.On himself.Felt his mother's hand on his back.He shut his eyes.

Vid-"Iam ready to say sorry.Thousand times.

Or for lifetime.If that requires."

Vidyuth spoke finding his wife.Close to him.He havent seen her properly.Since she came.It was emotional moment.Now that he was seeing.He was amazed.He didnt notice earlier.She looked so beautiful.Like a dream.Which he left behind.What made his.Heart swell with proud was.She still belonged to him.Keeping hope alive.He was there.Wearing wedding chain.Of his name.

Ramya felt like running.Off somewhere.She held her anger.Back not bursting up.With pool of emotions.Her heart was being stabbed.She looked down.Avoiding interaction with person.He couldnt move eyes from her.A sort of discomfort she felt.This was same person.Holding his hands she entered house.Such was life.He was stranger to her.

Her eyes searched for.Vivaan whom she belonged to.She raised her eyes.To find him standing at distance.Looking at her.Equally distraught.Her eyes welled up.Distance was created between them.Both hearts were bleeding.Vivaan couldnt stay longer.Ran to his room.Leaving Shanti worried.Ramya was disappointed.with everything.

Late at night.Ramya and Vivaan both tossed and turned on respective.Places not getting eye to sleep.She felt suffocated.Lack of oxygen.Shanti was sleeping beside her.She felt like going out.Vivaan got up.Wore his shirt.Taking effort to do few buttons.Went outside for some air.

Wish it would rain.As it was witness to their bond.Which grew stronger with time.Blooming into relationship.Devoid of any bindings.Vivaan was doing what he never does.He was drinking.Only thing that managed.To keep him out of.Senses.He remembered times.He started life with Ramya.Her smile and their small fights in silence.Their honeymoon how they became one.After that it has been.Life in true meaning.

He gulped poison from bottle.Letting it roll beside him.He wished to cry.His eyes gone red.When he found a pair of feet.With blurry view.He saw his wife standing there.Her heart was racing.With urge to run to him.Thats what Ramya did.Running to his arms.Breaking down into sobs.He felt peace.Finally stroking her hair.Kissing her and hiding her in cage of.His arms.Nothing mattered for them.Except what they felt.

Vivaan cleared her cheeks.She felt difficult to speak.He asked her not to.Taking her in his arms again.She sobbed harder.Clutching his shirt.He found her in disheveled state.With no stole.Messed up hair.Red eyes.She pressed her nose deeper.In his neck.

R-"I cant.Please.

Dont torture me like this.If this is sin.I will pay for it.Dont keep me.Away from you.I will die."

He shushed her.Keeping his finger on her lips.He frowned.Didnt he know.Going away from her.Would be like losing life.For him too.Those few hours.Felt life time to him.He couldnt say anything.But he was decided.he has to speak for.Them.Not caring what consequences they.Will face.It was a later thing.

He caressed her face.Moving her head sideways.She inched closer to him.Lessened distance.between their lips.They met.Pouring out pent up emotions.Feelings of what they have been holding.Thought of letting go each other.Shattered them.He held her head from behind.Probing her to deepen kiss.She gave in.Wanting for more.To show she belonged to him.Only he had right.to see her.Feel and touch her.

The kiss kept them so busy.Didnt realize till heard a sound.A third person was there.To witness trouble of their emotions.Moment didnt look like.Normal for him.Vivaan and Ramya came out of kiss.Losing breathe.To find Vidyuth standing in horror.Rage covering his face.As he clenched his fists.Ramya hugged her husband.His hold tightened around her.

Vijaya nd Shanti came down.hearing sudden chaos.At this early hours of morning.It was still dark.They were in horror.To find their sons.Involved in a physical tussle.Vidyuth was holding Vivaan from collar.of his shirt.Almost ripped it off.Vivaan pushed him.trying not to.Give it back.Till he was punched.Blood oozed out of his mouth.Ramya rushed to him.With teary eyes.

Vivaan gave her an assuring look.he was fine.Still calm.But Vidyuth saw this.Didnt like and tried to pull.Ramya's hand.

Vid-"You bloody woman.

Didnt knew you were.So desperate."

