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Hey guys,.. finally I m back with next shot of this story. I m sorry I took really long time. Nd thanku for  precious votes and comment in previous part. Now let's continue the story......

To be continued....
It's been a month now, Sanskar joined ss industry nd their marriage. There were no change in swara attitude. Sanskar also answer back and this irritate swara and make her hell angry Everytime. Everytime they collide even by chance,it cause another clash between them. But in office they used to be strictly professional, Sanskar do his work efficiently but sometimes some issues rises due to their different ideology and leads to tashan between them. But sometimes swara really get impressed by Sanskar working methods and ideas, it actually helps in taking decision about any project. Swara knew that Sanskar is very efficient when it comes to work so sometime she trust his decisions but never shows, nd their non stop fight always find its way.

Ss industries;
Conference hall;
Swara was sitting there and discussing about their new project to be undertaken. There were board of directors in meeting. Sanskar was also present there. They all were here to take important decision regarding project.
( I will denote board of directors as D).
D1; SG mam, we all know that this project is really important for this company but the funds they are providing is not enough..
D2; yes mam,.. nd just because this is big project,we can't just say yes to any project.
Swara; ( attitude) why you want me to drop this project...? Just because of this stupid reason?
D3; mam, these reasons are really big enough to stop this project. If we accept the project then we have to fund it from our company to complete it, it's large scale projects so we will require well skilled workers,.their expenditure , we have to take care of it. Nd it can cause us huge loss....
Swara;( thinking) hmm, there is point.. so what should we do? Do u all want that we should not do this project...
Most of them agreed to drop the project, some of them wanted this project because this can prove beneficial for their company. Sanskar was also one of them.
Swara; ( sigh)okay then we will leave it as majority of you are against it.
Sanskar; one min Mam,.. I think we should do this..
Swara; ( confused)what??? What do u mean Mr. Maheshwari?
Sanskar;( confidently) yeah ,I think it will be very beneficial for us to do this project....
D2; Mr. Maheshwari,.. are u in your sense, we already discussed it, this will cause us loss nd we are no. 1 right now. If we somehow failed to do it then we can even loss our position in market.
Sanskar; but sir...
D3; no Mr Maheshwari....
Swara; one min... Mr. Kapoor let him complete.. Mr. Maheshwari , u can say. Why do want us to do this. They have already told the circumstances of doing it then....
Sanskar; I know ma'am but we are thinking just in one direction that it will cause us loss but not thinking another point that it can also take us to new height of success and if we will do it , we will get more projects... I know their fund are less but still we can do it..
Swara; what do you mean?
Sanskar; I mean, we can do it with different design, the design we are using will automatically require more investment but if we do some changes and add according to convenience nd resources then we can minimize it's cost. Nd about skilled workers,..I think our company have enough workers to complete this project...
D1; and what if we still couldn't do it...
Sanskar; then we can invest a bit .
D4: are u really logical Mr. Maheshwari,.. if we will invest then...
Sanskar; we have to bear loss. But it Will not be huge enough that we can't overcome through it nd loose our position. Being CFO of this company I know financial state of the company nd we are in good condition to invest some amount to project. So even if we failed, loss will be too less nd we can easily overcome through it by other projects nd I don't think so that others will stop giving us project if we get unsuccessful in one . So I think we should do it. Nd even if we won't do, this project will go to shekhawat &sons. They are at second no. So if they agree to do it. They will have enough profit and even can ist position..
Nd about the fear of loosing, we can never get success till we try, success demands it's cost, we can't just get it. So I think we should do it....
Listening him all started clapping accept for D2 nd D4 because they were still reluctant. While everyone were impressed...
Swara; hmm ok , we will do this project. Mr. Atul,.. held a meeting of designers and architects nd discuss to change the design and plans accordingly. Nd come with final design to my cabin.
Atul ; yes ma'am.
Swara; okay gentlemen, meeting is over. U all can leave now.
Tina gets a call so she excused herself.
All left, Swara was checking something in phone till tina come. Sanskar was about to leave but he stop where swara was standing.
Sanskar; did u get what u wanted? Ur project?
Swara; what?
Sanskar; u wanted to do it but couldn't if majority would have against it. But now u r doing it. So...
Swara;( shocked) how do you know that?
Sanskar; oh, come on.. I m working in this company only so I know what happens here and if it would not be like that then you would never had trying so hard since a week.
Swara look at him amused, he knew that.
Swara; so u r saying,u helped me...
Sanskar;(laughs) me nd ur help... Never!! Never in my dreams. I did it because I m strictly professional about my work. I wanted to do it for myself nd my company but you destroyed everything... Anyway it's no use to talk to you...
Sanskar turns to go but swara stop him.
Swara; wait a min ,.what did you say. Ur company.??
Sanskar turned nd look at her and say; yes,. I dreamed to start my own company but now it will never happen till I work here. So congrats for another success in destroying my dreams too. I told you na, can't destroy me more this is what I meant. You are such an arrogant and heartless person.

