Chapter 8:Fight against traitors,the Tag team and facing your partner

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Ah new morning comes Ash wakes up with Serperior and Ninetailes by his side.Today is a day off sow they can relax but Ash was gonna meet up with his friends and later train with Georgia coming with him has goes down the stairs and see the champions awake

Ash:Good morning guys
The champions:Morning Ash
Ash:Sow what are you guys gonna do
Diantha:Well me,Cynthia and the girls are going shopping and we are taking the boys
Ash:Thank Arceus that I have in my pocket that I have other thing
Leon:Hey Ash mind if I tag along with you
Leon:Thanks I don't want to go shopping two reasons
Alder:what are they
Leon:first in terrible with directions and second I which to know more of Ash
Ash:That's okay

After a few minutes everyone woke up and after a few minutes Ash,Leon,Stephan and Georgia leave and they reunited with there friends but 5 were messing

Ash:We're the others
Sawyer:Mairon and Shauna drag Alain,Trevor and Tierno to go shopping
Ash:Well how about we get some breakfast
Gary:We are good with that

Has they go to a restaurant that has a buffet and after they grab there food they site down and started eathing

Leon:Sow how did you guys meet Ash
Gary:Well he and I are childhood friends
Cameron:We meet in Unova when I forgot to compete in a tournament
Sawyer:I meet Ash when we were gonna ask Valerie the gym leader to fight one of us but we den fought each other and Ash was like a Maester to me
Gladion:I meet Ash in Alola and we became rivals and Friends
Tobias:I fought Ash in the Sinnoh league
Leon:Well that's interesting
Ash:Well yeah that's how I meet them sadly Cameron was the first one to go and Gary is next
Gary:You may be Champion but your not unbelievable
Ash:Wanna bet

Has his Serperior puts her tail in his neck

Ash:Jusf kidding
Gary:For Arceus sake ash Serperior almost gave me a heart attack
Stephan:How about we get back to eathing

Has they finished eathing they go out we're 5 traitors will appear

???:Gladion what are you doing with that weakling
Ash:What do you people want

Has the Alola traitors Lillie,Lana,Mallow,Sophocles and Kiewai.Ash looks had Kiewai and his face is not like the others is like his hiding something

Lana:We want a battle to show how weak you are
Gladion:Lillie how could you without Ash your fear of Pokémon would have stayed and without him Mother would not have been saved
Lillie:How could I how could you his a weakling and a pathetic excuse of a trainer
Leon:You should watch what your saying
Mallow:Why should we and who are you
Leon: I'm leon the Galar region champion and your messing with one champion you get all of them or more specific one champion and a gym leader

Has Stephan also comes forward

Gladion:How about you have a double battle Ash and Leon vs Lillie and Mallow

Has they head towards the battlefield nearby

Gary:I'll be the ref alright this will be a tag team battle on Pokémon each now send out your Pokémon
Ash:Leon no mercy
Leon:Got it
Leon:Haxorus come out


Mallow:What's wrong Ash did are Pokémon scare you
Ash:No just thinking which Pokémon I should use to burn your Pokémon wait I know Come out my friend and Burn then like the sun

Has when the Pokémon appears the area is now super hot

Tobias:Was is this heat
Gladion:Is not the heat the question is who Ash choose to fight

Has The Pokémon appears and roars

Ash:Time to burn some traitors


Has the orange lizard looks had it's opponent and his Ally

Leon:WOW not even my Charizard can't do this
Ash:We will talk about that later first let's end this in one shoot
Lillie:Youu don't scare me
Mallow:Yeah we are not scared right girls

They said yo there Pokémon but did not respond because they were scared of Charizard

Leon:Dragon pulse

Has both attacks hit the Pokémon and end them easily

Gary:Tsareena and Ninetailes are unable to battle the winners are Ash and Leon
Ash:Now beat it

Has the alola group left

Leon:Well that's what they get for being cocky
Ash:Right but it was fun teaming up with you I hope we can battle in the tournament

Has they all left hours later Ash and Georgia we're training

Ash:Sow Georgia what's your secret weapon that you have been hiding
Georgia:Oh just look Glalie come out

Has Ash looks had the Pokémon he noticed a stone on one of his horns

Ash:Oh we are gonna f????king destroy Gary
Georgia:You got that right and who are you planning on using against them
Ash:I'm using heracross which can also mega evolve
Georgia:Then let's train

Now in the stadium were Ash & Georgia and Gary & Hendrickson will begin there battle

Ref:Trainers send out your Pokémon
Ash:With what we have I think we should just use them
Gary:Alright let's do this
All four:Mega evolve

Has the four Pokémon transform

Ref:Battle begin
Georgia:Glalie stone edge
Hendrickson:Hit with your own stone edge Kangaskhan
Ash:Flash Cannon Heracross
Gary:Dragon pulse

Has the attacks hit and explode on impact

Ash:Pin missile

Heracross shoots his pin missile hitting Kangaskhan

Georgia:Glalie Ice beam on Blastoise
Gary:Use hydro pump
Hendrickson:Use hyper beam on Heracross

