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Hey guys,. Thanks for liking previous part.

To be continued....

They were indulge in kissing each other. Swara mind was blank ,she was responding to him, feeling peace in heart, closing her eyes.
After few minutes, Sanskar breaks the kiss and look at her calm face,nd closed eyes.. he pushed the hair strands back, cupping her face,joined forhead with hers,. His breathe falling on her face, making her shiver,. She was breathing heavily due to kiss and secondly the proximity was enough to make her feel weak.
Sanskar closed his eyes nd said such that his lips touches with hers ; Do you still want to know something that do I love u or not?
Swara;( said slowly as the tear fell from her eye) but how can u love me? U love Priya,. I did so wrong with u Sanskar,. I snatched ur love..
( Slowly open her eyes and look into his,who was looking at her)
Sanskar; so u want to punish urself by going away from me?

Swara; I don't want to,. I don't want you to go away but I can't forget I gave u pain,. Priya is perfect for you,. Your family also like her,not me. and I can't forget u love her,..

Sanskar; fine., Whatever you did was with me? Then I should punish you,. It should be my right,.not yours,. so u r saying that u snatched my love right? now u have to give it back to me,. Will u give my love?

Swara; I m doing that only ,I m going away from ur life then u can go back to ur love Priya,. Then why are u making hard for me,. Why don't you just go away,.

Sanskar; I can't go away from u, I said I want my love, whom I love,. Priya was the girl I loved she came in my life and go cause she was not destined to me, but you are my life, my destiny. The girl whom I love,. I don't want you to go away. I want you in my life,. and this is ur punishment, ur punishment is to be with me lifetime,.u have thrown enough tantrums nd u will have to face my frustrations, anger, arrogance till ur life. I m not gonna leave u,.. understand.

Swara; I only did bad to you.. to ur family,. Why do u want me, they hate me..
Sanskar; u did nothing,. I know that, yes I know u never did anything to my family, u only helped them , thinking them as yours, I could never understand how can be someone so cruel that she can hurt my family, but I always had a bit belief that you are not, and then I came to know the reality, you always hided yourself even after doing so much, showing u r selfish,. U r pure soul Swara, there are very few people in world who do good but never show. Ur love is selfless u never expected anything. Cause u had fear to love,. They are ur family too,.

Swara; but I know they won't accept it ever?
Sanskar; they had already, hate can be defeated by love only Swara, just like u got defeated by love. Loving me was never ur choice,. I know that but ur heart fallen for me. They didn't know anything about you,but now they do.
Swara; then whatever they said last night.. and u agreed to leave me,.
Sanskar; so u went to there?
Swara nods.
Sanskar; did u heard me completely? I guess no.. right? Swara ,in love the most important thing is to trust.. you should have trusted me..
Swara; I do Sanskar,. I trust u a lot but I don't trust my fate, I always get betrayed by my destiny, nd Force me to believe that I m not for love.. when mom told u to divorce me, and u said u agree, I could not handle it nd I ran from there. I didn't have strength to bear it. ND still I have fear that do u really love me? My life had always played games with me nd everytime I find myself lost.

Sanskar took her both hand, Swara looked at him emotionally yet confused,
Sanskar; close your eyes,.
Swara didn't, just looking at him.
Sanskar; Believe me,close your eyes,.
Swara closed her eyes, Sanskar put her one hand on her heart ND another on his chest.
Sanskar; feel it Swara, our heart never lies. Ur heart is beating with me,. Our hearts are entangled. It beats together,

Swara was calmed ,she was feeling the rhythm of their heartbeat ,it was so soothing when Sanskar was making her believe in her love.. after few minutes she opened her eyes,.

Sanskar; Swara,just like u don't know why u fallen for me, like wise I also don't know why i fell in love with you but I do. I could have never realized it if u didn't broke down in front of me , saying about ur mom,. No., Swara I don't feel pity on you, cause you are a strong girl who fight with all situations in ur life,. neither I love u after knowing that u never did anything to my family,. The thing is may be I don't know the reason,. But my heart knew it from beginning that I love u, that's why on that day of my accident, I believed u that u will not let anything happen to me, I believed that I won't die, we trust who we think our own, ND u were always mine,. the time when u hugged me cryingly nd confessed ur love ,my heart got it's beat,. I felt alive but I realized it that day when u take out ur inner pain , it hurted me. I needed time to sure about my feelings,. But I knew that Priya is not going to come in my life again. You are best wife I could ever get, you are strong girl , you were always there for me. You don't need to change a but cause I love u the way u r, strong yet soft hearted. You have a golden heart which is always concerned about your love ones. And about believing in ur fate, I promise to u that I will be with u till my last breathe, cause I love you Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheshwari. nd that Destiny only bring us together,. U were the reason that I m in ur life but we are destined to be together. If u don't believe in ur destiny,just believe on me,that's enough.
It was your choice to marry me,but it won't be ur choice to leave me nd break this relationship,. You came with your choice but now you will live in this relationship with my choice,and I won't let you go ever. You are bound to me.

