「 the cruel lord 」

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「n a m e 」
↬ Danny Price

「n i c k n a m e 」
↬ my lord
↬ master
↬ master Danny
↬ lord Price
↬ lunatic
↬ Dan

「a g e 」
↬ 25

「g e n d e r 」
↬ male

「s e x u a l i t y 」
↬ bisexual
「a p p e a r a n c e」

「p e r s o n a l i t y」
↬ Danny did not get his nickname 'lunatic' based on nothing. The man is not completely sane, you might say. There is nothing actually wrong with him, but the way he acts is not always appropriate. Coming from a rich family, he has always been spoilt and that is obvious. He has an awful temper and whenever things are not going the way he wants to, he will lose it. Danny is not the sort of man you wish to be around when he is mad. Mercy is something he does not seem to know, every small mistake, accident or not, will have terrible consequences. The man is feared by all those who serve him, but given the fact he owns them, there not nothing they can do. It is hard to know what the man is thinking, as he does like to tease people or just use a lot of sarcasm. You will not know when to expect him losing his temper, which made people awfully nervous when they are around him. That is when it comes to people he considers less worthy than himself, think of slaves or just lower classed people. When it comes to friends, Danny appears to be a whole different person. He is the most generous towards them and whenever he has people over, he tries his hardest to make them comfortable and such. Since you are not his friend though, you will probably not see this side of him directed at you. Regret is not something this man ever shows. He is convinced that he can do whatever he wants within his own home and is anything but sympathetic towards others' feelings. He cares only about himself, in that sense. You might call him a perfectionist as well, though its discussable whether he is actually annoyed when things are not perfect, or if he is just looking for reasons to punish his slaves. As a lover, he is a pretty dominant man as well. He is definitely looking for someone by his side who will listen to him most of the time. Someone who will just love him and shower him with affection while not trying to tell him what to do and such. He will not react well to someone who is all clingy either though.

「p a t i e n c e」 

「i n t e l l i g e n c e 」

「c o n f i d e n c e」

「j e a l o u s」

「s e r i o u s」

「h o n e s t」

「o r g a n i s e d」

「s e l f i s h n e s s」

「l o y a l t y」
「l i k e s 」
↬ hot tea
↬ being served
↬ displaying authority
↬ fancy clothes
↬ power
↬ his wealth

「d i s l i k e s 」
↬ disrespect
↬ rain
↬ his slaves messing up
↬ animals
↬ being talked back to

「h o b b i e s 」
↬ watching fights; one of the things Danny likes to do is make two slaves fight each other. Like how the romans made their gladiators fight, just in a smaller setting. He starves his 'champions' for a few days and then makes them fight, one will have to actually kîll or at least deeply injure the other, as they fight over a meal and surely no one would let someone else take a meal while they were awfully hungry.

↬ painting; Danny also loves to paint, he is quite good at as well. His style is realism, and he often paints landscapes or people, always using light colours.

「f e a r s 」
↬ being alone, he will never admit it but he truly fears the thought of being all alone, which is why he always has his personal slave follow him around everywhere. Only at nights he is alone, though he makes sure to have someone at the door, so he knows he is not completely on his own.

「b a c k s t o r y 」
↬ Danny is born as the eldest of two children of a rich lord and his wife. The lord was no better than Danny now is, he was cruel to his slaves and took every chance he had to have them punished. He also just did so for his amusement. Unlike her husband, Danny's mother was most gentle. She was a proper lady who treated her maids with respect and gentleness. It was no surprise the couple often got into fights, some even leading to the lord hurting his own wife. Danny grew up to be quite like his father, since he spent the most time around him and believed the things the man told him. He took over his beliefs of slaves being nothing more than just property and also how women were inferior to men. His younger brother, who was only two years younger than him, was very different from him. The boy named Camil was a mommy's boy. He spent almost every day following his mother around the household and asking her all sort of questions about taking care of people and such. When Danny was sixteen, and his brother fourteen, their parents divorced. The lord could not put up with her kindness towards their 'property' anymore and decided it would be best for her to leave. Danny chose to stay with his father, while Camil left with his mother. Danny's behaviour and attitude got worse after his mother and brother left, as they had been the only ones with a bit of influence on him, trying to get him to soften up to lower classed people. It was of no use, as the boy grew up to be exactly like his father. He had been alone with his father for just a year when the male got sick and eventually died. He left everything to Danny, as he considered him his only son. He had not cared for the youngest who took after his mother. This left Danny as master of the huge manor his father had owned as well as owner of the plenty of slaves he had.

「f a m i l y 」
↬ mother; his mother is still alive and lives somewhere in a nice home in the city. She does not have any contact with her son anymore, she still loves him of course, but does not agree with his way of dealing with things. It's Danny who refuses to see her.

↬ younger brother, Camil; The two years younger male has studied hard to become a doctor and now helps whoever is in need of his aids. The male owns slaves as well, but his house has become a sort of rescue place. He buys those who seem sick, abused or traumatised to help them recover and have a good life at his place, quite unlike his brother. Danny never mentions his brother, but sometimes the younger male tries to visit him.

