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T W O | E A R T H S K I L L S

FAYE AND THE GROUP ARE RUNNING AWAY from what ever the hell happened, from Jasper. She wanted to go back and help him and she knew that Clarke did to. "Faye! Come on." Finn said and pulled her along with him as they start running once again. Monty then fell on his face in front of a pile of bones."Monty. Come on! We got to go!" Finn said pulling him off the ground.

Octavia tried too. "Monty, get up!" They stop once they see what Monty was looking at.

"Who are they?" Finn asked and Clarke picked up some sort of skull. Faye placed her hand on her forehead, she was sweating and she was scared. Her heart could pop out of her chest at any moment.

"What are they?" Faye corrected, they couldn't have been human. Whatever they were, they through a spear at Jasper from somewhere far.

Octavia groaned, "We are so screwed." There was a distant scream, Jasper.

"Jasper. He's alive." She said and without a second thought she started running in that direction.

Finn ran behind her and pulled her to the side. "Faye, wait. Wait! Wait. Stay out of the trees." The Morgan teen looked to see the spot where Jasper got speared, he wasn't there anymore.

"He was right there." Faye said confused, he couldn't have walked away. Someone took him, where and why?

"No. Where is he?" Finn looked at Faye with a look in his eyes, he didn't know what they were up against and that worried him.

"They took him." Clarke spoke up first and she nodded to confirm that was her thoughts as well.

THE PAIN IN FAYE'S leg and hip had gotten worse so has Octavia's, she is holding onto Monty and Finn is carrying Faye on his back. The five of them made it back to camp, when they got there they saw that all hell had broken loose. Wells was holding Murphy in a headlock with a knife pressed against his throat. And the rest of the idiots were just watching.

Wells demanded, "Drop it!"

"Wells! Let him go!" Clarke yelled at him, mostly in disbelief that he was trying to kill someone. That wasn't Wells, not the one that Faye knew. Earth was testing all of them.

"Whoa! Hey!" Murphy tried to charge at Wells again. Finn set the young girl down on a log next to him.

"Enough, Murphy."

"Octavia. Are you all right?" Bellamy asked and rushed to his sisters side.

Octavia nodded, "Yeah." A tight smile was on her face, she was in obvious pain.

"Where's the food?" He then looked at the rest of them. They obviously didn't have food, two of them were injured and one was missing. 

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather." Faye spoke up, no one else answered. Clarke was too busy being mad at Wells to say anything and Finn didn't say anything.

Bellamy then looked at her, really looked at her. His eyes flickered between her thigh - that was probably seeping blood - and her eyes. "What the hell happened out there?"

"We were attacked." Clarke replied, and flashes of what happened to Jasper came to mind.

"Attacked? By what?"

"Not what. Who. It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder." Finn said towards him, Faye bit her lip. Her hip hurt worse than her leg, probably because it was on the bone.

"It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us." The blonde started.

"Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will." Finn finished.

"Where's the kid with the goggles?" Wells chimed in with a question.

"Jasper was hit. They took him." The Morgan girl replied and let her eyes wander to the ground.

"Where is your wristband?" Clarke suddenly questioned picking up Wells's wrist. Faye gave a look at it to see no wristband, no matter what happened between Wells and Clarke he would never take that wristband off. She knew that much.

"Ask him." Wells said nodding toward Bellamy.

"How many?" Clarke demanded.

"Twenty-four and counting." Murphy replied with a smug voice and that was the last straw for Faye, she  gritted her teeth and stood up.

"You idiots. Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!" She yelled at them, they were all being idiots. Didn't they realize being on Earth with Bellamy was just like the Ark, following orders and if you didn't you'd get punished. That's what Bellamy was doing to them, but they followed anyway.

"We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors! The Grounders should worry about us!" Bellamy voiced and she shook her head and scoffed. He had no idea what thy were up against, he needed to get off his high horse.

"Yeah!" The delinquent's started cheering loud and Faye rolled her eyes, she started walking away -with the help of Clarke and Finn- to the drop-ship.

"What do we do now?" Finn asked the blonde and brunette best friends.

"Now we go after Jasper." Faye said as they kept walking.

OCTAVIA AND FAYE WERE sitting outside the drop ship tending to their wounds. Blood soaked the fabric, but they had to clean the wounds. There was a water pale and the two were using it to wash the blood off their injuries.

"You now the least that giant devil snake could have done was give me a cooler scar." Faye said to Octavia and she laughed at her.

"You are so weird." She replied and the seventeen year old shrugged. 

"I'm taking that as a compliment." Faye told her when Octavia's dick of a brother walked over to them.

"What the hell was it?" He asked Octavia pressing the wet rag on the wound. She winced in pain, but covered it up.

"I don't know. The others said it looked like a giant snake." She replied.

