「 the tyrant ♥︎」

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「n a m e 」
↬ Yi Hyun

「n i c k n a m e 」
↬ his majesty
↬ tyrant
↬ king Hyun

「a g e 」
↬ 25

「g e n d e r 」
↬ male

「s e x u a l i t y 」
↬ homosexual
「a p p e a r a n c e」

「p e r s o n a l i t y」
↬ Hyun is a much more complicated person than he seems to be. While he is rumoured to be a tyrant, a cold hearted king who cares about only himself, this is not what is deep inside his majesty. The rumours aren't false or anything, Hyun really is a man who rules with an iron fist. He has those who oppose him beheaded or simply kîlls them himself and he doesn't have much empathy, or at least he never shows this. Some even say the king is a madman who cannot control his temper. This is just one side people see of him though. None of it isn't true. Hyun is cold hearted, not much of an empath and as a king he is merciless. The thing is, this is only what people who are not close to him see. The man's suspicion and mistrust of everything and everyone leads to his violence and coldness. With those he trusts and loves, he is a whole different person. He can be affectionate to those he loves, though it will take a whole lot of time for him to be alright with physical touch in an intimate way. Before that is possible though he can open up in more ways, like simply being more relaxed and less reactive and suspicious of everything that is said. He might even casually joke around, laugh with you and show how much he cares by checking up on you, making sure you're comfortable and those kind of things. Do not be mistaken in how much time it will take to gain this man's trust though. It has been shamed so many times and he is mentally very conflicted. His temper is the absolute worse and no one dares to oppose the king, who holds all the power. Hyun is often called unpredictable and it's not hard to fall out of favour with him. Deep inside though, there is this insecurity and uncertainty that makes him doubt almost everything. He has had a most rough childhood and that somehow always stayed with him. Regardless of that though and of how cold hearted he might act, he does care for his people in general and he wants his kingdom to be prosperous, he is awfully strict on corrupt officials and will definitely hold them accountable for crimes.

「p a t i e n c e」 

「i n t e l l i g e n c e 」

「c o n f i d e n c e」

「j e a l o u s」

「s e r i o u s」

「h o n e s t」

「o r g a n i s e d」

「s e l f i s h n e s s」

「l o y a l t y」
「l i k e s 」
↬ being obeyed
↬ loyalty
↬ cats
↬ food
↬ mandolin music

「d i s l i k e s 」
↬ his late father
↬ the ministers
↬ being questioned
↬ salty food
↬ pressure
↬ corrupt ministers

「h o b b i e s 」
↬ archery; his majesty is quite skilled at archery for the simple reason he has been practicing since he was just a young prince. When he is restless at night, he enjoys to go out and practice.

↬ horse riding; as the king he owns many horses, but he is especially passionate about them. As a man who feels threatened by traitors all the time, he loves his animals very much. He is soft towards his horses and holds very high standards for those who take care of them.

「f e a r s 」
↬ being betrayed
↬ being dethroned

「b a c k s t o r y 」
↬ Hyun was born as the son of the late king and his wife. He was raised with the love from his mother, though his father was a harsh man who didn't show him any affection at all. He barely even interacted with him, which made him grow pretty cold. The relationship with his parents was a heated one. The two of them really didn't get along. His mother was jealous of how much time the king spent with his consorts and grew distant towards the other ladies of the inner court. When Hyun was seven, his mother's jealousy finally outed itself towards the king in a serious argument between the two. In a fit of rage, she hit her husband, leaving a nasty bruise on his cheek. While the two weren't close, the king tried to cover this up in order to protect his wife, but the injury was discovered by the king's mother and she ordered the queen to be deposed. This happened and Hyun's mother was forced to drink poison. Not much later, his father remarried with one of his concubines who soon gave birth to another prince. At first, Hyun's new brother gave him some joy in life. He grew so close to the young prince, always hanging out with his eight year younger brother. He taught him things like archery, horseback riding, sword fighting, etcetera. It always hurt Hyun to see how the king and queen seem to shower his younger brother with love and affection while they left him to himself. During this period, Hyun got in contact with one of the ministers, who was slightly younger than his father. The man had a son around the crown prince's age himself and developed fatherly feelings towards him. He became the one and only person Hyun trusted and relied on. This grew even stronger after the death of the king. Hyun's younger brother was too young to take over the throne, and Hyun himself was the crown prince. On his deathbed though, the king toldhim that once his brother was old enough, he should hand the crown to him and let him rule in his stead. He called him insane and unworthy. After his passing, those words troubled Hyun an awful lot. He started to mistrust his younger brother as he grew older and this became worse when the newly crowned king was confronted about his late father's will by some of the man's loyal followers. They spoke about a secret letter with the king's will. Hyun's mind really snapped because of that and he personally kîlled all those who'd betray him. Not his brother though. He couldn't hurt the boy he had adored growing up. It was when Hyun was twenty, and so his younger brother was twelve, when this terrible thing happened. Hyun himself had always tried to keep himself from harming his brother, no matter how mistrusting he was of him. He was his brother, after all. One day he was sitting on his throne though when a few of his most supporting men carried in a young, lifeless body. It appeared to be his brother. They told him they found him acting all high up and suspected he'd commit treason soon and so they took his life. Hyun was heartbroken. He had told these men about his late father's will and now they took the young prince's life in order to allow him to keep his throne. Things started to get into his head after this. What if he was the one who caused this? What if there were people out there who wanted to avenge his brother? Ever since then, he trusted absolutely no one, except for the man who has always been like a second father to him.

