author's note

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Bonjour, my lilies.

Welcome to my humble abode. May I introduce to all of you, I Was Once Her. This story is very dear to my heart and is sort of personal in a way. This book dates back to five years before TGWTS happened. Therefore, it serves as a 'prequel' or a 'book one'.

I want to tell you all that I do not condone any of the abuse that is mentioned in my book. Early on, I am already placing a trigger warning. There will be mentions of bullying and various things. All of these are vital to the main character's plot development. However, to those who are too young to read these things, don't worry, I got you! I'll be placing a trigger warning at the beginning of every "mature" or too violent scene. You won't miss too much so you can just skip those parts :) I never write too graphic violent scenes because I don't want to make my readers uncomfortable and I, myself, cannot fathom writing too much.

I would also like to say that I will be making I Was Once Her its own playlist on Spotify and possibly Youtube too? It will include all the songs I find suitable for the book and you can listen to the specific songs while reading the posted chapters. I'll be attaching a song above per chapter that I find best for the specific chapter. Sometimes, there are more than one that I like or I most likely had a hard time choosing so the other songs will be in the playlist! I'll be attaching the link here: tba
I'll try to place it in my bio as well if you need to find it again. Possibly in the link, I have!

I Was Once Her will also be sharing an Instagram handle with TGWTS! The username is lilyserena.schreave, search it up and follow if you'd like, it would mean a lot. I'll be posting any updates I have on there and maybe some bonus things in the future! I'll put the link to the playlists on there too if I can for you guys!

This is my own book based on my own ideas and imagination. It may not be copied or republished in any way. This book is a work of fiction and may not be used against anyone. It is not meant to offend anybody in any way or form. I try to be very cautious in all topics I include in my writing. This is a safe place for anybody and no hate will be tolerated. 

This is a hate-free space. Everyone is welcome here. If any of you need someone to talk to, my PMs are always open to you guys! No one should feel alone.

I Was Once Her may only be found in Wattpad and Instagram under lilyserena.schreave and sometimes lilyserena_writes.

I would be grateful if you guys could follow my socials attached below. I hope for your support, thank you!

Happy Reading!

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