Chapter 5 - Two Ideologies Collide

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As the War King strolls through the palace, with each loud -Tap! sound coming through his cane.

"-Sigh...! These legs of mine are surely a pain in the ass! Literally, my hips are dying here!" - He complain with each uneven steps.

Once the maids heard of their King's complaint. They immediately rush in to help, but the king decline the offer by saying, "No no no, it'll be even more of a pain if separate bodies tried to control this rough fella over here. And besides, it's my fault for losing a foot." - He explain, as he struggle to take the next step and...

"Ahyy...!" - He slipped. The cane touch his soft cape and with the friction, he collapse.

Just as he was about to lose his integrity as a ruler and endanger his title of the 'War King.' "Oh!" - With a swift dash, a certain elven wife had managed to catch him and save his face.

"Your Majesties! Are you okay?" - Marah, who's beside Charlene the whole time. Was surprised by the quick disappearance of her madam.

Now touching the floor, if any of the nobility saw this, there reputation would take a hit,  but with only the maids and bodyguards around. Their image is safe.

"You should be more careful you know?" - Charlene warn her husband for his recklessness.

He responded with, "C'mon hun, it's just a slip of the tongue, or in this case a slip of the cane you know?" - He scratches his head, and starts to stand up again.

But this time with a little help. "Here you go!" - Charlene hug his left shoulder and his stomach to help the king stand up.

"Hugh?" - The king exclaimed. But before he could say anything, the wife responded with,

"My excellent dear husband, King Trinitus. Since with the loss of your right foot in battle, you would need some assistance from your servants. But due to your sheer stubborness, I decided as your wife to help my dear husband." - With an awfully formal response, the coarse King only responded with. "...Y-yes, I shall accept your assistance my dear wife Charlene." - A barely formal response.

"Thank you my lord." - She took a bow.

Charlene than wrap her arms with him as he's holding his walking stick.

Charlene only gave a single small breath of laughter as she look at him and thought, [As a man of the battlefield, you really aren't suited for convoluted aristocratic etiquette are you?] - As she just poke fun of this one weakness of his.

Obviously his title as the 'War King' doesn't extend to his diplomacy.


[What a weird marriage.] - Is what Marah thought as she stared at the two Royals helping the other out.

She looks behind her and stares at the cradle she's handling.

[Right Charl?] - Marah stared blankly at the sleeping young prince.


I stare at the weird weird couple before me.

Her Majesty, Queen Charlene and His Majesty, King Trinitus. Also known by the surrounding realms as 'The War King.' As his title suggests, a master of the battlefield.

He single-handedly expanded the borders of the kingdom through war and conquest. His kingdom before his reign is not even a kingdom. Just an insignificant three province Duchy, one out of many others around it. A tiny speck of a country that's effectively a tributary state of a much bigger Duchy.

As then Duke Trinitus is the third son of his family, the Magne's, He has an unrelenting desire to expand the borders of his ghetto of a realm. With his talents in the battlefield to prove that it's possible.

With that desire, his parents decided that he should inherent the duchy instead.

In his reign, with his excellence in warfare he somehow miraculously expanded his borders by conquering two weakened neighbors after warring with each other.

With the sudden change of the power balance in the region, his neighboring countries immediately attacked his realm. Others joined in and through mixing political grudges and tensions from other rulers. The original purpose of the war changed and instead became about settling their problems with then Duke Trinitus in the middle.

In the end, through various military miracles, with the two factions of the war using all their troops in a crucial battle, he managed to lay siege on two of the opposing faction's land. And more amazingly without much resistance since there's little troops stationed there as they fought on that one battle. He defeated them both from behind their backs.

After they conceded, all the parties involved signed the peace treaty that essentially made Duke Trinitus's Duchy even more powerful with him taking more territories and legitimizes his claim and proclaimed himself as King with all the people involved being force to agree to his claim.

He was crowned as King Trinitus I of the new Kingdom of Magneia.


She once again looked at the two royal couples.

[But there's still one more thing to I don't know... ] - Marah thought. [Why did an elf like Her Majesty managed to marry this Human King?]