「f a m i l y 」
↬ step-mother, the queen dowager; Hyun has a terrible relationship with his step-mother, obviously because his men murdered her son. He doesn't trust her even one bit, as she still seems to blame him for her son's death.

「o t h e r r e l a t i o n s h i p s」
↬ his most trusted advisor; the one minister who has been like a father to him ever since his mother passed away. He trusts him more than anyone. The man is the total opposite of the king himself. He is kind hearted, caring and very calm.

↬ his eunuch; a nervous young man around the king's age. He is scared of his king for many reasons, but does feel sympathy for him. He has served him for quite some years now and while he is intimidated by the king, he does feel a sense of genuine loyalty for him and he truly hopes he finds peace of mind one day.

「o c c u p a t i o n」
↬ king of Joseon

「o t h e r」
↬ this man is traumatised in quite some ways, he is mentally conflicted and has major trust issues. All he needs is someone he can really trust to help him get the peace of mind he needs. While he will never become all soft and such, he can at least be shown to have some more empathy and not feel rage all the time.
「s c e n a r i o s」
↬ one;
You were the son of the king's most trusted advisor. While you have never met the man yourself before, your father has told you many things about him. He'd mention to you how his majesty is not simply the tyrant people say he is. He told you that deep inside he cares for his country a great deal and that he just needs more people he can trust for real. You had also heard a lot about his tragic past. It must be so hard to lose your mother and brother due to others. In fact, your father's stories made you pretty curious about this man. Yes, he was the king, a divine human being you couldn't be close to, but still, your father described him so humanely. After a while of being told all those things by your father, you started regularly asking him how his majesty was doing. In a strange way you had developed some caring feelings for the man who seemed to be so lonely. You had thought about applying for a job at the palace many times, but you were no skilled swordsman and you had no interest in following in your father's footsteps, so you always decided against it in the end. Today, when your father returned from the palace, he informed you that he had to leave for a few days. A distant cousin was sick and he wished to check on him since they appeared to have been close as young boys. You were left in charge of the house while he was gone. It was no trouble, really. The servants loved you just as much as they loved your father, both of you were benevolent men who treated them with respect and kindness. The first day of your father's leave everything had gone great and when it was well past eleven, you decided to go to bed. No longer than two hours later though, you heard a horse running in the distance and it seemed to come closer within the second. A little confused, you got out of bed to check what was going on. Before you could get outside though, the sound had stopped and instead a man walked into your house. He seemed confused and panicked, his hair was a mess and he was barefoot. It was too dark to see who it was though. "Where are they!?" His voice was demanding and loud, making you take a step back. You had no time to ask whom he was talking about as he asked the question once again already. "Where are the men who kîlled Dong-Su?!" Dong-su was the name of the assassinated prince, you knew. Your father had told you about how the king lost his brother many times ago and also about how devastated he was about it and especially about how it was blamed on him by those who supported his brother. Very carefully, you moved away from the man to light a lantern and once it was lit, your thoughts were confirmed. In front of you was the king himself. He must have had a bad dream that caused him to come here because he definitely looked like he came straight out of bed. "Your majesty" you gave a small bow. "They are gone, your majesty, they will not harm anyone again" strangely enough your words seemed to offer him comfort as soon enough, he snapped out of his panicked state and turned back to his serious self. He looked around for a brief moment before back at you. "Who might you be?" He sounded mistrusting, as he was obviously expecting your father here.
What do you do?
Remember this is your first meeting with the king, a man you have wanted to support after all your father had told you. Be careful about how you approach this as this man's trust is hard to win.