Before Vidyuth could utter.More nasty words.Vivaan's patience had it.He punched him.Followed by blows and punches from.Both sides.Brothers fighting.It out.Ramya's attempts to stop.Vivaan angered Vidyuth more.He hit his brother.Badly whom he loved.The most.Vijay came to drift them apart.

The sun rose with morning.Calling for another day where.Things got more complicated.Vidyuth still gaped at.His wife whom he believed to.With angry eyes.Then his brother.Who faced his back to him.Standing near window.None of them paid.Heeds to their mother.When she asked for dressing wounds.Both were angry and in need.Of strong justification.

V-"Vidyuth Vivaan is this way.To behave.

How did this happen.When none of you.Raised hands at each other.Ever?"

Ramya was weeping.Standing behind door.Covered in her stole.Taking it as her shield.To shed tears.Shanti was also sitting.Crying and dreading outcome.She went to calm her sons.They were in no mood.

V-"It was he.Who started Dad."

Vidyuth spat venom.And hatred he developed.for his brother over night.Then gave nasty look to Ramya.Who frowned.

Vid-"Wont ask me why did I Dad.

What do you expect.A husband to do.When he finds his own brother.In compromising position.with his wife."

Vijay shut his eyes.Vivaan did that too.With urge to punch Vidyuth again.Dare he say a word.Against his wife.He would kill him.

V-"Calm down.Both of you.

This wont solve problems."

Sh-"your Dad is right.try to understand situation.

its difficult time for us.We will come out."

Vid-"Ask him to leave from.My view right now.Else I dont know.

What I would be capable.Of doing.

And you.Characterless woman.I will"

Vidyuth went to Ramya.She scared to find him advancing.Towards her.Till Vivaan came in between his way.As shield to her.He gave cold look to Vidyuth.Who was flaring his nostrils.

V-"Dare you touch.My wife.

I wouldnt think twice.To  take your life."

Vidyuth thought for while.Spoke sarcastically.Looking at his parents.

V-"Did you see way he is going.Iam amazed.

What are you.Listening?Mom Dad.Tell me how should I react.

Am I bound to expect.Illegitimate relationship.of my brother with my wife."

Sh-'Vidyuth enough.

Think before you say something."

Vid-"What should I.

How can you guys.Behave so easy.Look at them.What they would have.Done behind my back.How long this has.Been going on.A widow acting as damsel in distress.Then my brother.Comes as savior.fulfilling her needs.Women like her.I know.Must have been dried off.Without husband so.

found another man.With convenience at home."

A pin drop silence prevailed.Vidyuth was slapped.Hard on his right cheek.By Ramya glaring at him.With nasty look.She cried enough.Wouldnt bear any more nonsense.For sake of those people.Who did good to her.Whom she considered.family.She chose to look at Vijay and Shanti.Who felt ashamed.

R-"Mr. Vidyuth do you know.A woman.Ho wit feels for her.To be waiting.Whole night.For her husband.Expecting to start new life.With him.When he doesnt bother.Thinking about you.Or vows he have taken.

He cares to leave her.Get lost somewhere.For doing good to others.

What is she left with.to face world alone.Living a dead life.In his memory.In his wait.he would come back?When he doesnt give.Care.he doesnt."

Ramya felt her breath giving away.She covered her mouth.With hands and ran from there.Vidyuth didnt take it.Fair way.he had to fight.He was to go after her.When Vivaan came in his way.

Vid-"I still have.Nothing against you Vivaan.

Dont hold me back.You are man.After all.Must have been lured by her.For needs.

I will teach her.Lesson she will remember."

V-"havent you already.

Given her life.Miserable than dying.Desserted her.Disown her.So called vows of marriage.Why are you claiming.her to be yours then."

Vidyuth threw grin at him.Vivaan was holding back.For his parents.Who stayed mum to this.Injustice happening.He wouldnt.If it means.He has to be bad son.Brother.He have wasted time.To be good husband.

Vid-"Its just amazing.Finding you guys.

Like this.See your son.crossing level of shame.Saving his brother's wife.Who knows if he.Slept with her."

