Chapter 17

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A storm billowed on Atollon, ruffling Jax's hair across his face.

"That bothering you?" Alema asked as they gathered around Hera.

"Yeah," Jax admitted. "I've been meaning to cut it."

"Here," Alema said. She stretched and pulled his hair into a ponytail behind his head. "Hopefully, that will help."

"Thanks," Jax said. "Now, let's see what Hera has to say."

"Even though we still have a lot of work to do before we strike the Empire's factory on Lothal, I want to do a thorough recon trip to update our intel," Hera was saying. "There's no need for the full squadron, a small unit should be able to handle this. I'm assigning you the mission, Ezra."

All eyes turned to the Jedi. Ezra looked confused, and he was squinting.

"Ezra?" Hera called. "Ezra? Care to join the briefing?"

"Sorry," Ezra apologized, still looking around. "Yeah.'s just...I thought I saw something."

"This is your mission, Ezra," Hera said sternly. "I need your full attention."

"Yeah, you've got it," Ezra said with a hint of annoyance. "Sorry."

"Alright," Hera said, her gaze going back to the map of Lothal that had been pulled up. "So first, you'll slip into the system and study the Empire's orbital defenses. We'll keep our distance."

Jax looked at Ezra again, blocking Hera out. He was looking around furiously, and he kept shaking his head. Something was definitely wrong.

"Something wrong?" Kanan asked, gripping the boy's shoulder.

"No," Ezra replied quickly, his words in quick breaths. "I just... thought I saw something, or someone."

What? Jax thought. What was he seeing? Who was he seeing? Was Ezra sick?

"Questions?" Hera was finishing.

Yeah, Jax thought. Can you go over all of that again?

"Is Admiral Thrawn going to be there?" Sabine asked.

"We have reports of an increase in capital ships, but no confirmation as to whether it is Thrawn," Hera answered.

Great, just what they needed. An evil genius may-or-may-not be on the planet they're trying to free.

Ezra stumbled into Kanan, looking around. He bumped into Zeb.

"Hey, kid, you feeling alright?" Zeb asked.

Ezra pointed behind Zeb. "There! Look!"

Jax followed Ezra's gaze, sharing a quick glance at Alema, who gave him a shrug. There was nothing there.

"What am I looking at?" Zeb growled.

"You don't look very good," Jax started.

"Ezra, what do you see?" Kanan demanded. Ezra kept looking around, and then he turned around and fell onto the desk with a gasp.

"Ezra!" Kanan shouted.

"Kanan, what's going on?" Hera asked, worry filling her voice.

"I don't know," Kanan said, leaning over Ezra. "I don't know!"
"Ezra!" Jax shouted.

"Can you hear me?" Hera asked.

"What's happening?" Alema whispered.

"Get him to the medbay," Hera ordered.

Kanan lifted the boy up and he and Sabine took him away, Rex, Hera, Jax, Zeb, and Alema all sharing worried glances.

"Jax, did you see anything?" Hera asked.

"No," Jax replied with a shake of his head. "Nothing seemed off."

Hera put a hand on her chin. "Do you think he's sick?"

Jax shook his head again. "No," he repeated. "He was seeing something, I'm sure he wasn't lying about that. It's probably some kind of Force vision, but we won't be sure until we talk to him."

Hera took in a deep breath. "Okay," she said, calmer than before. "Let's all take a break."


Ezra shot up, Kanan putting a hand on his chest.

"Whoa," Kanan said. "Ezra, it's okay. You're safe."

"You want to tell us what's going on?" Hera asked, her voice as filled with worry as a few hours before.

Kanan stood up as Ezra sat on the edge of his bed. "It was Maul."

"You mean, at the briefing?" Sabine asked.

"I saw him!" Ezra insisted, his eyes still unfocused and darting everywhere. "He said my name. He was right behind me! I mean, he was right there!"

"Kid, I was standing right next to you," Zeb said, his ears flattening against his head. "There was nobody else there."

"Maybe it was some kind of Force vision," Hera suggested. "Like Jax said earlier."

"Mmm, maybe," Kanan said skeptically.

"If you ask me, the kid's just been working too hard," Zeb said, walking out, Chopper following, beeping some very rude things.

"Chopper, stop it," Hera scolded him.

"No Chopper's right," Ezra said. "Nap time's over. I should get back to work."

"You sure you're alright?" Hera asked.

"Hera, I feel fine," Ezra insisted. "I just had a bad...something." He stood up, brushing nonexistent dust off his pants. "No reason to stop the rebellion, right? C'mon, Sabine, Jax, we've got to get ready for our mission."

Jax shook his head and followed his friends out of the Ghost.


At sunset, Jax and Alema were on the Ghost with Hera and Kanan, preparing for the attack on Lothal.

Chopper came in, saying that Ezra was seeing things and Sabine needed help. And something bout how stupid the Force was, but they all ignored that.

Kanan and Jax raced out of the Ghost and saw Sabine chasing after him as he pushed a pilot into a pile of crates.

"Ezra!" Jax called.

"Ezra, stop!" Sabine shouted, stepping in front of him before he could light his lightsaber.

"Let me go!" Ezra snarled, trying to fight out of Sabine's grip and he did. He ignited his lightsaber and rose it above his face.

Jax reached out with the Force and held Ezra's hand in the air, Kanan assisting him.

"What are you doing?" Ezra shouted, more furious than Jax had ever heard him.

"Ezra, it's not Maul!" Kanan yelled back. "Look at him!"

Ezra turned off his lightsaber. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The pilot gasped. "You're out of your mind, kid!" he scurried off, shaking his head.