For the first time swara felt bad about him. Her heart felt a sudden pain but she didn't showed. She thought for a moment then say
Swara; okay , so I destroyed ur dreams, what if you get a chance to fulfill it.
Sanskar; ( confused) what do you mean?
Swara; ( attitude) I have a deal,.. if you got successful then you can leave this company and start urs.
Sanskar; what deal?
Swara; it's simple,.. you have to pay 1 core and then u can leave this company.
Sanskar;( shocked) what 1 crore?

Swara: yes , only 1 crore...then u can leave this company and do whatever you want.. woh kya hai na whether you accept or not because of you this project was approved so it's like a favour to me and I don't take anyone's favour so I thought to return you doing this small favour on you.

Sanskar; favour..? You call this a favour? You know very well that I can never submit this amount to company so you are making a joke of me right now.
Swara laughs;( smirk) huh... Then what did you thought that I will say, go Sanskar Maheshwari,..u are free so easily... Nd about impossible to pay 1 crore, only said na it's not easy to get success ,it always have a cost. So pay it and be free to do whatever you want. So are you in??
Sanskar; suppose if I agree to this deal but if you back out from your words afterwards?
Swara didn't Said anything , she take her phone and call someone...
Swara; hello,.. Mr. Roy ,prepare a contract paper stating if Sanskar Maheshwari will pay 1crore as compensation then he is free to resign his job nd this company. Nd come to my office with papers in an hour.
Then cut the call nd look at Sanskar.
Swara; now, I think you will have no problem, so in case if I would back out from my words then u can take legal action against me. And for a second thought, SG never back out from her words.

Then tina comes back informing swara about some papers to be signed. Swara left to her cabin give a final look to him.
Sanskar look at her amused. Sometimes her attitude and decision making power also impress him.
Sanskar also left to his cabin.

Sanskar was looking into some files then he got a call from tina that swara is calling him to her cabin.
Sanskar; ohk.. I m coming.
He was confused why she called him but he jerk his thoughts and left to her cabin.

Swara cabin;
Sanskar knock the glass door of her cabin..
Swara; come in..
Sanskar come inside.
Swara; Mr. Roy everything is done?
Mr. Roy; yes ma'am... Here are the papers.
And give the papers to her.
Swara read the paper carefully then sign on it. Then she passes the papers to Sanskar.
Sanskar take the papers.
Swara; sign on it Mr Maheshwari,..
Sanskar got suspicious what if she it's her another plan to against him.
Swara read his expression and say; don't worry Mr Maheshwari, these are contract papers for Your freedom,still for your satisfaction you can read and then sign on it.
Sanskar then remembered the conversation in conference room.
He look at her then sees the papers and analyze it. Everything was correct, she was saying right. It was contract papers stating he is free to resign the job after paying compulsion amount. Nd swara's sign was also there.

He look at swara.
Swara; what happened Mr Maheshwari, any problem?
Sanskar nods no.
Swara; good ,then sign it.
Sanskar nods and sign the papers nd forward it to swara.
Swara took the paper,sees Sanskar sign with smile but it was smirk more than smile. She give papers to Mr. Roy to complete formalities.
Mr Roy left.
Sanskar; so you are doing it to return favour .
Swara; yeah,.. told you already. Now after this you will be free..... But only from this company,not from this relationship.
Sanskar; what do you mean?
Swara; that.. you are not free to go to your so called love , your ex- girlfriend priya.
Sanskar( angry); what the hell? From where she came in between this?
Swara; ( fake sad) tch..tch.. it's been a month to our marriage still so possessive about ur ex.
Sanskar; ( angry) you... Leave it. You know what it's waste to say anything. You are such a....
Swara; I know... don't waste your energy in finding words for me.