The King, the Queen, and Marah carrying the very young Prince Charl to the Elven royal carriage.

"Yes, of course. This'll be an interesting fella." - He smirked as the king looked to the carriage.

Then suddenly,  -Zip!- Loud buzzing sounds were heard from carriage. Like those of flapping dragonflies, their tiny wings flutter along the air.

[Fairies] - His eyes widen as he thought about them.

"Hello!" "Hi humans!" - The fairies flutter around as they introduced themselves to the humans.

"Back off!" - There are many reactions coming from the people. This guard for instance response hostily. While this maid, "Hello Fairies!" - Responded with hospitality.

[Their mysterious creatures that lives within the mythical plot of the forest. With many dangerous beast lurking around them, they aren't usually seen around people. With only high ranking wizard having one.] - As the King continued to analyze them, the fairies were actually the ones that analyze him.

Their fluttering about and also, "Huh?" - The King is confuse with the fairies swarming his head.

A swarm of them is encircling the King. Like bees in a beehive or flies on an electric lamp.

The King with it's close proximity to them he looked at the critters closely. With their Pinkish, Purplish color splotches around and multicolored eyes, the weird antenna on their heads. And the wings that are the size as their bodies. They are definitely what the rumors say.

And also, "Your Majesty, Queen Charlene. We so much miss you back home." - About half of the fairies that came out went straight the Charlene.

"It's so nice to meet you too, children." - She pat each one of them on the head with her fingers. "Mmm~~" - Each fairy made a moan to express their relief.

"..." - While Marah stayed silent. Blushing slightly while subtly biting her lip.

The fairies noticed this and proceeded to mock her by sticking out their tongue and pulling their eyelids with a silent, "Nyaah~" - Secretly behind Her Majesty's face.

Marah is obviously not happy.

At the same time...  "It is an honour to meet you your Majesty, King Trinitus 'The War King' of the Kingdom of Magneia." - One of the more ornate fairies introduced herself by lifting her skirt.

"I thank you for your praise." - He humbly said.

As that's gong on, another event has happened once again.

"Ho ho ho, what's happening here?" - The Elf gently stroked his beard at the scene before him. "So it seems that your King Trinitus?" - He asked in a disrespectful way to a King, only somebody with equal status could say such wording to a ruler.

Rodryik chuckled a bit, "Heh. So it seems your the man I'm looking for?" - Such an amount of arrogance in display is not for show, as the other party had to show confidence in front of them so letting him know that their equal.

Trinitus lastly stared at the man with a braided goatee-like beard, and two side beards coming along as well. With long, flowy hair coming down to his back, and the gold rings and beads at the tips of his whitish, yellowish hair.

He looked at the man's velvet violet eyes seemingly filled with determination and a great amount of wisdom. A straght, long nose and bits of wrinkles showing his age.

But, with his small stature. You won't even believe that they belong in the same generation.


The War King tapped his cane, "So? Your King Rodryik 'The Peacemaker' huh?" - And showed a wide grin at his face.

"Yes, yes I am. 'War King.'"


Now inside the carriage, filled with many furnitures and items that are made with branches coming out of the walls itself.

Rodryik and Charlene is sitting in the same seats as while Marah stand behind them.

"Here you go your Majesties." - Fairies fly about doing servantly duties.

And as for Charl,

"Mmm..." - Rodryik has carefully examined the child that is Charl.

The Elfen Floranae is sitting in his Throne of Plants. With his hands examining the child with the power of his magic. He checks out his what magic he has and probably check too how much magic he has within him too.

The two group of royals are staring at each other from the table like Thanksgiving. Trinitus, Charlene, and Marah on the one side and Rodryik and his fairies on the other side.

Rodryik finished examining  the child "Here you go Charlene." - And safely returned the child.

"Thank you Father." - Charlene lightly bowed to her father and stood up.

"The child has a very special  magic flowing in him, care for him well." - He said so in a smile.

She bowed and said, "We may take our leave." - As this audience of two rulers is not simply a vacation.

