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Hello everyone... finally back with this story,..

To be continued,..

Swara go toward her car nd sit,.she reached hospital,. She directly go inside. She was moving toward operation theatre fastly when Tina sees her and stops her,..
Swara; what? Why are you stopping me? I was going to meet him...nd you....
Tina; that's why u was stopping you ma'am Sanskar sir is not there,..
Swara; ( panicked) what? What Happened to him?
Tina; nothing happened ma'am,..sir is stable,.he has shifted to ICU,. doctor said he has to be under observation for tonight,..
Swara; where?
Tina; come with me ma'am..
Tina take swara to ICU... Swara stops at the glass window looking inside ,her life Sanskar,.a small smile crept her lips,.. seeing her breathing evenly,..but tear made it way to her eyes,.. thinking how he was struggling for breathe a moment ago,..he was unconscious , sujatha and uttara were sitting there,..sujatha was saying something but she was least concerned to pay attention to her,..her eyes didn't want to loose him for a second,.she wanted to hug him and cry to let out her pain,..she was on the verge to loose a person she love the most ,.once again,. After her mother's death and this make her scared..she can't thank God enough to give her life back,.

Tina who was standing behind her was watching her,.she always knew that swara can never be that much heartless as she show,.their a different swara behind the mask of cruel SG.. but she is wise enough to cover it properly and not showing her inner self,. But not today,.her inner shell broke when she see her love going away from her,.. Tina always saw something different in swara when she sees or talk about Sanskar,.nd it was love,.being close to her nd being a girl she can understand swara pain .she never hated swara cause it was swara only who gave her job.
She come forward nd says breaking trance of swara; ma'am,..why don't you go inside?
Swara; I wish I could...
Tina; sujatha ma'am and uttara were angry on you for leaving sir in this state,..I tried to explain but they didn't want to hear anything,....
Swara; I know you did...nd it's not ur fault, neither their,.no wife in this world leave her husband in hospital to struggle between life and death,..but I couldn't just stand here and see him struggling for his life,.. it was killing me,.. he was dieing nd that person who tried to kill him was relaxing,.. celebrating his win that he broke swara gadodia through him,.. how could I let him remain in peace snatching my peace and happiness,.

Tina; you are right ma'am nd what you did was also right,.. crying for what happened is something everyone do,.but remain strong despite of how broken you are is done by few,.
Nd please don't blame yourself cause it was you only who saved him today,. Love is not only to stand by you loved ones in their problems but also taking that problems away from him, left but due to selfishness,.. selfish about your love,..nd it's not wrong to avenge person who tried to take ur love's life,.
They will understand you ma'am,..once they will know the situation,..pls open the door nd go inside ma'am..

Swara; some doors can't be open,.some pains can't be vanished,. They hate me,. And I hate that I can't change it now,..
( She wipes her tear,nd says) where's Dr. Malhotra cabin,..I want to meet him..
Tina told her,.nd swara left to meet doctor..

Tina sighed at her helplessness,.. she wished she could do something for her,.

Sujatha and uttara were sitting beside Sanskar,.they wanted to see him concious.. they were happy that he was alright now..
Then only door open. It was nurse,..
Nurse; excuse me ma'am,.can u pls go outside ,.I have to give him some medicines and injections,.

Uttara nods. Sujatha kissed Sanskar forhead,.caressed nd both go outside..

Nurse put on the curtain of the window,.to block the view from outside,..she turned around and see him lying on the bed,.her eyes welled up,.she removed her face mask nd nurse cap,.the nurse is revealed as SWARA,.( How can she go without meeting her Sanskar),..
She looks at his side,.his left was bandaged,.nd drip was connected to it,.forhead was bandaged,..he was provided oxygen mask to breathe properly,. He was covered with sky blue comforter till her chest,. Machines were attached,. showing his heartbeat rate,..

She slowly move toward him,her heartbeat raised,.
She sit beside nd slowly take his hand in hers,.her heart feels relaxed,.the tear fall from her eyes,..
Swara; Sanskar,..
He was lying unconscious,
Swara; pls wake up,..pls,.. aren't you happy now,.. seeing me crying and begging in front of you to wake up,. I m sorry Sanskar,..I m sorry,.. I m sorry I couldn't save you,.but why don't you listen to me,.I told you to back out from that project but you never listen to me,.why? I know I did a lots of mistake in my life,.I did so many wrong things to you,..but pls don't punish me like this,.. pls fight with me,.shout on me,.but never do like this,. I can't see you lying lifeless. I can't see you dieing in front of my eyes again,. I can bear to loose one more person whom I love,. Yes Sanskar,..I LOVE YOU,..I REALLY LOVE YOU A LOT,.I don't know why?I don't know when? But it's only you for whom my heart beats,.. I feel myself when I thinks about you,.or see you,. I feel to die when you are in pain,. U became my life,.I can't imagine my life without you,. you are everything to me even though I know I m nothing to u ,you hate me to the core of ur heart,.but its you in my heart,..I don't know whether you are mine or not but I will always be urs. After all I m SWARA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI right,.?( Chuckled lightly with tears) you brought myself back to me,.that swara whom I lost a while,.or hidden deep inside me,.you break that shell and gave a new life nd meaning to that swara who lost herself,. Then how could I let u die,.  I knew you won't leave,.u have to live,.for your family,.for your mother,.ur sister,for ur dream.....( Chocked) I don't want to loose myself again,..please..