Vivaan shut his eyes.Gripped Vidyut from collar.Spoke with blazing eyes.

V-"She is my wife.damn it.

Do you hear me?My wife.Ramya belongs to Vivaan.Now I dont give.Bloody damn.

What you think.Want and believe.Stay away from her."

He kicked everything that came.On his way.Finally confrontation which they.Didnt want had taken place.In such manner.Unexpectable.Vijay and Shanti were in fix.Whom to support.Both had their blood.

Another day passed like that.Being difficult for everyone.Complications increased.None could find out.Where things would head to.Vidyuth remained silent.Fuming from inside.Didnt talk with his parents.After previous day incident.He had something on mind.Vijay and Shanti thought.He had got to know truth.Now he would understand situation.They briefed him about.How they had hand convincing.Both for marriage.They didnt agree first.

Ramya wanted to leave house.That day itself.With respect to Vijay and Shanti.She didnt wanted to be.Reason of fight between brothers.Vivaan have gone out.At his friend's place.Till he returned next morning.Left for work.He met Ramya.As well as Shanti.Who told him.Vidyuth will sober down.Knowing truth.

A little patience was needed.Thats what kept.Everyone hooked.Not knowing what was coming.Next.

Everyone was present in breakfast table.Vivaan also came down.frowning his brows.Wasnt pleased with his brother's presence.Who looked normal.Eating.Ramya helped Shanti in serving.Vivaan somehow finished eating.About to get up and leave.When heard Vidyuth calling him out.All held their breath.Fearing another fight.

Vid-"Vivaan I need.To have word with you.


Vidyuth's tone was calm.Relaxed unlike other day.Shanti looked at her husband.Ramya eyed Vivaan not to.Lose it out.After which he crossed his arms.Disinterested to hear the person out.He had to.Since he was being polite.Vidyuth while he spoke.Had his eyes.On ramya.She noticed and didnt look comfortable.


If its something.related to nonsense you said.That day then."


Vivaan you do understand.How this cannot be normal.For me.Imagine yourself.

being at my place.can you justify."

Vivaan raised his brows.Still in stern face.

V-"I would have cared.To speak about.

A woman.With mere respect."

Vidyuth kept his head lowered.Then looked at Ramya.He went to her.She gulped down tension.rubbed her neck.Feeling awkward.

Vid-"Iam sorry Ramya.For whatever.

Happened that day.Trust me if you would.Have got chance.To know me better.Iam not.

Worse.Its just.Circumstances made me.If things wouldnt have.Come out like that.Then maybe.My reaction wouldnt.Have been this extreme.Forgive me."

Vidyuth went on to Vivaan.Again holding his hand.Vivaan wasnt convinced.Still in confusion.With how calmly he.Was taking this.He sensed something else.

Vid-"I apologize.To you both.For my behavior.

I have been.Inconsiderate.Towards you both.But now after knowing.What you have to go through.Because of me.Its shameful.For me.I got to know.Whatever happened.Why you went for this.I hope.You can understand me."

V-"If you.Have realized it.

Let it be.I dont want.Any more chaos.We had enough."

Vid-"Yeah there wont be.We havent sit together.

Since I came back.Like a family.Let there be.problems.But we are family.Vivaan.Right."

Vivaan glanced at Ramya.Then His parents who.Looked in relief.Smiling.He gave nod unwillngly.Vidyuth smiled.whispering.


Everything will.Be fine now."

Sh-"There is no problem.Without any solution.

We would never want.You brothers.To behave in such.Harsh manner."

V-"Vivaan Vidyuth .yes your mother is right.

whatever happened.Accept it as call of fate.Nothing can change that.But we can make.Our present better."

Vid-"Thats what.iam saying Dad.It will be fine.Now ho wit used to be.

Everything normal.

I want to make Vivaan.Free from burden he.Has been holding.Of fulfilling responsibilities.Of being only son.In my absence.He had to bear a lot.Take a lot."

V-"They are my parents too.

I dont see.it as burden."

Vidyuth went to him.Holding his hand again.With a smile.

Vid-"Thats how you see.Brother such a gem you are.

