shot -19

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Hey guys..  I m back with next shot of this story,.but before u start, let me tell u , pls don't worry about Swara,. She will be fine at the end, I believe in Happy ending 😁😁.

To be continued....

Swara opened the door a bit nd stumbled to see the scene in front of her eyes. Her eyes filled with tears.
Priya was standing in front of Sanskar, totally fine. Sujatha and uttara were also with them , they were happy,. Sanskar was facing back toward Swara,. Priya was standing with a Pooja thali..
Swara could easily understand what's going on, nd then she heard sujatha,.
Sujatha; now, Sanskar break the fast of Priya, she kept the fast for u, she really loves u a lot,.
Uttara; really Bhai.. u r so lucky that Priya is in ur life,.
Sanskar; what are u talking mom? U know that...
Sujatha; pls Sanskar.., don't talk about her now, that selfish girl already spoiled both of ur lives, now it's high time,. Infact , I was going to tell u ,. DIVORCE HER!!!.

Sanskar;( mere whisper) mom,..

Uttara; yes Bhai,. Mom is right, since the day she came in our life, she snatch our happiness,.so many things happened.. nd only bad things.she is such a heartless girl.

Sujatha; you only say, since the day u got married,did she do anything what a wife should do? She don't even know how to behave then how can we expect her to know duty of a wife..
Today is karwa chauth right,? But do she care? She was busy in her life. She don't care for u Sanskar,
Nd look at Priya, even though she loved u, she sacrificed u so that ur family will be safe. From that girl who threatened u. U got married to her then also Priya loves u,. Nd kept fast for u,.that's why I m telling u Sanskar, divorce her,it's ur life,. You can file complain that this relationship was forced by her. She tried to threatened u on name of ur family,. Till when, things will be like that,. You have to do it,...

Swara was standing numb listening sujatha and uttara, she never get affected by taunts by today it does. How much they hate her? That they are telling Sanskar,his husband to leave her,. Tear fall from her eyes, she hold the side wall for support, but could not handle herself more when she heard him..

Sanskar;( serious) u know what mom,. I think she deserves it,. I should do it. I agree with u mom...
It pierced her heart,when she heard him saying that his mom is right,he should do it,. Tina was right ,we can handle ourselves when whole world hate u but can't hold ourselves when ur love hate u..
Same happened to Swara,not able to listen more, she rushed downstairs,. She hurriedly came out of house nd sit in her car,.she started the car and drove away,..

She was driving but the words were still ringing in her ears, she was crying, her vision we're getting blured due to tears but she wipes her tears to control her self.

Swara stopped the car in front of her mansion,.nd burst out crying,.
" I m not heartless, I do have heart, I m also a girl who can love. I m not heartless, I love u Sanskar, I love u from all my heart. Pls don't do this to me, why no one understands me, I m not selfish,.".
After few minutes,Swara calmed herself, she sees Sanskar pic in her phone,. " It's not ur fault that u hate me, but it's my fate, if u want to go ,I won't force u to stop, not anymore".
She wipes her tears nd adjusted herself,then comes out of my car,.
Maria was in hall, when she sees Swara coming inside,. She can easily figure out her sad face,. God had again done joke with her.
Swara came in hall,.
Swara sees her, nd said with sad smile: Maria aunty, please remove the arrangements from terrace, it won't be needed now,. Everyone have their dinner,. I have some work,.
Then Swara eyes caught the photo of Priya and Sanskaron the table,the same party picture in which both were dancing,.she took it nd sighed to feel her breath. It was suffocating..
Maria; ma'am ,you..
Swara;( chuckled painfully) nothing is left,.  Everything finished,. Pls do what I said.( Keeping the photo back on table).
Maria nods,.
Swara left to her room,.
Maria felt really sad for Swara, but she told servants to do what Swara said,.

Swara came in room, nd go to dressing table, sees herself blankly. She take out her earings, necklace, she removed her Bangles, she touched her Mangalsutra,.
" Divorce her".
Swara:( monologue) I have to remove it one day, it doesn't matter now or that time, she removed it nd carefully keep it in her bag.
Then shuffle her hairs nd hide her vermilion as usual. She look at herself nd tear filled in her eyes.
Swara; looks like ,it's not for me.. again I m same SG but got one more pain to bear whole life, she wipes her eyes which was red now..
She goes to cupboard nd take out her night dress. She move to washroom.
She came out wearing her night dress which was having netted jacket robe. She fold the saree properly, then someone knocked on the door,.
Swara; come in,.
Maria who was outside came inside,nd sees her with saree ,nd she was again in her look, her night dress.
Maria; ma'am, it's done as u said.
Swara nods..
Maria; may I help u ma'am?
Swara; no , It's done, I have folded it. Did u have ur dinner?
Maria; no ma'am, I came to ask u,. Won't u have dinner? U r hungry since morning?
Swara;( smiled) I was, but now I m full. I have eaten a lot.
Maria; did u have ur food, outside?
Swara; no, I got so much taunts and hate. So my stomach is full for now, I will eat in morning, u go ahead.
Maria; Sanskar sir....?
Swara; hmm.. he is breaking fast of his love. He might be get late..
Maria; but ma'am u r his wife? Nd he is..
Swara; but I don't know the meaning of wife? Nd it's not his fault that he did that,. He loves her then oviously ,he will be with her, it's me only who thought a lot, seriously first time in my life I misconceptioned things. So many things happened nd bring a lot of changes that I forgot that I was made to hate,.. love is not for me.,

Maria; ma'am u love Sanskar sir so much,. Why don't you just say him for once ,may be..

