Chapter 22

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"Why the kriff is Ezra going and rescuing Kallus?" Alema demanded. "It's a suicide mission!"

"It was my idea, 'Lema," Jax admitted. "Kallus might have been caught and we need to rescue him."

"By getting captured?" Alema shot back.

"It was the only way," Jax growled. "And now, Rex and Kanan are going to rescue him."

Jax's comm beeped, and he sighed. "What's up?"

"Jax," Rex said. " Ezra is being taken to Admiral Thrawn's Star Destroyer."

"What?" Jax exclaimed. "Why?"

"We don't know. But it definitely complicates things," Kanan added.

"You think?" Jax said. Getting Ezra out was one thing, but getting Ezra out of Thrawn's Star Destroyer was another.

"We're just going to continue with the plan and see where it goes from there," Rex said. "I'll see you soon, kid."

"Sure do hope so," Jax muttered.

"And this is exactly the reason why we shouldn't have done that!" Alema yelled. "Now, not only Ezra is going to get killed, but so are Rex and Kanan!"

"Calm down, Alema," Hera said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "I have faith in them. They'll come back."

Alema glared at Hera. "You don't know that," she said coldly.

Hera flinched, and her eyes widened.

Jax gulped and stepped between the two. "Hey," he said. "Calm down. Alema, can I talk with you?"

Alema gave Hera one last glare and stomped off. Jax glanced at Hera, then followed Alema.

"Alema," he said. "Are you okay?"

"I just—don't want them getting hurt," she said after a moment. "I've seen way too many people leave or die on supposed 'easy' missions."

Jax paused. "You mean your parents, don't you?"

"They told me they were going on vacation, courtesy of the Empire," she spat. "And they never came back."

"I'll go talk to Hera," Jax said softly. "You should go calm down. Relax. Take some time. It'll be alright."

Alema nodded after a moment, and Jax went to find Hera.

It didn't take long to find the Twi'lek. She was just sitting in the Ghost's cockpit, a frown on her face.

"Hey, Hera," Jax said, sitting in the seat next to her.

"Hey, Jax," Hera replied boredly.

"I wanted to talk to you," Jax started. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat. "About why Alema reacted like that."

"Okay," Hera agreed. "Go ahead."

"You know her background isn't the prettiest," Jax started. "The reason she reacted like that is she's had friends who have died on missions that were supposed to be easy. Her parents abandoned her when she was three. Told her they were going on vacation and never came back. A couple took her in, but they were killed by the Empire a few years later. I think Alema was five or six. She went to a friend of the couple's, Skye. For the longest time, Skye was against the Empire. Something changed, and she betrayed Alema to the Empire. So Alema shot her down. She's been on her own ever since."

Hera looked at Jax, shock plastered all over her face. Her mouth dropped, and a tear slid down her cheek. "I...never knew."

"Not many people do," Jax replied. "But all those things still affect her. A lot. You don't know what's it taken her just to trust us, let alone be a part of this—this family. You've got to cut her some slack. She deserves that much. But don't treat her like she's glass, either."

"I understand," Hera said with a smile. "Thank you, Jax."

"Just doing my job," Jax replied.


"You're back!" Jax exclaimed as Rex walked off the shuttle. He paused, not seeing Kallus with them. "Where is he?"

"There...was a change of plans," Ezra replied. "He's still with the Empire."

"So he hasn't been caught?" Alema asked.

"Not yet," Kanan said. "But I think it's only a matter of time."

"I'm glad you're all back safe, though," Jax added. "When I heard you were going to Thrawn's Star Destroyer, I panicked."

"'Panicked' is an understatement," Alema said with a grin.

"Says you," Jax retorted, punching Alema in the shoulder playfully. "You yelled at me until I thought you would lose your voice."

"Hey," Hera said. "They all got back safe and that's what matters. If Kallus hasn't been found yet, he's better there where he can get the information directly."

"You're right, Hera," Kanan agreed. "And it was his choice to stay. We'll get him out eventually."

"I hope so," Alema whispered. And Jax did. 

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