Big human.Took everything in your shoulder.Didnt say word.Now.

Lets set you free.From.Responsibilities."

Shanti and Vijay exchanged looks.Equally taken a back.With Vidyuth being so polite.With accepting things.Ramya stood.Playing with her chain.In her thoughts.

V-"Iam not getting.What you are.

Trying to say."

Vidyuth smiled patting Vivaan's back.Then moved in room.Passing through.Ramya's side.She felt.Uneasy even with.His presence.She kept frown on her.Face every time he eyed her.

Vid-"Ramya.I gave it thought.How painful it.Would have been for you.

To give acceptance.For my parents wish.Couldnt say no to.Them.Wish could give you back time.But.Now Iam back.

There is no need.To hold it back.Its time.You get back to place.You deserve to be.With right.

As my Wife."

Vivaan flared his nostrils.Clenching his fists.And went to Vidyuth.Making him face her.His eyes were blazing.With fire.Vidyuth frowned and.Raised his eyes.Moved Vivaan's hands from his collar.

V-"I knew.Your poisonous dirty mind.

Was up to something.Didnt knew this Vidyuth.Earlier.If you werent my blood.

Would have killed.You right here.For saying that.To my wife."

Vid-"Wife?Really brother.

Hope in that case.You are in full senses."

Vidyuth laughed.Sarcastically.Then looked at Ramya.He have been.Envying from time.Found her in his brother's arms.He wished.To just get her back.Whats his.Should get back to him.No one can take it away.He would make sure.Of that.

V-"Vidyuth have you lost.Your mind.

Just told you.Let bygones be bygones.We should look.Whats in present."

Vid-"Thats what.Iam doing Dad.

My wife should.get back to me.We start to live.New life.Like we would have.A year ago."

Sh-"She is married to Vivaan now.Please son try in understand.We do get your.Emotions.But.

Things have changed."

Vid-"On what basis.Mom.I dont get you.

Really.Is marriage joke.I dont think so.Things should.Be back to its rightful owner.Once they are back to claim."

R-"Iam not thing.To play or joke.With.

Iam human."

Ramya's hoarse voice.Got everyone's attention.Vivaan was standing.With closed eyes.Holding himself back.Back of his mind.He had already taken decision.Was just waiting.Vidyuth smirked.Walking to her.Seeing rage in her eyes.He could see dislike there.For him.Thats what.Infuriated him.

Vid-"I see.Didnt they all.Played with you.

We met.Liked each other.Married you and.Go tyou here.At my house.Then.They forced you.To do same with my brother.Against your wishes.Iam setting you free.Now.Get back to your husband.

Tell me Ramya.didnt you had.any feelings for me.First when we met.You held my hand.Promised to spend entire.Life with me.Remember."

Vivaan had his patience.Vivaan shut his eyes.Shanti went to Ramya.To hold her.Make her face him.She was in tears.

Sh-"Tell me.Ramya.We have never seen you.As daughter in law.

You were always.Dearer to us.Like our blood.Your wish.Will be first.Preferece.Say it.

If you want.To Get back to Vidyuth then."


First time.Ramya raised her voice.Aloud inside the walls.Vijay and Vivaan were shocked.Vidyuth fumed.With her audacity.

R-"How can you say.That.

Iam married.Maa and.My husband is still alive.This time.In my heart.I dont know.What you all think.But for girl.Its not easy.To suffer.Every time.for no reason.I didnt do any harm.To anyone then.Why me."

Shanti held her from face.Took her in arms.Consoling her.Vijay and her.Both knew what was Ramya's wish.Both wished same.Vivaan and Ramya shouldnt suffer.Because of fate's play.

Sh-"Wanted to hear from.you and.

Let it be."

Ramya looked at her husband.Standing in complete silence.Vidyuth was taken back.With his parents decision.Not going in his favor.He wasnt going.to step back.So easily.

Vid-"Have you all.forgotten everything.Mom

Cant go with her words.She doesnt have idea.Iam your son.What about me."

V-"What about you?Vidyuth.Whatever happened.Have happened.

If Ramya wished.To be with you.Then also.It woul dhave been.Unfair to Vivaan.They are married now.Husband wife.No one can claim.To separate them.Its better.

