Chapter 14

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Jax, Alema, and the Ghost crew were gathered in the war room for a briefing on the command ship outside Atollon.

"Zeb, can you go and get Sabine and Rau?" Hera asked.

Zeb nodded and left the room, grumbling under his breath.

The three walked into the room and Hera pulled up a holomap.

"We've lost communications with the Mandalorians on Concord Dawn," Hera said, a hand on her hip.

"Rebel leaders are concerned that your Protectors are setting a trap for us," Sato said.

"Impossible," Fenn replied, his gaze angry. "My men are loyal to my word. Your safe passage through our system is secure. If you've lost communications, something's happened."

"I'll go check it out," Sabine said.

"I'll go with you," Fenn added. "They're my men, I can talk to them."

"Wait," Zeb said. "Isn't he our prisoner?"

"Well," Kanan said. "More like a cranky guest."

"He can go but he stays in binders," Hera said. "Take Ezra and Chopper. Do a recon sweep of their base. Then come right back. You are not to land or engage. And try not to wreck the Phantom II. We just got it."

"Can I go?" Jax asked. "My mom is friends with the Mandalorians. I might be able to help."

Hera put a hand on her chin and sighed. "Alright. But that's it. No one else."

Jax grinned. "Thanks, Captain."

"Understood," Sabine said. "Ezra, Jax, let's go."


The Phantom II dropped out of hyperspace and Jax had an arm on the top of Sabine's chair. "Never been here before."

"Oh, yes, you're very familiar, aren't you," Sabine said with an eye roll.

"I'm not!" Jax protested. "My mom was."

"Who was your mother?" Rau asked.

"Ahsoka Tano," Jax replied. "She helped during the Siege before the end of the Clone War."

"Ah, I know her," Rau said. "I guess I should have made the conclusion. Remarkable woman. It was an honor to fight with her."

"Wait, you fought with her?" Jax asked.

Fenn nodded. "Lady Bo-Katan and I are good friends. I was one of her leaders during the Siege, under command from Lady Tano herself."

"Huh," Jax said. "That's cool."

Ezra walked towards the front of the ship. "What happened?" he asked.

"The Mandalorians have endured war since before the formation of the Republic," Rau replied. "Just as we'll endure the Empire. And the Rebellion."

"Too bad our people can't stop fighting each other," Sabine commented.

"I don't get the whole Mandalorian thing," Ezra said.

Jax saw something move at the corner of his eye, and Sabine yelled, "Ezra, watch him!"

Ezra went to the ground as Rau knocked him in the head. He took Ezra's blaster and stunned Sabine. Jax pulled his blaster, but Rau had uncuffed himself, and Jax was also stunned.

His last thought was, I really need to stop passing out, and then he passed out.


Jax woke up as Ezra was yelling at Chopper. He was tied to the chair, and he thrashed around. "Chopper!" he called. "I'm stuck."

Chopper rolled over and untied his rope. Jax stood up and stretched. "That went well," he muttered.

"Where's Rau?" Sabien demanded.

"I don't know, but he's got out weapons," Ezra said.

Jax looked down and saw that his holster was, indeed, empty. Kriff, he cursed. And then he heard his mother yell at him for cursing. Jackson Tano, we don't use language like that! We are civilized people!

He gave a small shake of his head.

"Hey, did we land?" Jax asked.

Chopper chirped a reply and Jax rolled his eyes. "Of course we did." They walked off the ship and Jax looked around. He couldn't see much of anything. It was pretty much the same thing all around them.

Jax saw Rau standing on a hill above them. Jax raced up there, his feet sliding on the rock. He got up there and looked down and saw what used to be a civilization, but now there was nothing but smoke, fire, and debris.

Ezra used the Force to grab his blaster, and Rau didn't even resist. Jax couldn't imagine what he was feeling. It would be like if everyone in the Rebellion was wiped out except him.

"Turn around," Ezra ordered. "Slowly."

Sabine picked up her pistols. "Rau," she said.

They walked next to Jax and saw what Jax was seeing.