Ezra fell to the ground. "What's happening to me?"


The next day, after Ezra had spent hours resting, Hera had finally agreed to go to Lothal, and Sabine and Jax walked up to Kanan as the Ghost left Atollon.

"I'm surprised she got on the ship," Jax commented.

"I told her I had a plan," Kanan replied.

"Really?" Sabine said skeptically.

"And she left anyway?" Jax said in surprise.

"Very funny," Kanan said with a small smile. "Come on."

Jax and Sabine shared a glance, and then followed Kanan outside the Phantom II. Kanan appeared a moment later with Ezra's wrist comm.

"Ezra's wrist comm?" Sabine asked.

"I need you to put a tracker on it without him knowing," Kanan said, tossing it to Sabine, who caught it and nodded in understanding.

"And I need you to take your lightsabers with us," Kanan said to Jax.

Jax opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Kanan had walked past him.

"Well," Jax said. "Looks like I'm taking my lightsabers with me."


Sabine and Jax were working on the Phantom II, Jax adding a few new paintings on it when Sabine's wrist comm beeped.

"Ezra's left Atollon," Sabine said.

Jax looked behind him, hearing an approaching speeder. "And there's Kanan."

Sabine jumped off the Phantom II. "I'm tracking Ezra's signal. They just made the jump to hyperspace."

"Let's get going," Kanan said, running into the ship. "I don't want to lose them."


They jumped out of hyperspace, Jax feeling tense. He wasn't excited to confront Maul again.

"Why is Ezra so willing to trust Maul again and again?" Sabine asked.

"I don't think he is," Kanan said. "But I do know he's taking a big risk for all of us."

Jax looked down, his lightsabers feeling uncomfortable around his waist. He didn't feel like he deserved to use them in combat, especially against Maul.

But he would follow Kanan's wishes.


They raced off the Phantom II. "They should be this way," Sabine said. "Come on!"

They raced into a shaded area, and Jax saw Green smoke swirling around two shadows, which he assumed to be Ezra and Maul.

"Ezra!" Kanan called.

"Stay back!" Ezra shouted at them.

They didn't. They started to shoot at the smoke, which seemed almost alive.

Sabine screamed as one of the ghost-like things entered her.

Kanan rushed over to help, but it happened to him as well and their eyes turned green.

"What's happening?" Jax shouted frantically. "Ezra, what's going on?"
Ezra opened his mouth to speak, but then Jax saw green, and then he felt himself slip away.


Jax woke up and shook his head, feeling weird.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Some spirits possessed us," Sabine said boredly. "Kanan's still in there."

"And Ezra?"

"Trying to get Kanan back and being dumb and sacrificing himself," Sabine replied.

"What?" Jax asked.

"Don't worry, we'll go and drag his shebs out of there," Sabine said.

Jax chuckled. "Alright. Let's go."

They raced into the cave and Kanan was sitting against a wall, Ezra crouched next to him.

"That is the last time we're working with Maul," Kanan was saying.

"I sure hope so," Sabine said.

"Yeah," Jax agreed.

"Sabine, I told you to stay outside," Ezra said angrily.

"Hey, I've never listened to you before," Sabine pointed out. "Why start now?"

"Was it worth it?" Jax asked. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yes," Ezra replied. "The answer to my question of how to destroy the Sith is Obi-Wan Kenobi."

Jax's jaw dropped. He knew Obi-Wan was alive; his mother had found him on Tatooine after Bail had sent Ahsoka there for a vacation. But he was the key to destroying the Sith? Jax didn't see the man as the violent type.

"You think he's still alive?" Kanan asked. Jax bit his tongue. He remembered that Obi-Wan's location and existence was a secret. Even though his mother was dead, Jax would still follow her wishes.

"He must be," Ezra insisted. "But, Kanan, Maul's also looking for him."

"So he knows where he is now," Kanan guessed.

"The Holocron didn't tell us that," Ezra said. "It just told us a planet with two suns.

"Well, that hardly narrows it down," Sabine said sarcastically.

"Well, we're gonna have to figure it out, because if we don't find Master Kenobi before Maul..." He trailed off.

"There won't be any way to destroy the Sith," Ezra finished.

Jax sighed. He was going to help Ezra, but he also didn't think Master Kenobi was the answer.

Kanan and Ezra started back to the Phantom II, but Jax saw Sabine run back a few paces and waited for her to catch up.

"What did you get?" Jax asked. "It looked like you grabbed something."

Sabine bit her lip. "It's... an old Mandalorian relic."

"Can I see it?" Jax asked, holding out his hand.

Sabine sighed and handed it to Jax, his eyes widening.

"The Darksaber!" Jax exclaimed. "Wow."

"I wonder how Maul got it," Sabine hummed as they walked onto the ship.

"Got what?" Ezra asked.

"The Darksaber," Jax replied. "An ancient Mandalorian artifact. Only the mand'alor could wield it."

"You seem to know your history," Kanan commented.

"My mom taught me it," Jax said sadly. "She fought in the Siege. She was fighting to get the Darksaber to the right person."

"How does Maul have it?" Ezra asked.

"I think that after my mom was heading to Coruscant with Maul and Order 66 happened, Maul went back to Mandalore in the chaos that the planet was," Jax guessed. "He was able to steal the saber and went back to Dathomir with it."

"Yeah, that seems likely," Sabine agreed. "We all thought it was lost."

"So what happens now that you have it?" Ezra asked.

"Well," Sabine started. "Technically, I rule my people. But I'm an outcast. If I go to my planet, I'll be shot down."

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