Has the attacks were shoot and impact was made against the 3 attacks

Ash:Georgia now
Georgia:Right Glalie use stone edge

Has the stones approached Blastoiase quickly dodge in the direction were Kangaskhan was

Ash:There we go now use mega horn and strike them both
Gary:Wait Blastoiase
Hendrickson:Kangaskhan together Power up punch

Has the bug just went thru the kangaroo and then hit the turtle defeating them

Ref:Blastoiase and Kangaskhan are unable to battle the winners are Ash and Georgia
Ash:Looks like we are moving on
Georgia:Yeah and we are fighting Galar trainers but don't worry is not Leon
Ash:Now that would be interesting

Has the fights when on and the day ended
(Za Warudo)
Ash and Georgia defeated Bea and Nessa has they were the last ones now here are the next fights

Ash vs Georgia
Paul vs Grimsley
Alain vs Alder
Tobias vs Gladion
Leon vs Kukui
Daniel vs Palmer
Malva vs Scarlet
Diantha vs Cynthia

Sow basically there partners are there enemies.The day round 3 starts Ash gatherers his team and it's gonna be Serperior Hawlucha and Charizard

Ash:Okay you three ready for today
Hawlucha:I'm ready to fight
Charizard:She is are friend but now she is are enemy
Serperior:And I hope that girl bisharp has grown stronger
Ash:I'm sure she did now let's go

Has they head to the stadium where the battle will begin but along the way he saw Kiewai waiting had the entrance

Ash:I don't know if I should ignore but when I saw you with the others you weren't like them what happened
Kiewai:In sorry Ash they forced me to betray you you see they said if I did not help them they would hurt my Family
Ash:Don't worry I forgive just after this fight let's go to the champions okay sow for now stay and watch my fight and when I'm done let's talk to them
Kiewai:Yes Thank you Ash
Ash:No problem but first I have to win

Has he runs inside with Serperior and the battle will begin

Ref:Trainers send out your Pokémon
Ash:You know who we have to use Serperior let's go

Georgia:Right Bisharp show them how much you have grown

Pokémon translate

Bisharp:it's you
Serperior:Yes me the snivy that beat you and it looks like we both have grown a lot
Bisharp:Yes and this time your going down
Serperior:Will see

Translate end

Ref:Serperior vs Bisharp battle begin
Ash:Serperior use Leaf blade
Georgia:Bisharp use x-scissor

The attacks collided but Bisharp was the one sent back

Ash:Energy Ball
Georgia:Don't give up yet Bisharp use Shadow ball

The to balls collide and exploded

Ash:Agility and then Leaf blade

Has Serperior appears behind Bisharp and hits her with her Leaf blade

Georgia:No Bisharp
Ash:Use frenzy plant

Plants came out of the ground and a barrage of plants hit Bisharp defeating her

Ref:Bisharp is unable to battle Georgia send out your next Pokémon

Ash:Serperior come back Hawlucha I choice you

Ref:Beartic vs Hawlucha battle begin
Ash:High jump kick
Georgia:Hammer arm

Has the fighting bird goes close Beartic and dodges the Hammer arm to then hit him with High jump kick in the stomach then punching himself up

Ash:Now Flying press
Georgia:Ice beam

Hawlucha aims straight had him and dodges the ice beam the hits Beartic to then defeated the ice bear

Ref:Beartic is unable to battle Georgia send your last Pokémon
Georgia:It's up to you Glalie

Georgia:Now mega evolve

Ash:Good straight to the end Charizard let's go

Ash:It's are turn mega evolve

But when he transforms he became not X or Y something completely different it was Charizard Z

In the stands with his friends

Alain:Amazing just Amazing I cant wait to fight Ash either against his Greninja or his Charizard
Gladion:I'm with you

Back had the fight were they were already fighting

Ash:Let's end this Charizard Blast burn full power
Georgia:Stone Edge

Both Attacks interact with there opponents but only Charizard suvived

Ref:Glalie is unable to battle the winner is Ash and his Charizard
Georgia:Well I got far
Ash:Good work you 3
Charizard:I won't lie I enjoyed that battle
Hawlucha:I don't know but I feel like I overkilled
Serperior:I I'm still unbeatable
Georgia:Congrats Ash you better not lose
Ash:I won't I'll win

After that Ash summons 3 Pokémon that are Melmetal,Lycnaroc and ???

Ash:Guys tomorrow we take down the last traitor and you 3 will be my chosen ones for the battle
Lycnaroc:We will destroy his team
Ash:With the info thanks to Scott he has mega evolutions on his team only we don't know what Pokémon
???:This won't be be a problem you trained us for 5 years for this we are ready
Melmetal:And if he has one of the traitor ones we will beat them
Ash:Yes good get ready guys let's show those traitors
All 3:Yeah

Has he then goes to back to sleep with Gardevoir and Serperior

Gardevoir:Are you worried
Ash:No just excited it's finally time to show them who is is the strongest
Serperior:And we will be by your side if you need us
Ash:Thanks guys let's go to sleep

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