Sabine took her helmet off. "Your men weren't laying a trap," she said. "They were ambushed." she paused. "The Empire?"

"Not the Empire," Rau said grimly. "Other Mandalorians."


They trekked down into the village, Rau taking the lead. He saw a helmet laying on the ground and bent over to pick it up. He muttered something, but Jax couldn't hear it. Then he raised his voice. "Definitely a surprise attack from another Clan."

"I don't get it," Ezra said. "Why would Mandalorians attack other Mandalorians?"

"It's... complicated," Sabine replied. "Look, Rau,"

"This is all your fault," Rau growled. "If I'd been here instead of locked away by you and your rebels, I could have prevented this!"

"We didn't mean for this to happen!" Sabine protested. "You know that. They were my people, too."

"Don't talk to me about your people," Rau snapped, pointing a finger in Sabine's face. "What do you know of loyalty?"

Sabine took her helmet off. "I am not your enemy, Rau! None of this makes any sense. Which of the Clans has the power to do this? Who would want to? The Protectors are loyal to the throne. They were picked as the best warriors from all the Clans."

"Choppers picking up a signal from over there!" Ezra exclaimed, turning to where a probe emerged from behind a rock.

"It's Imperial!" Jax said. Sabine shoved her helmet on her head.

"It's trying to transmit!" Sabine said as they dove behind a rock.

Ezra raced forward and grabbed the probe using the Force as Sabien started to shoot at it. Jax grabbed his blaster and aimed for the probe. He hit it a few times, and Jax silently cheered. His aim was getting better.

"I can't hold it!" Ezra grunted, his feet sliding.

Jax took a few more shots as Sabien steadied her hand. "I got it," she said slowly. "I got it!" The probe fell to the ground, dismantled and smoking.

Ezra crouched below it. "Think it got a signal out?"

"Well, we're either fine, or a few star destroyers are on their way," Jax said. "Wanna wait and see?"

"Good point," Ezra said. "We're leaving." he and Chopper raced off. Jax and Sabien looked at Rau.

"We have to go," Sabien said.

"I have no intention of leaving," Rau said defiantly. "And certainly not with you."

"The Empire could be on their way right now," Sabine said.

"I've dealt with them before and I'll deal with them again," Rau said. "But now, I have the location of your Rebel base as a bargaining chip. It's no less than you deserve after causing all this."

Sabine grabbed a blaster, and Jax did the same, both aiming at Rau's back. "I won't let you do that."

Ezra approached from behind them. "Sabine, Jax, wait," he said. His comm beeped, and Chopper was talking. "The Empire?" he asked. "Already?"

Sabine walked forward and put down the visor on her helmet.

Jax saw Mandalorians--or what looked to be Mandalorians--flying towards them.

"What are those? Flying stormtroopers?" Ezra asked.

"Worse," Fenn said. "They are traitors. Mandalorians who serve the Empire."

"Run!" Jax shouted, sprinting into the debris. He did not feel like facing those Mandalorians. He really needed to start bringing his lightsabers with him. If he had those, he could at least deflect the bolts. He, Sabine, and Rau went one way, and Ezra went the other.

He heard the Mandalorians land and they ducked behind a wall, as flat as they could be.

"They could be around here somewhere," A gruff voice said.

Ezra came out and shot at one of the Mandalorians, the one in red, and pointed at Ezra. "Get him!" he barked as Ezra ran behind another building.

"Come on," Sabine said.

Rau put a hand on her shoulder. "No," he hissed. "His sacrifice saved us. Don't waste it."

He's not dead, Jax thought, but he followed Rau anyway.

"We have to help him," Sabine said, her voice quiet, though they were far away from the Mandalorians.

"Think, Sabine," Rau said, turning around. "Your only advantage is that they don't know about you yet."

"You still have his lightsaber," Sabine hissed.

Rau glanced down at it. "That might just save his life," he replied, looking Sabine in the eye. "Come on, I know a place where we can be safe." He turned back around and Sabine shook her head and the two of them followed him.

"You know, he does have a point," Jax said as they walked over the hills.

"I know," Sabine said. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."