Accept truth and.Move on."

Vijay ended.Speaking loud his decision.Shanti sided him.Ramya raised her head.Finding Vidyuth approaching her.In anger.He spoke with rage.Holding her hand.Pulling her.

Vid-"Ramya.Speak up.

Is this your.Final decision.You cant.Do this to me.

Didnt you loved me.Say it.Iam your husband.You cant forget."

Vivaan pushed Vidyuth.Pulling Ramya away.Form his clutch.She hid herself behind him.Vivaan raised his finger.At his brother's direction.

V-"Listen Vidyuth.This is last chance.Iam giving you.

For sake of relation we share.Unfortunately.You left behind ties.And I gathered them strongly.Which belong to me now.No one can dare.To snatch it back.You lost everything.As well as.Person whom you are.Claiming to be in love with.

Such was your love.Didnt think twice.Leaving her.For your so called.Priorities.From here on.

I wont hesitate.Finishing off anyone.Who comes.To behave like that.With My wife.Ramya is mine.She will always.Be mine."

Vivaan held her hands.Taking her away with him.She looked at Vidyuth.With anger and.Holding her husband's hands.Went with him.Vidyuth was left shattered.His ego crushed.He wasnt going.to accept defeat.This easily.

Next morning if it was only.Waiting for another.Problem to arise.Being big one.More complicated and crucial.For Vivaan and Ramya.Vivaan entered his house.To find Vidyuth relaxing.Watching tv.He saw Vivaan.Smirked and continued to do what he was doing.

Shanti and Ramya were in kitchen.Vivaan was planning to.Leave house with Ramya.Taking Vidyuth's insane behavior.It was after his parents.Persistence he stayed.With an unsettled mind.Ramya didnt wish to stay.Either in same house.With her past and present.

They came out.Heard chaos outside.Finding brothers again.In tussle.Vivaan looked he would.Kill Vidyuth right then.He was calm.With smirk on face.Pushing Vivaan.Straighting his clothes.Vijay came out.

V-"What happened.Again.

Vidyuth what did you do."

Vid-"Ask your dear.Son.

He attacked me."

V-"Do you know.He has crossed all levels.Being an insane.

Dad.Mom.Vidyuth filed case against me.Claiming his wife back.Whom he married year ago.And left."

Sh-"What?Vidyuth what is he saying."

V-"Have you lost.All senses.

What do you want.House matters into court.Bringing disgrace to.Our family and name."

Ramya clutched on to her dress.A fear gripped her.She couldnt.Hold herself back.Shanti was also shocked.

Vid-"Why are you.All reacting.

As if its false.What I have said.This notice.Is result of injustice.You did to me.Isnt it.

You snatched my wife.from me.Gave her to my own.Brother so.Let it be.Let law decide.Whats right.And legal."

Sh-"Vidyuth my son.Why dont you understand.

Dragging this matter.Will ruin all lives.Yours too.

They are married.Let them live.Happily."

Vidyuth shrugged away.His mother's hands.Spoke in harsh way.Eyeing Ramya.Who was holding her husband.

Vid-"My happiness.Doenst it matter.

It does.To me.Ramya will give me.Happiness and peace.Pleasure too.Can you give me."

Ramya shut her eyes in disgust.She just clutched on to.Vivaan's arms.Stopping him.From taking any impulsive.Step.Shanti felt ashamed.Of her son and right.Slappened Vidyuth.Making him shocked.

V-"You did right thing.Shanti.

Wish he would have died.We didnt have.To see this day."

A week passed like that.After this it wasnt easy.To handle matter.Once it was gone in hands.Of court and legal procedures of law.Vidyuth had registration papers of their.marriage which he claimed to find out.After he returned cleverly.Vivaan was in deep.Stress with efforts.Hire best lawyer.So that this baseless.Claim wouldnt hold.Any value and make sense.

Ramya's fears were increasing.Each day.Living under same roof with Vidyuth became.More difficult.He was becoming desperate to win.Over Vivaan and he pledged.To win at any cost.Despite of his parents efforts.To stop him.He lived at his friend's place.For days and case was running in court.