As for Charlene's sudden leave is for her to not disturb the two great rulers in the room right now.

"Let's go Marah." - She looked at Marah,

"Oh yes,  right away!" - She nodded quietly and followed her master's orders.

-Bam. As the sound of the door closing off was heard, the superficial etiquette of the King is completely discarded.

His straight back smoothed out as he stretches it out from his seat, he puts out his left leg in front and lays it upon his knee. He smirked and said, "Now let's get into business shall we?" - In a sarcastic tone while making lots of hand gestures.

"Yes, of course. Trinitus."


The two men, with great accomplishments in their names. Look at each other, unflinching as they stared at themselves eye to eye.

As there are no one inside the carriage, the fairies dissipated through the walls. It's just the two of them.

The first one to talk is, "So, what exactly is the other reason you're here?" - Trinitus, is the one to say something first.

"It surely isn't the child's the reason that made you stop your activities in your country, right?" - Trinitus ended it with a simple question.

"That... Is sort of true, but isn't either. Frankly speaking, my court is doing everything they can to stop me from meeting the child, they centered their audience with me in convenient times and what not." - He paused. "I want to check if Charlene is in good hands, if she's okay, I'll be having a separate talk later. And finally, the other reason is..." - He made a deep sigh.

And he also sharpened his focus on Trinitus, "Is meeting the man she's with, 'War King' is it?" - He said.

[A man with a title like that, a complete opposite of me in every way.]

And he can confirm that today as he met this man for the first time today.

"Ho ho, is it now? I also heard about ya, 'Peacemaker?'" - He also paused.

[With a name like that, you'll be a pain to talk to as well.]

"And please, I don't want to be lectured how to use my weapons." - He said with an irritated grin.

"Oh, you may have misinterpreted my title there. I just stabilized my country from going to a civil war. That's what it meant, Rodryik." - He said so a sarcastic manner.

He gave out a big chuckle, [Your clearly mocking my accomplishments, bastard.] - And said, "Even if not wouldn't it be easier than to just slash it with a sword and get it over with than talk your enemy out of it?" - He made and especially wide grin while holding his hands together.

Rodryik bit his lips, [Aren't you underestimating the power of the words there my friend?] - While not making it obvious to Trinitus.

Rodryik stand back from his chair and answered, "I believe there is more merit to it than killing, I wouldn't have to find a replacement for it after all." - He paused. "And it would make you a far more Just person to the people than a warrior right?" - He said.

[Yup, definitely mocking me.] - He thought.

"Well, I'm won't call myself a berserker, but I think fighting along with your people is more Justly than looking at a far, right?" - He said so.

He added, "And I most definitely despise people who hides behind his soldiers like a coward." - And again he emphasized those words by staring at Rodryik once again.

[So you think I'm a coward, aren't you?]

[How's that, you think I'm still a savage aren't you?]

They only met each other today and their already tearing their claws at each other.

But, with their thought processes that's a complete opposite to each other. A personality, morals, ideas and many more that have nothing in common with the two. It's honestly more surprising if they didn't since their conflicting ideas with one another would eventually clash upon impact.

Does Rodryik and Trinitus have something that they have in common with each other?


What a fool.

I met this guy named Rodryik, the King of East Elfenia. The father of of my 3rd wife, Queen Charlene.

I've already known my encounter with him from hearing his title as the Peacemaker. And as expected we're bickering about our way of ruling.

I wanted to treat him equally with the respect of a dignified ruler but with his mockery and insults of my talent and reign, I object...

What a shame.

I am suppose to meet the King of the Kingdom of Magneia, King Trinitus the War King. I already have my expectations of the man of the sword, but as expected, his rash and undignified manner has left me rather dissapointed in the results.

But so far I am not dissapointed in his manner but of how it fits exactly as what I would predicted him to be.

But I can endure all of that except for one; he mocked my reign...

