shot- 11

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Hey everyone,.. I m here with next part of this story,..

To be continued,..

Sanskar was busy in discussing something about the project,.it was very important as it will be really profit for them,. Laksh was also there,.. the discussion got over,.. Sanskar sees a type of uneasiness on Laksh face,.
Sanskar; what happened Laksh? What are you thinking?
Laksh; Sanskar,.you know what I mean thinking.. Sanskar,.in two days we got three threat calls to back out from project,.I know we don't know who is behind it but still,.it's serious matter Sanskar,..
Sanskar; hmm.. I Know Laksh,.but it's business ,.it's not easy,.nd we have achieved our first important project,.so we are not going to back out,. Nd one more time that call come..we will take police help,.
Laksh; do you think swara is behind it?
Sanskar; why do you think like that?
Laksh; nothing,'s just that she had done so much,. Nd now she was also competitor for this project ,.it was seen easily that she was not happy when result announced,.so  may be,..
Sanskar; no Laksh,. I don't know much about her but this is not her,. She is not one of them who hide herself nd attack,. She shows herself,..She openly accept in front that she did it,. Nd with her actions I don't think she is behind it,. If she wanted to snatch this project,she could have done so many things nd may be could have get it too,. I have worked with her.. She never do cheap tricks to get project.
Laksh; cause she easily get projects.. she have big name in business,.. her company is at no. 1...
Sanskar; but don't you think that to make that name also we need a lot of hard work..
Laksh; why I m feeling like you are praising her?
Sanskar; I m not,. I m just saying the fact as u accused her..
Laksh; I m not accusing her,. I also said fact.. she have done so many things so,..
Sanskar;ok  leave it,.. let's get back to work..
Laksh; right,..,
They got busy in there work,.

It was evening at 7; 30 pm.. Laksh had already left saying bye to Sanskar,. Sanskar also completed his works nd was goes back to home..

SS industries;
Swara was still in her cabin looking for something in laptop,. When she got a call..
Swara; hello,..
O.s; hello SG..
Swara recognize the voice,.she got serious
Swara( attitude); what? Why the hell you called me?
O.s; so bad SG.. I called u to give u good news but u r always rude,.
Swara; ( confused) what good news?
O.s; not much ,'s just I m watching an action thriller movie in which hero's life in danger right now...he is going to die Nd he don't know about it,. Poor guy,..
Swara; look I m not interested to listen your rubbish talks Mr. Anant shekhavat,. So stop wasting my time, bye..

Anant; wait wait,.. one min SG,.. I didn't told you the most interesting part till now,.. it's going to be best,..and listening it even you will be interested in watching this movie,. You know who is the hero,.. surprise,'s  your husband only,.. Sanskar Maheshwari,. Nd I m watching live video of him dying,.

Swara got shocked and too much angry..
Swara( shout); what the hell are you talking,. What are you going to do with Sanskar?
Anant; nothing much,. A car is following him and as soon as he will cross the highway,.a truck will come in front of his car nd smash him with his car,.nd tomorrow  news headlines will be young emerging business man Sanskar Maheshwari died in road accident,. . Ur stubborn husband is same like you,.he don't understand simple things,.. I have warned him three times to leave project but no,..he is having no affect,.nd so fearless,. Now he have to die so that I can get the project,..
Swara; shut up!!.. I m warning you,.a single scratch on him nd you will be dead,. I won't leave you,.
Anant; will see that,but for now arrange for ur husband funeral,. Which also may not be in ur fate as u won't be  able to get his remains too,. You know why because,.after hitting with truck ,the car will accidentally cause fire,which is oviously done by my men.. ur husband if u can SG which I know u won't but still,.. Time is running ... Tick tock,...tick tock...

Saying this he cuts the call and laughs,.
Swara;( angry nd fear) hello...hello... DAMN IT...
Swara calls Sanskar phone which was showing switched off..

Swara suddenly panicked as she remembered anant words,,. She immediately went out to her car and sit inside ,drove away,. her face was showing anger as well as worries,.. she was continuously Calling Sanskar but the answer was same saying it's switched off.. she track Sanskar car,..nd follow the location.. driving rashly,. She call someone..
Swara; Atul listen to me carefully,.................
Atul; okay ma'am I will do that but how can he do it,..he was out of town today,..I collected information myself,..
Swara; it's his trick atul.. just do what I said,. He has done what he should never do by targeting Sanskar... he is going to face hell..if today Sanskar will be saved also,..Anant won't be able to save himself from me...

Swara cut the call saying this,.. nd drive fastly..

Other side;
Sanskar was driving car,. He cross the highway nd took the one way route to house,but suddenly he sees a big truck in front of his eyes, he swiftly try to side but that truck was in full speed and crash with his car Makin the car turned upside down,. His mind blocked all of the sudden,.his eyes were closing,.his face was covered with blood,.nd hand was out through the window,.the front glass of car was broken,.nd the smoke was coming from the car,..
Then two men come out from the truck,. they go to car nd sees Sanskar,..
One man; yes sir.. work is done,.
Nd cut the call,.
Then other man cut the fuel pipe of the car,.
Other man; now he will be burnt with his car,..
First man nods nd they went..
Sanskar was seeing it with closing and opening eyes but not totally conscious, his breath was uneven. He was feeling no strength to come out of his car but still try to move his hand,. He sees them going,.nd they turned after certain distance,.one  man take out his gun and point toward car,.. but before they fire, they sees a car coming toward them,.nd within a sec the man holding the gun was got shot,nd then other man,.
Nd it was no other than SWARA,.