Weeks after he returned home.Vijay and Shanti didnt knew.About his return.He looked pale and in distress.Being parents they couldnt be more harsh.To him not knowing.His intentions.He cleverly blackmailed them.Taking sympathy.For being on that state.Vivaan had work till late.So he wasnt home that night.Once his parents went to room.Calling it night Vidyuth.Took that as opportunity.

Ramya was in her room.Trying to call her husband.She heard door.Finding drunk Vidyuth.Standing at inches distance from her.He had smirk on face.Eyed her with lust.The phone fell.From her hand.She warned him.To go away.Which he didnt pay heeds.He locked door.Went to her pulling her.harshly and tried to get closer to her.Ramya shouted for help.he covered her mouth.Still strong to take over her.

Vid-"Whats on him.That I cant give you.

This court and judgement.Will take ages.See how I destroy you.Both.What will you do.

Once you are given.Back to me.As reward.Have to live with me."

R-"I would prefer to die.

You are monster.I got saved.By my fate.It happened.Vivaan is only.One written in ym destiny."

Vidyuth got more angry.Pushed her on bed.Towering on her.She threw her hands and legs.Trying to protect herself.Crying out for help.Wished if Vivaan would come.She better end her life.He was successful.In tearing her dress.gazing at her body hungrily.He lowered to her face.Forcing himself on her.She shrieked loudly.begging him to stop.He had his hands.Inside her shirt.When door opened.

Vivaan found his wife.Forced by his brother.It didnt take him.Second to go to him.Pull by his shirt and beat him mercilessly.Ramya got up.Gathering herself.In time Vijay nd Shanti came.Never in dreams imagined.To witness the scene.Vidyuth was spared by Vivaan.After he threw him out.Injuring him.After that day.Vidyuth was disowned from family.Completely losing.Tag of their son.

Vivaan turned and tossed on bed.He heard some noise.Woke up to see.Ramya at one corner of room.Sitting on floor.Crying hiding her face in palms.He rushed to her.Seeing her eyes puffy.And red.Didnt knew for how long.She has been crying.He kissed her head.She break down further.


What is it."

R-"Iam scared.To lose you.

Please Vivaan.I dont want.To go away.From you.If that has.To be done.

Then end my life."

She clutched his shirt.He shut his eyes.Then holding her hands.He gave faint smile.Rubbing her red nose.

V-"What do you think.

Anyone will come like this.Whisk you away.From me.No way.

You belong to me.Will be with me.Till death separates us.But.That if.You wish to.Belong to me"

Ramya stopped him.Placing her fingers covering his mouth.he kissed them.Seeing her face.Wet with tears.He pulled her to him.Crushing her in his arms.She clinged to him.Like a toddler would.

R-"I have loved.You and only.You.

Taken you as my husband.Now.Nothing matters to me.I wouldnt lose this life.You have given me.

I love you.Vivaan."

She kissed her lips.As he picked her.In his arms.Taking her to bed.Dimming off lights.The night wouldnt pass like that.Next day hearing on court.Ramya begged him to.Claim her as his.Again and again let her.Be owned by him.She did same to him.Showing in every way.He was hers.Both panted.Out of breath.Still believing to be.In their world of love.Trust and faith which they ahd on.Each other.

Vivaan kissed her head.Kissing her tears away.With his one smile.He gave her.Assurance.What she feared.Would never come true.Since he was there.With her.She hugged him closer.Both lay inside quilt.After tiring their bodies.Covered in sweat and.Satisfaction.he stroked her hair.Getting her to sleep.Then lost in his own.Thoughts that he wasnt.Aware what tomorrow will bring.Three months they.Have been sufferring.What did they do.To see this.

All they wished a normal life.Vidyuth's greed.His ego have made him.Insane.Lost everything.Wished to break them.Leaving no stone unturned.Vivaan was looking for ways.To get themselves out of it.His lawyer was to present.Something in final day.Which was believed to.be their trump card.he dozed off.Keeping Ramya close to his heart.

