Chapter 10

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They got to the briefing desk and saw Ezra and Sabine run up behind them. Sato, Hera, and Kanan were already there.

"Hey," Ezra said. "We heard the supply run to Teralov failed."

Hera looked down at the buttons all over the desk. "It gets worse," she said. "We lost the entire escort of A-Wings. Six pilots and the transport's entire crew."

"How many is that this month?" Ezra asked. "At this rate, there isn't going to be anyone left to fly for the Rebellion."

Sato leaned forward. "Fortunately, we have been working on a solution with the help of Fulcrum."

Jax felt his chest tighten. One of his mother's agents. She had told him who they were, and one of them shocked him. One was a Rebellion agent, Cassian Andor, and the other was an ISB agent, Kallus. He remembered recruiting him right before she... died.

"Ahsoka?" Ezra asked hopefully.

"No," Jax said angrily, putting a fist on the table. "Fulcrum is a codename we give to the Rebellion's secret informants." Alema put a reassuring hand on his back and rubbed it.

"It was Ahsoka's idea," Hera finished. "There are other Fulcrum agents. She was among them."

Zeb and Chopper approached them as the hologram popped up, revealing the Fulcrum logo.

"I have information that may help you replace your stable of pilots," The muffled voice said. All Fulcrums used a voice changer so that their identity could stay a secret. Jax assumed this was Kallus since it didn't sound like Cassian at all. "There are Imperial cadets at Skystrike Academy who wish to defect to the rebels. I do not know their names but they will require some assistance to escape. I suggest you move quickly before the Empire discovers their intentions. Fulcrum out."

"This is enough to act on," Sato said.

"The mission is yours, Sabine, Alema," Hera said, putting a hand on her hip. "We've arranged to insert you in a squad of new cadets headed for Skystrike. AP-5 will prepare fake credentials."

"Wait, wait," Ezra protested. "Shouldn't I be the one to go in? I've done this before, remember?"

"Yeah, and I really was an Imperial cadet once," Sabine shot back. "For years, remember?"

"The Empire knows you too well, Ezra," Hera said. "You'll be identified. Sabine and Alema are the least recognizable out of all of us. I need you and Kanan to shadow them. You'll stay in communication with them while they're inside and be ready to help them escape. Zeb and I have to supervise the escort for the new relief mission to take Teralov."

"We've got our plan," Kanan said. "Let's go." he jerked his head.

"What about me?" Jax asked. "What do I do?"

"Jax, you're staying here with Sato. He has a few things he wants to talk about," Hera replied.

"What?" Jax asked. "Why can't I go with Ezra and Kanan?"

"Captain Tano," Sato said. "I have a mission for you."

"We need you here," Hera said.

"Don't worry, Jax," Alema said. "We'll be fine."

"Yeah, but I don't want to be stuck here," Jax pouted.

"I'll see you soon," Alema said.

And then they walked away.

"What was it that you wanted to talk about, Commander?" Jax asked with a sigh.

"Please, follow me," Sato said, waving a hand. Jax shook his head, slightly confused, and followed Sato to a part of the base he had never been before. Where he assumed only Sato and Hera had been.

"Am I in trouble?" Jax asked. "I swear I'm not working for the Empire."

"No, you're not in trouble," Sato responded with a small smile. "Quite the opposite. I wanted to talk to you about a new job for you."

Jax crossed his arms. "And what would that be?"

"I want you to follow in your mother's footsteps," Sato replied. "I want you to become a Fulcrum."

Jax's eyes widened "What?" he choked out.

"I know it may be overwhelming, but you are exactly what we need right now," Sato said. "And you know the other Fulcrum's. You don't have to tell me your answer now, but I would like you to consider it."

"Commander," Jax said. "It would be my honor."

Sato smiled. "Thank you," He said. "Now, you'll need some Fulcrum codes, and I hope you have a way to get them. If not, I can call someone and give you them."

"I've got people," Jax said. "Thank you, Commander."

"No," Sato said. "Thank you."

Jax smiled and left the room. He went to the briefing desk and used the Fulcrum frequency to call Cassian Andor.

"This is Fulcrum," The muffled voice came.

"This is Jackson Tano," Jax said. "Phoenix Squadron."

"Ahsoka's son?" Cassian asked.

"Yeah," Jax replied, feeling a flash of anger, and then cursing himself for feeling it. Sometimes, he wished he wasn't just known as Ahsoka's son. He wanted to be himself. But another part of him was glad that Ahsoka meant so much to people. That maybe her death wasn't for nothing.

"I'm sorry about your mom," Cassian said. "But I guess you didn't call just for a normal conversation. What's up?"

"I want to be a Fulcrum," Jax explained. "My Commander has asked me to. I know a lot already. My mom showed me some stuff. I just wanted to make sure it got to someone higher up before I started making transmissions. And I'll need a few codes."

"I'm sending them now," Cassian said. "Do you know who I am?"

"I do," Jax replied.

"There's a lot of guidelines to being one of us," Cassian said. "But if you're anything like Ahsoka, you'll fit right in. Welcome to the Rebellion."

"Thanks, Fulcrum," Jax said.

"Sure thing," Cassian said. "Fulcrum."

Jax was about to end the transmission when Cassian started to speak again. "One more thing!" Cassian said. "You'll have a call coming in soon from someone I can't disclose. But you have to answer it immediately. Fulcrum out."

The transmission ended and Jax rubbed the side of his face. "Thanks, mom," he said into the wind. "You've started something great."

The briefing table beeped again, and Jax answered the transmission, seeing it was using the Fulcrum frequency.

"I hear we have a new Fulcrum," A familiar figure said.

"Senator!" Jax said.

"Hello, Jackson," Bail said. He had a friendly smile on his face, and it made Jax feel like he didn't have to worry about talking formally.

"It's good to see you," Jax said with a bow of his head. "And yes, I'm a Fulcrum now."

Bail nodded. "Thank you for doing this. With your mother gone, a lot of people have been doing so much work. I hope you're ready for this."

"Senator, with all due respect," Jax said. "I helped my mother for most of my life. I've been a Fulcrum in everything but name."

"And I'm extremely grateful that you've stepped up to the job," Bail said.

"Thank you," Jax replied.

"No thanks needed," Bail said. "I wish I could do more. And we wouldn't be where we are now without Ahsoka."

"No, we wouldn't," Jax agreed. Without his mother, the rebellion wouldn't have been as big as it was now. It wouldn't have a chance.

Bail looked behind him for a moment and sighed. "Sorry, but I must be going. I have a few Senators coming over for supper tonight. I can't be shown committing treason."

Jax laughed. "Good luck."

"The same to you, Fulcrum," Bail said.

Jax pushed a button and ended the transmission.

"I can't believe I just did that," Jax muttered with a shake of his head.

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