↬ two;
You were a young farmer, a mere commoner who fought hard every day to survive. Joseon was a great kingdom for those who lived in wealth as status and hierarchy was very important in this society. It was all everyone has ever known and connected to the faith and beliefs in Confucius. Still though, it made life as a simply citizen quite hard. One evening, when you were getting water from a nearby river, you noticed a half naked man laying by the riverside. He was breathing but seemed unconscious. The caring soul you were took him home and covered him with a nice blanket you made yourself. You tried to warm him up the best you could before going to bed yourself. The next morning, you woke up early to go to work on your farm. You were harvesting some crops when the stranger you saved yesterday approached you. By the way he moved, you figured he would be higher classed, but you never suspected him to be the king himself. "Ah, good morning sir, I am glad to see you awake" you hummed as you put your work down to turn to him. "Please, come back inside with me, I'll prepare you some breakfast." Hyun followed you without objection and sat himself down inside as you instructed. While you didn't have much, you made him a nice, filling breakfast. This man must have been quite shocked after yesterday, and he needed to strengthen after being cold and wet for so long. You watched happily as he ate all that you made up, though where surprised when he finished and stood up, saying. "I thank you for your care, but I should be going now." With those words he headed towards the door, ready to leave. Rather worried, you hurried after him. "Sir please, stay a little longer, you seem a little weak still." The pure concern in your voice touched Hyun more than he cared to admit and so he responded. "I will be fine. If we meet again, I will grant you one wish." With those words he left. A scoff escaped your lips. "Grant me a wish? Who does he think he is, the king of the universe?" You shook your head and returned to work. Little did you know that you and this man would actually meet again. A few weeks later your harvest had not been enough to feed both you and your younger brother, who would have been around the prince's age should he have been alive now. Because of this, you and him decided to go look for consumable herbs in a nearby forest. What you didn't know though, was that only recently, this forest had been made into a royal hunting ground, meaning no one was allowed here without the king's permission. Unfortunately for you two, right when you went looking for herbs, the king himself also had a hunting organised. The way you found this out was tragic. As you and your brother were searching for herbs, you suddenly heard a gunshot and no more than a second later, you found your brother lying on the floor next to you, bleeding from his stomach where he had been shot. You screamed in panic and soon enough a group of men in royal guard uniform came rushing over. One of them had mistaken your brother as an animal and shot. Now you had two problems though, your wounded brother and the fact you were caught here on forbidden grounds. "Please help my—" you were cut off by obviously a high ranked guard commanding his men to arrest you both. "Bring them to his majesty! He will have them punished by death!" Just then, another men joined you all. "Bring whom?" The guards all turned before deeply bowing. The king himself had made his way over here after hearing all the commotion. You realised too late and were still looking up and to your surprise, you saw the same man you had helped a few weeks ago. You remember the promise he made you. 'If we meet again, i will grant you one wish'. This was your chance. Will you be so bold as to remind the king of his promise and ask him to save your brother and spare you both?
What do you do?

↬ three;
You were a young nobleman. For years you have worked hard in order to one day serve in the palace as a high ranked official. Your father was one of the commanders, so you were certain you would do great in a position with power as well. It was not the power that made you want to go though. You wished to serve your kingdom, keep it a safe place for everyone and not just for the rich. You wanted to use the power you could get to make the kingdom a good place. Today was the day you had been dreaming off, an advising position for his majesty was open. The king had one trusted advisor everyone knew, but he used to have a second as well. The man had been rather old and had been around when the late king ruled as well. Unlike the king's trusted man though, this man wished to honour the late king's wishes and dethrone Hyun. When he found out about this through unknown sources, he completely lost his mind and brutally took the man's life, leaving the position open. While it might be a scary thought to fill in a position that came free in such a way, you feared not. You had no intention of dethroning the king, you merely wished to make a change. Besides, dethroning him was pointless as there was no proper person to replace him anyway. Most officials were corrupt and power hungry people, no better than a king with a temper. Many young men gathered at the palace, including yourself, for today would be the day his majesty chose another advisor. You among with other men had passed theoretical tests and now it was only twenty of you left who might get the position. You were informed to wait until the king made his decision. What none of you knew though, was that his majesty had disguised himself and was now among you already. The mistrusting man wished to know the true nature of all those who wished to become his right hand man. He couldn't risk having a traitor by his side once again. During this waiting time, Hyun decided to sit on his own and just observe, seeing how the men behaved and who they talked to. You knew a few of the men present and disliked most of them, they didnt' have the same ideals as you, so there was no point talking to them. Therefore, you got interested in the loner who had not spoken to anyone since the beginning. After a moment of thinking, you went over to him and sat down next to him. "My name's [ y/n ], may i ask why you wish to get the position?" You asked rather straightforward. The other man chuckled lightly. 'there are too many corrupt people inside the palace already." He responded boldly, looking at you. 'what about you?" He returned the question. You were surprised to hear his answer, he seemed to think of things the same way you did.
What do you do?

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