They were up above the base where Ezra was, and a few other Mandalorians

They watched as one of the soldiers walked into the Phantom II. "We're going back," Sabine said determinedly.

"Sabine, we'll get him back, we just have to wait for the right time," Jax said.

"And pawns are meant to be sacrificed," Rau added.

Jax bit back a retort, but Sabine was already talking. "First of all, he's not a pawn. Two, Ezra can take care of himself. But the Phantom II has our base coordinates on board. We cannot let the Empire get their hands on that."

"You think I actually care about him and your rebels?" Rau demanded. "To think the Protectors fell to these traitors."

"The leader, he looked familiar," Sabine commented.

"He should," Fenn grunted. "He's Clan Vizsla, like you. His name is Gar Saxon. He wanted to be our ruler, but he had no honor."

"That's why the Empire put him in charge," Sabine said.

"You think you're any better than him?" Rau growled. "Everything that's happened here is because of you rebels."

"Okay, look," Jax said defensively. "You may not like it, but right now, we need each other. Help me get our ship, get Ezra, and then we can all get out of here together. Deal?"

"If you want to get yourself killed rescuing your friend, be my guest," Rau replied. "But all I care about is making Saxon and his traitors pay. But now is not the time for that."

"Well, I'm not after revenge," Jax said. "And neither is Sabine. We're just after our friends."


They walked over to the side of the building Ezra as in, and Rau shoved the helmet he had picked up on.

"Set frequency to 337," He said after a moment.

Jax glanced at them but kept quiet. He wouldn't be able to listen in on their conversation.

They listened in for about a moment more when the two of them took their helmets off. "He was going to kill us anyway," Rau said.

"Rau," Sabine said. "I'm sorry."

"Had you and your friends not captured me, I'd be dead alongside my men," He muttered. "Executed by the Empire." he sighed. "A truce, then. For now." He handed Sabine Ezra's lightsaber. "I'll secure the ship. You get your friend. I want Tano with me."

"Why?" Jax asked.

"I don't know how much attention we'll get. Sabine can handle herself." Fenn replied.

Sabine took the lightsaber. "Thank you. First, let's thin them out and get you a weapon."

"I like the way you think," Rau said.

Jax looked at Sabine. "Let's move," he said. Then they ran behind another building, where a Mandalorian was approaching. Sabine stuck a leg out, tripped him, and then punched him, knocking him out. Fenn took his gun, and Jax took the helmet off.

"I'm keeping this," He commented.

"Go ahead," Sabine said with a shrug. "I'm taking the jetpack."

"So now we're raiding a guy who's unconscious," Jax said with a shrug. "Sounds good to me."

They split up, Jax following Fenn into the ship.

Fenn hoisted his gun, and the Mandalorian inside noticed them and jumped up from the pilot's seat and Fenn punched him. Jax stayed outside the ship and he heard Fenn's gun clatter to the ground.

Jax ran inside and kicked the Mandalorian in the gut, and then shoved his new helmet on and punched the Mandalorian, and then hit him with a stunner.

"I think the punch would have been fine," Fenn commented.

Jax shrugged. "He'll stay out longer."

"True," Rau said. He looked at Jax. "I'm terribly sorry for this," he said. He picked up his gun, and before Jax could react, he was hit with the stunner. Again.


Jax woke up and walked up to the cockpit. "You liar!" he yelled. "What were you thinking?"

"I did what I had to do," Fenn replied.

"So why did you have me come with you?" Jax asked, crossing his arms.

"You have potential," Fenn replied. "You could become a Mandalorian."

"Yeah, I'm good," Jax replied. "Now, let's go back."

"Well, you're lucky, because I felt guilty for it and I am going back!" Fenn shouted.

"So maybe you do have some brains," Jax muttered.

"Keep your mouth shut or I'll leave you on Concord Dawn," Fenn growled.

"Fine," Jax said.

Fenn turned the ship around. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he grumbled.

They flew into Concord Dawn and Jax pointed to where there was a Mandalorian ship--a lot like Alema's. "There!"