"You could have been killed." Bellamy said and Faye looked up at him. She had concluded that he didn't care about anyone else except for his sister. "Both of you." His eyes wandered to the other brunette, her wounds seemed more severe than Octavia's.

"They would have been if Jasper didn't jump in to pull then out." Clarke said and walked over the them, Bellamy ripped his eyes away from Faye.

"You guys leaving? I'm coming, too." Octavia tried to stand up, Faye did stand up.

"No, no. No way. Not again." Bellamy said sitting her down again.

"He's right. Your leg's just gonna slow us down." Clarke nodded. "Your's to, you're not coming." She looked down at her friend, Faye rolled her eyes.

"Like hell I'm not." She said and started walking to prove that she was okay. Of course she was still in pain but she wanted to go save Jasper.

The blonde sighed knowing she wasn't winning that argument, "I'm here for you." She looked at Bellamy.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" Wells questioned.

She ignored him, "I hear you have a gun." Bellamy lifted up his shirt to put the gun on view. "Good. Follow me."

"And why would I do that?" He asked her.

"Because you want them to follow you, and right now, they're thinking only one of us is scared." Faye raised an eyebrow at her friend, she did not for a second trust Bellamy for anyone he associated himself with, except Octavia.

"Murphy. Come with me. Atom? My sister doesn't leave this camp. Is that clear?" He ordered.

Octavia scoffed in annoyance, "I don't need a babysitter."

Bellamy ignored her and still looked at Atom. "Anybody touches her, they answer to me."

Faye paused and looked at Octavia before she whispered to her, "Make his life a living hell."

They started walking ahead of Murphy and Bellamy. Faye was with Clarke and Wells. "Those guys aren't just bullies, Clarke. They're dangerous criminals." Wells told her and she sighed.

"I'm counting on it."

The brunette didn't see Finn anywhere, he wouldn't  have missed out on this. "Where's Finn?"

"He's not coming." Clarke replied, the Morgan girl furrowed her eyebrows. That didn't sound like Finn.

THEY HAD BEEN walking for a while, Clarke and Faye just having some small talk. Catching up on each others lives, trying out boy talk and failing.

"Hey, hold up. What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy suddenly appeared waving the gun around aimlessly.

"Put the gun away, Bellamy." Wells snapped at him. Damn Wells.

"Well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" He asked, she rolled her eyes. She really did not like Bellamy Blake.

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste." The brunette girl snapped standing in front of Bellamy. She hand enough of him, he agreed to go with them and now he was whining.

Bellamy grabbed her wrist, the one with the wristband, "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go."

"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" She pulled her hand away from him angrily.

"Brave princess." He mocked.

"Hey, why don't you find your own nickname?" Finn said walking around the corner to the group. "You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Faye, Clarke, come with me." He gestured for them to follow him.

"Better late than never." Clarke told him.

"I like to think so." He nodded.

"Finn, where were you?" Faye crossed her arms, he made it, but why not come in the first place.

"This is a suicide mission, but you all were right. Jasper needs all of us right now." Finn replied. "Why are you here princess?" He questioned.

"Why not?"

"You are injured remember?" He said bringing up the vine incident from earlier.

"Shut up." She huffed, Clarke watched their interaction.

FAYE'S FEET WERE HURTING and she was tired, her thigh hurt and hip. She was in pain, but she wanted to go so she had to suck it up. The rescue mission was for Jasper.

"I've been thinking about Mount Weather. How come they didn't attack until Jasper crossed the river? It's not like we were being quiet and they didn't know we were there." Finn suddenly said.

Clarke thought about it. "They waited for us to cross. The river's a boundary. Which means Mount Weather is off limits."

Faye scoffed, "Great. How are we gonna get those supplies? What are we gonna do for food?" She stopped when she looked up to see a big river with a beautiful waterfall.

Finn muttered, "Wow."

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about water." She said but gulped, flashes of her almost drowning came to mind. They ended up having to walk across the river, there was no other way.

"Oh, yeah." Finn started splashing water all over him. Faye stood on a rock looking around for a snake.

Clarke sighed and bottled some water. "Come on, Finn. We don't have time for this."

"Faye, Clarke, we've been hiking for hours. We need to take a break." He said and Faye shook her head no.

"I'll take a break when we find Jasper. Come on." Clarke said and Finn splashed water on them. He then pulled the two in, Faye started panicking. He held her up, she clenched her jaw and kept her eyes shut. "No, no. Finn! Don't! Damn it, Finn! Oh, wow. Okay. Maybe just a minute."

"Yeah. I think I know why you're so hell-bent on finding Jasper, why you're always taking care of everybody else." Finn said to Clarke, Faye opened her eyes to look at them. She was on Finn's back with her legs wrapped around his waist.