「o t h e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s」
↬ his best friend, Arthur; Arthur is just as cruel as Danny is. The lord is nothing better than him, some even consider him worse, as he is not only cruel to his slaves, but also to his teenage son Nino. He has abused the boy ever since his wife died. He is older than Danny, of course, and had actually been a good friend of Danny's father's. Danny gets along with him nicely though, so he considers him his best friend still.

「o c c u p a t i o n」
↬ he pretty much rules over a few villages in name of the king, like lords do all around the kingdom, he has enough wealth he inherited from his father and grandfather though.

「o t h e r」
↬ he is your master
「s c e n a r i o s」
Yes, he will open up during the role play and consider you one of his friends/his lover (:
He will not stay so mean all the time.
↬ one;
'Sold to Lord Price!' You heard your old master's voice call out with pride. You had begged for him to keep you, as you truly had not meant to anger his wife like that. His decision had already been made though and here you were being sold on to your next master. Your heart was racing. Your last home had been a decent one, you had been able to just do your task without worrying too much about getting in trouble. Your master hadn't minded small mistakes too much, as he usually looked the other way as long as you fixed it. Now you were sold to a new man, who you did not know but you assumed he was not as nice as your last, since the slave whom he had brought along as a companion kept his eyes down the whole time, not daring to glance up even once. You hesitantly bowed to your new master, before following after him when he told you to. The ride home was a long one, as you and the other slave were forced to half run, half walk behind the carriage. Was this truly what your new life was going to be like? When you arrived at the manor though, you could not help but feel a small glimpse of happiness. He place was huge, and above all, absolutely beautiful. Calling this place your home was a great honour! A small smile appeared on your face, though it soon vanished as the lord got out of the carriage with the help of the other slave. The young male made sure to be very careful around his master, though you did notice how he slightly lifted his head to look at you, trying to mouth for you to follow along. It was noticed by Danny as well though and the male immediately turned to the other slave, harshly hitting him before calling a guard over. "Make sure he will not forget his place again." He coldly spoke, to which the guard bowed and took the slave's arm, pulling the terrified looking male away. "M-master! Forgive me please! I-It will not happen again, I—" He stopped speaking the moment Danny looked at him. "Ensure he stays quiet" he added to the guard who once again nodded, leaving the slave even more fearful. You just stood there, frozen in shock and fear, before quickly following after Danny when he gestured for you to follow. The small bit of happiness you had experienced upon seeing the manor was gone now. "Your name?" He briefly asked as he headed inside of the large building. You were still so in shock from what had just happened that you did not hear your new master address you. That was until you almost bumped into him due to the other so suddenly stopping to walk. He turned back to you, his face showing nothing but displeasure. "Have you not heard me?" He asked in almost a whisper, though it sounded threatening enough. You had not heard what he said, but you did not really want to admit that, since you were sure it would get you punished as well. You also knew he expected you to answer his question, which you have missed. Will you take the risk to ask him to repeat himself, or will you just guess what his question had been and come up with an answer to the assumed question.
Continue from there.

↬ two;
'Watch were you are going!' The stranger snapped at you, making Danny turn around to see what had happened. You have been his personal slave for years now, being you were basically in charge of the man's happiness and wellbeing. It was an honourable position in the household, but it was absolutely terrifying as well. You would say you knew the lord quite well after all those years, but you still found it hard to predict his actions. Today, your master had decided to go out to town. He did not need anything in particular, but just wished to look around a little. Just like always, you accompanied him. You knew better than to try and run, everyone around knew Danny and they also knew you belonged to him. They would know better than to help you and even if you tried to run, you'd end up right back with Danny. You did not wish to risk punishment over such a hopeless action. Instead you submissively followed behind the man, keeping your head down and staying a few steps away from the lord. It all went well, until you suddenly felt someone bump into you. It had been their doing, really! You had just been following behind your master! You look up in fright, not having seen that coming of course and noticed the other man must be a lord as well. You deeply bowed and were about to deeply apologise to the man when he already yelled at you. You lightly flinched at the loudness of his voice and bowed your head even deeper. "I-I am truly sorry, my lord. I—" you stopped when you saw Danny around. You had truly hoped he wouldn't have noticed, but unfortunately he had, mostly due to the other man's yelling. "Is he/she/they yours?" The lord asked him, which made you look down in shame. Danny briefly glanced at you before nodding with a pleasant smile. "Ah yes, he/she/ they is." He answered in such a friendly manner. "Y/n, apologise to the kind sir this instant and then come along, I want to head back home." His voice was strict, yet quite calm as well. You knew better than to think he wasn't mad about that though. You nervously bowed to Danny before once again to the other lord. "My deepest apologies, my lord." You quietly said before then following after Danny who had started to walk already. You knew him well enough to know he was furious about this. "M-master, I—" you started though stopped when he snapped his fingers to make you shut up. "Silence, we will discuss this at home." He stated which made you feel even worse. The walk home was a long and quiet one. Thoughts were constantly running through your head, thoughts about what might happen back at the manor. Once you finally walked through the gates and walked up close enough to almost enter the manor, Danny stopped walking and turned around, his expression not seeming so gentle anymore. "What do you think you were doing?! Were you trying to disgrace me in front of him?" He narrowed his eyes, clearly not happy about the accident in town.
Continue from there.

↬ three;
Create your own scenario.

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