Swara; it will change nothing,. Nd pls I don't want to talk about it anymore, tomorrow is my important meeting,. After all I m SG. Always busy,. I have works..
Aunty,you pls go nd have ur dinner. I m fine..
Maria nods helplessly nd left.

Swara;( bit her lips to control pain) it hurts Sanskar,. It hurts a lot.
She keep the saree back in cupboard.. then go to her bed side. She took the keys of her secret room from drawer nd open the door of secret room..
She entered inside nd see Shekhar photo,she ignores it nd go to her mother photo,.
She sees all her photos with a painful smile on her face.

Swara; hey Mom,. See again I m here. Sorry I know I came after so many days but what to do ,so many things happened in life. Look I m giving u explanation ( chuckled) ,the girl who hate it. Nd secondly you know everything right? Why not, you are my mom nd you are always with me. Then also I want to share something.,
You know mom ,when I knew about ur life nd struggle,I hated this love things nd these stupid feelings,. But slowly things changed when Sanskar came in life. I told u last time na,. That I m fallen for him. What could I have done mom, after bearing hate from long time, for the first time my heart wanted that someone love me. I just fell in love with him. I didn't think much. I let my heart decide. I didn't knew that loving him will be so wrong? Is it mom? Loving him is wrong?
Even if it is, then also I didn't do this mistake knowingly,. I could not stop myself. Nd now when he is going to leave me, it pains a lot here( pointing to her heart).
Yes ,he is going to divorce me.. sujatha aunty want me out of his life. But he is right in his point of view? Nd his mom is also right? Who wants a girl like me as a wife or Dil? A selfish nd heartless girl. I know I behave rude but I m not that, you know it ,right mom? I have no complain to him, he is right, I deserve this. I snatched his love then how will I get my love. Only that is wrong, I did to him. Other than that I didn't. It's other thing that he blame me for so many things. But we can't cover up one mistake even if we do so many right things. Maria aunty and Tina said that I should tell him about my feelings, but I can't deny that he loves Priya. Just because he will come to know that I did so many things for him, will his feelings change toward me? No.. that's why I won't tell him anything. I won't prove myself cause it will change nothing. It will change nothing mom, it won't change that I separated him from his love,that he still love her, that I m no one to him, that he hates me,. ( Chocked voice) mom, ur nd my destiny are so similar, u never got love nd I also didn't. Isn't that funny.?
I was right about love, it's useless thing. Love always gives pain. I wish I could stopped myself from loving him. I wish I didn't drag him into my life in my madness.
But still I love him mom,. I love him a lot. Love is very beautiful feeling, I wish he loved me.( Sad laugh with tears) I m also got mad, I know he will never love me then also I m wishing for it. We should not take decision by heart,it always makes life complicated.
Now I have decided that,I will give his life back., I will give him divorce,. Nd ask forgiveness, then I will be out of his life forever. But I promise mom, I will try to be Happy for him, I won't be sad. You know na, I m broken yet strong.. After all this is SG.. but I will always love him.
Nd Don't think I will be alone cause I m alone since so many years nd now I m habitual,. Nd secondly you are always with me. 
She take a sigh, wiping the tear from corner of her eyes,.
Swara; good night Mom.

Saying this she came out of room nd again lock the door, keeping the key back in drawer,she got to her bed.
She took her phone nd call someone.
Swara; hello Mr. Roy,.
Mr. Roy; yes SG ma'am, is everything ok,?
Swara; yeah,. I want you to prepare divorce papers of Sanskar nd mine,.
Mr. Roy; are u sure ma'am?
Swara;( stern) just do what I said. U r no one to question me, understand?
Mr. Roy; yes ma'am, will bring papers soon.
Swara; hmm.
She cut the call.
Swara; may be we are first couple who decided to divorce each other on karwa chauth when every couple is happy with each other...
Saying this she shakes her head unbelievably.
Nd took her laptop, started to do her work as usual., trying to be strong despite how much she was broken inside. She don't want to shade her tear anymore but it always filled her eyes making it's way to wetting her cheeks. But she concentrate on her work.

To be continued...

Sanskar really want to divorce Swara??

Only two more parts to go nd I was made to hate is going to be completed. That's all for today update.. will be back soon with next part soon😉. Take care bye🤗🤗

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