Clarke scoffed, "Now you sound like my mother. No. Go on. This should be good. The delinquent psychiatrist."

"You couldn't save your father." And there it is. Clarke stared at him for a few moments before walking out of the water, the brunette climbed off of Finn's back to follow her friend.

Faye gasped, there was blood everywhere. On all of the rocks, there was also a hand print on one of them. Clarke looked at the ground and saw something. It's Jasper's goggles.

"Jasper. He was here. We should get the others." Faye said to the other two. 

Finn touched some of the blood and it was still wet, "We're close."

CLARKE WENT BACK to tell the others what they had found and then brought them back. Faye of course didn't do it because she was hurting and Finn insisted on staying with her. So now they are following the blood trail to find Jasper.

"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy asked them.

"We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy replied, Faye rolled her eyes. Bellamy didn't know anything.

"It's called Fourth-year earth skills. He's good." Wells chimed in defending Finn.

"You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn told them all and he crouched down to show Clarke and Faye some blood. Then there's a loud moan.

"What the hell was that?"

"Now would be a good time to take out that gun." Faye said to Bellamy before walking off in that direction. She came across a tree, a tree where Jasper hangs. His body bloody.

"Jasper. Oh, my God." She gasped, her hand covered her mouth.

"Faye, be careful." Finn said and she walked forward. 

"Jasper? What the hell is this?" She spoke before the ground broke underneath her, she lets out a scream. A hand grabbed ahold of her and she looked up to see Bellamy holding her hand. He stared at her for a while, was he just going to let her die? She gulped and squeezed his hand, a silent plead for him to not let her go.

"Faye! Get her up! Pull her up! Pull her up! Get her! Pull her up!" And they all rush to her and help Bellamy pull her up. Finn held her in his arms, but her eyes were on Bellamy. "You okay?" He asked her and she nodded standing up.

"Yeah." She tried into catch her breath. "We need to get him down."

"I'll climb up there and cut the vines." Finn said walking to the tree.

Wells nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm with you."

"No. Stay with Faye and Clarke. And watch him. You. Let's go." Finn said to Wells then Murphy.

"There's a poultice on his wound." Clarke said. Wait medicine. Why medicine?

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" Wells questioned. It didn't make sense to her, why would they give him medicine?

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing." Bellamy suggested.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch is us." Finn corrected. Finn and Murphy are on the tree cutting Jasper down. Every now and then Bellamy would glance at Faye and then Faye would glance at Bellamy, without the others knowledge.

"Hurry up, Murphy." Finn said to him.

"Be careful." She told them, mostly Finn. There is some distant growling.

"What the hell was that?" Wells questioned.

"Grounders?" Faye suggested. She looked around to see if it was grounders, instead she saw a black panther. "Bellamy, gun!" She said. He looked to where the gun was and its not there. She stood next to him, and he shook his head no.

There is a gunshot, but not from Bellamy from Wells. And another gunshot, but the Panther keeps getting up. Every time she heard the gun she flinched. It's suddenly quiet and no one moves. Wells is guarding and Bellamy stood in front of Faye. Then the Panther jumped out of no where towards Bellamy and Faye. She screamed and covered herself on the ground. Wells shot the Panther again and it fell to the ground. Wells kept shooting it, but with no bullets.

Bellamy was panting and looked at Wells, "Now she sees you."

THEY MADE IT BACK TO camp, Wells and Finn are carrying Jasper and Bellamy and Murphy are carrying the panther. Faye is limping next to Clarke, her arm slinger over her friends shoulder.

"They're back!" Somebody said. "Over there. Is he..."

"He's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." Clarke said and they put Jasper into the drop ship.

"Who's hungry?!" Bellamy yelled when they dropped the panther.

"Yeah!" They all cheered. She stared at him in disbelief and he stared back at her. She shook her head and made her way into the dropship with the help of Clarke.

FAYE WAS WIPING Jasper's face, then they Nader their way out of the ship to get some food. Faye had gone longer than two days without food back on the Ark, but she was still hungry.

"He's stable for now, but without medicine..." Clarke spoke to Finn. Faye looked at Bellamy and watched him and Murphy make people take off their wristbands for food.

"They're taking off their wristbands for food? No way. I... I won't do it." Faye shook her head, she would rather starve than rob people on the Ark a chance of living on Earth.

"You don't have to." Finn told the girls and walked over to the fire and grabbed a piece of meat.

"Whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. What, you think you play by different rules?" Murphy asked him.

"I thought there were no rules." Finn replied and walked away. The three of them ended up sitting on some rocks away from the fire. Finn bit into a piece and handed the stick to Faye. She bit a piece and hand it to Clarke.

"That is disgusting, but I'm hungry." Faye said and looked up from her seat, Bellamy was staring at her. She tore her eyes away from him and back to the conversation with Finn and Clarke.

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