Swara was listening all this, her heart filled with joy ND eyes with tears, she never believed her fate but she believes this man,in front of her,. Saying that he love her with all his heart.
She hugged him tight and burst out cryingly,.
Swara;( crying) I love you Sanskar, I love you so much,. Please don't go away from me, I can bear if whole world hate me but I can't see hate for me in ur eyes,. I could never believe in love still I fall for u but I always believed you,. I trust you. I was always scared to this feeling,I don't wanted to love cause I never forget what Happened to my mom,but still I love you cause u are not like him,. Everytime I tried to stop myself but I couldn't,.
Sanskar smile at her.. he caress her hair,.; Sshh.. it's ok,. I m never gonna leave u neither u will. Calm down Swara,. Whatever is past,it can't change,forget about it,. I m with u nd will always be,.
Swara nods ND cried,. Sanskar just caress her hair to calm her. He still can't believe that she is the same girl whom he met few months back. He was right ,there should be a second chance to everyone, to her otherwise she would have fallen in darkness again nd he is glad that he hold her before she fall,. She was out of her dark world ,a girl with pure heart nd innocence inside., That Swara was back, who lost herself,.whom he saw that day when she was broken., The same Swara who cried for him that day,.It's not that he love only that soft hearted Swara but he also loves her attitude of being SG , well now she is not SG, MRS. SSM..( Sanskar smiled at his thought)
After sometime Swara stopped crying, Sanskar break the hug ND wipes her tears,.; Stop now, no crying,. ND secondly it doesn't suits u Being best business woman of this country,.nd wife of rising business man SM.
Swara nods with small smile.. Sanskar kissed her forehead,.
Sanskar; come on let's go now, u have to eat,.
Swara; you go ,. I will come,.( nervous about sujatha ND Uttara)
Sanskar; Swara, u might took control over ur company but in house ,u have to follow me only ,come on now.
Swara; don't u think u r ordering me Mr. Maheshwari,.
Sanskar; so m I , u can rule over world but only I can rule over u... On ur heart. No one else..
Swara gave a satisfactory smile, Sanskar hold her hand ND both go downstairs,.

Sujatha and Uttara who were waiting for them saw them coming together and smiled in relief,.
Sujatha come toward Swara ND say; Swara,. I m sorry beta,. I misunderstood u, I was so angry on u for spoiling my son's life nd could never thought that u r also a girl ND his wife, I tried to separate him from u,.

Swara; no aunty pls,. I did a lot to all of u, any mother will be get angry, infact I m sorry,I always behaved rude to you,.
Sujatha; no it's ok,. But now u r like my daughter, Sanskar told me everything about you nd now u will never think urself alone, we are family,. Seriously he is right,he can never get more perfect girl than you,.
Uttara also came to her; it's true that I always hate u, even more when u threaten nikhil but I m glad u did, I may not have believed you that time if you have told me about him, that's why you have done that, thank you for that,. ND I m sorry for being rude ND hurt you..

Swara; pls don't say sorry, I also did mistakes, it will feel like burden to me, if you do. Uttara I never thought to hurt you but I didn't have choice,. But I m happy u understand it,.

Sanskar was happy that his family had accepted Swara,ND he knew it ,they just had to know about her.
Uttara; u r really good, Swara bhabhi,.
Swara was surprised to listen bhabhi,. She looked at her disbelief.
Uttara ND Sanskar chuckled at her reaction.
Sujatha; u heard it right Swara, nd u have to call me mom,not sasu mom,. Understand,.
Swara( smile) yes Mom,.
Sujatha hugged her,.Swara also hugged her back, she felt a mother embrace after years.. she was so happy. Now she got a mother, a family,. She got her world..
Sujatha broke the hug and blessed her.. ; god bless you nd be always like this..
Suddenly Swara felt herself falling,but Sanskar hold her,.
Sujatha ( concerned) what Happened Swara? Sanskar make her sit.,. Uttara bring a glass of water,.
Sanskar ( glared at Swara) she kept fast ,ND now it is showing its effect as she doesn't have food till now..
Sujatha felt guilty ; I m so sorry beta, just because of me,. You are in this condition,.
Swara; no mom,. I m ok,.
Uttara bring water,.
Sanskar took it and make her drink water,.
Swara look at him emotionally,.
Sanskar; u ok?
Swara nods.
Sujatha; just wait for few min, I will make something for you,.
Swara; let it be mom, servants are there na.
Sujatha; no , I want to cook for my daughter,.
ND she goes to kitchen,Maria and Uttara also helped her.
Swara eyes filled overwhelmingly.
Sanskar; I told you something,not to cry Mrs. Maheshwari..
Swara; I m not crying, I m so happy Sanskar,. It has been so many years when someone cared for me,
Sanskar; now everyone will, like u care for us,.
Then Uttara came with some fruits and sweets,ND juice.; Mom told to finish it till food will be prepared,.
Swara; it's so much,how will I eat all of it.
Uttara;( chuckled) be habitual bhabhi,. Mom is like that only..
Saying this Uttara go,.
Sanskar; come on eat now,.
Swara opened her mouth to say something but Sanskar put sweet in it,.
Swara glared at him, while Sanskar give I don't care look.
Then she drink juice,.
Sanskar also eat with her making her smile,.
Food was also prepared, sujatha made so many dishes for her,ND made her eat.
She even told her not to go to office today and take rest, Swara was reluctant but sujatha didn't listen to her,. Emotional blackmail,. ND she had to agree for her.
Swara was so happy and feeling blessed. Maria was also happy for her.
After eating Swara was sitting in Hall, sujatha was sitting beside her, then only Sanskar came with divorce papers,.
Sanskar; Swara, Don't u wanna sign it now?.
Sanskar; what? She only came to divorce me,.
Swara look at him angrily, she know that he was teasing her,; mom can I kill ur son,.
Sujatha chuckled ND say; sure beta,. Go ahead,..
Sanskar; fine.. I was kidding,.
( Tearing the paper,.ND throwing it in dustbin).

To be continued....

Precap; MRS. SSM...😈😈 ND swasan 💕💕💕💓💓

That's all for today's update,.will be back with next Soon ,take care. Bye everyone,ND stay safe.☺️☺️

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