Then there was a knock on the cabin door. It was tina.
Swara ; come in...
Tina cone inside.
Sanskar; now if your work is your done , may I leave MA'AM??
Swara( smirk) ; sure Mr. Maheshwari.
Sanskar go outside.
Swara; say tina,.
Tina; ma'am shekhar sir called, he wanted to talk to you.
Swara;( looking to some files) anything important?
Tina; yes ma'am he was saying,its urgent. U have blocked his no. so he couldn't contact you.
Swara ; okay I will call him, give this file to Atul.
Tina nods and left.
Swara take her phone nd think something. She didn't wanted to call him as she thought there must be about some deal or contract. But he was saying,its urgent. If it would be about deals or contract then he would have informed tina , not eager to talk to her. She felt happy that her father called. She call him thinking that he wants to talk to her.
Shekhar pick up the call.
Swara;( happily) hello dad,.. what happened?
Shekhar; what happened?? After doing so much u are asking me what happened? Why u did it swara?
Swara( confused) dad ? What are you talking about?
Shekhar; that also I have to tell you, why did you married that Sanskar Maheshwari. If you wanted to get married,there was lot of alliance came for you from reputed family but you rejected them. Now all of sudden you got married to any roadside person. He has not any status or identity. Have you gone mad swara? You didn't even thought to talk to me before taking such stupid Decision. You ruined my name and image. I don't believe u can do this... Nd marry that cheap person Sanskar Maheshwari, he must have done some tricks to get married to you nd get ur property nd being a fool u just have believed him. I m telling you , get divorced from that .......

Swara was listening everything, all of the sudden her happy face turned pale and then angry. He got furious listening shekhar. Once again. He called just because he thinks his image and respect is at stake. Swara could not handle more and burst out.

Swara( furious) SHUT UP!! Shut up MR. SHEKHAR GADODIA, no more words. Who the hell are you to decide what should I do and what not ?
Shekhar; SWARA!!,I m your father. Is this way to talk to your father.
Swara; shut up,. .. don't say that you are my father because you can never be. You are such a money minded and stone hearted person,i have ever seen in my life. Nd what are you saying that Sanskar played trick to marry me, nd get my money and property. Let me tell you Mr. Gadodia., All people are not like you to think about money every time. Nd it's me who married him forcefully. And what were you saying that you are disappointed from me,then let me tell you that we disappoint from the person whom we trust or hope but you never had any trust or belief in me then why are u disappointed. I told you a lot of time and saying it again,its my life Mr gadodia. I will do whatever I want,..don't try to interfere in my life. And about your image and respect,.. I never had any respect for you in my heart ever. I don't care about anything or anyone....I hate you,. Get that nd never try to contact me.

Saying this she throws her phone hardly and it's broke apart.
She was shivering in anger. Her eyes become red due to anger and tears too. She was thinking about shekhar words and her life ,her past. She remembers something. A lone tear escaped from her eyes.
She was leaning on her chair,her eyes were still open. She come into her sense listening her landline ring.
She composed herself again Nd back to her attitude.
Swara; hello... Hmm okay,. Send details of that contract. I will see.
She cut the call and then call tina.
Swara; miss. Tina,.. if shekhar gadodia ever try to contact just tell him I m not interested. Nd if you won't do then you will be thrown out of this company. Got that.
Tina( scared); yes ma'am, I will take care of it.
Swara hung up the call and get back to work unknown from the fact that there is someone who heard each and every words. Nd it was none other than Sanskar who came to get sign of swara on some papers. He was about to enter when he heard her saying dad, so he stopped ,he got curious about it because he didn't saw her father and even she didn't talked about him in this one month. Within a min he heard her burst out on her dad nd calling him by his name. He got confused that why she hate her dad so much. After hearing everything ,he went from there giving papers to tina to get her sign.

To be continued.....

So that's all for today.. I m sorry ,I m taking so much time to publish. My college has started so I am not getting enough time to write. So it may take some time for next update. I will update epilogue of "tu hamnava Mera" nd next part of ff"tu jo nahi...." Soon. Till then take care and keep smiling

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