"I see it," Rau snapped. He dove behind a rock and stayed there. "Now we wait."

"For what?" Jax asked.

"For them to come," Fenn said. "Sabine and Bridger will take out as many as they can. We'll interfere when necessary."

"If you knock me out again and pull a sly trick, your guts will be spread in space for miles," Jax threatened.

"I'll keep that in mind," Fenn replied with an eye roll.

Jax heard a thud from above them and put on his helmet. "They're about to kill them!" Jax said. "They're on the ground and weaponless."

"Alright," Fenn said. He maneuvered the ship upwards and turned on his comm outside the ship.

"Gar Saxon!" Rau barked. The two Imperials turned around, their guns aimed at the ship. "Those kids are under my protection!"

"Rau!" Saxon growled, and they fired at the ship. Rau fired back, and the Mandalorians dived away. Ezra grabbed his lightsaber with the Force, and Rau moved forward and opened up the back hatch. Ezra jumped onto the ship, and Sabine and Chopper ignited their jetpacks, and Sabine said, "Go. I'll be right behind you."

Jax grabbed Ezra's hand and dragged him on the ship as Sabine was tackled in the air by Saxon.

"Sabine!" Jax and Ezra yelled in unison. Chopper went into the astromech spot, and Jax and Ezra watched as Saxon and Sabine fought on the ground.

Jax hopped in the co-pilot's seat and Ezra was right behind them. Rau shot down a Mandalorian and then blew up Saxon's ship. The back hatch was still open, and they circled back around to where Sabine was. She flew up on her jetpack, getting closer and closer to the ship. Ezra went to the back, Jax right behind him as they watched her almost to the Phantom II, and then, as though time stopped, Saxon stood up and shot Sabine's jetpack. She fell, and then in a blink of an eye, she grabbed Ezra's hand, and Ezra pulled her up.

Jax let out a sigh of relief. "He shot my jetpack!" Sabine shouted angrily.

Sabine stood up on the ramp, Ezra and her with an arm wrapped around each other. They came back into the ship as the ramp closed and Jax looked at them with a smirk.

"You two look content," Jax commented.

Sabine and Ezra blushed and quickly broke apart. Sabine cleared her throat and took her helmet off.

"I really thought you left us," Sabine commented.

"I considered it," Rau replied. "And then I realized you were willing to die for your people. Even though they are not Mandalorians. You haven't forgotten our ways. That has earned my respect."

"I helped, too!" Jax protested. "He stunned me and then I woke up and heroically convinced him that we would go back."

"And he threatened me," Rau added.

"It was necessary!" Jax said.

"Don't take this the wrong way, guys," Ezra said nervously. "But Mandalorians are crazy ."

"Crazy enough to join you," Rau said.

They all looked at Rau. "Honestly?" Sabine asked.

"If you'll have me," Rau said.

"I'd rather have you with us than against us," Ezra said.

Jax nodded. "Me, too."

"Welcome to the family," Sabine said.

Fenn smiled--the first true smile Jax had seen on him--and then he pulled a lever, and they jumped to hyperspace.

Jax sat across Ezra in the Phantom II and looked down at his shoes. "What do we tell Hera? We weren't even supposed to land, let alone engage a group of Imperial Mandalorians and then get out butts kicked."

"Well, we escaped," Sabine said. "And we have a new ally."

"So hopefully Hera will be happier with us than angry," Ezra finished.

"I hope so," Jax said. "Hera's scary when she's mad."

Ezra nodded frantically. "She is."

"It wasn't our fault we landed," Sabine said. "So Fenn, be prepared to face Hera's wrath."

"I just joined you!" Fenn said. "I should get some thanks!"

"You will," Jax said. "And then Hera will yell at you."

"Hey, Jax," Sabine said. "Can I paint your helmet?"

Jax nodded. "I was going to ask you anyway. I haven't been doing much painting."

Sabine smiled. "You're doing fine. Don't worry about it. Do you have an idea for it?"

Jax nodded. "Yeah, I'll draw it out for you later."

"Thanks, Jax," Sabine said. "Now, let's go home."

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