Eight months later.Vivaan was waiting anxiously.Outside operation theatre.In hospital.Vijay and Shanti also.Restless waiting for doctor.Till they heard cries of newborn.A member came to their family.

Vijay patted his son's back.As doctor informed.Ramya gave birth.To baby girl.Shanti prayed in happiness.Sending their son inside.Once Ramya wasshifted to cabin.She opened her eyes.To see most beautiful sight.On earth. tear slipped from her eye.She bit her lips.Vivan was making faces.To their baby girl.She responded to him.He kissed his baby.bringing her closer to his heart.

V-"I told you.Its a girl."

Ramya touched her baby.First time.Kissing her head.She was so soft.Tiny.Snuggled to her mother's chest.Vivaan patted her there.Kissing his wife's head.Ramya held his hand.She looked tired.Her eyes weary.But a glow shining on her face.he admired her.What he would have.Done without her in life.He couldnt imagine.

R-"Vivaan.Thank you.

For being part.Of my life."

He bent toward her.Their baby cooed.Moving her tiny hands.He kissed baby.Then Ramya on her lips.It was heaven for them.These months they lived.Expecting arrival.Symbol of their love.As well as those times.They spent.In restlessness.Expecting an end.To misery.

The case was closed soon enough.With verdict on Vivaan's favor.Vidyuth was shocked.In rage not taking this defeat.It was bad trap by him.With manipulating papers.Of his and Ramya's marriage.Truth was later discovered.By Vivaan's lawyer that.Vidyuth and Ramya's marriage was.never registered.The papers were given.But couldnt be submitted.Due to Vidyuth's disappearance.Without his signatures.

Once he found truth.He planned.To trick and made false papers.To trap Vivaan and Ramya.Filed a case.He wanted to prove.Vivaan and Ramya's relationship.Was illegitimate and they dont have.Right to live as husband wife.But truth cannot be.Hidden for long.It came out and.He was sent behind bars.As punishment.What came out as result.Was not reason to be happy.For he was part of family.

Vijay and Shanti felt.Miserable seeing their son.transforming himself to a heinous person.They never imagined.They were with Vivaan and Ramya.In grief of their elder son.Wishing if he died that time.What they thought.rather facing harsh reality.Vidyuth tried to contact them.But they didnt give him.Chance to enter their lives again.If he even reforms.Vivaan wouldnt prefer to live.With him under same roof.

The rain was pouring down.Heavily with thunders.The sky wasnt dark.Much light in day time.Ramya embraced morning.With new start.Enjoying her cup of coffee.In morning.Seeing rain.Being her favorite.She felt her husband.From behind nuzzling her neck.They kissed.Quickly wishing morning.She messed already.Messy hair of Vivaan.Giggled getting glare from him.

V-"Feels so sad.See your wife.

Enjoying rain alone.Leaving husband.On bed."

She pulled his cheeks.Smiling at his.Cute face.He leaned in for kiss.Till they heard cries.Of their two years old.Daughter.Vivaan rushing to her.Pampering his princess.Ramya loved to see him.Doing that to their daughter.He was blessing in disguise.For her.He winked at her.Blowing a kiss.She shook her head.Watched the big frame.Of picture hung on the wall.Rememrbing memories.Of special moments.

R-"Life is nothing.Dream which.

Iam living.Forever.It feels."

She leaned her.Head on his shoulder.Their daughter.Nestled to him.He smiled at her.Kissing her head.Then their one hand.Touching her belly.A new arrival was expected.Soon.for all they knew.She was destined to be his.Thankful for it to be planned by fate.Whatever it was.They wouldnt have.Dreamed of such perfect life ever.In this life time.Blessed with togetherness.


My beautiful readers.Did I ever tell you.How much I love you.Adore you.for being as crazy.As Iam and loving.My weird ideas.For books every time.Giving me support haha.This one shot is written.By me as an idea came.To my restless mind again.

There is reason why.I posted this here.Dedicating this to my lovely.Friend and person who gives me.Positive vibes.endless love and support.For my dearest Friend.I kept names Vivaan and Ramya too.Just because I cant see her sad.Never.She is a sweet heart.And darling.Love you dear friend.

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