I knew the man named Rodryik would have a snotty attitude like he's supposed to be superior to me just because he didn't have to go to war with it. He thinks he can save his subjects through words and speeches? Not true. I would have known very well that he has assassinated the foes he could not persuade, that's a given. But could he make the thousands of infantrymen on the battlefield to follow you and fight for you to the death? I don't think so. You think you can fix everything without any casualties, is only idealistic in my eye.

Trinitus is a man that has no desire to be King, he's rough behavior is a spit to the respect that a man of power should show to his subjects. I may understand he's actions because etiquette doesn't matter on the battlefield. But that's exactly the point, he doesn't stride to improve and to be more respected, the nobles around him would understand because of his expertise in battle, but they would soon to be agitated by their King's inability to rule in peace. He's lack of managing his subjects would be his greatest flaw. He thinks that he can fix every problem by fighting on the battlefield.

I may know next to nothing about talking to the noble's long arduous task of the country's distribution of wheat but I have been trying, more than you think Rodryik.

I have military advisors to look at battle formations, I have visited the few barracks of my country to see the archers magic arrow show from the tree tops. But my frail constitution made it harder for me to ride a horse for the one area on my country with flatlands. I am trying, Trinitus.

I have been trying to understand and learn the areas of which I am lacking of. I am studying, testing, and listening to improve and become a better ruler for my subjects, my people.  

So seeing you, somebody that's good at doing at something that I am bad of, is honestly quite reassuring. Knowing that I am good at what your bad at.

So even if we're total opposites, people who are nothing alike, almost living at different worlds. From somebody that has nothing in common with you, I think this one is the only thing we're alike;

We respect each others abilities.


"Well, that was a heated argument right Rod?" - Trinitus puts his back to the chair.

"Well, I never knew this little talk of ours would escalate so quickly." - Rodryik too put his back to the chair as he's exhausted from talking.

It's been about half an hour of endless talking from these two, but for them it's almost never ending. Although they felt that they had talked a lot more than in that time slot, they also felt that it had ended too quickly.

Although at first they immediately resented each other for their differences, as time goes on they each gradually tell the other party why they became the way they are and in the end came to an understanding of each other's abilities. Which they now respect the other party of.

They shook each other's hands as Trinitus is about to leave.

But Rodryik has sat Trinitus in the chair a little bit longer

"Oh wait, I forgot to tell you about this, Charlene too is quite the women." - Rodryik says as he smiled a bit.

"Oh her, yup I know that too. Did she told you how we met?" - Trinitus asked.

"Of course she did, she found you and a band of your soldiers wounded at our border, she took care of you and your soldiers right?"

"Yeah. My army just barely survived when that coalition forces launched a surprise attack on us, we escaped by running through the forest and eventually made it to your borders. Sorry about that." - Trinitus then gave a big grin afterwards.

"That's okay, I soon noticed that too when she told me, but with that area being rather isolated it's only known by a few of my court which are loyal to me."

"But I'm more surprised that she offered herself as your bride even though you already have two others." - Rodryik said in a confused why as he scratches his head.

"Well, I'm surprised too, although she is certainly beautiful but that's all it is. I never expected her to offer that marriage proposal. But I can't deny it since she has saved not only me but my whole army from starvation and disease." - He gave a chuckle.

[She was so persuasive too. I cannot say no to her after what length she did for me.]

"That's Charlene alright." - Rodryik reminded.

"I wonder what our child. Charl, will be like?" - Trinitus asked to himself

"One with many challenges awaited, but with many triumphs as well. A very interesting child indeed." - Rodryik said so randomly.



Konnichiwa guys! And gals too of course! Man, another two weeks had gone by huh? I have gotten a bit stuck in the story,  so it's really slow. Actually the whole but with them arguing all the way to the end is done just today. And also laziness, lots of laziness involved as well. But anyways, hope you liked the story so far, this chapter is a bit different, which took me a long time to finish. But here it is. Man, I really liked at the end there where I explained more of their circumstances of how Charlene met each other and stuff. But anyways that weird part where they how they think of each other is probably one of the weirdest things I did in my whole writing in general, it's so experimental. If your somehow confused about it than tell me, I'll fix it right away! So anyways, so yeah in the next two weeks! :D XD

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