She kissed his hand ,. holding in hers,.nd caress her face..he shriked when her finger touched the bandage on his wound,.she felt happy that he is getting concious,. She kissed him on forhead,..but instantly pulled away thinking he may not like her closeness if he find her beside himself..she covered her face with mask again,.nd sees him,.he was trying to open his eyes,.she look at him one final time and left outside to call the doctor,..
Doctors arrive nd they checked Sanskar,..nd declare that he is alright now..
Swara was standing outside at a corner to hide from sujatha and uttara,.if sujatha or uttara sees her then they may create seen nd she didn't want that now,..
After doctor check Sanskar, sujatha and uttara went inside,. Sanskar was concious now,.he smiled at them,.they talked,..swara changed in to her dress,.she sees all this from glass window nd smile , was smile of relief.

Tina; sir is fine ma'am..
Swara; yeah,.. nd Tina..thank you so much for ur help,.You should leave now,. it's 4.00 a.m.
Tina; it's ok ma'am,. I m ok..
Swara; Atul will drop u ,go..
Tina; u won't go ma'am..?
Swara give her look,.Tina understand,.she was still SG..she don't like anyone to question her,.
Tina; sorry ma'am,..I m going,.
Swara nods,. She look back nd smile looking at the scenes as it was like sujatha was scolding Sanskar and he was smiling weakly,. Then suddenly Sanskar gaze turned toward window but swara quickly hide herself,.while Sanskar get confused as he felt someone is there,..but he again back to sujatha who was busy in her lecture,..
Screen split on swara face and Sanskar smiling face, with sujatha and uttara...

Next morning;
7;00 a.m..
Sujatha and uttara were with Sanskar,.he was awake and telling them to go house nad rest for sometime but they were denying,.
Sujatha; shut up,.we are not going,.who will take care of you,..nd one side ur wife,. Who didn't even come to check how are you,.nd Priya is also not in town,.
Sanskar; ( felt uncomfortable with her name)what ? Priya?? You guys didn't told her anything right???
Sujatha; so what,.. ur wife have least care about u, least she would have helped,.
" Not fair sasu mom,.your son is in hospital still ur focus is me,won't he feel bad"
when door open nd here comes the SG,.yes it was swara,..she has changed,.she went to mansion in morning at 6 nd hurriedly came back,.to hospital,.but now she can show herself.

Sujatha; what are you doing here? He is in hospital since yesterday night and you are coming now, see whether he is alive or dead,.?
Swara; ufff... I mean seriously,.at least u can talk slowly right? Nd I don't need to come to check whether he is alive or dead,..cause I don't think I have to remind you who m I ..nd pls don't start here,.at least in hospital,.
Sanskar; mom please,..
Then a doctor Come and check him once again,.
After checking doctor; Mrs Maheshwari ( sujatha) u both are here once yesterday,.why don't u go home,.I mean his wife is also here now?
Sujatha; no it's ok,..
Doctor goes,..
Swara; it's not ok,.you both go,.I will be here till you come back..
Sujatha try to go against but Sanskar says; mom,.. u go and doctors are here na,. nothing will happen,.
Swara; don't worry ,..I won't do anything..
Sujatha agrees to Sanskar and go with uttara,..
Swara; so Mr maheshwari, are you feeling?
Sanskar; alive,..I mean,.u must have prayed that I die,.but for ur dissapointment I m alive,.so I should ask how are u feeling Mrs. Maheshwari..?
Swara; you can't leave ur attitude when u r lying to hospital bed?
Sanskar; I learned from you only,.never leave ur attitude,..
Swara; whatever?
Sanskar; you must be happy seeing me dieng right?
Swara eyes formed rage,.she got super angry,.she wanted to burst on him but seeing his condition she couldn't,.if it would have been some other day,he would have got perfect answer from her,.but not today..
Swara;( controlling her rage) you will definitely get ur answer one day Mr. Maheshwari,.
Sanskar; may be I know the answer,.
Swara avoid him and sit on the sofa nearby,.
Sanskar; can u pls on the TV... I m getting bore nd there's no normal being whom I can talk..
Swara: why? Is it necessary to talk,.can't u just rest?
Sanskar; can't u do one thing without questioning?
Swara sighed and switch on the TV..
Accidentally put on news channel,.which was showing news about Anant,..
" Anant shekhawat has been arrested,. on the charge of his illegal businesses,.nd his company is also declared froud,. Government officials raid on his property last night,.nd got proof against him,.... already murder cases going on him,.nd now his problems is going to increase,....."

Sanskar was shocked to see this news.,he has met anant,he didn't knew that much about him,..
He looked at swara,.but her behavior is seriously different,..she was looking at TV screen in anger,.she closed her fist tight,.her knuckles turned white,..
Sanskar was surprised to see her anger toward that person,..nd question arise "WHY"?

To be continued,......

That's all for today's update,.will be back soon with next update,.. till then take care...bye guys.

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