Swara was driving fastly ,she didn't found Sanskar in whole way nd this increased her fear more but praying he should be fine..she also cross the highway ,took one way,.but within a min she saw the scene which she never wanted to witness,.she sees Sanskar car in worst condition,.her heart raced up,.nd eyes filled,.then sees two men pointing gun toward car,.she remembered " the car will accidentally cause fire,which is oviously done by my men",. Her eyes filled with venom and tears,.she take out the gun from car drawer and come out of the car stopping it then shot both men,.
She runs toward Sanskar car immediately,.with tears in her eyes,. calling his name out loud,..
Swara ( moving toward car,. crying) SANSKAR....!!!!!!
She sees his hand from window nd go there,.
Swara; Sanskar,... Sanskar,..( sitting nd taking his hand in hers, calling him). Her heart cried seeing him in that condition,.nd fear raised if something happened to him,.she sees his finger nd eyes move a bit..
Swara; Sanskar,. Sanskar pls open your eyes.,. ( Cry)...
She try to open the door but it was not opening,.then she sit again nd try to pull Sanskar out but sees the seatbelt tied nd Sanskar was stuck with it,.she try to remove it,.but couldn't,.
Sanskar was going totally unconscious slowly blinking his eyes..
Swara was continuously Calling him nd sees the fuel pipe is leaking fastly,..she got shocked,.nd sees Sanskar..
Swara; Sanskar pls don't loose hope,..pls keep your eyes open..I won't let u die,. Nothing will happen to you..pls open your eyes,..
The seatbelt was not opened,.so she took the broken glass piece nd began to cut it,. Due to sharp edge her palm start bleeding but she was not at all affected by it,.she was fastly cutting the belt but her eyes didn't left tears nd her mouth didn't left crying his name,. Finally she cut the belt,.but the smoke reach to dangerous level as it may cause fire anytime..swara sees it nd hurriedly try to take Sanskar out,.
Swara; Sanskar,.give me ur another hand,.
But Sanskar was not in condition,..his mind was not concious of what is happening.. nd eyes was blinking very slowly nd almost closing,..
Swara;( shouting with tears) Sanskar,...pls give me ur hand,.pls hold my hand,.. nothing will happen to you..pls,.trust me,.
Sanskar unknowingly nd difficultly give his another hand to hers as he listened to her,.nd trust her,.

Using all her strength she pull him out of car through the window,. Nd immediately move away.. she sees him ,how his body parts were bleeding,. She hugged him tightly and cried heart out,.. nd then Sanskar car blast,.. she squeeze her eyes shut listening it,. Fearing what would have happened if she got few more min late,.. then she look at Sanskar who have totally lost his Sense.. but his breath  nd heartbeat was still there,.swara somehow put him in backseat of her car which was near,.nd immediately went to driver seat,.nd started driving,.
She call Atul. She was in tears ,nd her condition was also devasted seeing her love condition,.but she knew she have to manage herself,.she have to be strong..
Swara; hello..atul.. immediatly reach city hospital with Tina,.nd tell doctor to arrange everything,.
Atul understand from the tone that something happened..; ma'am... Sanskar sir...?
Swara;( yelling cryingly) he is not okay,..just do what I said..
She cut the call,..nd look at Sanskar who was lying on back seat nd bleeding was not ready to stop,.
Swara; ( pray) pls God.. nothing should happen to him,. I never wished anything since my mom left,.but pls don't snatch his life,. I have only him in this world..
( To Sanskar) Sanskar,.I won't let anything happen to you,..just hold on ,.we are reaching hospital in two min,..( controlling her tears)
She gear up the speed driving fast,.
They reach hospital, where Atul and Tina were present,..
Atul immediatly come toward car,.and helped in taking Sanskar out,. laying him on stretcher,. They move inside,.nurse,. doctor,.was with them,. They were moving toward operation theatre,.while swara was holding Sanskar hand,.
Doc; don't worry SG ma'am.. he will be fine,. Everything is ready,.we will try our best
Swara; ( angry) don't try,.. I will kill u all ,..just save him,.I will burn this hospital if anything happen to him,.nd I m not threatening, all know me well,..
Tina; ( fear due to anger but still console her) ma'am,. Pls,.
Swara; shut up,.how dare he say that he will try?
Atul; ma'am,. Pls calm down ,.. at least for  Sanskar sir,.
Swara calms herself listening Sanskar,.
Sanskar was taken inside operation theatre,.
Swara was standing outside,.nd watching him from glass window of door,. She remembered the most horrible sight of her life,.. seeing him in that car which was going to blast nd that too in devasted condition,. His bleeding face,.hand,. everything was coming in front of her eyes,.
She sees him breathing heavily as the doctor put oxygen mask.. they were injecting him,. Blood was being wiped from his body,.nd face,.,..she closed her eyes not able to see him like that,.nd open it. Her eyes shows anger,.the anger that was going to burn anant alive,.
Swara( gritting her teeth) he shouldn't be alive,. I want him dead,..
Atul; maam ,our men tracked him,. They will catch him up soon,.. nd then,.
Swara; don't handle him to police

Atul; what? But...

Swara;( Stern)I said don't handle him to police,.,.cause now I will see him,. I will give him a painful death, he will have to bear that pain what Sanskar is bearing,. He have to know the consequences of playing with someone life,.he loves to play with fire,.then let it be,. Now he will see how this fire burn him alive,.. let's finish this game ANANT SHEKHAWAT,..

To be continued,..

So that's all for today's update,. Will try to post " tum Jo nahi..." Soon,. Take care nd bye.🙂🙂

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