tagged again!

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I completely forgot to do this so uuuhhhhh

10 things about myself:
-I am a Capricorn
-I absolutely LOATHE pineapple on pizza
-I am the world's biggest perfectionist
-I read way too much fanfiction for my own good
-I've been playing the piano since I was four
-I want to be a writer or an artist!
-My music taste is absolutely all over the place (tbh I also listen to wayyy too much music)
-I'm a cat person
-I have about 400 WIPs that I am trying my best to finish (and I mean drawings, stories and animatics)
-I will rant about things I like for HOURS without realizing it

Give a spoiler for your book:
The Leader (Maelstrom)'s real name is Francis! just putting this here because it will... probably never get revealed in the book lol

Tell a joke:
"Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because it wanted to get to the other side of the road...


what's a chicken?"

(also yes I did in fact make a steven universe reference instead of telling a joke thank you for noticing)

Tag 28 people:
i don't really know who's comfortable with being tagged, so uhh

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